

Research on Strategy of Ecological Planningand Design of Coastal Wetland Communities

【作者】 孙贺

【导师】 刘德明;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 滨海湿地是人类赖以生存和发展的宝贵资源与重要的生存环境。长期以来由于人们对滨海湿地保护认识不足以及过渡地开发与利用,导致其退化损失严重、生态功能和效益下降,湿地生态系统急需得到恢复和保护。近年来,滨海湿地实验区作为我国滨海湿地开发与利用的区域,其生态化建设进程与规模扩大和发展快速相比严重滞后。某些滨海地区湿地环境的破坏和资源的过度利用,成为了制约该区域社会经济发展的主导因素。本文以滨海湿地实验区为研究对象,通过建构滨海湿地生态化规划设计理论模型和方法体系,探索生态化规划设计策略,以实现滨海湿地实验区建设的生态化,促进滨海湿地资源合理利用与滨海湿地区域社会、经济、环境可持续发展。滨海湿地实验区位于保护区与外界周边地区的交错地带,边缘效应显著,生态系统脆弱,有别于一般性区域的规划设计理论与方法。本文运用实证调查、分析比较、多学科交叉及系统科学的研究方法,遵循调查——研究——实践的研究过程展开研究工作。论文首先通过现场调研和具体案例,研究滨海湿地生态环境的特点,在分析人们利用滨海湿地实验区对湿地生态环境产生的不利影响的基础上,指出滨海湿地实验区规划设计中存在的诸多弊端;阐述探索适合滨海湿地特征的规划理论与方法的迫切性。其次,本文从滨海湿地生态环境特点和生态化规划设计本质的实际出发,解析滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计内涵;明确滨海湿地实验区规划设计生态化价值取向和评价准则;通过研究与滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计相关理论和元胞自动机(CA)模型,建构滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计CA理论模型;提出基于CA模型的滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计的理论框架。从方法论的角度,本文以滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计CA理论模型为基础,建构了滨海湿地实验区生态规划设计方法体系,其核心内容包括适于不同地域环境的滨海湿地实验区的湿地利用模式选择与适应滨海湿地生态特征的实验区生态规划设计途径两个方面。论文结合已建立的滨海湿地实验区生态规划设计理论与方法,通过调整理论模型中的约束性因素,提出滨海湿地实验区生态规划设计生态策略,即自然湿地系统的生态保护策略、人工系统的生态设计策略和自然——人工复合生态系统有机组织策略。最后,以辽河三角洲滨海湿地公园规划设计为例,运用提出的滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计理论与方法,将滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计策略应用到具体的滨海湿地公园规划设计实践中,实现了理论与实践的有机结合。本文基于系统思维方法,综合运用生态学、规划学、建筑学、景观学以及经济学等领域知识,通过学科交叉研究滨海湿地生态化规划设计课题,得出如下创新性成果:建构了滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计CA理论模型;建立了滨海湿地实验区生态规划设计方法体系;提出了滨海湿地实验区生态化规划设计策略。本文的研究成果对我国滨海湿地区域的生态规划设计实践具有实际指导意义,同时也以新的研究视角和思路,搭建了生态化规划设计研究的基础性框架和平台,试图通过滨海湿地实验区的生态化规划设计研究,为生态规划设计理论与方法研究迈入更深、更广的领域做出有益的探索。

【Abstract】 Coastal wetland is an important living space and valuable resource and treasure,which human are relying on to live and develop. For a long time,lacking incognition of the protection of coastal wetland and excessive development and use, itlead to the serious loss and decrease of function and profits of coastal wetland, sowetland ecological system is in urgent need of restoration and protection. In recentyears, the coastal wetland communities as China’s regional development andutilization of coastal wetlands, its eco-build process lagged in comparison withexpansion and rapid development. This not only undermine coastal wetlandenvironment and resources, certain areas have also become constraints leadingfactor for socio-economic development of the region. This article sets the coastalwetlands communities as the study object, and explores of ecological planning anddesign strategies by establishing coastal wetland ecological planning and design oftheoretical models and methodologies, in order to achieve the ecological zoneconstruction of coastal wetlands and promote the rational utilization of wetlandresources and regional social, economic and environmental sustainability of coastalwetlands.Coastal wetland communities is located around a jagged strip of protectedareas with the outside world, with edge effects significantly, fragile ecosystems, andit is distinct from the general regional planning and design methods and models.This article uses empirical investigation, analysis and comparison, interdisciplinaryresearch and systems scientific methods, and follows the course of investigation,research and study on the practice of research work. First of all, this paper studiesthe features of coastal wetland eco-environment, analysis of access to coastalwetland communities on wetland eco-environment negative effects on the basis ofthe proposed coastal wetland communities existed in the planning and design of themany ills through field research and real-life case; and suggests it is urgency tosearch planning theory and methods which is suit for the characteristics of coastalwetlands. Secondly,Starting from the feature of coastal wetland ecologicalenvironment and the essence of ecological planning and design, the paper studiesthe conception of ecological planning and design of coastal wetland communities;Meanwhile defines objectives and evaluation criterion of the ecological planningand design. After researching principles relevant with ecological planning anddesign the of coastal wetland communities and model of cellular automata(AC)model, the paper constructs a CA theoretical model and puts forward a theoryframework for ecological planning and design of coastal wetland communities basing on CA model.From the view of methodology, this article bases on CA theory model ofecological planning and design in coastal wetland communities, and constructscoastal wetland zone of ecological planning and design methodology, of which thecore content includes geographical environment suitable for different communitiesof coastal wetlands utilization mode selection and adaptation communitiesecological planning and design of the ecological characteristics of coastal wetlands.And then, taking into account already established coastal wetland communitiesecological planning theory and method for design, the article put forward ecologicalstrategies for ecological planning and design of coastal wetland communities byadjusting the parameters in the model, which contains strategies of three aspects,natural wetland ecological conservation strategies, ecological design of artificialsystems of strategies and natural organic and artificial complex ecosystemOrganization strategies. Finally, combining with the methods of Systematic thinking,synergy in the organism, blend of different subjects and practice on ecologicalplanning and design of coastal wetland communities, here is an example ofconceptual planning of coastal wetland park in Liaohe delta. The design theory andmethod system constructed above are used in the example.It is applied to specificpractice on the aspect of strategies of ecological planning and design of coastalwetland communities through the conceptual planning and design of Liaohe deltawetland park. So it is realized to the organic combination between theory andpractice.In system thinking mode, this article integrates use of ecology, planning,architecture, landscape, as well as economics and other fields of knowledge throughinterdisciplinary study of coastal wetlands planning and design of ecological issues,reaches the following innovative results. The article constructed a coastal wetlandcommunity’s ecological planning CA theory model and system; established acoastal wetland communities ecological planning and design methodology;proposed strategies ecological planning and design for coastal wetland communities.The results of this research on planning and design of coastal wetland region aregoing to guide Chinese practice, and meanwhile also building an ecological studyon the planning and design of the basic framework and platform, with newperspectives and ideas, and trying to research on theories and methods of ecologicalplanning and design into the deeper, broader areas of active exploration.

  • 【分类号】X321;X171.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1927
  • 攻读期成果

