

Water Consumption Characteristics and Physiological Basis of Yield Formation in High Yield Wheat under Irrigation and Rain-fed Conditions

【作者】 王红光

【导师】 于振文; 王东;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 1推迟拔节水及其灌水量对小麦耗水特性和产量形成的影响试验以高产小麦品种济麦22为材料,于2007~2008小麦生长季在山东泰安山东农业大学实验农场进行。小麦生育期间降水量,播种至冬前期为21.1mm,冬前至返青期为12.5mm,返青至拔节期为13.8mm,拔节至开花期为57.3mm,开花至成熟期为37.0mm。小麦生育期内补灌拔节水和开花水。拔节水设2个补灌时期,分别为拔节期和拔节后10d,每次补灌设3个目标相对含水量,即灌水后0–140cm土层土壤相对含水量分别达到65%、75%、80%;各处理开花期补灌的目标相对含水量均为70%。以W(165%)、W2(75%)、W3(80%)表示拔节期灌水处理,DW1(65%)、DW2(75%)、DW3(80%)表示拔节后10d灌水处理,W0表示不灌水处理。研究推迟拔节水及其灌水量对小麦耗水特性和产量形成的影响。1.1推迟拔节水及其灌水量对小麦耗水特性的影响同一补灌水平下,DW2和DW3处理拔节至拔节后10d日耗水量分别低于W2和W3处理,拔节后10d至开花阶段日耗水量分别高于W2和W3处理,表明拔节后10d补灌有利于满足小麦孕穗期对水分的需求。拔节后10d补灌条件下,DW2处理小麦拔节至开花阶段0–120cm土层土壤贮水消耗量低于DW1处理,高于DW3处理;拔节至开花阶段日耗水量、全生育期灌水量和耗水量高于DW1处理,低于DW3处理,表明在拔节水推迟10d灌溉的条件下,随拔节水补灌水平提高,小麦拔节至开花阶段0–120cm土层土壤贮水消耗量降低,全生育期灌水量和耗水量增加。1.2推迟拔节水及其灌水量对小麦碳氮代谢的影响同一补灌水平下,DW2和DW3处理开花后各个时期旗叶光合速率、花后29d最大光化学效率和实际光化学效率、花后干物质积累量和氮素积累量分别高于W2和W3处理,营养器官贮藏干物质和氮素向籽粒的转运量分别低于W2和W3处理,表明拔节后10d补灌有利于提高开花后旗叶光合同化能力,增加开花后的干物质和氮素积累量。拔节后10d补灌条件下,DW2处理开花后28d旗叶光合速率显著高于DW1和DW3处理,花后干物质积累量高于DW1处理,与DW3处理无显著差异,花后氮素积累量高于DW3处理,表明DW2处理有利于提高小麦开花后干物质积累量和氮素积累量。1.3推迟拔节水及其灌水量对小麦产量和品质及水分利用效率的影响同一补灌水平下,DW2和DW3处理穗数分别低于W2和W3处理,穗粒数、千粒重、籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益高于W2和W3处理,湿面筋含量、吸水率、面团形成时间和稳定时间与W2和W3处理无显著差异,表明拔节水由拔节期推迟至拔节后10d灌溉有利于提高籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益,对籽粒品质无显著影响。拔节后10d补灌水平为75%的DW2处理籽粒产量高于DW1处理,与DW3处理无显著差异,水分利用效率高于DW3处理,灌溉效益高于DW1和DW3处理,籽粒蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量亦较高,是本试验条件下的最优处理。2耕作方式和灌溉时期对小麦耗水特性和产量形成的影响试验以高产小麦品种济麦22为材料,于2008~2009小麦生长季在山东兖州小孟镇史家王子村进行。小麦生育期间降水量,播种至冬前期为13.6mm,冬前至返青期为6.7mm,返青至拔节期为28.9mm,拔节至开花期为54.9mm,开花至成熟期为26.3mm。2007~2008生长季设置了条旋耕、深松+条旋耕、旋耕、深松+旋耕和翻耕5种耕作方式处理,本试验在2007~2008生长季的试验小区内设同一处理进行定位试验,但“深松+条旋耕”和“深松+旋耕”处理不再深松,研究一次深松耕作的后效。每种耕作方式下设置1个不灌水处理和3个灌溉时期处理:拔节期+开花期(W1),拔节后10d+开花期(W2),拔节后10d+开花后10d(W3),不灌水处理做对照(W0)。设计灌水后0–140cm土层土壤目标相对含水量为75%。研究耕作方式和灌溉时期对小麦耗水特性和产量形成的影响。2.1耕作方式和灌溉时期对小麦耗水特性的影响灌溉时期相同的条件下,深松+条旋耕处理播种至拔节阶段和拔节至开花阶段耗水模系数低于其他处理,开花至成熟阶段耗水量和耗水模系数高于其他处理;全生育期灌水量低于旋耕、深松+旋耕和翻耕处理,土壤贮水消耗量高于其他处理,总耗水量低于深松+旋耕处理,与翻耕处理无显著差异;开花至成熟阶段80–160cm土层土壤贮水消耗量高于其他处理,表明深松+条旋耕处理促进了小麦对深层土壤贮水的吸收,有利于提高开花至成熟阶段的耗水量,减少灌水量,节约灌溉水资源。同一耕作方式条件下,与W1处理相比,仅推迟拔节水的W2处理灌水量增加,但土壤贮水消耗量及其占总耗水量的比例未降低;与推迟拔节水和开花水的W3处理相比,W2处理灌水量降低,土壤贮水消耗量增加,开花至成熟阶段20–100cm土层土壤贮水消耗量高于W3处理,总耗水量与W3处理无显著差异。2.2耕作方式和灌溉时期对小麦碳代谢的影响灌溉时期相同的条件下,小麦灌浆中后期旗叶光合速率、最大光能转换效率、磷酸蔗糖合成酶活性和开花后干物质积累量表现为深松+条旋耕和深松+旋耕处理显著高于其他处理;在W2和W3条件下,深松+条旋耕处理与深松+旋耕处理之间无显著差异;在W0和W1条件下,深松+条旋耕处理高于深松+旋耕处理,表明深松+条旋耕处理有利于延缓小麦旗叶衰老,提高灌浆中后期光合同化能力,增加开花后干物质积累量;条旋耕和旋耕处理灌浆中后期旗叶光合速率均较低,不利于干物质的积累。条旋耕和深松+条旋耕条件下,W2处理开花后旗叶光合速率与W1处理无显著差异,灌浆前期高于W3处理,灌浆中后期低于W3处理;营养器官开花前贮藏干物质转运量高于W1和W3处理,开花后干物质积累量与W1和W3处理无显著差异。旋耕、深松+旋耕和翻耕条件下,W2处理灌浆中后期旗叶光合速率高于W1处理,低于W3处理;营养器官开花前贮藏干物质转运量低于W1处理,高于W3处理,开花后干物质积累量高于W1处理,与W3处理无显著差异。上述结果表明,与W1处理相比,在条旋耕和深松+条旋耕条件下,仅推迟拔节水的W2处理促进了开花前贮藏干物质向籽粒的转运,在旋耕、深松+旋耕和翻耕条件下W2处理促进了开花后干物质积累;与推迟拔节水和开花水的W3处理相比,W2处理在不同耕作方式下均有利于开花前贮藏干物质向籽粒的转运。2.3耕作方式和灌溉时期对小麦籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益的影响灌溉时期相同的条件下,深松+条旋耕处理在W0条件下籽粒产量显著高于其他处理,水分利用效率高于条旋耕处理,与其他处理无显著差异。在灌水条件下深松+条旋耕处理水分利用效率和灌溉效益显著高于其他处理,其籽粒产量与深松+旋耕处理的无显著差异,二者均高于其他处理。旋耕和条旋耕处理籽粒产量和水分利用效率低于其他处理。表明,深松+条旋耕有利于提高小麦籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益,是本试验条件下的最优耕作处理。