Integrated Study of the Comparative Advantage and Structure of Trade between China and Canada
【导师】 刘传哲;
【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士
【摘要】 中国与加拿大都是国际贸易大国,并且随着中国加入世界贸易组织,二者的国际贸易地位日益趋向平等,由此在当今国际经济发展条件下,两国十分有必要在各自贸易优势的基础上加强整合,以利于两国间贸易空间的发展。本论文首先介绍了比较优势理论及比较分析方法,接着分析了中加贸易发展的动因、存在的障碍及中加贸易产品比较优势及其双边贸易结构,并通过散点图分析了二者的一致性变动。然后,以大量数据为支撑,采用实证分析与规范分析相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,对中加贸易结构整合问题进行了较为系统的研究,主要结论为:(1)比较优势的影响因素主要有产品的生产成本、产品的价格和产品要素的社会成本,而产品要素的社会成本主要靠国内资源成本来实现。(2)中国对加拿大出口的增长主要是由自身不断增强的出口竞争力来推动的,而在加拿大对中国的出口贸易中,出口增长完全得益于市场扩大效应,即依靠中国市场的扩大来带动。(3)中国和加拿大贸易存在明显的互补性。以中国为出口国的贸易互补性主要体现在制成品方面,而以加拿大为出口国的贸易互补性主要体现在燃料及矿产品和农产品方面。(4)中加贸易产品比较优势与对外贸易结构整合是一个多层次的整合。整合的多层次性体现在子系统内部各构成要素自身的整合、要素间的整合、各子系统间的整合以及系统与外部环境系统之间的整合。(5)论文探讨了中加贸易可持续发展的路径选择,提出了在发挥比较优势的基础上完善贸易结构的整合策略,主要有三方面:改善双边贸易环境,促进中加贸易平衡发展;调整和优化商品结构,营造产品比较优势;整合技术支持系统,推动比较优势升级。作者希望论文中所提出的中加可持续发展的路径能够对两国贸易关系的发展提供借鉴。
【Abstract】 As Canada and China are both very important countries in the world trade, thereis certainly great potential of trade to be tapped between these two countries afterChina’s successful accession to WTO. We study the structure and integration problemof bilateral trade by using empirical analysis and normative analysis, qualitativeanalysis and quantitative analysis method. In this thesis, I intend to:(1) Briefly introduce Canada and China’s respective trade situations and reviewthe historical trade relationship between these two countries.(2) Analyze current opportunities and challenges for these two countries indeveloping their trade relationship. Suggest some specific measures for promotingtheir trade relationship.(3) In this thesis, we will study comparative advantage analysis of AgriculturalProducts of China by using NSP, DRC and ERP methods. The conclusions can serveas a basis of resource allocation and can be used for research of the protection leveland distortion effects.(4) This thesis makes an empirical analysis of comparative advantage of bilateraltrade on the basis of the structure of bilateral trade integration degree, and thusbilateral trade structure integration strategy is established.(5) The thesis discusses the path for the sustainable development of bilateraltrade, makes suggestions to improve the trade structure on the basis of comparativeadvantage integration strategy; There are three main aspects: Improve the TradeEnvironment, Promote the Balanced Trade Development; Adjust and optimize thecommodity structure, Develop products with better comparative advantage; Supportsystem integration technology, promote the comparative advantage upgrading.I hope my suggestions will contribute to the development of trade relationsbetween the two countries.
【Key words】 Canada-China Trade; Challenges and Opportunities; Measures; Comparative Advantage Theory; Motivation and Barriers;