

The Research on the Influencing Factors of the Motivation and Development for the High-level Graduates Returned From Abroad

【作者】 田海嵩

【导师】 张再生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 当今世界,人才是经济社会发展的第一资源,高层次人才更是第一战略资源,人才强盛才有国家强大。近日,中共中央总书记习近平同志指出,“实现中华民族伟大复兴,就是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想”。实现这个梦想,需要每一个中华儿女包括全体海外华侨华人为之共同努力。实现这个梦想的过程也是海内外人才把握中国发展机遇,实现个人梦想的重要契机。因此,积极研究留学人员回国动机及其职业发展影响因素,对更好的发挥人才重要作用,吸引优秀人才回国,促进国家发展都具有十分重要的意义。从20世纪八十年代至今,我国留学回国人员总数达到近82万人,“千人计划”引进海外高层次人才已达到2793人,留学人员特别是高层次留学人员成为实现人才强国战略的重要力量。本文研究了我国高层次留学人员引进的整体现状,比较了国内发达省市高层次留学人员引进管理的情况,针对天津高层次留学人员的回国动机及职业发展影响因素进行了实证研究,通过满意度分析探寻人才引进工作中的问题,提出了促进高层次留学人员回国工作的对策建议。本研究以天津的“千人计划”人选作为研究群体,主要采用定性和定量相结合的方法。定性的方法主要采用文献分析法、结构式访谈法和问卷调查法三种,通过比较研究、抽样调查获得数据资料及访谈语音资料。定量分析法主要应用在对问卷的分析上:运用因子赋分评价法分析留学人员回国的主观因素与客观因素;运用单因素方差分析对来津人员满意度均值进行比较分析;运用模糊评价模型对天津市高层次留学回国人员总体满意度、工作满意度、生活满意度和政策满意度进行模糊评价。论文总结得出高层次留学人员的回国动机,包括个人发展、家庭、政策、环境等方面;高层次留学人员的回国职业发展影响因素,包括环境、政策、家庭、个人发展、科研学术因素等方面;高层次留学人员的回国发展满意度分析结果显示,工作环境满意度最高,其次是政策环境满意度,再次是生活环境满意度。本文在研究结果的基础上,分别从国家层面、用人单位层面、家庭及个人层面提出相应的对策建议,这将对构建完善的高层次海外人才引进、培养、使用体系有较好的实证意义。

【Abstract】 In today’s world, the talent is the first resource in economic andsocial development, and the high-level talent is the first strategicresources. Only when the talent is strong, powerful the country can be.Recently, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinpingpointed out that "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is thegreatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times". It needs allthe Chinese people including the whole of the overseas to work togetherto realize this dream. The process of realizing the dream is an importantopportunity for the talents both at home and abroad to realize theirindividual dreams. Therefore, a positive research on the motivation ofthe students studying abroad returning home and its influencing factorsplays an important role on developing the importance of the talent,attracting the talent back home and promoting national development.From20th century80’s, it is a total of nearly820000overseasstudents back home, and the " A-Thousand-Talent Project " program hasintroduced2793overseas high-level talents. Students back from abroad,especially high-level overseas talents become an important force torealize the strategy of reinvigorating China through the talent. Thispaper analyzed the domestic and foreign policies to attract overseashigh-level talents, compared the current situation of introducinghigh-level overseas talents of the domestic developed provinces andcities, and put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promotehigh-level overseas talents back home in view of the empirical researchon the motivation and influence of the Tianjin high-level overseas talents,and the problems of introducing talents through the analysis of thesatisfaction degree.This study chose Tianjin "A-Thousand-Talent Project"candidates asthe research group, and mainly adopted the combination of qualitative andquantitative method. The qualitative method mainly included document analysis method, structured interview method and questionnaire method,which obtained data information and interview voice material through thecomparison research and sampling survey. The quantitative analysis methodwas mainly applied in the questionnaire analysis: using factor assignmentmethod to analyze the influence degree of the subjective and objectivefactors for the returned talents in choosing a job; using the single factoranalysis of variance mothed to analyze the satisfaction of the staffworked in Tianjin, using the Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model to analyzethe overall satisfaction, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and policysatisfaction of Tianjin high-level returned talents.The paper summed up the motivation of the high-level overseas talentsreturning home, including personal development, family, policy,environment and other aspects; The influencing factors of the high-leveloverseas talents returning home included environmental factors, policy,family, scientific research and other factors; The satisfaction analysisof high-level overseas talents back home showed that the work environmentsatisfaction was the highest, followed by policy environment satisfaction,and the third was the living environmental satisfaction.In this paper, I will put forward the corresponding countermeasuresand suggestions on the national level, the employing unit level, familyand personal level on the basis of research results, which will have abetter empirical affect on improving the construction of introducing,training, using system of the high-level overseas talents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

