

Research on Ni-based Ceria Composite Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrode Prepared by Electrodeposition Method

【作者】 郑振

【导师】 李宁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 化学工程与技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 氢气是一种重要的化工原料,而氢能更是作为新型的绿色能源受到了越来越多的关注。电解制氢的方式历史悠久,由于其无污染可再生的技术特点,近些年再次成为研究的热点,在电解制氢过程中阴极析氢材料扮演着重要的角色,设计和制备新型的阴极电解制氢电极能够降低电解制氢的析氢过电位,节约生产成本。本文采用了适用于大规模生产的电化学复合共沉积的方法,制备了新型的镍基CeO2复合材料,制备过程采用了不同粒径的CeO2复合颗粒,使用了扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、热重-差热分析(TG-DSC)、X射线光电子能谱分析(XPS)等手段对制备的复合电极材料进行了表征,并通过线性扫描、Tafel曲线分析、电化学阻抗谱分析等电化学分析手段对复合电极材料的电化学析氢活性和耐腐蚀性能等进行了研究,发现并考察了析氢过程中CeO2与Ni及其合金之间的析氢协同效应。首先对电化学方法制备的Ni/CeO2复合镀层进行了研究,其中CeO2复合颗粒粒径分为微米级(5-10μm)和纳米级(10-30nm)。研究发现,Ni/CeO2复合镀层的热稳定性良好,两种不同粒径CeO2复合进入镍层后都提高了镍层的硬度和表面粗糙度,起到了细化Ni电结晶的作用,并且改变了Ni镀层的择优取向;微米CeO2加入抑制了Ni沉积,而纳米CeO2则降低了Ni沉积的极化;Ni/CeO2复合镀层表现出良好的催化析氢活性,CeO2的加入大幅度降低了镍表面析氢反应的电荷传递阻抗,提高了镍表面析氢反应的交换电流密度。当微米CeO2浓度为15g/L时,得到的复合镀层的析氢交换电流密度为Ni层的70倍,将Ni表面析氢反应的整体阻抗值降低了30余倍;Ni/CeO2复合镀层的析氢稳定性良好。研究结果认为复合镀层优异的析氢性能归因于CeO2颗粒与Ni基体间形成了析氢协同效应,还原氢原子可以与具有空的d轨道和f轨道的二氧化铈更好地形成吸附氢原子。对Ni/CeO2复合材料的耐蚀性研究表明,低复合量CeO2复合镀层的耐蚀性较高。利用合金电沉积方法制备了Ni基合金/CeO2复合材料,并对其析氢催化性能进行了研究。对Ni-S/CeO2合金复合镀层的研究中发现,不同粒径CeO2颗粒的复合可以提高Ni-S合金层中硫的含量,Ni-S/CeO2合金复合镀层的析氢性能要优于Ni-S合金镀层,当微米CeO2加入量为10g/L时,合金复合镀层的交换电流密度为Ni-S镀层的2.2倍,认为Ni-S/CeO2复合镀层的析氢性能受复合镀层中硫含量和CeO2与合金层间的协同效应共同影响。对Ni-Zn/CeO2合金复合镀层的研究中发现,合金电沉积制备的Ni-Zn合金镀层由多种金属间化合物组成,Ni-Zn合金层本身具有较高的催化析氢活性,控制加入CeO2的量可以进一步提高其的析氢活性,CeO2的加入可以明显改变Ni-Zn合金层的微观结构和元素组成,通过研究加入CeO2对合金电沉积中间产物的影响,结合Ni-Zn异常共沉积机理,解释了不同Ni-Zn/CeO2复合镀层合金组分变化的原因。同时发现少量加入CeO2颗粒可以提高Ni-Zn合金层的耐腐蚀性能。对Ni/CeO2复合镀层的析氢动力学过程参数进行了计算,结果发现不同粒径的CeO2的加入提高了镀层的比表面积,CeO2的加入降低了Ni表面析氢反应的活化能,其中当微米CeO2加入量为15g/L时,得到的Ni/CeO2复合镀层的析氢反应活化能仅为20.69kJ mol-1,远低于Ni表面析氢反应的活化能;通过计算得到了Ni和不同Ni/CeO2复合镀层表面析氢反应速率常数,并且得到了不同过电位下电极表面的吸附氢覆盖度,发现CeO2的加入有利于还原氢原子的吸附,提高了稳态时Ni层表面的吸附氢原子的覆盖度,进一步验证了CeO2与Ni层间的析氢协同效应。

