

Research of the Roof Greening Technology

【作者】 和晓艳

【导师】 王浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 屋顶绿化是一种特殊的园林绿化形式,是城市绿化由地面向立体空间的发展,是拓展绿化空间的一种园林绿化方式。本文正是在全球面临环境、生态问题,提倡生态绿色建筑的大背景下提出,以屋顶绿化的相关技术为研究尺度,从屋顶绿化的生态技术研究和实践为切入点,试图构建一套适合中国国情的、相对比较科学和具有实际指导意义的屋顶绿化相关技术的理论和方法。从而进一步推动屋顶绿化在我国的发展,也试图为城市屋顶绿化的建设理论与方法改革提供学术建议和参考。全文共七章。前两章对屋顶、屋顶绿化功能及其相关的技术和一些相关的概念提出了明确的界定。第三章对屋顶绿化的生态效应进行了研究、论述。第四章回顾了国内外屋顶绿化相关技术的理论研究与技术实践的成果,从而获的关于国内外屋顶绿地化发展的整体认知。第五章是文章的核心,在分析了当前屋顶绿化相关技术基础上,对屋顶绿化的节能、生态、绿色的相关技术进行了具体论述。第六章是对国内外屋顶绿化的成功案例及其使用得相关技术进行了分析,总结。最后一章是结语和展望。本论文在以下几个方面进行了一些创新尝试:1.建立屋顶绿化的生态效应评估体系。采用定性和定量相结合的方法,将屋顶绿化的生态评估体系共分为三级:目标层是对屋顶绿化生态涉及的各领域进行的综合全方位评估;准则层是分别从人文、经济、社会、生态的角度对屋顶绿化的生物圈和屋顶绿化对城市的影响的生态状况进行相关评估;措施层是对准则层各方面所涉及的内容进行描述并将其具体评估指标的细化。2.将新型技术---地理信息系统与遥感技术运用于屋顶绿化系统上,并且在屋顶绿化的能源使用上采用了太阳能光电屋面瓦与风能技术一体化,使得屋顶绿化由被动适应城市的扩张到主动引导城市环境的健康发展。

【Abstract】 The roof greening technology is the form of special garden and park greening, is thedevelopment of city greening from ground to spatial space, and is the way of broadeninggreening space. Within the related roof greening technology, this article is aimed at theorizingplanning method of roof greening which is comparatively more scientific and effective and ismore suitable for the conditions of the China, in consideration of global environmental andecological problems, and the tendency of advocating ecological and greening architecture. Thistheory and method devotes to promote the roof greening development in our country and alsoprovide the consultation for roof greening innovation in theory and practice.This dissertation consists of7chapters. The first two chapters aim to dig out to the meaningof roof greening, roof greening functions and other correlation technologies and concepts. Thethird chapter analyzes and discusses the ecological effect of roof greening. The forth chapterreviews some domestic and overseas researches and practice, in order to gain the overallcognitive of roof greening development at our country and abroad. The fifth chapter is the coreof the assignment. On the basis of analysis of the existing technologies, this section analyzes theroof greening energy-efficiency, ecology and other related technologies. The sixth chapterdescribes and summarizes the successful cases and related technologies at home and othercountries. The last chapter contains the conclusion and outlook.The innovative attempts of the dissertation are as follows:1. Set up the estimated system ofroof greening ecological effect. Via applying the methods of qualitative and quantitativeanalysis, this system can be divided into three levels: the aiming level is the synthesized andwhole estimate of every aspects on roof greening ecology; the standard level is the estimatewhich is based on humanistic, economical, social and ecological aspects to explain roof greeningand its biosphere having an influence on the city; the measure level is the concrete descriptionsof standard level and detailed estimated targets.2. With the application of newtechnology--Geographic Information System(GIS)and Remote Sensing Technology(RST)--toroof greening, and with the use of roof greening energy--the integration of solar energyphotovoltaic roofing tile and wind energy technology, the roof greening will be changed fromadapting urban expansion passively to guiding the healthy development initiatively.

【关键词】 屋顶绿化生态相关技术
【Key words】 Green RoofEcologicalRelated technology
  • 【分类号】TU985.12
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3588

