

【作者】 戴文颖

【导师】 程荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《新华字典》是新中国成立后出版的第一部以现代汉语释义、举例的字典。当时没有一本规范的现代汉语辞书,《新华字典》除了担当字典的重要作用,还兼顾词典的功能。魏建功先生制定的“以音统字、以字统义、以义统词”的编纂总体例,体现在《新华字典》复音词的处理方面有不少独到之处。本论文以《新华字典》第10版为基础,综合考察了从1953年首版到最新2011年第11版之间的13个版本的复音词编纂情况。论文采取共时与历时结合的研究方法,运用词典学、词汇学、认知学等理论,对《新华字典》显性和隐性复音词进行了多角度的研究,填补了《新华字典》复音词编纂方法研究的空白,为小型汉语字典的研究和编纂提供有价值的参考依据,推动现代汉语字典的研究。论文分析了显性复音词的收录、立目出条(词形)、释义、例证、注音、互见等方面的编纂情况;详细考察了多种隐性复音词的表现形式,包括标注“(叠)”的重叠式复音词、标注“(-子)(-儿)(-头)”词尾的附加式复音词、标注“○连”的系连式同义并列复音词、括注式释义的例证复音词、释义中带被释字的复音词和同物异名复音词等形式,分析各种隐性复音词的编纂特点。此外,论文对比了以《新华字典》为代表的字典收录复音词的情况与以《现代汉语词典》为代表的词典处理多字条目的情况,分析二者的异同。基于详尽的文本数据分析,论文总结了《新华字典》不同于词典的复音词编纂的特点:(1)显性复音词的收录特点体现了“以义统词”的编纂原则;(2)显性复音词的立目特点体现了编纂体例的系统性;(3)复音词表现形式的多样性反映了现代汉语词汇的特点;(4)利用字典的注释符号体现现代汉语词汇中的构词法;(5)释文中隐性复音词的表现形式兼具多种实用功能。这些特点对现代汉语字典中复音词编纂具有启示借鉴意义和实践探索价值。本论文具有视角新、观点新、语料丰富、实践性强的特点。(1)通过对《新华字典》中多种表现形式的复音词的多角度分析,归纳出字典收词的编纂特点,具有一定的探索创新意义。(2)提出全新观点,指出《新华字典》的复音词除了标准的、用方括号“[]”立目的显性表现形式外,还有标注“(叠)”的重叠式复音词、标注“(-子)(-儿)(-头)”的附加式复音词、标注“○连”的系连式同义并列复音词、括注式释义的例证复音词、释义中的带被释字的复音词和释义中的同物异名复音词等六种特殊的隐性表现形式。(3)立足《新华字典》复音词的分析,对多个版本的文本内容进行计算机数字化处理,主要将13个版本的显性复音词,以及1953年、2004年、2011年等版本的隐性复音词材料整理为语料。在选取丰富扎实材料的基础上,归纳出具有实践操作意义的字典复音词编纂特点。

【Abstract】 The Xinhua Dictionary is the first Chinese characters’ dictionary after the founding of P. R.China, which uses modern Chinese for definitions and giving examples. Since there was nodictionary for standard modern Chinese language at that time, The Xinhua Dictionary served as adictionary for not only the Chinese characters but also the modern Chinese language, and playedan important role in nationwide education. As Mr. Wei Jiangong put it in the general compilingguideline,“the characters go with sound, the meaning goes with characters, and the words go withthe meaning” The Xinhua Dictionary made a unique success by the processing of multisyllabicwords.This study is a comprehensive survey on multisyllabic words in the13versions of TheXinhua dictionary from the first edition in1953to the latest edition in2011. Both explicit andimplicit multisyllabic words in The Xinhua Dictionary were examined synchronically anddiachronically under the framework of lexicography, lexicology, and cognitive science. Athorough study on the multisyllabic words in The Xinhua Dictionary sheds lights on compilingguidelines and principles for Chinese characters’ dictionaries in particular and is thus a promotionof the study for modern Chinese characters’ dictionaries in general.This study analyzed the aspects of the compilation for the explicit multisyllabic words in TheXinhua Dictionary, namely the selection of entries, the formation of entries (morphology),definition, giving examples, pronunciation, and cross-reference. Also, this study investigated thecompilation for the implicit multisyllabic words, including the reduplicated words marked by themarker “(叠)”, compound words with suffix markers “(-子)(-儿)(-头)”, the serial compoundwords labeled by "○连", the exemplar multisyllabic words with the notation of parenthesisinterpretation, the multisyllabic words composed by the entry character(s) in the interpretation,and the special synonyms. In addition, this study made a comparison between the compilation forthe multisyllabic words in the dictionaries for Chinese characters such as The Xinhua Dictionaryand in the dictionaries for the Chinese language such as the prestigious The Modern ChineseDictionary. Results show that the compilation of the multisyllabic words in The XinhuaDictionary differs from in The Modern Chinese Dictionary, namely the ways of entire compilingstructure are different. In The Xinhua Dictionary, a more flexible and thus diversified way wasadopted for the labeling and annotation of (especially) the implicit multisyllabic words.This study concluded with a number of new ideas and new perspectives on the basis of acomprehensive corpus on the13versions of The Xinhua Dictionary, which are both of theoreticalinterest for dictionary studies and of practical interest for dictionary compilations, especially thecompilation of compact dictionaries for Chinese characters.


