

The Research on Green Slow Space System of Tianjin

【作者】 于伟

【导师】 洪再生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 城市绿色慢行空间系统是建在使慢行交通畅通无阻的交通功能基础上,以良好的出行环境充分实现休闲、娱乐等社会属性的人性化的开放性慢行空间系统。随着我国经济水平的稳步提升,城市化进程不断加快,在这个机动化快速发展的过程中也出现了很多城市环境与交通问题。由于对慢行交通运营环境和慢行空间的忽视,交通拥堵、环境污染等问题不断出现,这使得我们不得不对现代城市交通发展模式进行反思。随着以人为本和可持续发展理念的提出以及绿色交通思想的形成,慢行交通空间对城市健康发展的作用越来越重要,近年来我国很多城市也提出了有效的慢行空间发展策略。但是在这个过程中,人们对慢行交通与慢行空间的重视程度仍然处于较低水平,尚未建立起行之有效的城市绿色慢行空间系统。本文在文章结构上共分为七个章节,在阐释国内外研究状况及发展走向和分析城市慢行空间系统建设实例的基础上,按照介绍现状、提出问题、分析利弊、解决问题、未来展望的基本思路,针对天津市绿色慢行空间系统的具体情况逐层深入的加以论述:第一,阐释城市绿色慢行空间系统的研究背景及本研究的研究内容和研究意义,并详细说明本研究的主要创新内容和研究思路与框架。第二,阐明与城市绿色慢行空间系统发展相关联的理论和方法,并论述其对本研究的指导意义和借鉴。第三,充分分析国外绿色慢行空间系统建设的成功实例,阐明其绿色慢行空间系统得以良好发展的内在机理,并在影响城市慢行空间建设的各类要素上与天津市实际情况进行有针对性的比较分析,进而得出其对本研究的指导意义和可借鉴之处。第四,以交通出行模式的转变过程为主线,分析天津市交通空间结构的发展脉络和发展趋势,在市域层面的视角下,分析现状城镇布局、自然资源分布和基础设施状况,在此基础上以依托现状人文和自然环境,充分利用现有基础设施为原则提出两轴、四环的天津市市域绿色慢行空间系统规划。第五,以天津市中心城区为研究对象,以市内六区为重点做出详尽的日常设施步行性测度分析,通过具体的量化指标直观剖析天津市中心城区慢行出行的便捷性与舒适度,以研究结果为依据,提出具有针对性的天津市中心城区绿色慢行空间系统发展思路,并形成以海河和外环线绿带于水带为主轴,以重点传统商业区和历史风貌区为核心的逐层递进、环带相连的规划设想。第六,从发展手段的角度提出以公共自行车系统化发展来带动城市绿色慢行空间的形成。自行车出行的诸多优势使其成为促进慢行出行的重要利器,公共自行车系统也是国内外推广绿色交通和促进城市慢行空间发展的重要手段。本文分析了塑造自行车文化的重要性和国内外成功实例的异同点,在此基础上对天津市中心城区自行车出行状况和出行环境进行剖析,总结适合天津市中心城区实际状况的公共自行车系统发展策略,并对公共自行车租赁点的布局模式进行实例研究。第七,总结本研究的主要结论以及不足之处,并对天津市乃至我国城市绿色慢行空间系统的未来发展及走向成熟的方式方法做出展望。

【Abstract】 The urban green slow space system is built on the traffic function on the basis of the slow trafficflow, a good travel environment, the full realization of leisure, entertainment and social attributeshumane open space systems. With the steady improvement of China’s economic level, the processof urbanization is accelerating, a lot of the urban environment and traffic issues arise in theprocess of motorized rapid development As neglect of Slow traffic operating environment andslow space, traffic jam, environmental pollution and other issues continue to emerge, and thisengage us to reflect on the development of modern urban transport mode. With the formation ofthe people-centered and sustainable development concept proposed and green transportation ideas,slow line of traffic space is a more and more important role in the city healthy development,effective slow space development strategy was advised by many cities in China in recent years.But, the extent of attention on emphasis Slow traffic slow space is still at a low level in the course,an effectively-implemented urban green slow space systems is not established yet.On the structure of the article is divided into seven chapters, based on the interpretation of theresearch status and development trend analysis of urban slow construction of space systemsinstance, according to basic thought of introduce actuality, propose problem, analyze the pros andcons, solve the problem, external prospect, layers of depth to be addressed for Tianjin specificsituation:First, interpretation for the research background, research content, research significance, andinnovative content and research framework of this the research.Second, to clarify the theory and the guiding ideology of the study involved, and discusses thevarious theoretical system of guiding significance for the research and inspiration.Third, fully analysis for the successful examples of foreign green slow construction of spacesystems, clarify its green slow space systems essential to the healthy development, and conductcomparative analysis on various types construction of elements affecting urban slow space withthe actual situation in Tianjin, and then come to the significance of this study and learn from.Fourth, summarize Tianjin urban space development context and the development trend, fromthe City level perspective, analyze the current situation of urban layout, the distribution of naturalresources and infrastructure conditions relying on the actuality of the humanities and the naturalenvironment, and on this basis to take full advantage of the existing infrastructure efacilities forthe principle that “the two axes, four ring” slow line of Tianjin City in green space systemplanning ideas.Fifth, take the central city of Tianjin as the research object, to focus on the six districts of the city to make a detailed assessment of daily facilities walk, analyze central city area slow travelconvenience and comfort by specific quantified guidelines. Based on the results, proposed targetedcentral city of Tianjin green slow space systems development ideas and form using the HaiheRiver and the Outer Ring Road green belt and water belt as principal axis,take traditional businessdistrict and the historic district t as the core focus, layer-by-layer progressive, belts connectedplanning assumptions.Sixth, from the point of view of the development, propose taking public bike systemdevelopment as a chance to motor urban green slow space formation. Many advantages make it tobe an important tool to promote slow travel bicycles public bike system which is also importantmeans for promote green transportation and urban slow space in domestic and overseas area.This paper analyzes the similarities and differences the successful examples of the importance ofshaping the bike culture in domestic and overseas area, and on this basis to analyze the conditionof Tianjin City bicycle trips and travel environment, the development strategy of the public bikesystem for Tianjin City Century situation.Seventh, summarize the inadequacies of the study’s main conclusions, and prospect Tianjin andeven China’s urban green slow space systems development and gradual maturation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【下载频次】1615

