

Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Psychology Capital of China’s Secondary School P.E. Teachers

【作者】 魏德样

【导师】 陈俊钦;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 2004年,组织行为学家路桑斯(Fred Luthans)提出了心理资本(psychological capital)这一概念,认为心理资本是个体在成长和发展过程中表现出来的一种积极心理状态,是一种超越人力资本和社会资本并具有长久性、唯一性、可积累性、相互连通性和可更新性等特点的组织优势竞争资源。体育教师在开展学校体育和体育课程改革中起到关键作用。因此,如何开发利用体育教师的心理资本推动学校体育发展,促进体育课程改革顺利进行就成为一项重要的研究课题。本研究以中学体育教师心理资本为研究对象,采用文献法、调查法(深度访谈法和问卷调查法)、数理统计法等方法,对中学体育教师心理资本作了操作性定义,编制了中学体育教师心理资本量表;运用自编的量表,采用分层加便利随机的抽样方法,调查了8省(市)共765名中学体育教师,根据调查结果的数据统计分析,揭示出我国中学体育教师心理资本的现状与特征;探讨了中学体育教师人格特征、社会支持等前因变量对心理资本的影响;中学体育教师心理资本对其工作满意度、职业倦怠等后因变量的影响。整个研究分为“问卷编制——特征分析——前因变量研究——后因变量研究——开发与管理”五个部分,根据研究结果与分析得出如下研究结论:一、我国中学体育教师心理资本的内容为二阶双因素结构。本研究通过文献研究、深度访谈、开放式问卷、预试、正式测试等环节,运用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析等方法,揭示了中学体育教师心理资本的内容为二阶双因素结构,即中学体育教师事务型心理资本(奋发进取、自信勇敢、乐观希望和坚韧顽强)与中学体育教师人际型心理资本(尊敬礼让、谦虚诚稳、感恩奉献和包容宽恕)。整体量表验证性因素分析的拟合指数分别是:χ2值为1322.59、RMSEA为0.051、GFI为0.81、CFI为0.95、NFI为0.92、PGFI为0.72。八个维度的Cronbach’ sα系数在0.691~0.802之间;事务型、人际型心理资本分量表的Cronbach’ sα系数分别为0.839和0.869;整体量表的Cronbach’ sα系数为0.931。二、当前我国中学体育教师人际型心理资本高于事务型心理资本,从中学体育教师心理资本的八个维度看,谦虚诚稳维度得分最高,乐观希望维度得分最低。不同性别、不同学历的中学体育教师事务型、人际型心理资本差异不具显著性;不同年段的中学体育教师在人际型心理资本上差异也不具显著性,但在事务型心理资本上差异具高度显著性;不同婚姻状况、不同年龄、不同教龄、不同职称、城乡之间、重点校与非重点校之间的中学体育教师事务型、人际型心理资本差异具显著性。三、(1)在控制了人口统计学性别、年龄、婚姻和学历四个变量后,中学体育教师社会支持因素的主观支持维度对事务型心理资本能够产生正向影响,社会支持因素能够解释事务型心理资本的10.9%的变异;中学体育教师社会支持因素的主观支持维度对人际型心理资本能够产生正向影响,社会支持因素能够解释人际型心理资本的12.1%的变异。(2)在控制了人口统计学性别、年龄、婚姻和学历四个变量后,中学体育教师人格特征的内外向维度对事务型心理资本能够产生正向影响,人格特征能够解释事务型心理资本的13.2%的变异;中学体育教师人格特征的内外向维度对人际型心理资本能够产生正向影响,人格特征能够解释人际型心理资本的11.8%的变异。四、(1)在控制了性别、年龄、婚姻和学历四个人口统计学变量后,中学体育教师事务型心理资本对工作满意度产生正向显著效应,β值为0.420(P<0.001);中学体育教师人际型心理资本没有对工作满意度产生显著效应。模型2整体的Adjusted R2为0.197,说明中学体育教师事务型心理资本能够解释工作满意度的19.7%的变异。(2)在控制了以上四个人口统计学变量后,中学体育教师事务型心理资本对职业倦怠产生负向显著效应,β值为-0.375(P<0.001);中学体育教师人际型心理资本没有对职业倦怠产生显著效应。模型2的整体Adjusted R2为0.133,说明中学体育教师事务型心理资本能够解释职业倦怠的13.3%的变异。五、中学体育教师心理资本开发与管理的途径主要有:(1)转变中学体育教师选拔招聘观念,重视积极心理资源的考核;(2)转变中学体育教师培训理念,更新培训与考核内容;(3)积极创造良好的中学体育教师成长环境;(4)实施PCA(心理资本增值计划)项目,提升中学体育教师心理资本水平。

