

Analysis of Genetic Relationships among Twenty Maize Populations and Identification of Populations Useful for Improving an Elite Single Cross

【作者】 雍洪军

【导师】 李新海;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物遗传育种, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 导入外来种质是增加遗传变异、拓宽玉米种质基础的有效途径。我国已引进了一批优良热带、亚热带和美国温带种质,研究这些种质与国内种质的遗传关系,是应用外来种质改良国内种质的基础。本研究利用20个CIMMYT、美国及国内群体为材料,以代表主要种质类群的群体中综5号(四平头群)、中综7号(PA群)、Lancaster(兰卡斯特群)、BSSS(Reid群)为测验种,采用NCⅡ遗传交配设计,通过不完全区组设计(α-Lattice Design)进行两年三点(2009-2010年,北京顺义、辽宁沈阳、吉林公主岭)田间试验鉴定,应用Miranda Filho and Geraldi(1984)模型,评价供试群体的品种效应、品种杂种优势效应、配合力表现,研究供试群体与中国主要种质类群间的遗传关系。同时采用Dudely遗传参数,评估群体对改良优良单交种吉单261的应用潜力。研究结果对于指导群体改良,拓宽玉米育种的种质基础具有指导意义。本研究获得如下结果:1、在两种群体测验种(中综5与中综7号,Lancaster与BSSS)背景下,可以有效地评价供试群体的一般配合力效应,其中中综5号与Lancaster群体作为测验种,可以研究国内外群体与东北区主要种质之间的遗传关系。2、通过品种效应、品种杂种优势及配合力效应分析,发现CIMMYT群体Pob43、Suwan1,国内群体吉综A、中综3号、中综4号、豫综5号、WBMC-4,美国群体BS29农艺性状的品种效应和一般配合力(GCA)表现较好,具有较大的应用潜力,但应注重对Pob43、Suwan1、吉综A、WBMC-4群体株高、生育期等性状的改良。3、在Lancaster×中综5号杂种优势利用模式背景下,Pob28、Pob446、QPM-Y、陕综3号、WBMC-4、BS28、BS29、BS30等群体与Lancaster种质遗传关系较近,可以与Lancaster种质融合并相互改良;Pob43、Stay Green Yellow (SG-Y)、Suwan1、Tuxpeno、辽旅综、中综3号、中综4号、BS16、BSCB1等群体与四平头种质遗传关系较近,可以与四平头种质融合并相互改良。4、依据TCSC、PTC与Dudley方法Lplμ’等参数之间的关系,进一步提出评估群体作为有利基因供体改良优良单交种的简单途径(TCSC–PTC鉴定法)。即第一年待测群体与优良单交种杂交,获得F1,综合评估各性状TCSC参数表现,鉴定出有应用潜力的群体;第二年将这些群体与单交种亲本自交系杂交,分别获得F1,综合评估各性状PTC参数估计值表现,鉴定出改良单交种的最佳供体。5、通过分析20个国内外群体的8个农艺性状LpLμ'参数估计值,认为CIMMYT、美国及国内群体均存在进一步改良单交种吉单261(W9706×吉853)多个性状的潜力。群体吉综A作为有利基因供体,可以改良吉单261的穗长、穗粗、行粒数、粒长、百粒重、产量等性状,中综4号可以同时改良单交种的穗长、穗粗、行粒数、粒长、产量等5个性状, Pob43可以改良单交种的穗长、行粒数、粒长、产量等4个性状,BS30改良单交种的穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、粒长等4个性状,中综3号、Suwan1通过穗粗、粒长、产量同时改良单交种W9706×吉853的3个性状。6、综合分析,认为国内群体(吉综A、中综4号、WBMC-4、中综3号等)、外来优良种质(Pob43、Suwan1、BS30等)可作为改良四平头或Lancaster种质的供体,在改良W9706×吉853多个性状上有较大的应用潜力。但应注意到Pob43、Suwan1等热带群体导入到国内种质时,会引起生育期、株高等性状改变,可以通过与国内种质建立复合群体,进行群体改良,再进一步作为有利基因供体改良优良单交种等性状。

