

A Study on the Theory of a National Central City’s Function and Chongqing’s Practice

【作者】 宋思曼

【导师】 扈万泰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 国家中心是一个大国范围内能级最高的中心城市,在全国政治、经济、社会、文化领域发挥引领、集聚、辐射、控制、影响和带动的作用与功能,在国家战略布局中是区域发展的空间支点,是代表国家参与国际竞争与合作的重要门户。国家中心城市是基于国情与国家战略中国特色的城市等级规划概念,是对中心城市经典理论和世界城市理论的发展。国家中心城市发展的本质是实现其特定的城市的功能。国家中心城市的主导功能体现为“1+3+1”的结构体系:政治功能是关键因素,经济功能、社会功能、文化功能是主要内容,枢纽功能是基础。本论文以全球的开放视野,进行了大量的比较研究,提炼和总结了五大主导功能的概念内涵、作用原理和发展特征,提出了普遍意义上国家中心城市功能实现的路径,初步构建了国家中心城市的功能理论框架。论文围绕“1+3+1”的功能体系建立了评价国家中心城市的指标体系和数学模型,有助于国家中心城市的研究更加系统化与科学化。重庆是我国内陆地区唯一的直辖市,其地缘特征、特殊市情、规模基础、国家战略的特殊地位和后发型成长优势,都使重庆构建国家中心城市的道路存在与其他沿海地区国家中心城市较大差异性。论文研究并提出,重庆构建国家中心城市要在政治功能上充分发挥政策优势、策划发展重点,在经济功能方面结合传统工业城市和农村区域面积大的特点确定符合自身实际的三次产业发展的结构目标和方向,在社会功能方面要重视人口规模集聚与人口结构优化的路径,在文化功能方面重点完善物质的与非物质的文化及其产业发展规划,在枢纽功能方面突出构建内陆联通世界的交通与信息网络的开放策略。

【Abstract】 National center city is the city having largest power within a big country, whichplays the roles of leading, gathering, radiating, controlling, influencing and driving inthe political, economical, social, and cultural domain of the country. It is the space pivotof regional development in the national strategic layout, representing the county toparticipate in the international competition and cooperation.National center city is a Chinese characteristic concept, which based on nationalconditions and strategy. It is the development of the the centeral city classical theoryand world city theory.The essence of national center city’s development is realizing itsspecific city function.The dominant function of national center city reflects the "1+3+1" structuralsystem: political function is the key factor, economical, social and cultural functions asits main content, and pivot function serves the foundation. This paper does amounts ofcomparative studies with a global vision. It abstracts and summarizes the concept andconnotation, action principle, as well as development characteristics of the five leadingfunctions, proposes the path to realize the function of natural center city generally, thusinitially constructs the theoretical framework of the national center city’s function.Thispaper also establishes the index system and mathematical model for the evaluation ofnational center city, around the "1+3+1"structural system, in order to make the researchof national center city more systematic and scientific.Chongqing is the only municipality of the inland areas of China, which has a bigdifference in the path construction of national center city, compared with other nationalcenter cities of the coastal areas, owing to its geographical characteristics, specialcircumstances, scale foundation, the special status of national strategy, and backwardgrowth advantage as well. The paper puts forward that Chongqing should make full useof policy advantage and plan development priority from the aspect of political function.In the economical function aspect, it could combine the characters of traditionalindustrial city and the big scale of rural areas to define the structural target and directionof three industrial developments according to its own reality. In the social function, itshould pay attention to the path of population gathering and structural improvement. Inthe cultural function, Chongqing should emphasize the improvement of the planning ofmaterial and immaterial culture and its industrial development, while in the aspect of hub function, it highlights the opening strategy of constructing transportation andinformation network to connect inland to the whole world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

