

Development and Optimazation of the Nitrogen Removal of High Ammonium Sludge Dewatering Water

【作者】 张亮

【导师】 彭永臻;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 市政工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 污泥消化液来自污泥厌氧消化过程中产生的上清液和污泥脱水液,其氨氮浓度高,C/N比低,采用常规处理工艺难以达到理想的脱氮效果。除此之外,污泥消化液产生的氮负荷对污水处理厂的出水水质有显著影响,因此针对高氨氮污泥消化液脱氮处理新工艺和新技术的开发和研究,可降低污水处理厂氨氮负荷,起到提高水质和节能降耗的作用,同时该研究可丰富污水生物脱氮技术体系,具有重要的理论和应用价值。以某污水处理厂实际污泥消化液为主要研究对象,以连续A/O工艺考察了短程硝化的启动和稳定的影响因素及作用机理,在短程硝化的基础上重点开发了利用污泥内碳源强化反硝化的污泥发酵耦合反硝化工艺和复合式生物膜一体化厌氧氨氧化工艺,在反应机理、影响因素及过程控制等方面对两种新型工艺行了系统考察。基于以上研究结果,考察了污泥消化液处理工艺选择的综合控制策略。本论文首先研究了连续流反应器中高氨氮废水短程硝化的启动、稳定及其影响因素。试验结果表明进水氨氮负荷对启动和维持短程硝化反应有重要作用。短程硝化可通过增加进水氨氮负荷快速实现,而在低氨氮负荷条件下短程硝化难以长期维持。荧光原位杂交结果表明污泥消化液短程硝化稳定维持的机制为游离氨和游离亚硝酸对亚硝酸氧化菌的选择性抑制作用。当进水氨氮负荷降低后,游离氨抑制的减弱导致系统短程硝化的稳定性受到影响,进一步分析表明游离亚硝酸抑制对维持稳定的短程硝化更有效。在高氨氮废水短程硝化研究的基础上,考察了生物技术强化实现城市污水短程硝化的可行性。该工艺中采用吸附-再生法处理城市污水,在再生反应器中投加高氨氮处理系统的活性污泥进行强化。再生反应器的亚硝酸盐累积率从26%迅速提高至86%,并在后续两个月的运行中保持稳定。该结果表明该生物强化技术可以有效的促进城市污水短程硝化的应用。开发了新型的污泥内碳源强化生物脱氮工艺。该工艺中经硝化处理后的高氨氮废水直接进入到初沉污泥发酵体系中,通过同步的污泥发酵和反硝化反应实现强化生物脱氮。对不同出水方式、出水回流比、污泥投加策对系统脱氮性能的影响进行考察。试验结果表明该系统可实现良好的脱氮效果。该工艺处理污泥消化液,系统稳定阶段系统的氨氮和总氮去除率分别为85%和75%。该工艺在实现生物脱氮的同时,初沉污泥也得到初步稳定。在12~15d的固体停留时间,约50%的VSS被降解。通过序批和连续流试验进一步考察发酵和反硝化反应的相互影响机制。试验结果表明硝态氮的存在可以促进污泥发酵反应的进行,碳源开发的总量较之传统工艺明显增高。而且硝态氮的存在显著降低了污泥发酵过程中氨氮和磷的释放,有利于提高营养物去除率。厌氧氨氧化技术应用于污泥消化液处理中可产生显著的经济效益和环境效益。本论文分别研究两段式和一体化厌氧氨氧化工艺处理高氨氮废水的启动和优化。两段式厌氧氨氧化工艺的研究中,通过接种城市污水处理厂活性污泥,在中试反应器内成功启动厌氧氨氧化反应。反应器最高去除总氮去除负荷为1.2kg/(m~3·d),总氮去除率为85%。对两段式厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥的形成和影响因素进行了研究。结果表明提高系统上升流速和投加厌氧颗粒污泥,可以促进系统内厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥的形成。反应器内红色的厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥形成后系统去除负荷稳步提高,而且抗冲击负荷能力增强。首次在中试规模的复合式生物膜反应器中启动厌氧氨氧化反应并取得良好的效果。通过接种普通硝化污泥6个月内成功启动了短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺。该工艺进一步应用在污泥消化液的处理中,在稳定阶段系统的最大去除负荷为1.2kg/(m~3·d),总氮去除率为90%。对系统的微生物分布和群落结构进行了考察。分子生物学结果表明系统中氨氧化菌和厌氧氨氧化菌的分布有显著不同。AOB在活性污泥中占主导地位,而厌氧氨氧化菌主要存在于生物膜中。两者的分离生长有利于提高一体化厌氧氨氧化工艺的去除效率和运行稳定性。通过16srRNA基因对微生物的多样性进行分析。结果表明厌氧氨氧化菌在活性污泥和生物膜中的优势菌种不同,分别为Candidatus Kuenenia和Candidate Brocadia。该结果表明厌氧氨氧化菌的分布可能受污泥形态的影响,但是影响机制仍需要进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Wastewater originated from the anarobic digestion process is called reject water,which mainly includes the digerster supertanant and sludge dewatering liquros.Reject water is difficult to treat due to its high strength ammonium and unfavorableC/N ratio. Therefore, development the novel porcess and technology for reject watertreatment presents signifcantly application value, which is benefical to improve theeffluent quality of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and derecease theoperational cost. Besides, this study is useful to for the treatment of other kinds ofhigh strengten ammonoium wastewater.In this thesis, sludge dewatering liquors from a WWTP were used toconduncted the experiment. Initially, the nitrite pathway of the high ammoniumwastewater was studied. The affacting factors and the mechnisms for start-up andmaintanence of the nitrite pathway were investigated. Two novel processes forsludge dewatering liquors treatment were afterwards developed, which were sludgefermentation and denitrification process and intergrated biofilm anammox process.The reaction mechnisim, affacting factor as well as the porcess control of the twonovel reactors were investigated. Based on above resluts, the feasiblity of theapplication of the novel process on sewage treatment was estimated. The strategy forchosing optimum porcesses for reject water treatment was also discussed.A continuous bioreactor was used to investigate the nitrite pathway of the highammonium wastewater, including start-up, maintanence and affecting factors.Experimental results indicated that influent