

The Study on Pattern of Small Block Residential Space

【作者】 卞洪滨

【导师】 张颀;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 论文首先建立从城市的角度研究住区的视角,以“小街区,密路网”住区模式为研究对象,在对西方住区发展历程以及住区相关理论的梳理的基础上,从理论和实践两方面总结其发展脉络和研究成果,为中国大城市居住空间建设提供理论依据和发展借鉴。论文针对我国住区发展现状,论文剖析了“居住小区”模式对中国城市空间结构、交通组织、城市形态方面的影响,进而通过量化研究方法的运用,定量地提出住区的构成模式、人口规模、路网密度、居住街坊尺度等的参考数值。进而,以这些量化数据为依据,提出中国城市“小街区,密路网”住区模型,并将“4公顷用地规模、1500-2000人口规模”作为住区中居住街坊的基本尺度。针对“小街区、密路网”住区模型在现实中的运用和操作,笔者进而对我国住区建设方法、土地供给方式、控制性详细规划的操作管理方法、以及现行的交通规范和居住区规范提出质疑,并依据国外的研究成果以及中国城市住区的调研结果提出合理建议。最后运用唐山凤凰新城从设计到实施全过程的实证性研究,通过模拟开发设计、对项目实施后的调查与后期评估,验证论文提出的住区模式的合理性与可能存在的问题,从而为“小街区,密路网”住区模型在中国城市中应用提供佐证。论文的最后以天津为例具体地证实和分析,并将针对中国大城市居住空间建设所提出的对策以及“小街区、密路网”住区模式,运用到天津的具体实践中。同时通过天津居住空间发展的历程、存在的问题、出现的新的现象等方面的论述,证实论文对中国大城市相对概括的分析和论证,并针对“小街区、密路网”住区模式天津项目的后期评估,进一步深化研究的成果。

【Abstract】 From the angle of urban planning, the doctoral dissertation focuses on the "smallblock, dense road-network" settlement pattern which illustrates the methodology ofthe urban settlements’ design and construction. Basing on the research developmentsof urban settlements and related theories in the western countries in this recent100years, the thesis summary the research achievements on both the theoretical and thepractical aspects in field of urban settlement planning. Hopefully, it can provide areference for the theoretical basis to China urban settlement design.The doctoral dissertation pays more attention on the analysis of the "Residentialdistrict" pattern in China cities and discusses how it affects on the urban spacestructure, traffic, city forms. Then through the quantitative approaches, the thesisprovides quantitatively the reference databases on the land mix-use, the neighborhoodpopulation size, density of road-network, scale of neighborhood, etc. Afterwards, thethesis establishes an settlement model which demonstrates the "small block, denseroad-network" settlement pattern.In order to make this pattern into use, the doctoral dissertation calls in question onthe Code for Settlement Planning and the Code for Urban traffic Planning. Then thethesis draws lessons from international common practices on the Control DetailedPlanning to offer the advices to China settlement planning. Furthermore, taking thePhonix Town in Tang Shan as example, the thesis conducts a practice research on thepattern of "small block, dense road-network".Finally, setting Tianjin as an example, the doctoral dissertation aims at the mainproblem of urban settlement planning and offers countermeasure proposal. The thesisreviews the evolution of the Tianjin settlement construction during last40years,analyzing and summarizing the major problems. Then the thesis evaluates the effectsof the settlement pattern of "small block, dense road-network" by several cases studyof Tianjin.

【关键词】 城市住区小街区密路网居住街坊
【Key words】 CitySettlementSmall BlockDense Road-networkNeighborhood
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