同一耕作方式条件下,W2处理小麦籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益均显著高于W1处理;水分利用效率和灌溉效益高于W3处理;条旋耕、旋耕和翻耕条件下籽粒产量高于W3处理,表明在不同耕作方式条件下,于拔节后10d和开花期灌溉的W2处理均有利于提高籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益,是本试验条件下的最优灌溉时期处理。推迟开花水的W3处理不利于水分的高效利用。3耕作方式和施氮量及种植密度对旱地小麦耗水特性和产量形成的影响试验于2009~2010和2010~2011小麦生长季在山东临淄边河乡边河村进行,该地区为丘陵旱地,无灌溉条件。2009~2010生长季试验以济麦22为材料,设置条旋耕、深松+条旋耕、旋耕和深松+旋耕4种耕作方式处理。每种耕作方式下设置3个施氮量处理:不施氮(N0);施纯氮90kg hm2(N1);施纯氮150kg hm2(N2),磷钾肥用量一致,氮磷钾肥全部基施,基本苗为225株·m2。在深松+条旋耕且施纯氮150kg hm2的条件下设置3个种植密度处理,基本苗分别为225株·m (2D1)、300株·m (2D2)和375株·m2(D3)。小麦生育期间降水量,播种至冬前期为57.9mm,冬前至返青期为37.7mm,返青至拔节期为35.6mm,拔节至开花期为7.9mm,开花至成熟期为99.7mm。2010~2011生长季试验以山农16为材料,在2009~2010生长季试验的小区内设同一处理进行定位试验,但“深松+条旋耕”和“深松+旋耕”处理不再深松,研究耕作方式和施氮量及种植密度对旱地小麦耗水特性和产量形成的影响。小麦生育期间降水量,播种至冬前期为5.0mm,冬前至返青期为0.0mm,返青至拔节期为20.0mm,拔节至开花期为9.5mm,开花至成熟期为71.1mm。3.1耕作方式和施氮量及种植密度对旱地小麦耗水特性的影响基本苗为225株·m2、同一施氮量条件下,深松+条旋耕处理播种至拔节阶段0–60cm土层土壤贮水消耗量和各生育时期棵间蒸发量均低于旋耕和深松+旋耕处理,与条旋耕处理无显著差异;拔节至开花阶段和开花至成熟阶段耗水量高于其他处理;全生育期土壤贮水消耗量高于条旋耕和旋耕处理,在降水少的2010~2011生长季亦高于深松+旋耕处理,表明深松+条旋耕处理促进了小麦对土壤贮水的吸收,减少了土壤水分向大气中的扩散,有利于抵御干旱胁迫。基本苗为225株·m2、同一耕作方式条件下,N2处理开花至成熟阶段40–200cm土层土壤贮水消耗量、阶段耗水量和耗水模系数均高于N0和N1处理,小麦全生育期土壤贮水消耗量和总耗水量最高,N1处理次之,N0处理最低,表明N2处理促进了旱地小麦对土壤贮水的消耗,有利于植株生长。种植密度处理间比较,D1处理播种至拔节阶段耗水量和耗水模系数显著低于D2和D3处理,拔节至开花阶段和开花至成熟阶段显著高于D2和D3处理。在全生育期降水238.9mm的2009~2010生长季,各处理间土壤贮水消耗量无显著差异,在全生育期降水105.6mm的2010~2011生长季,D1处理显著高于D2和D3处理,表明D1处理有利于减少旱地小麦生育前期的耗水,增加生育后期的耗水,在降水少的条件下可促进小麦对土壤贮水的吸收。3.2耕作方式和施氮量及种植密度对旱地小麦碳氮代谢的影响基本苗为225株·m2、同一施氮量条件下,深松+条旋耕处理灌浆中后期旗叶光合速率、最大光能转换效率、磷酸蔗糖合成酶活性和超氧化物歧化酶活性均高于其他处理,旗叶丙二醛含量低于其他处理;开花后干物质和氮素积累量及其对籽粒的贡献率显著高于其他处理,表明深松+条旋耕处理有利于延缓旗叶衰老,提高旱地小麦灌浆中后期的光合生产能力,增加开花后干物质和氮素积累量。基本苗为225株·m2、同一耕作方式条件下,N2处理有利于提高小麦灌浆中后期旗叶超氧化物歧化酶活性,延缓旗叶衰老,旗叶灌浆中后期光合速率和开花后干物质积累量显著高于其他处理。随施氮量增加,小麦各生育时期的植株氮素积累量提高,营养器官开花前贮藏氮素向籽粒的转运量和开花后氮素积累量均增加。种植密度处理间比较,D1处理灌浆中后期旗叶超氧化物歧化酶活性高于D2和D3处理,丙二醛含量低于D2和D3处理; D1处理冬前期和返青期干物质积累量低于D2和D3处理,开花后干物质积累量和成熟期干物质积累量显著高于D2和D3处理,表明D1处理有利于延缓旗叶衰老,增加小麦生育后期的干物质积累量。3.3耕作方式和施氮量及种植密度对旱地小麦籽粒产量、籽粒蛋白质含量和水分利用效率的影响基本苗为225株·m2、同一施氮量条件下,深松+条旋耕处理籽粒产量和籽粒蛋白质产量显著高于其他处理,水分利用效率高于旋耕和深松+旋耕处理,与条旋耕处理无显著差异,籽粒蛋白质含量与其他处理均无显著差异,表明深松+条旋耕处理有利于提高籽粒产量、籽粒蛋白质产量和水分利用效率,是本试验条件下的最优耕作处理。基本苗为225株·m2、同一耕作方式条件下,N2处理籽粒产量、籽粒蛋白质含量和籽粒蛋白质产量均最高,N1处理次之,N0处理最低;N2处理水分利用效率与N1处理无显著差异,高于N0处理,表明在一定范围内增加施氮量可显著提高旱地小麦籽粒产量、籽粒蛋白质含量和水分利用效率。种植密度处理间比较,在降水多的2009~2010生长季,D1处理公顷穗数低于D2和D3处理,穗粒数、千粒重、籽粒产量和水分利用效率高于D2和D3处理;在降水少的2010~2011生长季,D1处理穗粒数、籽粒产量和水分利用效率高于D2和D3处理,表明在旱作条件下,D1处理有利于增加小麦穗粒数和籽粒产量,提高水分利用效率。

【Abstract】 1Effects of delayed irrigation at jointing stage and irrigation amount on waterconsumption characteristics and yield formation of wheatThe experiments were conducted in the experimental farm of Shandong AgriculturalUniversity in Taian, Shandong during2007~2008wheat growing season with high-yieldwheat cultivar Jimai22. The precipitation amount in wheat growing season was as follows:21.1mm during the stage from sowing to pre-wintering,12.5mm from pre-wintering toreviving,13.8mm from reviving to jointing,57.3mm from jointing to anthesis,37.0mmfrom anthesis to maturity. Tow irrigation were given in wheat growing season. The firstirrigation was given at jointing stage or10d after jointing stage respectively. Moreover, therespected relative soil water content in0–140cm soil layer after the first irrigation was65%,75%,80%respectively, and which was70%after the second irrigation at anthesis stage in alltreatments. W1(65%), W2(75%), W3(80%) represented irrigation