ammonium loading rate (ALR) was oneof the key factors that determined the nitrite pathway. Nitrite pathway was difficultto control when ALR was lower than0.5kg N/(m~3·d). The maintanence of thepartial nitrification was mainly attributed to the selective inhition of free ammonia(FA) and free nitrous acid (FNA) on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. The inhibitive effectof FA was reduce when ALR was deceased, but partial nitrification could be stillmaintained when FNA inhibition exsited. The feasibility of bio-augmentationprocesses in promoting start-up of partial nitrification of sewage was investigated.Appropriate bio-augmentation strategies could significantly improve the build uppartial nitrification of sewage. Sewage was treated in the adsorption/biodegradationreactor. The nitrite pathway was obviously promoted by addition of the previousactivated sludge from high ammonia wastewater treatment. Nitrite accumulationefficiency of sewage was quickly increased from26%to86%and maintained at ahigh level for two months.A novel nitrogen removal approach using primary sludge as additional carbon source was studied. In the novel process, the nitritation effluent was injected into thesludge fermentation reactor for enhancing denitrificaiton. At optimum conditions,85%removal of ammonium and75%of total nitrogen were obtained in a continuoussystem, resulting in a suitable effluent for recycling into the inlet of the wastewatertreatment plant. Primary sludge could be well degraded in the novel reactor. Over50%volatile suspended solid (VSS) of primary sludge was utilized, and the ratio ofVSS/SS declined from0.76to0.39. Compared to conventional sludge fermentation,the integration of denitrification and fermentation was better at carbon production.The release of phosphate and ammonium during sludge degradation process wasalso obviously reduced.Anammox process is a promsing technology for high ammonoum wastewatertreatment, which presents significant ecnomical and eviromental value. In this thesis,two-stage and single-stage anammox processes were respectively investigated. Apliot-sacle upflow anarobic sludge reactor was used to start the two-stage process.Anammox process was started with the activated sludge as the seed sludge.Maximum nitrogen removal rate of1.2kgN/(m~3·d) was achieved, with a nitrogenremoval efficiency of85%. The granulation of the anammox process was alsoinvestigated. The experimental results showed increase of upflow velocity andinjection of anaerobic granular were useful to the formation of the anammoxgranular. Nitrogen removal rate and resistance of the reactor was promoted by thegranulation.A pilot-scale integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) reactor wasinoculated with normal nitrifying activated sludge, and this reactor started nitritationanammox process after six months operation. Moreover, the segregation of AOB andanammox bacteria was achieved by providing different niches in the reactor. AOBpopulations were more abundant in suspended activated sludge phase whileanammox bacteria were primarily located in the biofilm phase. Biomass segregationallows for applying different conditions for different microbial groups, leading toconvenient operation and efficient nitrogen removal performance by achieving amaximum nitrogen removal rate of1.2kg N m-3d-1and an average nitrogen removalefficiency of90%. Clone libraries established with16S rRNA genes amplified fromgenomic DNA of the microbial consortia in the IFAS reactor demonstrated thatNitrosomonas was the predominant AOB in both suspended activated sludge and thebiofilm. However, the predominant anammox bacteria in the activated sludge andbiofilm were Candidatus Kuenenia and Candidate Brocadia, respectively.


