

Study on the Effect and Mechanism of Rural Finance to Rural Economic Development

【作者】 薛永刚

【导师】 刘传哲;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 金融工程与风险管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 一国农村经济发展情况决定了该国农村金融发展程度,而一国农村经济发展的速度又受到该国农村金融发展状况的极大影响。研究农村金融发展与农村经济增长间的关系,对于探究更有效的农村金融支持农村经济发展的路径和对策,充分发挥农村金融支持农村经济发展的影响作用具有重要意义。本文基于这一思路,在分析农村金融支持农村经济发展的作用机理基础上,以山西省为例,具体分析了山西省农村金融支持农村经济发展的作用效果,探究了山西省农村发展过程中资金供需状况及存在的缺陷,并提出促进山西省农村金融支持农村经济发展的对策建议。从农村金融发挥的作用着手,分别探析金融深化理论与内生增长理论下的农村金融支持农村经济发展的作用机理,并理清农村金融支持整体农村经济发展、农业建设、农民收入增长“三农”方面的作用路径,以及农村金融支持城镇化发展的路径。农村金融对农村经济的促进作用主要体现在:农村金融为农村经济发展提供资金支持、农村金融使资金使用更加有效以及农村金融推动农业科技进步和农业生产率的提高等方面。对山西省自1978年以来农村金融和农村经济发展的实际状况进行了分析,得出结论:山西省农村金融相关比率的情况反映出改革开放以来山西省农村金融已经获得了很大发展;从农村金融发展效率水平来看,山西省农村金融的资金配置效率不高;从财政支农状况来看,1996年以来财政支农支出占总支出的比重一直徘徊在6%-8%,财政支农的力量有限;山西省农业生产总值占农村经济总量的比重下降,而农村工业等其他非农行业增长较快,在农村经济中的比重越来越大;山西省城乡居民收入差距不断拉大。整体来看,山西省农村经济发展仍面临资金缺乏的困境。继而分别从山西省农村金融支持整体农村经济、农业经济建设、农民收入增长以及城镇化建设方面,进行了山西省农村金融对农村经济的作用效果分析,得出结论:农村金融发展效率对整体农村经济发展、农业经济建设的长期影响程度相对较强;农村固定资产投资状况相较于农村金融发展水平指标在长期和短期内对农民纯收入的影响更大;山西省农村金融发展效率对于城镇化水平的提升起到较显著的正向影响,农村金融发展效率的提升能够有效促进乡镇企业的发展及农村经济建设,提升农民收入。通过对山西省农村金融供给及农村金融需求状况进行统计调查分析,得出结论:山西现有的农村正规金融机构存在从农村地区吸收的资金量远高于投入农村地区的资金量、涉农贷款发放核准率低和农业贷款发放量低等问题;通过对山西省沁县、武乡县、高平县、泽州县、代县、兴县、太古县等7个县21个样本行政村的441个农户实地调查和对山西省12家农村中小企业和22家农民专业合作社的重点访谈资料,最终分析显示,农户、农民专业合作社、农村中小企业等农村金融需求主体主要是通过民间借贷获取信贷资金,高利贷现象仍然存在,山西省农村金融市场发育尚不成熟。进而进一步测算了山西省农村经济整体发展的资金供需缺口,目前农村资金供需缺口不断拉大,其原因主要在于农村资金出现外流现象,以及农村金融机构门槛高,农户在缺乏有效担保品等情况下,难以获得贷款。依据山西省农村金融支持农村经济发展的实际及实证检验、调研分析情况,提出建立多层次、多元化的金融服务体系,健全和完善金融市场功能,发展和规范农村小额信贷,建立、健全农村金融机构存款保险制度、农业保险体系,加强农村金融机构市场约束,强化农村金融监管等相关对策建议。该论文有图58幅,表83个,参考文献162篇。