treatments at jointingstage, and DW1(65%), DW2(75%), DW3(80%) represented irrigation treatments on10dafter jointing. W0denoted no irrigation treatment. The object of this study was to expound theeffects of delayed irrigation at jointing stage and irrigation amount on water consumptioncharacteristics and yield formation of wheat.1.1Effects of delayed irrigation at jointing stage and irrigation amount on waterconsumption characteristics of wheatUnder the same irrigation level, the daily water consumption of DW2and DW3treatment was separately lower than that of W2and W3treatment from jointing to10d afterjointing, but higher than that of W2and W3treatment separately from10d after jointing toanthesis. The results indicated that supplementary irrigation on10d after jointing wasbeneficial to meet the water demand of wheat at booting stage.In the treatments irrigated at10d after jointing stage, soil water consumption in0–120cm soil layers of DW2was lower than that of DW1, and higher than that of DW3, from jointing to anthesis. However, the daily water consumption from jointing to anthesis,irrigation amount and water consumption amount during the whole growing season of DW2treatment were higher than those of DW1, and lower than those of DW3. It showed that soilwater consumption in0–120cm layers decreased from jointing to anthesis, irrigation amountand water consumption of whole growth season increased with the increasing of irrigationamount on10d after jointing.1.2Effects of delayed irrigation at jointing stage and irrigation amount on carbon andnitrogen metabolism of wheatUnder the same irrigation level, photosynthetic rate of flag leaf after anthesis, themaximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and actual photochemical efficiency at29d afteranthesis, dry matter accumulation amount and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis inDW2and DW3treatment were higher than those in W2and W3treatment respectively. Butdry matter translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains and nitrogen translocationamount from vegetative organs to grains of DW2and DW3treatment were lower than thoseof W2and W3respectively. The results suggested that supplementary irrigation on10d afterjointing was favorable to delay the senescence of flag leaf, improve photosynthetic rate of flagleaf and increase dry matter accumulation and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis.Under the condition of the treatment irrigated on10d after jointing, photosynthetic rateof flag leaf of DW2treatment on28d after anthesis was significantly higher than that ofDW1and DW3. Moreover, dry matter accumulation amount of DW2after anthesis washigher than that of DW1, and there was no significant difference between DW2and DW3treatment. However, nitrogen accumulation amount of DW2was higher than that of DW3.The results elucidated that DW2treatment whose soil relative water content reached75%after supplementary irrigation on10d after jointing, was beneficial to increase dry matteraccumulation and nitrogen accumulation in wheat after anthesis.1.3Effects of delayed irrigation at jointing stage and irrigation amount on wheat yield,wheat quality and water use efficiencyUnder the same irrigation level, the spike number of DW2and DW3was separatelylower than that of W2and W3, the