【Abstract】 Psychological capital (PsyCap) was defined as an individual’s positive psychological state of development and beyond human and social capital as a source of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations, characterized by being cumulative, inter-connective and renewable that it is hard-to-imitate, when this concept was posed by Fred Luthans, the organizational behaviorist, in2004. Hence, it has become crucial to study how to develop and make full use of physical education teachers’psychological capitals, which is a key factor boosting the development of physical education at school and smooth proceeding of its curriculum reform.With a specific focus on the psychological capital (PsyCap) of secondary school physical education teachers in China, this study investigates the current state and features of their PsyCap and explores behind it both antecedents,(e.g. personality traits and social support) and postcedents (e.g. job satisfaction and professional ennui). This goal requires an operation definition of PsyCap be made and a scale of secondary school P.E. teachers’PsyCap be developed through literature review, investigation (i.e. depth interviewing and questionnaires) as well as mathematical statistics, leading this study to cover five parts:questionnaire weave, feature analysis, antecedent analysis, postcedent analysis as well as development and management. Under this framework, data for765secondary school P.E. teachers is collected through stratified random sampling and convenience sampling, based on which results and insights can be made as follows:1. Two second-order factors of the PsyCap constructThis study has discovered through literature review, depth interviewing, unstructured questionnaire survey, preliminary testing and formal testing that the psychological capital construct has two second-order factors, task-oriented psychological capital and relationship-oriented psychological capital. Task-oriented psychological capital includes spirit of enterprise and diligence, self-confidence and courage, optimism and hope, resiliency and perseverance while relationship-oriented psychological capital consists of respecting and courtesy, modesty and prudence, thanksgiving and dedication, toleration and forgiveness. The confirmatory factor analysis of the full scale indicates the values of fit index for χ2, RMSEA, GFI, CFI, NFI and PGFI arel322.59,0.051,0.81,0.95, 0.92and0.72respectively. The Cronbach’s a for task-oriented and relationship-oriented psychological capital scales and the full scale respectively are0.839,0.869and0.931.2. Relationship-oriented psychological capital over task-oriented psychological capitalFor the time being, relationship-oriented psychological capital is higher than task-oriented psychological capital for secondary school P.E. teachers in China. From the eight dimensions of their psychological capital, resiliency and perseverance scores highest while optimism and hope lowest. There is no remarkable difference in task-oriented and relationship-oriented psychological capital among these teachers of different genders and education backgrounds. But while age difference is not significantly related to relationship-oriented psychological capital, it is significantly related with task-oriented psychological capital; marital status, ages, teaching ages, academic titles, urban and rural areas, leading schools and non-leading schools do bring about significantly difference both in task-oriented and relation-oriented psychological capital among these middle school P.E. teachers.3.(1) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, subjective social support is found to have a positive effect on both task-oriented psychological capital and relationship-oriented psychological capital, which means the social support factor can account for10.9per cent of the variance in task-oriented psychological capital and12.1per cent of the variance in relationship-oriented psychological capital respectively.(2) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, introverted and extroverted personalities are found to have a positive effect on both task-oriented psychological capital and relationship-oriented psychological capital, which means personality traits may result in13.2per cent of the variance in task-oriented psychological capital and12.1per cent of the variance in relationship-oriented psychological capital respectively.4.(1) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, task-oriented psychological capital is significantly positively correlated to job satisfaction (P=0.420,P <0.001) while relationship-oriented psychological capital is significantly reacted to it. Adjusted R2of model2(Adjusted R2=0.197) indicates that task-oriented psychological capital can explain19.7per cent of the variance in job satisfaction.(2) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, task-oriented psychological capital correlated positively with professional ennui ((3=-0.375, P<0.001) while relationship-oriented psychological capital does not. Adjusted R2of Model2(Adjusted R2=0.133) shows that these teachers’task-oriented psychological capital can explain33.%per cent of the variance in professional ennui.5. Development and management of PsyCap of secondary school P.E. Teachers(1) Secondary school P.E. teachers should be encouraged to change their concept of recruitment and an emphasis should be put on the evaluation of positive psychological capital.(2) They should be encouraged to change their ideas about training and the content for training and evaluation should be updated constantly.(3) A favorable environment should be provided to promote their progress.(4) The enforcement of Psychological Capital Appreciation (PCA) should be secured to increase their psychological capital


