

Cause Analysis and Countermeasures of Chinese Video Websites Copyright Infringement

【作者】 王光文

【导师】 严三九;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文学与传媒, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国视频网站的版权侵权纠纷案最早出现在2006年,频繁发生于2008年以后。本文紧扣时代发展脉搏,问诊网络产业难题,努力将视频网站版权侵权案件频发的原因和应对这一课题推向深入。在研究中,笔者致力于相关学科理论、方法的交叉融合;致力于形成不断拓展、深化的问题域;通过对典型案例的纵深剖析,尽可能地发掘其深层次问题;通过对不同国家、地区相关法制理念、理论、适用的比较,试图寻求解决视频网站版权侵权问题的最佳途径;通过对现实难题的关照、对相关理论的创新、对相关法律的解读以及原因分析后的建言献策,力求在已有成果的基础上有所突破。视频网站的版权侵权不但给包括版权所有者、授权传播者、授权生产经营者在内的版权产业主体带来了巨大损失,使视听作品的投资者和劳动者得不到应有的回报,更给自身造成了赔偿负担和负面影响。拥有3.25亿用户的国内视频网站的版权侵权治理,无疑是我国知识产权管理水平的最直接反映,是全民知识产权教育的最生动教材。如果视频网站版权侵权问题得不到有效治理,不但其自身只能生存在视听产业价值链低端,徘徊于法律“刀口”边缘,而且我国的整个视听产业都会深受影响,创意不足、创新乏力的视听产业现实困境可能难以改变。视频网站版权侵权案件所牵涉的因素极为复杂,如版权法以及相关民法、刑法、行政法在互联网环境下的局限和优化,国家、版权所有者、视频网站经营者、投资者、新媒体和传统媒体中的价值链关联者、主管部门、网民等利益相关者的利益平衡,视频网站在文化产业乃至国民经济和社会生活中的地位、作用,等等。本文对这些因素综合考虑、全面梳理,尽可能地找到视频网站版权侵权案件频发现象的法律原因和经济原因,并从版权立法和司法、行政立法和执法、社会力量保护以及视频网站自身履行注意义务方面,设计了适合我国国情的应对方法和路径。同时,本文对司法界、理论界、实业界争议颇多的一些问题和悬而未决的一些案例进行了分析,尝试将理论范式转化为实践操作层面的方法和工具,以有效指导视频网站摆脱版权侵权案件频发的发展困境。在我国《著作权法》第三次修订启动之际,笔者就视频网站的版权侵权问题提出了几点建议。笔者认为,完善版权侵权犯罪的刑事立法,既要体现“乱世用重典”的强保护理念,又要尽可能地以最小的刑罚资源达到最大的防范效果,同时也要加强民事立法、行政立法和刑事立法的协调一致性,以实现版权法律运行效益的最大化。应对视频网站的版权侵权,还应发挥行政立法、执法和社会力量的辅助作用,包括优化行政立法和执法、培育应对视频网站版权侵权的社会力量。如果说版权立法是主导,那么行政立法、执法和社会力量就是保障。尤其在版权相关法律存有欠缺的背景下,行政立法、执法甚至会影响整个网络视频业的发展趋势。同时,应充分发挥版权集体管理组织和行业协会的作用、支持版权所有者主动维权、形成版权保护的伦理道德和风俗习惯、发展版权贸易、运用必要的技术措施。视频网站主动履行、尽到注意义务,是国家版权制度在视频网站自律层面的落实和体现,是视频网站内部法制管理系统的重要组成部分,是其走出版权侵权案件频发困境的内部条件。只有具备了这一条件,视频网站才具有了合法性基础,才能在自我把关、自我约束中实现可持续发展。视频网站提高创意能力,就是提高其对版权侵权的免疫力。这是因为,创意行为在本质上与模仿、抄袭、仿冒、复制、盗播等行为相冲相克,创意的进驻就是侵权的消减。为了减少视频网站自身及其用户的版权侵权行为,为了提升视频网站的产业能级和产业层次,本文设计了视频网站的产业价值链升级路径,提出了视频网站的创意产业升级构想。

【Abstract】 Copyright infringement is the unauthorized or prohibited use of works under copyright, infringing the copyright holder’"s exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, spread the information contained within copyrighted works, or to make derivative works. It often refers to copying intellectual property without written permission from the copyright holder, which is typically a publisher or other business representing or assigned by the work’s creator.Copyright infringement is the biggest problem of the video website. It’s due to the lack of strong constraints of the laws and regulations. If any video websites, without authorization, directly upload film and television works to a server to be shared by subscribers, and do editing and verification in advance on the infringing videos uploaded by subscribers, it is regarded as "direct infringement". However, the overwhelming majority of video websites provide information platforms for subscribers to automatically upload videos, and in such case, how to determine the tort liability of those websites remains ambiguous.So the paper firstly introduced presently copyright infringement status in China and some argument about it. The Regulations on Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network of China impose harsh liabilities on video websites by incomplete reference to the US "vicarious liability", consequently hampering the development of normal business. It shall be reasonably identified whether the operator of a website "should have known" there exist infringing videos uploaded by subscribers according to the "Red Flag Test", in reference to the columns set by the video website. In condition that a mature and effective filtering technology has been accepted by the market, it shall be taken as the subjective fault for a video website to refuse shielding the uploading of infringing videos with such technology.These types of intermediaries do not host or transmit infringing content, but may be regarded in some courts as encouraging, enabling or facilitating infringement by users. These intermediaries may include the author, publishers and marketers of peer-to-peer networking software, and the websites that allow users to download such software. Torrent files don’t contain copyrighted content, but they may make reference to files that do, and they may point to trackers which coordinate the sharing of those files. Some torrent indexing and search sites, such as The Pirate Bay, now encourage the use of magnet links, instead of direct links to torrent files, creating another layer of indirection; using such links, torrent files are obtained from other peers, rather than from a particular website. Moreover, the internet service provider must accommodate "standard technical measures" used by copyright owners to identify or protect copyright works.To identify and terminate repeat infringers, a internet service provider need not affirmatively police its users for evidence of repeat infringement. Moreover, the DMCA requires reasonable, not perfect, policies. Further, the tracking and blocking of IP addresses are problematic. IP addresses identify a particular machine but do not distinguish between users. In other words, multiple users may share a computer.Video website had the right and ability to control the infringing activity and it received a financial benefit directly attributable to such activity. Video website did not have the right and ability to control the infringing activity. As such, the second element was not addressed. Video website does not encourage copyright infringement and that it was impractical for it to pre-screen every submitted video. A distinction was drawn between the right and ability to control a system and the right and ability to control infringing activity.Video website that relies on content submitted by its users open themselves to copyright liability. Managing and minimizing this risk should not be ignored. Developing a strong DMCA policy, taking active steps to limit infringement, and relying on the DMCA safe harbour provisions are critical.

  • 【分类号】D923.41;G206
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】5162
  • 攻读期成果