grain number per spike,1000-grain weight, grain yield,water use efficiency and irrigation benefit of DW2and DW3were higher than those of W2 and W3. However, comparing to W2and W3, there’s no significant difference in wet glutencontent, water absorption, dough developing time and dough stability time. These resultssuggested that supplementary irrigation on10d after jointing was beneficial to increase grainyield, water use efficiency and irrigation benefit, but has no significant effect on grain quality.Under the condition of the treatment irrigated on10d after jointing, the grain yield ofDW2treatment whose soil relative water content reached75%after supplementary irrigationon10d after jointing, was higher than that of DW1, but there was no significant differencebetween DW2and DW3. Furthermore, the water use efficiency of DW2was higher than thatof DW3, the irrigation benefit of DW2was higher than that of DW1and DW3. In addition,grain protein content and wet gluten content of DW2were also relatively higher than those ofthe other treatments. DW2treatment was the best treatment in this study.2Effects of tillage practice and irrigation stage on water consumption characteristicsand yield formation of wheatThe experiments were conducted in Shiwang village, Yanzhou, Shandong, during2008~2009growing season with high yield wheat cultivar Jimai22. The precipitation was13.6mm from sowing to pre-wintering,6.7mm from pre-wintering to reviving,28.9mmfrom reviving to jointing,54.9mm from jointing to anthesis, and26.3mm from anthesis tomaturity. Five tillage treatments, which were strip rotary tillage (SR), strip rotary tillage aftersubsoiling (SRS), rotary tillage (R), rotary tillage after subsoiling (RS) and plowing tillage (P)respectively, were designed during2007~2008growth seasons. In this experiment, the sametreatment was designed in the same experimental plot of2007~2008growing seasonexperiment. However, SRS and RS treatments were no longer subsoiling in order to study theafter-effect of subsoiling. In this study, three irrigation stage treatments were designed undereach tillage, which were jointing+anthesis (W1),10d after jointing+anthesis (W2),10dafter jointing+10d after anthesis (W3), and no irrigation was as the control (W0). Theaverage relative soil water content in0–140cm layer was75%after irrigation. The effects oftillage and irrigation stage on water consumption characteristics and yield formation of wheatwere researched in this study. 2.1Effects of tillage practice and irrigation stage on water consumption characteristicsof wheatUnder the same irrigation stage, soil water consumption amount in80-160cm layer ofSRS was higher than that of the other treatments from anthesis to maturity, but the waterconsumption percentage was lower than that of the other treatments from sowing to jointingand from jointing to anthesis. Moreover, water consumption amount from anthesis to maturityand its percentage to total water consumption amount in whole growing season was higherthan that of the other treatments. In addition, irrigation amount of SRS in wheat growingseason was lower than that of R, RS and P treatment, and soil water consumption amount washigher than that of the other treatments. However, total water consumption amount was lowerthan that of RS treatment, and there’s no