

Risk Assessment and Early Warning Research on Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus and Hyphantria Cunea in Mt.Tai

【作者】 申卫星

【导师】 黄大卫;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 泰山集世界自然遗产、文化遗产、世界地质公园、全国文明风景旅游区、国家5A级旅游名胜区为一体,被誉为“中华国山”,其自然景观、生态景观特色鲜明,政治、社会、生态价值不可估量。本研究基于重大林业有害生物对泰山的威胁和我国重大林业有害生物预警技术研究的现状,选择对泰山最有威胁的松材线虫病和美国白蛾作为研究对象,以泰山整个森林生态系统为研究尺度,在系统调查松材线虫病传播媒体——松褐天牛在泰山的分布范围、虫口密度、消长动态;泰山周边及景区人员、物资等有危险因素的流动情况;主要松林树种——油松对松材线虫病的感病性和寄主分布等多项内容的基础上,对松材线虫病和美国白蛾在泰山发生的风险进行了风险评估,研究表明:松材线虫病近期不能通过自然传播的形式入侵泰山风景区,可以通过人为传播入侵泰山风景区。油松也是松材线虫病的感病树种。从温度、寄主、媒介昆虫等方面分析,泰山风景区海拔400米以下的低海拔松林为松材线虫的适生区,入侵和定殖的可能性为高度,具有高度风险性;海拔400——700米的区域,随着海拔的升高,气候条件(温度)逐渐不适合松材线虫的生存,但是也有风险;而在海拔800米以上区域,由于受低温的影响,松材线虫则无法生存,属于安全范围。低海拔地区主要是指天烛峰、巴山、桃花峪、玉泉寺、桃花源、竹林寺、樱桃园和长城岭等管理区。不同的引诱方法对松褐天牛的引诱的数量有显著差异,其中引诱剂活立木法引诱效果最佳,防治效果可以达到70%。美国白蛾可以通过自然传播和人为传播等入侵泰山;泰山风景区的生态环境条件适合美国白蛾的生长发育,并能在泰山全境发生和危害;泰山的海拔最高处(1553.0米)处,1年至少可以完成1代;低海拔和中海拔地区1年可以完成2—3代、2代或1—2代。根据以上研究提出了“预防为主”的风险性管理策略和措施,主要包括预防措施、应急预案、灾后恢复三个方面的内容。预防措施主要是包括(1)运用“64321”检疫思路,防止松材线虫病和美国白蛾的传入风景区;“64321”检疫思路是指把住桃花峪等6个进山路口,做好一年4次的执法检查,搞好森防站、门票处和管理区的3方合作,落实机防和人防2个措施,争取1项检疫站建设(2)降低媒介昆虫的种群密度和泰山景区周边美国白蛾的种群密度;(3)应用媒介昆虫虫体加强松材线虫病监测预警、预报等。

【Abstract】 Mount Tai is the World Natural and Cultural Heritage, the World Geopark, the NationalCivilized Scenic Area and the5A Scenic Spot, so it is praised as the “Chinese CapitalMountain”. Its natural and ecological landscape are distinctive, the political, social andecological values are inestimable.This study selected the Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Hyphantria cunea(Drury) whichwere mostly threatened forestry of Mount Tai as the subject, and based on the presentsituation of serious pests for Mount Tai and the research of the early warning technology onserious forestry pests of China. This research was taken the whole forestry system of MountTai as the research scale, did the systematic investigation on various items, for example, thedistribution, pests density and dynamics of Monochamus alternatus on Mount Tai; dangerousmobility status of people in and around Mount Tai scenic spot; susceptibility to B. xylophilusand distribution of Chinese pine. The research indicated that B. xylophilus could not invadeMount Tai scenic spot physically but by artificial factor.Chinese pine was susceptible to B. xylophilus. From the aspects of temperature, parasiticand media insect etc., we analyze that the lower altitudes below400meters on Mount Taiscenic spot was suitable for B. xylophilus, the possibility of invading and colonization arehigher, risk value is high grade too. In the area of elevation of400to700meters, the climaticconditions are not suitable for B. xylophilus by the increasingly height, but the risk also exists.However in the area above the height of800meters, B. xylophilus could not alive because ofthe lower temperature, the risk is zero. The lower elevation area include Heaven Candle Peak,Bashan, Peach Garden, YuquanTemple, Bamboo Forest Temple, Cherry Orchard and theGreat Wall Ridge Scenic Spots.The number was tremendous difference by different measuresof inducing Monochamus alternatus Hope, among which attractant and living tree was the most effective with the result of70%.The H. cunea could spread naturally and artificially on Mount Tai. The ecologicalcondition are very suitable for the growth of H. cunea, they could occupied all the mountain;at1553.0m, H. cunea could complete one generation in one year at least,2-3generations,two generations or1-2generations could be completed in lower and intermediate altitudes inone year.Based on the above studies, this paper suggests the riskiness management strategies andmeasures mainly of putting prevention first were raised, including preventive measures,emergency preplans and disaster management. Preventive measures mainly included:(1)Preventing of B. xylophilus and H. cunea to import to scenic spot by "64321" quarantinethinking.”6” is hoiding6entrances of Mount tai,for example Taohuayu etc.”4” is completing4quarantine inspection a year.”3” is3department working together.”2” is doing wellmechanical and artificial control.”1” is building a quarantine station.(2) Reduction of thepopulation density of the vector insects and H. cunea in peripheral zone of scenic spot (3)Enhancing the monitoring and early warning system to B. xylophilus by using vector insects.

【关键词】 泰山松材线虫美国白蛾风险预防
【Key words】 Mount TaiBursaphelenchus xylophilusHyphantria cuneariskprevention

