

Study on Carbon Emissions Accounting and Carbon Emission Reduction Approach of Surface Coal Mine

【作者】 张振芳

【导师】 姬长生;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 资源开发规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在低碳经济背景下,露天煤矿积极开展低碳项目,目前露天煤矿的节能减排已取得良好的低碳效益。但露天煤矿碳排放水平无量化研究,对露天矿的低碳发展起到了制约作用。本文对露天煤矿碳排放量核算方法和碳减排途径进行研究。通过对露天煤矿生产过程的分析,露天煤矿主要有五个碳排放源:直接源燃油(柴油,汽油)、炸药、逸散、自燃和间接源电力。炸药指爆破引起的碳排放,逸散指由于开采活动对煤层结构造成破坏导致赋存温室气体释放到大气中,自燃指采煤工作面和排土场中煤自燃引起的碳排放。在已有研究基础上,分别给出了燃油、炸药、逸散、自燃和电力的碳排放因子。基于炸药的基本原理,提出了炸药碳排放因子计算方法:碳平衡法和B-Wilson法,并计算了露天煤矿常用炸药的碳排放因子。论文以能源消耗和露天开采生产环节为主线,构建了露天煤矿碳排放量初步核算模型和基于生产环节的露天煤矿碳排放量核算模型。露天煤矿碳排放量初步核算模型按照五类碳排放源构建。基于生产环节的露天煤矿碳排放核算模型按照生产环节为主,初步核算模型为辅的原则,分为穿孔、爆破、采装、破碎、运输、排土、辅助、逸散、自燃九个部分构建。基于露天煤矿碳排放量初步核算模型,结合安家岭、黑岱沟、伊敏河、布沼坝等国内具有代表性的露天煤矿统计数据和采用的开采工艺系统,分析了六种生产工艺系统的碳排放水平。同时通过情境假设法应用基于生产环节的露天煤矿碳排量核算模型比较不同工艺系统的碳排放水平。所得结论为:剥离为单斗-卡车工艺时,采煤工艺的碳排放水平由高到低为坑底自移半连续工艺、单斗-卡车工艺、坑底破碎&地面破碎半连续工艺、端帮破碎半连续工艺、地面破碎半连续工艺,单斗-卡车工艺优于部分半连续工艺的原因是碳排放核算中计入了电力间接碳排放源;运输和采装是露天煤矿碳排放量的最大来源,约占总量的80%。当温室效应累积年限不同时,政府间气候变化报告中三种主要温室气体的全球增温潜势值不同,以2010年安家岭露天煤矿为例,核算当累积年限分别为20、100和500年时的碳排放量,表明累积年限对露天煤矿碳排放量的影响较弱,不超过1%。在此基础上研究了基于时效性的露天煤矿碳排放量核算方法,将温室效应分摊到存留期内,得到对应的计算公式。与传统方法相比,很好的反映了温室效应的时效性。仍以安家岭为例,应用时效性方法所得n年碳排放量小于传统方法所得值。最后,提出了露天煤矿碳减排的主要途径,包括工艺转型、节电节油、降低柴油和电力碳排放因子等。针对剥离为单斗-卡车工艺,采煤为单斗-卡车工艺和四种不同形式的半连续工艺,对工艺、电力、柴油三类碳减排途径的碳减排量进行了核算和分析,对露天煤矿的低碳发展有良好的指导价值。

【Abstract】 The surface coal mines are active in the low-carbon production projects toenhance the effectiveness of green mining in the context of low-carbon economy. Thelow carbon benefit of energy conservation is obviously. But no clear quantitativeunderstanding for the level of carbon emissions in the process of surface coal mine,which gradually become the limiting factors of low-carbon production in surface coalmines.So this paper study on the low carbon emissions accounting and carbonemission reduction approach for the Surface Coal Mine.Through analyzed the mining process of surface coal mine, it had determined thedirect sources which were fuel (especially diesel, petrol), explosive, effusion,spontaneous combustion, and indirect souce electric power were the five main carbonemission sources. Explosive means the carbon emission caused by blasting. Effusionmeans mining activities that damaged the coal structure caused the greenhouse gasesreleased into the atmosphere. Spontaneous combustion means carbon emissions forcoal spontaneous combustion from coal face and dump. Based on the existingresearch results, the dissertation had provided the carbon emission factor of fuel,effusion, spontaneous combustion and electric power. Based on the explosive basicprinciple, the calculation method of explosive carbon emission factor had been putforward, carbon balance and B–Wilson method, and the carbon emission factor ofexplosive used in surface mine was calculated.With the two main lines of energy consumption and surface mining technologylinks, the dissertation had established two surface coal mine carbon emissionsaccounting models, one was preliminary and the other was based on mining links.Surface coal mine carbon emission preliminary accounting model was establishedaccording to the five parts of carbon emission sources. Surface coal mine carbonemission accounting model that based on production links treated production links asmain foundation and taken preliminary accounting model as auxiliary factor, andclassified perforation, blasting and mining, crushing, transportation, dump, effusionand spontaneous combustion source in surface coal mine, the model was completedbuilt with a total of nine parts.Based on the statistical data of representative surface coal mine in China, whichwere Anjialing, Heidaigou, Yiminhe and Buzhaoba surface coal mine, and accordingto carbon emissions preliminary accounting model for surface coal mine, it had got carbon emission level of these surface mines in past decade, and also contrasted thecarbon emission level of six mining systems. This dissertation had compared carbonemission level of different mining technology by carbon emissions accounting modelbased on the production links in surface coal mine with situation assumption.Theconclusion:when the lift-off system was shovel-truck technology, the comparisonresult of carbon emission level(from high to low) were semi-continuous(crushed inthe pit bottom), shovel-truck technology, semi-continuous(half of raw coal wascrushed by self-moving crusher in the pit bottom and another half was crushed in theground), semi-continuous(crushed in the end wall), semi-continuous(the raw coalwas crushed in the ground). Transport and mining links had a key impact for the levelof carbon emissions, the proportion about80%in the carbon emissions.When the accumulation years of greenhouse effect was different, the globalwarming potential values of three main greenhouse gases in intergovernmentalclimate change report were different. Accounting the carbon emissions for Anjialingcoal mine in2010with different cumulative years were20,100and500years, thechange for carbon emissions was little that less than1%. Based on the research, studythe the carbon emission accouting in surface coal mine based on timeliness, thegreenhouse effect was allocated to the lifetime, and the corresponding formula wasderivad. Compared with traditional methods, the method which includes timelinesshad a good reflection for the greenhouse effect of greenhouse gases.The carbonemissions of Anjialing n years with the timeliness method was less than traditionalmethods.Combined with the existing technological conditions, it had put forward thecarbon emission reduction countermeasures of surface mine, and also put forwardsome detailed measures to reduce carbon emission, for example reducing diesel andpower carbon emission factor, updating mining system and reclamation in time, etc.For stripping and mining with discontinuous technology, and four kinds of differentforms of semi-continuous technology, the dissertation had quantitative analyzed thecarbon emission reduction ways of technology, electric power and diesel, which hadgood guidance value for surface mine low carbon development.