significant difference between SRS and P treatment.The results showed that SRS treatment promoted the absorption of soil water, and wasfavorable to increase water consumption from anthesis to maturity. Furthermore, SRStreatment was also beneficial to decrease irrigation amount in wheat growing season, and savewater resources.Under the same tillage, The irrigation amount of W2increased, but the soil waterconsumption amount and its percentage to total water consumption amount didn’t decrease,Comparing to W1treatment. However, comparing to W3treatment, the irrigation amount ofW2decreased, the soil water consumption increased. Moreover, soil water consumptionamount of W2in20-100cm layer was higher than that of W3from anthesis to maturity, butthere was no significant difference between W2and W3in total water consumption amount.2.2Effects of tillage practice and irrigation stage on the carbon metabolism of wheatUnder the same irrigation stage, the photosynthetic rate of flag leaf, Fv/Fmand SPSactivity at mid-late filling stage and dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis of SRSand RS treatment were significantly higher than those of the other treatments. Under thecondition of W2and W3, there’s no significant difference between SRS and RS. But underthe condition of W0and W1, SRS treatment was higher than RS treatment, which indicatedthat SRS treatment was beneficial to delay the senescence of flag leaf and increase dry matteraccumulation amount after anthesis. The photosynthetic rate of flag leaf of SR and Rtreatment were lower at mid-late filling stage, which was unfavorable to dry matteraccumulation.Under the condition of SR and SRS treatment, there was no significant difference in photosynthetic rate of flag leaf after anthesis between W2and W1, the photosynthetic rate offlag leaf of W2was higher than that of W3at early filling stage, but was lower than that ofW3at mid-late filling stage. Dry matter translocation amount from vegetative organs to grainsin W2was higher than that in W1and W3. There was no significant difference in dry matteraccumulation amount after anthesis between W2and W1and W3. Under the condition of R,RS and P treatment, photosynthetic rate of flag leaf of W2at mid-late grain-filling stage washigher than that of W1and lower than that of W3. Dry matter translocation amount fromvegetative organs in W2was lower than that in W1and higher than that in W3. Dry matteraccumulation amount of W2after anthesis was higher than that of W1, but had no significantdifference compared with that of W3. The results showed that compared with W1treatment,under the condition of SR and SRS, W2treatment was good to increase dry mattertranslocation amount from vegetative organs to grains. Under the condition of R, RS and P,W2treatment was good to increase dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis. Incomparison with W3, W2promoted the transportation of dry matter from vegetative organs tograins.2.3Effects of tillage practice and irrigation stage on grain yield, water use efficiency andirrigation benefit of wheatUnder the condition of W0, grain yield of SRS was significantly higher than that of theother treatments. Furthermore, water use efficiency of SRS was higher than that of SR, but nosignificant difference was observed compared with other treatments. Under