【Abstract】 Introgression of exotic maize (Zea mays L) germplasm is an effective approach to increasing geneticvariation and broadening maize genetic base. Recently, many exotic germplasm, included tropical,subtropical and U.S. were introduced into China, which needs to analyze genetic relationship betweenthese germplasm and Chinese germplasm, in order to improve Chinese germplasm. In the study,20maize populations from CIMMYT, U.S. and China, four Chinese testers included by Csyn5(Sipingtougermplasm), Csyn7(PA germplasm), Lancaster (Lancaster germplasm) and BSSS (Reid germplasm)were crossed according to the partial diallel mating scheme. The24populations and their partial diallelcrosses were evaluated at Shenyang, Gongzhuling and Shunyi in2009-2010in a generalized latticedesign. Our objective was to assess variety effect, variety heterosis and general combing ability of24populations; heterotic relationships between20populations and four testers using Miranda Filho andGeraldi (1984) model; the potential of U.S., CIMMYT and Chinese maize populations as donors offavorable alleles for improving an elite hybrid Jidan261. The results as follows:1. General combing ability (GCA) effect of20populations can be effectively estimated in crosseswith different heterotic patterns: Csyn5and Csyn7, Lancaster and BSSS, respectively. Csyn5andLancaster are better testers to analyze genetic relationship between exotic and Chinese germplasm inNorthest of China.2. It was estimated that Pob43, Suwan1from CIMMYT, Jilin Syn A, Csyn3, Csyn4, Yu Syn5,WBMC-4from China, BS29from U.S. had better variety effect and general combing ability for a fewagronomic traits. However, Pob43, Suwan1, Jilin Syn A, WBMC-4should be monitored carefully inpractical breeding because of pooly performance for plant height and growth period.3. Based on the heterotic pattern Lancaster×Csyn5in spring sowing zone in Northeast of China,Pob28, Pob446, QPM-Y, Shan syn3, Yu Syn5, WBMC-4, BS28, BS29and BS30showed closergenetic relationship to Lancaster germplasm; Pob43, SG-Y, Suwan1, Tuxpeno, Liaolv syn, Csyn3,Csyn4, BS16, BSCB1showed closer genetic relationship to Sipingtou germplasm.4. Based on relationship between TCSC, PTC and Lplμ’ estimators, TCSC–PTC was recommendedthat TCSC was estimated to select a few populations with favorable alleles to improve elite hybridsfrom mass maize germplasm, and then PTC was used to accurately rank the highest populationscontaining favorable alleles not present in elite hybrids.5. CIMMYT, U.S. and domestic populations had potential as donors of favorable alleles forimproving an elite hybrid (W9706×Ji853) for a few agronomic traits. For example, Jilin syn A cansimultaneously improve ear length, ear diameter, kernel number per row, kernel length,100-kernelweight, and grain yield of W9706×Ji853. Csyn4can simultaneously improve ear length, ear diameter,kernel number per row, kernel length, and grain yield of W9706×Ji853. Pob43can simultaneouslyimprove ear length, kernel number per row, kernel length, and grain yield of W9706×Ji853. BS30cansimultaneously improve ear diameter, ear row number, kernel number per row, and kernel length.WBMC-4can simultaneously improve ear length, kernel number per row, and grain yield of W9706× Ji853. Suwan1and Csyn3can all simultaneously improve ear diameter, kernel length, and grain yieldof W9706×Ji853.6. In short, Chinese elite germplsm (Jilin syn A, Csyn4, Csyn3, and WBMC-4), and exotic elitegermplasm (Pob43, Suwan1, and BS30) can be donors to improve Sipingtou or Lancaster germplsm.Especially, they had great potentialities to simultaneously improve W9706×Ji853for several traitsmeasured. However, pooly performance of tropical populations Pob43, Suwan1for plant height andgrowth period shoud be carefully monitored. It was recommended that establishing compoundpopulations using these tropical germplasm and Chinese germplasm could be better donors to improveelite hybrids.


