

Opportunity Appraisal Theory and Method

【作者】 石森昌

【导师】 杨宝臣;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 基于机会公平的分配公平理论涉及到三个主题:个体机会评价;机会在个体间分布的不公平水平评价;致力于提高机会在个体间分布公平水平的再分配政策设计。本文关注的是个体机会评价,以机会集给个体提供的选择自由为标准,对个体拥有的机会状况进行定量刻画,论文主要工作和创新如下:1.把机会评价问题用一个四位一体的关系来描述,即参与人、机会集、目标和限制条件,界定各要素的涵义及其相互关系。把机会评价分为两种基本模式,即机会集的两两比较和统一指标比较。界定机会评价、机会的选择自由评价以及机会的选择自由测度的涵义及其内容。2.界定机会项可获得性的概念;给出机会项可获得性测度的两种形式,即二分法和模糊法;给出简单基数规则、S-C规则和Kramer规则的机会向量表述形式;通过引入模糊机会集的截集,构建基于截集占优的模糊机会集多个评价规则。3.把机会项的价值分为对参与人的价值和对目标的价值并对各自涵义及其测度进行分析;分析机会项的两种价值与选择自由关系;分三种情形,即一维能力变量、多维能力变量可综合及多维能力变量不可综合,两种角度,即能力水平分布均匀状况和能力水平条件分布,给出多个基于能力变量的机会评价规则。4.提出基于机会项属性和机会项能力的相似性判断标准;给出属性和能力基数可测下的相似性度量函数;在机会项能力矩阵为一维的条件下,给出属性矩阵分别为一维和二维情形下的基于机会项分布状况的机会评价规则并讨论相关的性质。

【Abstract】 The theory of distributive justice as equity of opportunity originates threesdistinct issues. It concerns the appraisal of individual opportunities, the degree ofinequity in an opportunity distribution, and the design of redistribution mechanismsintended to increase the degree of opportunity equity in a given distribution. Tocharacterize individual opportunities with the degree of freedom of choice based onopportunity sets, the dissertation will discuss the appraisal of individual opportunities.The main work and innovations of the dissertation include:This dissertation define opportunity appraisal in terms of a quaternary relationbetween an agent, opportunity sets, objectives and constraints. The concept of thesefour factors and the relationship between the four factors are discussed. There havetwo basic modes to evaluate opportunity. One is that the opportunity sets are onlypairs compared. The other is that each opportunity set is represented by one realnumber and opportunity sets are compared with the real number. Those conceptsincluding opportunity appraisal, opportunity appraisal based on freedom of choice,and measurement of freedom of choice, are discussed.The concept of availability of option is put forward. Measurement of availabilityincludes dichotomy and fuzzy method. The simple cardinal rule, the S-C rule and theKramer rule are discussed with opportunity vector. Some opportunity evaluating rulesto fuzzy opportunity vector are established based on the concept of predominance ofcut set.The values of alternative include values for agent and values for objectives.These two concepts of values and its measurement are discussed. The relationshipbetween those values and freedom of choice are also discussed. Some opportunityevaluating rules are established based on the distribution or the conditionaldistribution of the capability of alternatives. These rules can be classified intodifferent types which include one-dimensional capability variable, multidimensionalcapabilities variable that can be integrated to one, multidimensional capabilityvariables that can not be vintegrated to one.The issue of whether two options are similar is decided by their attributes andtheir ability. The distance functions about the similarity to any pair of alternatives are put forward when attributes and capability of alternatives are measured by means ofcardinality. Some opportunity evaluating rules are established and their properties arediscussed with the assumption that capability matrix is one-dimensional and attributesmatrix is one or two-dimensional.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