【Abstract】 Hydrogen was mainly used as an important chemical raw material, and thehydrogen energy has received more and more attention as new green energycandidate. The method to get hydrogen by electrolysis was historic. Many studieswere focused on this electrolysis method recently, because of its clean andsustainable characteristics. Cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) materialsplayed an important role in this process. It was possible to improve the energyconversion efficiency and reduce cost by designing and preparing new cathodicHER electrodes. In this thesis, the electrochemical co-deposition method suitable toindustry application was employed; the new Ni-based CeO2composite electrodematerials were prepared; the different sized CeO2particles were used in theco-deposition process. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermo gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) andX-rays photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the compositeelectrodes, the HER catalysis activity and corrosion resistance of the compositeelectrodes were studied by electrochemical analysis method, such as linearpolarization, Tafel curve analysis, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). It was focused on the HER synergetic effects between CeO2particles and theNi matrix.Firstly, Ni/CeO2composite coatings were prepared by electrochemicaldeposition, using the micro-CeO2(5-10μm) and nano-CeO2(10-30nm) particles.The results showed the Ni/CeO2composite coatings had a good thermal stability.The different sized co-deposited CeO2particles can improve the hardness and thesurface roughness of the nickel coating, make the fining effect on the Nielectrocrystallization, and change the preferred orientation of the nickel coating. Themicro-CeO2particles inhibited the nickel deposition, but the nano-CeO2decreasedthe Ni polarization. A good HER catalysis activity can be observed on the Ni/CeO2composite electrodes, i.e. the HER charge-transfer resistance on the Ni surfacedecreased and the HER exchange current density increased obviously with the CeO2particles addition. When the micro-CeO2concentration was15g/L, the HERexchange current density on the Ni/CeO2composite was70times higher than thaton the Ni coating, meanwhile, the HER total resistance on the composite coatingwas30times lower than that on the nickel coating. And the composite electrodescan keep a good stability during the HER process. The good HER activity oncomposite coating can be attributed to the synergetic effects between CeO2particles and the Ni matrix. The H atom reduced on the nickel surface can be adsorbed on theCeO2particles which have empty d and f orbits. The result showed the low-contentCeO2composite coating had a better corrosion resistance.And then, Ni-based alloy CeO2composite coatings were prepared by alloydeposition method. HER activities on the alloy composite coatings were studied.During Ni-S/CeO2composite coatings investigation, it was found that the additionof different sized CeO2particles increased the sulfur content in the Ni-S alloycoatings. The HER activity on the Ni-S/CeO2composite coatings was higher thanthat on the Ni-S alloy coating. When the micro-CeO2concentration was10g/L, theHER exchange current density on the Ni-S/CeO2composite was2.2times higherthan that on the Ni-S coating. It was considered the HER activity on the Ni-S/CeO2composite coatings were affected by the sulfur content in the Ni-S alloy coating, thesynergetic effects between CeO2particles, and the Ni-S alloy coating. DuringNi-Zn/CeO2composite coating investigation, it was worth noting that the Ni-Znalloy was consisted by some intermetallic compound. The Ni-Zn alloy coatingshowed an instinctive high HER activity. However, the HER activity can be furtherimproved with a proper CeO2content embedded. The addition of the CeO2particlescan change the microstructure and element composition of the Ni-Zn alloy coating.According to the Ni-Zn anomalous co-deposition mechanism and the CeO2influence on the intermediate in the Ni-Zn co-deposition, the alloy elementcomposition of the Ni-Zn/CeO2composite coatings was explained. Meanwhile, thecorrosion resistance of the Ni-Zn alloy coating can be improved with a lower CeO2particles content.At last, the parameters of HER kinetics on the Ni/CeO2composite coatingswere calculated. The results showed different sized CeO2particles addition canincrease the specific surface area of the Ni coatings, and decrease the HERactivation energy on the Ni surface. When the micro-CeO2concentration was15g/L,the HER activation energy on the Ni/CeO2composite coating surface was only20.69kJ mol-1, much lower than that on the Ni surface. The HER rate constants onthe Ni and Ni/CeO2surface were calculated, and then the adsorbed hydrogen atomscoverage was obtained at different overpotential. It was found that the addition ofthe CeO2particles can accelerate the adsorption of the reduced hydrogen atoms,increase the value of adsorbed hydrogen atoms coverage as the hydrogen evolutionwas stable. It further confirmed the synergetic effects between CeO2particles andthe Ni matrix.

  • 【分类号】TQ116.2;TQ150.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】948
  • 攻读期成果