the condition ofirrigation, water use efficiency and irrigation benefit of SRS treatment was significantlyhigher than that of the other treatments. The grain yield of SRS and RS were higher than thatof the other treatments, but there was no significant difference between SRS and RS.Moreover, compared with the other treatments, R and SR had lower grain yield and water useefficiency. This research indicated that SRS was beneficial to increase grain yield, water useefficiency and irrigation benefit, and was the best tillage treatment in this study.Under the same tillage, grain yield, water use efficiency and irrigation benefit of W2were significantly higher than those of W1. The water use efficiency and irrigation benefit ofW2were also higher than that of W3. In addition, under the condition of SR, R and P, thegrain yield of W2was also higher than those of W3, which suggested that W2that was irrigated on10d after jointing and at anthesis was good to increase grain yield, water useefficiency and irrigation benefit. However, W3was not beneficial to high efficient utilizationof water.3Effects of tillage practice, nitrogen rate and planting density on water consumptioncharacteristics and yield formation of dry land wheatThe field experiments were carried out in Bianhe township, Bianhe village, Linzi,Shandong, during2009~2010and2010~2011wheat growing season. This area is the hilly dryland and has no condition for irrigation. The tested cultivar was Jimai22in the growingseason of2009-2010. In this experiment, four tillage treatments were designed, which wereSR treatment, SRS treatment, R treatment and RS treatment. Each tillage had three treatmentsof nitrogen rate, which were no nitrogen application (N0),90kg N hm2(N1) and150kg Nhm2(N2). The nitrogen was given as base fertilizer, and the basic seedling number was225per square meter. Under the condition of SRS treatment and nitrogen rate of150kg hm2,three planting density were designed, which were225basic seedling per square meter (D1),300basic seedling per square meter (D2) and375basic seedling per square meter (D3). Theprecipitation amount was57.9mm from sowing to pre-wintering,37.7mm frompre-wintering to reviving,35.6mm from reviving to jointing,7.9mm from jointing toanthesis,99.7mm from anthesis to maturity. During the growing season of2010~2011,Shannong16was the tested cultivar. The same treatment was designed in the sameexperimental plot in2009~2010growing season experiment. However, SRS and RStreatments were no longer subsoiling during2010~2011growth seasons. This study was toverify the effects of tillage, nitrogen rate and planting density on water consumptioncharacteristics and yield formation of dry land wheat. During2010~2011growing season, theprecipitation amount was5.0mm from sowing to pre-wintering,0.0mm from pre-winteringto reviving,20.0mm from reviving to jointing,9.5mm from jointing to anthesis and71.1mmfrom anthesis to maturity.3.1Effects of tillage practice and nitrogen rate on water consumption characteristics ofdry land wheatUnder the condition of the same nitrogen rate and225basic seedling per square meter,the soil water consumption in0-60cm soil layer from sowing to jointing and evaporation in each growing stage of SRS were lower than those of R and RS, but there was no significantdifference between