

Study on Stability of Superhigh-filled Embankment Slope under the Impact of Multi-storey Highway Loads and Variational Water Level

【作者】 吴进良

【导师】 张永兴;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 岩土工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国高等级公路的建设从平原转入了山区,由于西部山区地形复杂,巴东组地质条件较多,冲沟较深,超高路堤填筑不可避免;在西部三峡库区的高填方往往还频临长江或其支流的变幅水位影响,且存在多条以上的公路布设在多级边坡的护坡道上的可能性,导致多级车辆荷载同时作用在一个填方路堤的超高边坡上。因此论文以长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助(IRT1045)以及重庆奉节至云阳高速公路奉节东立交工程为依托,针对西部山区常见巴东组地质背景,对多级边坡车辆荷载及变幅水位作用下的超高填方边坡稳定性进行了全面的研究,论文的的主要工作如下:⑴对西部山区常见的巴东组地质填料进行室内试验,通过击实试验、直剪试验、回弹模量试验等等得到理论分析赖以计算的含水量、回弹模量、粘聚力、内摩擦角等参数。通过研究,确定了本论文中超高路堤填料的本构关系采用“摩尔-库仑模型”。⑵针对多级超高边坡的特点,对边坡车辆荷载的等效换算进行研究,采用对比研究的手段,研究了等效为当量土柱厚度与等效为均布荷载两种方式的异同点。提出了将边坡车辆荷载等效换算为均布荷载更适合于多级超高路堤稳定性分析的观点。⑶采用极限平衡法与数值分析法两种方法分别计算了不同高度与坡度的边坡稳定性,研究了边坡坡度值、高度值对超高边坡的稳定性影响规律和影响程度,并分析了超高边坡的坡度和高度对边坡稳定性的作用机理。进一步研究了车辆荷载作用在不同边坡位置时对边坡稳定性的影响规律。边坡车辆荷载对边坡稳定性的影响程度与边坡高度成反比,并且随着高度的增大有逐渐趋于零的趋势。⑷在上述研究的基础上,本文进一步分析了变幅水位V型冲沟的超高填方路基的稳定性,建立了V形冲沟超高路堤在变幅水位及水位骤降情况下的饱和—非饱和渗流与应力耦合的计算模型。本文研究得出了不同变幅水位下的超高路堤边坡稳定性的变化规律以及水位骤降时边坡的应力应变规律。⑸以国家重点工程——杭兰线重庆奉节至云阳高速公路为工程背景,选取奉节东立交处的两个典型断面作为分析对象,采用工程实地运回来的巴东组地质填料为模型材料,制作两个断面的小比例模型,进行大型土工离心试验,对本论文的边坡的稳定性研究结论进行验证。通过以上研究,本文得出了多级车辆荷载、变幅水位对巴东组地质填料的超高填方边坡的稳定性的影响规律,对类似超高边坡稳定性设计和施工提供理论参考作用。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of china economic and the actualizing of WestDevelopment Strategy, the construction of highway is transferred into the mountainousarea in China. Because of the complex mountainous terrain in west china, and V-gulliesslope is generally steep, High fill subgrade of Badong formation geologic is inevitable.The superhigh embankments in Three Gorges reservoir are usually effected by the waterlevel fluctuations of the Yangtse River or its tributary. And there is probablyarrangement of two or more than two roads at the same superhigh embankmentsregional, so the same roadbed will be under the multi-storey vehicle load. Combinedwith Supported by Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University(IRT1045), stability of superhigh-filled embankment slope under multi-storey loads andwater level fluctuations is studied in this paper. The main research work contains:⑴through the Badong formation geologic packing indoor tests to get modulus ofresilience, cohesive force and some other parameters that calculation on the theortucalanalysis needed.⑵The paper researchs how to handle the road vehicle load by two kinds of forms(equivalent to equivalent soil column thickness and equivalent to uniform load), and doa comparative analysis about the treatment effect. Analysis shows that stability resultsthat we get from the two kinds of forms of treatment is close, and the way of equivalentto uniform load is slightly more accurate than another.⑶Then this paper calculated slope stability of different height and gradient by thelimit equilibrium method and the numerical analysis method, and obtained the slopegradient value, high value on high slope stability influence: the increase of the slopeheight or slope grade of slow, vehicle load impact on slope stability is also smaller;when the vehicle loads act on the middle of the slope protection road, the effect on thestability of the slope is greater than the vehicle load arrangement in the subgrade top. Ingeneral, relative to the weight of the embankment the influence of vehicle load ofembankment on slope stability is very limited.⑷This paper analyzes the stability of variational water level V-gullies of the highfilling subgrade later, and established the V-gullies superhigh-filled embankment invariational water level and water level dip cases of saturated-unsaturated seepage andstress coupling calculation model. This paper arrive at the stability change rule of V-gullies gully under superhigh-filled embankment slope in different variational waterlevel range, also got the displacement and stress change rule under the action offlooding retaining wall in variational water level. In order to deal with the variationalwater level damage, measures and suggestions are given to the real engineering slopesand retaining wall reinforcement.⑸This paper finally chose two typical section at Fengjie east interchange, get thedisplacement and verify the strain data under numerical analysis by geotechnicalcentrifuge experiment.In brief, the stability influence rules of the multi-stage vehicle load and variationalwater level under the superhigh embankment slope to Badong formation geologicalpacking is concluded in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

