

The Exploratory Study of College Students’ Social Delay

【作者】 刘建榕

【导师】 连榕;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文在实际案例和文献综述的基础上提出大学生“社会性发展迟滞”的概念,并对概念进行界定,接着通过五个研究对大学生的社会性发展迟滞进行探索:首先对大学生社会性发展迟滞的公众观进行考察。通过搜集媒体关于当代大学生社会性发展问题的公众评述以及访谈和开放式问卷调查验证了当代大学生中存在社会性发展迟滞的现象,这些现象在大学生中有一定的普遍性,大学生们也认识到这些现象对自身的发展是不利的。大学生社会性发展迟滞的心理结构包括个体要素、个体-社会关系要素和社会要素。其次是编制标准化的《大学生社会性发展水平评定量表》作为社会性发展迟滞大学生的鉴别工具。该研究通过对量表的结构探索、测题编写、预测、修改、项目分析、结构探索等,形成量表终稿,包括认知分量表、情感分量表和行为分量表,每个分量表下有若干观测点。接着再抽取被试对量表终稿进行信度和效度分析,证明该量表是一个测量学特征良好的量表。第三是对《大学生社会性发展水平评定量表》的应用,对福州市大学生社会性发展现状进行研究。结果发现,福州市大学生社会性发展的总体状况是不容乐观的,且社会性发展的各个方面水平表现不均衡,并表现出年级、性别、专业、城乡、独生子女与非独生子女的差异,同时也受到父母受教育水平的影响。第四是通过创设一定的任务情境,以互动对象的熟悉性、性别和年龄作为控制因素,让大学生被试参与不同的实验互动过程,通过行为观察与评定,比较发展迟滞与发展良好大学生互动行为的差异,并针对发展迟滞大学生进行特殊表现的观察。结果发现,社会性发展迟滞的大学生在面对实验任务情境和不同性质的互动对象时表现出了与其他大学生不同的特点。第五是通过对不同社会性发展类型的大学生以及熟悉他们的教师、教辅人员、辅导员进行质性访谈的方式,发现社会性发展迟滞的大学生在认知、情感和行为方面都表现出一定的特点,这与过度保护、纵容的家庭教养方式以及社会媒体的不良舆论导向、道德滑坡、学校教育的缺陷等有很大关系。

【Abstract】 The term of college students’social delay was on the base of the cases in real life and the review of literatures. It was explored by five researches:The first was to explore the public view of college students’ social delay. The phenomena of social delay were tested in college students by media report, interview and openended questionnaires. These phenomena were universal to some degree. And the college students had realized the disbenefit to them. The structure of college students’ social delay included three factors:individual factors, individual-social factors and social factor.The second was to make the Scale of College Students’Social Development. The formal scale was accomplished by structure exploration, writing items, testing, modifying, item analysis and exploratory factor analysis. This scale included three subtests:social cognitive, social feeling and social behavior. The scale was proved to be a good scale by reliability analysis and validity analysis.The third was to explore the current situation of the college students’social development in Fuzhou. This was the use of the Scale of College Students’Social Development. The results showed that college students’social development was generally far from being satisfactory, and all aspects were not balanced. And it was influenced by the grade, gender, major, urban and rural, only children and parents’education.The forth was to compare the behavior between the students of social delay and other students by behavior experiment. As a result the type of college students’social development had limited influence to the communicative behavior. The students of social delay showed different behavior from others. They showed indifferent or excessive enthusiasm to experiment task.The fifth was to explore the characteristics and influencing factors to college students’social delay by qualitative interview. As a result, the students of social delay showed special performance in social cognitive, social feeling and social behavior. They were influenced by parents’excessive protection, bad direction of public opinion, moral decline and the defect of education.