SRS and SR. Moreover, water consumption from jointing to anthesis andfrom anthesis to maturity in SRS were higher than those in the other treatments. Furthermore,soil water consumption of SRS was higher than that of SR and R treatment in wheat growthseason, and was also higher than that of RS treatment in2010~2011growing season withsmall precipitation. The results suggested that SRS treatment promoted the water absorbingfrom soil by wheat, and reduced soil water diffusion to air, which was beneficial for wheat toresist drought stress.Under the condition of the same tillage practice and225basic seedling per square meter,the soil water consumption in40-200cm soil layer from anthesis to maturity, waterconsumption during different stages and their percentages to total water consumption in N2treatment were higher than those in N0and N1. Moreover, N2treatment had the highest soilwater consumption and total water consumption in the wheat growth season, and N1took thesecond place, and N0was the lowest. The results suggested that N2treatment promoted soilwater consumption of wheat, and was beneficial for growth of wheat.Comparing among the treatments with different planting density, water consumption andwater consumption percentage of D1were significantly lower than those of D2and D3fromsowing to jointing, and were significantly higher than those of D2and D3from jointing toanthesis and from anthesis to maturity. In2009~2010growing season with the precipitationamount of238.9mm, there was no significant difference in soil water consumption amongdifferent treatments. However, soil water consumption of D1was significantly higher thanthat of D2and D3in2010~2011growing season with the precipitation amount of105.6mm.This research suggested that D1treatment was beneficial to reduce water consumption atearly growth stage, and increase water consumption at late growth stage. Furthermore, D1treatment promoted water absorbing from soil by wheat under the condition of littleprecipitation.3.2Effects of tillage practice, nitrogen rate and planting density on carbon and nitrogenmetabolism of dry land wheatUnder the condition of the same nitrogen rate and225basic seedling per square meter,photosynthetic rate of flag leaf, Fv/Fm, SPS activity and SOD activity of SRS treatment were higher than those of the other treatments at mid-late grain filling stage. In addition, MDAcontent of flag leaf was lower than that of the other treatments, the dry matter accumulationamount, nitrogen accumulation amount and its contribution rate to grain were significantlyhigher than those of the other treatments after anthesis. The results showed that SRS treatmentwas good to delay the senescence of flag leaf, enhance photosynthetic production at mid-lategrain filling stage, and increase dry matter and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis.Under the condition of the same tillage and225basic seedling per square meter, N2treatment was favorable to increase SOD activity of flag leaf at mid-late grain filling stage,and then delay the senescence of flag leaf. Furthermore, photosynthetic rate of flag leaf atmid-late grain filling stage and dry matter accumulation after anthesis in N2treatment weresignificantly higher than those in the other treatments, which was the base for higher yield.With the nitrogen