

Sound Environment and Construction Strategies in University Campus Base on Knowledge Innovation and Mind-body Growth Research

【作者】 苏万庆

【导师】 康健; 金虹;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,知识创新和人才培养已经成为生产力发展和国家强盛的最核心动力,因此被世界各国广泛的重视。世界一流大学正是知识创新和人才培养的殿堂。中国的大学就在校率指标而言,已经完成了由精英化教育向大众化教育的转变,但从质量上看,距离世界一流大学还有一定的距离。于此同时,校园噪声污染日趋普遍,使用者认为校园声环境并不那么舒适,甚至对其学习和生活造成了诸多影响。本文以校园声环境为研究介质,深入研究了知识创新、身心成长和校园声环境特征以及它们之间的关系,并据此提出了创新成长型校园的建设策略。在知识创新对声环境的需求研究中,以英国大学为研究案例,从其发展脉络和实地调研入手,引入知识创新螺旋理论,对大学校园的建设模式、功能和声环境特征进行了分析。研究发现,英国大学对于隐性知识的获取非常重视,从教学形式、空间功能、空间尺度等方面都在迎合和引导学术交流的产生,校园空间也因此呈现复合化、均布化、人性化和城市化的特征。在校园声环境要素的研究中,运用扎根理论方法,提出了校园声环境研究的四大要素,分别是“个体特征”、“关注度和心理认知”、“活动类型”和“声音特征”,其中“活动类型”是其中的核心要素。在身心成长对声环境的需求研究中,运用扎根理论方法,从第一手资料入手提出了保持身心成长理论。研究发现,人的成长主要源于两个方面,它们是“自身需求的提升并实现”和“外界环境的互动与修正”,于此同时揭示了保持成长的六个关键性要素,分别是“去冒险”、“自省”、“坚持”、“饥渴感”、“知觉现实”和“被肯定”。进一步分析发现,校园声环境应有利于进行互动交流、静心思考、精力恢复、社会交往和知识获取活动。在声环境的客观特征研究中,对哈尔滨市3所大学的5个校区进行了测试,测试涵盖了大学校园的各类系统,重点分析了声压级的相关指标,并得出了相关的对比分析结论。在声环境的主观特征研究中,对5个省份的8所大学师生进行了问卷调查,主要研究了声源影响、身心成长速度、总体声环境满意度以及校园活动受烦扰度之间的关系。研究发现,身心成长速度仅与“学术交流”和“静心思考”活动有显著性差异,与其他校园活动无显著性差异。同时,体育活动的声环境质量不会影响到人们对校园声环境的总体满意度评价。在建设策略的研究中,根据对知识创新、身心成长和声环境特征的基础性研究,以知识创新和身心成长为导向,提出了校园建设的创新成长层级关系理论,并对校园各系统声环境下的创新成长行为进行了分析。最终,基于校园声环境,结合创新成长层级关系理论,对校园教学系统、居住系统、餐饮及商业系统、绿地及体育系统、道路系统提出了相应的建设策略,并对建设指标提出了修改建议。

【Abstract】 In the knowledge economy era, knowledge innovation and personnel traininghave become the main motivation of productivity development and nation‘sprosperity, hence they are extensively valued by every country in the world. Theworld-class universities are the cradles of knowledge innovation and personneltraining. As far as the efficiency index, Chinese universities have already finishedthe conversion from elite education to mass education, however, in terms ofeducational quality, there is still a long way to go to become the world-classuniversities. At the same time, noise pollution is becoming more and more popularin universities. The environment in universities is not so comfortable that it alreadyaffects students‘study and lives in many aspects. Based on campus soundenvironment as research medium, this thesis discusses the characteristics ofknowledge innovation, mind-body growth, campus sound environment and therelationship between them and accordingly puts forward the construction strategiesof innovation-oriented campus sound environment.The thesis takes the research in British universities as example among theresearches of the requirements of sound environment in knowledge innovation. Tostart with development and field researches, the thesis introduces the spiral theoryof knowledge innovation and analyzes the characters of construction modes,function and sound environment. According to the research, British universities payclose attention to the acquisition of tacit knowledge; they cater to and lead theacademic exchanges from many aspects, such as teaching forms, functions of space,spatial scale etc. Therefore, the campuses present the characteristics ofcompounding, uniform distribution, humanity and urbanization.In the research of campus environment factors, by using grounded theory theauthor came up with four factors in campus sound environment investigation:individual character, attention and psychological cognition, types of activities andsound characteristic, among which the types of activities‘is the core factor.During the research into the requirements of the mind-body growth for soundenvironment, by using grounded theory the author put forward the theory of steadymind-body growth based on the first-hand materials. There are two main sources of people‘s growth: the promotion and realization of self-demands and interaction andamendment of outer environment. At the same time the six critical factors of steadygrowth are also revealed: adventure, self-examination, insistence, the sense ofhunger, perception of reality and confirmation. After further analysis, it is foundthat the campus sound environment should benefit interactive communication,meditation thinking, energy recovery, social interaction and knowledge acquisition.5campuses of3universities in Harbin were tested during the research of theobjective characteristics of sound environment. The tests covered all the systems inthe universities and the standards of spl were emphatically analyzed. According tothe questionnaires about the objective characteristics of sound environments of8universities in5provinces, it mainly studied the relationship between the effect ofsound source, the rate of the mind-body growth, the degree of general satisfactionof sound environment and the disturbing of campus activities. it can be seen that theonly two kinds of activities, namely academic exchange and meditation thinking,are significantly different from the mind-body growth rate. Meanwhile, the soundenvironment quality of sports does not have any effect on people‘s satisfaction ofcampus sound environment.In the researches of construction strategy, oriented by knowledge innovationand the mind-body growth, the innovational growth hierarchical relation theory ofcampus construction is proposed based on the basic researches of characteristics ofknowledge innovation, growth and sound environment. The innovative growingactivities in campus sound environment of any systems are also analyzed. Based onthe campus sound environment and innovative growth hierarchical relation, thecorresponding constructive strategies of campus teaching system, living system,catering and business systems, grassland and sport system, road systems areproposed, the advised amendments of constructive standards plans are also raised atthe same time.

  • 【分类号】TU984.14;TU112
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】475
  • 攻读期成果

