

Study on Evaluation System for Project Efficiency of Highway Slope Treatment Project

【作者】 房锐

【导师】 王澜; 张玉芳;

【作者基本信息】 中国铁道科学研究院 , 道路与铁道工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国对边坡病害的防治进行了大量研究,积累了丰富的经验,防治技术的发展水平迅速提高。尽管如此,在边坡治理工程实践中,由于设计、施工、养护等方面的原因,常常导致边坡治理工程失败或失效。令人遗憾的是,对这些失败的治理工程,人们往往不能在第一时间对其做出正确评价、认识到其可能失效的后果,而总是在病害已经发生的情况下才认识到这些治理工程的不合理性,悔之晚矣。出现这一情况的原因很多,但是缺乏可靠的边坡治理工程效果评价方法和标准是其首要因素。基于上述考虑,本文以公路边坡治理工程为背景,开展了公路边坡治理工程效果评价的方法和标准的研究,开发了基于GIS平台的公路边坡治理工程效果评价系统。其主要研究内容及结论如下:(1)总结了我国常见的边坡病害类型,主要包括崩塌、滑坡、错落和坍塌,分析了每种边坡病害的分类、特征和机理。(2)将我国常见的边坡治理工程措施分为坡率法、刚性和柔性支挡、排水三大类,对每一类工程类别所包含的多种工程措施的作用机理、优缺点、适用条件进行了总结,并对其应用状况和前景进行了分析;论述了我国边坡治理工程措施发展的历程,重点介绍了13种边坡病害的治理措施,这些边坡病害的防治技术反映了我国边坡病害防治的现状和水平。(3)提出了边坡治理工程评价的8个标准,即边坡稳定性分级标准、治理工程适宜性分级标准、技术状况评价标准、交通管制分级标准、群众安全管制分级标准、治理工程安全等级划分标准、危险状况预警标准、病害应对措施分级标准;参考其它公路工程结构物,如桥梁、隧道的养护规范,提出了边坡治理工程的三种检查形式,即经常检查、定期检查和特殊检查,并提出了各种检查形式的内容和要求;提出了公路边坡病害整治的9个原则。(4)对预应力锚索框架、预应力锚索抗滑桩、锚杆框架、抗滑桩、抗滑挡墙的病害类型进行了划分,提出了调查分析方法、技术状况评价方法及评价标准、局部工程效果评价方法及评价标准、整体工程效果评价方法及评价标准、宏观迹象评价方法及评价标准、应对措施的分级标准,并对各种评价方法的可靠性进行了分析,提出了各种工程措施工程效果评价的工作流程图;对注浆类的压浆锚柱、竖向钢花管注浆、钢锚管框架的工程效果提出了安全系数评价方法、宏观迹象评价方法和适宜性评价方法;指出边坡病害治理工点工程效果评价方法的选择,可遵循4个原则。(5)运用公路边坡治理工程效果评价有关研究成果,以云南元磨高速公路边坡治理工程为背景,建立了基于GIS平台的高速公路边坡治理工程效果评价系统,包括边坡信息数据库系统、边坡信息查询系统、工程效果评价与决策系统、数据库维护与管理系统。采用该系统对元磨高速公路K259+580三公箐隧道进口边坡治理工程效果进行了评价,验证了本文所提出的公路边坡治理工程效果评价方法和标准、基于GIS平台的高速公路边坡治理工程效果评价系统的可靠性。当前,我国边坡治理工程效果评价工作已到了刻不容缓的地步,一方面,建国初期修建的许多边坡工程,由于受使用寿命、当时的施工水平、材料强度等的限制,到了需要对其进行重新评价、修缮、重建的阶段;另一方面,由于经济、社会发展的需要,铁路、公路、水电等行业的土木工程建设规模空前,出现了大量高边坡治理工程,这些治理工程的效果如何,需要大家予以关注的。因此,本文研究成果必将对边坡治理工程效果评价工作的开展提供有益的支持。

【Abstract】 In our country, the technicians have done large number of researches in preventing and controlling the hazards of high cutting slope, and have accumulated lots of experiences. The level of prevention and control has improved rapidly. However, because of the inappropriate design, construction and maintenance, there are always many potential hazards in some high cutting slopes. These potential hazards may cause crack, collapse, landslide, etc.. It is regrettable that these potential hazards can’t be founded usually in time. There are many reasons for resulting in oversight, but the lack of reliable method and criteria of security evaluation for project efficiency is the main reason. For solving the above problems, this paper studies the method and criteria of security evaluation for project efficiency of highway slope treatment project, and develops the software system of security evaluation for project efficiency of highway slope treatment project based on the platform of GIS. The main contents researched in this paper are as follows:(1)Common types, features and mechanisms of slope problems are summarized.(2)Engineering measures of slop treatment project are classified as three categories. The mechanisms, advantages and disadvantages, applicable conditions of each engineering measure are summarized. The existing state and prospect of application about them are analysisd. Thirteen engineering measures that represent the technical level of preventing and controlling the hazards of slop, are introduced with emphasis.(3)Eight criterias of security evaluation for project efficiency of highway slope treatment project are proposed, namely the classification standard for stability, the classification standard for applicability, the evaluation standard for technical condition, the classification standard for traffic control, the classification standard of security control, the classification standard for security level, the early warning standard for danger, the classification standard for response to structural problem. On the basis of many references to the maintenance specifications for bridge and tunnel, three examination types of slop treatment project are suggested, namely the everyday examination, the periodical examination, the special examination. The content and demand of each examination type of slop treatment project are also put forward. Lastly, nine principles of slop treatment are suggested.(4)Based on classification of the structure hazard, the survey and analysis method, the evaluation method and standard for technical condition, the evaluation method and standard for local project efficiency, the evaluation method and standard for overall project efficiency, the evaluation method and standard for macroscopical status, the classification standard for response to structural problems about the prestressed cable framework, the anti-slide pile with prestressed anchor cables, the anchored frame, the anti-slide pile, the anti-sliding wall, are proposed. The reliability of each evaluation method is analysed. The flow chart of the evaluation of the project efficiency for every engineering measure is also brought forward. Additionally, the evaluation method for safety factor, the evaluation method for macroscopical status, the evaluation method for application about the grouting engineering measures, such as the grouted anchors, the grouted vertical steel pipes, and the anchored steel frame, are proposed. Lastly, four selection principles of the evaluation methods for project efficiency of highway slope treatment project are suggested.(5)According to above researches, the software systems of security evaluation for project efficiency of highway slope treatment project based on the platform of GIS, including the database system of slope information, the query system of slope information, the evaluation and decision system of project efficiency, the maintenance and management system, are developed, on the basis of Yuanjiang-Mohei highway slope treatment project. The software systems are used to evaluate the project efficiency of K2559+580 slope treatment project, which is located at the entrance to Sangongqing tunnel. The results show that the method and criteria of security evaluation, and the software system of security evaluation for project efficiency of highway slope treatment project based on the platform of GIS are reliable.Currently, the security evaluation for project efficiency of highawy slope treatment project is very important for our country. On the one hand, some slop projects constructed early need to be evaluted, on the other hand, the project efficiency of new slop treatment engineerings need to be examined too. So the researches of this paper will help improving the work of the security evaluation for project efficiency of highawy slope treatment project.