【Abstract】 For one country, its rural economic development limits the degree of its ruralfinance development. In turn, the speed of rural financial development greatly affectsits economic development. The research of the relation between rural financedevelopment and rural economic increase has significant meaning in finding a moreefficient way and countermeasure for rural financial support on rural economicdevelopment and fully playing the former’s positive effect on the latter’s development.The paper, on the basis of the function mechanism of the rural financial supporting onrural economic development, taking Shanxi Province as an example, analyzes indetail the effect of the rural financial support on the rural economic development, andinvestigate thoroughly the situation of the supply and demand of funds and theexisting defect in the development of rural areas in Shanxi province, and accordinglyputs forward some advice in stimulating the financial support on the economicdevelopment in Shanxi rural areas.The paper starting with the function the rural finance plays in rural area,respectively analyzes the function mechanisms of rural financial support on the ruraleconomic development under the theory of Financial Deepening and the theory ofEndogenous Growth, and sorts out the working way of rural finance in supporting therural integral development, agricultural construction, peasants’income increase andrural urbanization. Rural financial role in promoting the rural economy lies in aspectsas the funds supply, more efficient fund utilizing and promoting the agriculturalscience progress and productivity.After the analysis of the existing situation of rural finance and rural economicdevelopment in Shanxi since1978, a conclusion can be made: from the respective ofShanxi’s rural financial interrelation ratio, its rural finance has obtained greatdevelopment since the policy of reform and opening up. However, in terms of therural financial developing efficiency, the rural capital allocation efficiency is low..From the situation of agricultural financial subsidies, the proportion has been limitedaround about6~8%since1996. The proportion of gross agricultural production in therural economy is decreasing, with the contrast of the increasing proportion of ruralindustry and other non-agricultural industries in rural economy. The income gap ofurban and rural residents is increasingly widened. As a whole, Shanxi’s ruraleconomic development still faces the difficulty of fund shortage.Then, the paper analyzes the function efficiency of Shanxi rural finance to ruraleconomy from the aspects of rural financial supporting in the rural integraldevelopment, agricultural construction, peasants’ income increase and ruralurbanization and comes to the conclusion: the efficiency of rural financial systemdevelopment has a strong and long effect on the rural integral development andagricultural economic construction. The rural investment in fixed assets has moreinfluence on the peasant’s net income than rural financial development level indexwithin both long term and short term. The efficiency of rural financial system development of Shanxi province has played an obviously positive role in improvingthe rural urbanization level. And the promotion of the efficiency of rural financialsystem development can effectively gear up the development of township enterprisesand hence increase the peasants’ income.Through the analysis of the statistical survey of the situation of finance supplyand demand in Shanxi rural areas, such conclusion can be made: the existing normalfinancing institutions in Shanxi rural areas have such problems as having far moreabsorption capital from the rural area than investment capital, low agricultural loanapproval rates and agricultural loan volumes. The paper takes441families from21official villages as investigating samples of7counties, which include Qin county,Wuxiang county, Gaoping county, Zezhou county, Daixian county, Xingxian countyand Taigu county, and particularly interviewing12rural minor enterprises and22farmers specialized cooperative. The investigation shows that the demand subjects ofrural finance, like farmers, farmers specialized cooperative and rural minor enterprises,obtain credit fund mainly through private lending, and the phenomenon of folkrelending at high interest rates is still popular. Shanxi rural financial market isimmature. The paper further estimates the financial gap of the supply and demand offund in rural economic integral development. At present, the rural financial gap isever increasing, mainly because of the rural finance outflow, high requirement of ruralfinancial institution. It is difficult for peasants to obtain loan without effectivecollateral.According to the practice and empirical test and investigation analysis of Shanxirural finance’s supporting rural economic development, the paper proposes toestablish multilevel and diverse finance service system, improve finance marketfunction, develop and standardize rural petty loan, establish and improve the depositinsurance system of rural finance institution, agricultural insurance system, strengthenthe market discipline and supervision of rural finance.

  • 【分类号】F832.7;F323
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1829
  • 攻读期成果

