

Guidance Laws of Homing Missiles Based on Dynamic Surface Control

【作者】 曲萍萍

【导师】 周荻;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 新的大气层内拦截导弹用于拦截隐身战斗机、大俯冲攻击的制导炸弹和高音速巡航导弹等高速大机动目标,而自动驾驶仪动态特性是影响大气层内飞行导弹最终脱靶量的一个重要原因。本文应用动态面控制方法,考虑导弹自动驾驶仪的动态特性设计寻的导引规律。在实际应用中,导弹自动驾驶仪动态特性可以近似为二阶动态特性。建立平面内考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性的制导系统模型,基于该模型,应用动态面控制方法,设计考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性的新型导引律。进一步,根据导弹和目标三维空间相对运动,建立考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性的三维制导模型,应用动态面控制方法,设计考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性的新型三维导引规律。以上两种导引律表达式中都不含有视线角的高阶导数,因此便于实际应用。仿真验证所设计的两种导引律能有效补偿导弹自动驾驶仪动态特性对制导精度的影响,不仅能精确拦截非机动目标和机动目标,而且在目标做高速大机动逃逸和导弹自动驾驶仪有较大滞后的情况下,仍能保证精确的制导结果。为了彻底摧毁一些特殊目标,设计两种带终端攻击角度约束的导引律。在目标终端速度方向能够探测到的条件下,把终端攻击角度控制变换成终端视线角度控制,建立终端攻击角度约束的制导模型。基于该模型,在导弹自动驾驶仪是理想情况下,设计拦截机动目标的带终端攻击角度约束的滑模导引律。该导引律保证制导系统中视线角及其速率能够在有限时间内收敛到滑模面;在制导终端时刻,进入滑模面后的视线角能够指数收敛到期望值,视线角速率指数收敛到零。该导引律可以应用于导弹自动驾驶仪响应足够快的情况。进一步,将导弹自动驾驶仪近似为二阶动态环节,应用动态面控制方法,设计带终端攻击角度约束的新型导引律。仿真验证该导引律能够有效地拦截机动目标和补偿导弹自动驾驶仪的动态特性,它能够导引导弹以期望的攻击角度和较小的脱靶量拦截机动目标。因为在导引律表达式中没有视线角的高阶导数,所以设计的考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性的带终端攻击角度约束的新型导引律易于实际应用。针对实际应用中导弹的加加速度不能直接测量,应用动态面控制方法和观测器设计理论,设计两种带观测器考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性的导引律和带观测器的攻击角度约束导引律,并证明该导引律构成的制导系统的稳定性。仿真验证设计的带观测器的导引律对目标非机动和机动都有效,该导引律有效补偿了导弹自动驾驶仪的动态特性,在导弹自动驾驶仪滞后较大的情况下,仍能导引导弹精确地拦截大机动目标。该导引律中没有使用视线角的高阶导数。基于平面内目标和导弹相对运动方程,考虑导弹自动驾驶仪二阶动态特性,通过合理选择滑模面,应用滑模控制方法和有限时间收敛控制理论,设计有限时间收敛导引律。对所设计的导引律构成的制导系统进行稳定性分析,证明该制导系统能有限时间收敛到滑模面,并且在滑模面上系统的状态能够指数收敛到零。仿真验证设计的导引律对拦截非机动目标和机动目标都有效,该导引律克服了导弹自动驾驶仪的动态特性,制导系统在制导过程结束前能够有限时间收敛。由于设计的有限时间收敛导引律表达式中不含有视线角的高阶导数,所以更易于实际应用。

【Abstract】 New endo-atmospheric interceptor missiles are required to intercepte stealthfighters, great dive attacked guided bombs, hypersonic cruise missiles and other fastand maneuvering targets. The autopilot dynamics of endo-atmospheric missiles is animportant factor to cause the final miss distance. In this dissertation, some homingguidance laws are designed based on dynamic surface control method with consid-eration of the autopilot dynamics.In practical applications, the autopilot dynamics can be approximated as secondorder dynamics. The model of a guidance system accounting for the second-orderdynamics of missile autopilot is established in plane. Based on this model, a newguidance law accounting for the second-order dynamics of missile autopilot is de-signed using the dynamic surface control method. Furthermore, based on the targetand the missile dynamics in three dimensional coordinate, a three dimensionalguidance model accounting for the second-order dynamics of missile autopilot isestablished. A new three dimensional guidance law accounting for second-orderdynamics of missile autopilot is then designed using the dynamic surface controlmethod. The above two guidance laws avoid the occurrence of high-order deriva-tives of line of sight angle in their expressions such that they are easy to implementin practical applications. Simulation results show the guidance laws are effective incompensating for the bad influence of the autopilot dynamics on guidance accuracy.They ensure exact guidance results for intercepting both non maneuver targets andmaneuvering targets, even if a target escapes in a great and fast maneuver and themissile autopilot has a relatively large lag.In order to destroy some specific targets, two guidance laws with terminal im-pact angle constraint are designed. Under the condition that the terminal flight pathangles of the target can be predicted, the control of terminal impact angle wastransformed into the control of the final line of sight angle and then a guidancemodel with terminal impact angle constraint is established. Based on this model, asliding mode guidance law is designed to intercept maneuvering targets with termi-nal impact angle constraint under the assumption of an ideal missile autopilot. Thesliding mode guidance law ensures that the line of sight angle and its rate of theguidance system converge to the sliding mode in finite time. The line of sight angleexponentially converge to a desired value and line of sight angular rate exponen-tially converge to zero after entering the sliding mode at the final time of the guid-ance process. This guidance law can be used to cases where the missile autopilot has a fast response. Furthermore, accounting for the second-order dynamics of missileautopilot, a new guidance law with terminal impact angle constraint is designed us-ing the dynamic surface control method. Simulation results show that this guidancelaw is effective in intercepting maneuvering targets and compensating for the mis-sile autopilot dynamics. It is able to guide a missile to intercept a maneuver targetwith a desired angle and a small miss distance. Because there is no occurrence ofhigh-order derivatives of the line of sight angle in the expression of the guidancelaw, it is apt to be implemented in practical applications.Since a missile’s jerk cannot be directly measured in practice, two ob-server-based guidance laws accounting for the missile autopilot as second-orderdynamics and observer-based guidance law with impact angle constraint are de-signed using the dynamic surface control method and observer design theory. Sta-bility of the guidance system with such a guidance law is proved. Simulation resultsshow that the proposed guidance law is effective in intercepting both non maneu-vering targets and maneuvering targets, and compensating the dynamics of the mis-sile autopilot. The proposed guidance law is able to guide a missile to accuratelyintercept targets with great maneuvers in the presence of a large autopilot lag. Theguidance law does not use the high-order derivatives of the line of sight angle.Based on the relative motion equation of missile and target in plane and thesecond-order missile autopilot dynamics, through properly selecting the slidingmode, a guidance law with finite time convergence is designed using the slidingmode control method and finite time convergence control theory. Stability of theguidance system with the proposed guidance law is analyzed. The guidance systemconverges to the sliding mode in finite time, and then the states of system in thesliding mode exponentially converge to zero. Simulation results show that the pro-posed guidance law is effective in intercepting non maneuvering targets and ma-neuvering targets, and compensating the dynamics of the missile autopilot. Theguidance system converges in finite time before the final time of the guidance proc-ess. The high-order derivatives of the line of sight angle are avoided in the expres-sion of guidance law such that it can be implemented in practical applications.