rate increasing, nitrogen accumulation amount of wheat in each growthstage increased, and nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains andnitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis were also enhanced.Comparing among the treatments with different planting density, SOD activity of flagleaf of D1treatment was higher than that of D2and D3at mid-late grain filling stage, andMDA content of D1treatment was lower than that of D2and D3treatment, which indicatedthat D1treatment was beneficial to delay the senescence of flag leaf. Furthermore, dry matteraccumulation amount of D1was lower than that of D2and D3at pre-wintering and revivingstage, the dry matter accumulation amount of D1after anthesis and at maturity stage wassignificantly higher than that of D2and D3. The results suggested that D1treatment wasfavorable to reduce dry matter accumulation of wheat at early growth stage, but increase it atlate growth stage.3.3Effects of tillage practice, nitrogen rate and planting density on grain yield, grainprotein content and water use efficiency of dry land wheatUnder the condition of the same nitrogen rate and225basic needling per square meter,the grain yield and grain protein yield of SRS treatment were significantly higher than thoseof the other treatments. The water use efficiency of SRS treatment was higher than that of Rand RS treatment, but there was no significant difference between SRS and SR treatment.Furthermore, there’s no significant difference in grain protein content between SRS and the other treatments. The results indicated that SRS treatment was favorable to increase grainyield, grain protein yield and water use efficiency, didn’t reduce grain protein content, andwas the best tillage treatment in this study.Under the condition of the same tillage practice and225basic seedling per square meter,grain yield, grain protein content and grain protein yield of N2treatment were the highest,and N1took the second place, N0was the lowest. Moreover, the water use efficiency of N2was higher than that of N0treatment, but there was no significant difference between N2andN1. N2was the best nitrogen rate in this study. The results also suggested that the increase ofnitrogen rate within a certain range was beneficial to enhance grain yield, grain proteincontent and water use efficiency of dry land wheat.Comparing among the treatments with different planting density, the spike number perhectare of D1treatment was lower than that of D2and D3in2009~2010growing season withmany precipitation. However, grain number per spike,1000-grain weight, grain yield andwater use efficiency of D1treatment were higher than those of D2and D3. In2010~2011growing season with little precipitation, there were no significant difference in the spikenumber per hectare,1000-garin weight and water use efficiency among D1, D2and D3treatment, the grain number per spike, grain yield and water use efficiency of D1were higherthan those of D2and D3. The results revealed that D1treatment with the basic seedlingnumber of225per square meter was beneficial to increase grain number per spike, grain yield,and water use efficiency, was the best treatment of planting density in this study.

【关键词】 小麦灌溉时期耕作方式施氮量种植密度产量
【Key words】 WheatIrrigation stageTillageNitrogen ratePlanting densityYield

