

Construction and Application of Taetical Theoretical System on Shuttlecock

【作者】 郭贤成

【导师】 李建英;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 毽球运动作为一项拥有国际单项组织的中国民族传统体育项目,因其完整规范的活动体系,现已具备了较高的竞技形态水平。毽球运动属于技能主导类隔网对抗性运动项目。鉴于战术研究对毽球运动竞技水平提高的重要性,毽球运动战术体系的理论构建与应用研究意义主要体现在几个方面:为民族传统体育文化传承和国际化发展提供媒介实体;为毽球专项训练提供理论依据;填补项目相关研究领域的空白,丰富毽球专项理论;为今后毽球运动技战术研究提供参考;为其他民族民间传统体育项目相关领域理论研究提供借鉴。本文通过广泛地查阅文献资料,探求毽球运动战术研究的理论依据、借鉴运动训练学战术研究的相关理论,综述隔网对抗类运动项目战术研究成果、分析毽球运动相关战术研究现状;通过对运动训练学、民族传统体育学、毽球运动领域专家进行访谈,了解毽球运动战术发展规律及特点、战术体系构成要素及合理性;通过比赛视频资料的统计和比赛现场观察,对毽球各竞赛项目的技术、战术类型、特点以及应用进行了分析和总结。研究得出以下结论:1.毽球运动项目竞赛特点主要体现为攻防转换快、网上对抗激烈、技术表现细腻。毽球运动竞赛制胜因素强调“高”、“快”、“稳”、“准”、“强”、“全”。2.毽球运动战术是运动队(员)在比赛中依据运动竞赛规律,合理运用技术的基础上实施的有意识、有组织的行动方法。战术特点主要体现在:技术与战术高度统一、战术运用重针对轻变换、攻防的转换节奏明显、不同竞赛项目战术差异显著。3.毽球运动战术体系包括战术观念、战术指导思想、战术意识与战术实施几个方面。4.毽球运动战术指导思想是在运动员技术稳定发挥的基础上,注重战术制定的针对性与战术执行的稳定性,发挥球队优势和运动员特长,争取主动、争取胜利。5.毽球运动战术意识是运动员在比赛过程中,策略性支配自己的行动的心理活动。具体内容体现在:技术运用的目的性、战术行动的预见性、判断的准确性、攻防转换的平衡性、战术变化的灵活性、战术配合的协同性、战术行为的隐蔽性等。6.毽球战术实施主要是对毽球运动技、战术进行分类,提出影响战术实施的因素,建立了战术反馈指标体系为战术执行效果的评价提供依据。7.毽球运动战术应用部分详细分析了毽球运动单人赛、双人赛、三人赛各进攻战术与防守战术的优缺点、适用条件及应用情况。8.通过对第六届世界毽球锦标赛胜负双方战术应用进行对比,从对胜负双方的各项技术指标统计分析,胜负双方战术指导思想、战术原则、战术意识的特点和战术制定与选择的分析,验证了战术理论合理应用的重要性。

【Abstract】 Shuttlecock ball sport, as a Chinese Traditional National Sports with International Federations, has a high level of athletic shape at present for its complete specification of the activity system.Shuttlecock ball sport is a skills class sport against network. Given the importance of tactical research to improve the athletic level of the shuttlecock ball, the main significance of the construction and application of shuttlecock ball sport tactical theoretical system is reflected in several aspects:to provide media for the inheritance and the international development of traditional national sport culture, to provide a theoretical basis for the shuttlecock ball special training; to fill the blank of the project-related areas of research and rich Shuttlecock special theory; to provide a reference for future Shuttlecock Techniques and Tactics and to provide a reference for theoretical research in the field of other ethnic folk sports.In this paper, the extensive literature data, to master the theoretical basis of the shuttlecock ball sport tactics of Sports Training Tactics of theory, understanding confrontation net class sports and tactical research, shuttlecock ball tactics Research; Sports training, Ethnic Traditional Sports Shuttlecock ball sport experts in the field were interviewed to understand the shuttlecock ball tactics the law of development and characteristics of tactical system elements and reasonable; game video statistics and game-site observation of the Shuttlecock competition project’s technical, tactical types, characteristics and applications were analyzed and summarized.The study concluded that:1. The Shuttlecock ball sports competition features mainly reflected the breadth of participation for the project, comprehensive technical requirements and skills are fierce. The contest winning factors underscore the high, fast, stable, accurate, strong, and full.2. The Shuttlecock tactics, and sports team (members) in the game based on the implementation of competition rules and athletic competition law conscious, organized action. Tactical characteristics:high degree of unification of the technical and tactical, tactical action prefer aim rather than changes, offense and defense conversion rhythm significantly different competitions and significant tactical differences.3. Shuttlecock Ball Sport Tactical theoretical system contains the theory of tactical guidance and tactical implementation. Tactical guidance theory includes tactical concepts, tactics guiding ideology and tactical awareness. While tactical implementation includes the tactics exemplification, the tactical influencing factors and tactical feedback.4. The guiding theory of Shuttlecock sport tactical is on the basis of stable development of athlete’s technique, pay more attention to the direction of planning tactics and the stability of executing tactics, make the most of the team advantage and athlete special features, to gain the initiative to strive for victory.5. Shuttlecock Ball Sport tactical awareness, including a special motion perception, attention to specific sport, special sports memories, thinking, decision-making in the specific sport, is the mental activities which dominate their own actions and a certain tactical purposes while the athletes exert in the process of their personal technology. The specific content reflects:technical purpose, the use of the predictability of the tactical operations to determine the accuracy of the balance of offense and defense conversion, the flexibility of the change in tactics, tactical coordination of collaborative, tactical behavior, concealment, etc.6Tactical implementation of the Shuttlecock sport is mainly to classify the technical and tactics, propose the impact factor, and set up tactical feedback index system to provide foundation for the evaluation of tactics executing effect.7. Shuttlecock Ball Sport tactical application made a detailed analysis of offensive tactics and defensive tactics specific embodiment and application conditions of the shuttlecock ball sport single race, pair competition, three match on advantages and disadvantages, suitable conditions and application.8. The Sixth World Shuttlecock Championship case studies, through the comparative analysis of the tactical application of victor and loser, come to the conclusion that the stability and pertinence are two key elements of making tactics on the basis of the stable application of shuttlecock sport competition technique.

【关键词】 毽球运动战术理论构建
【Key words】 Shuttlecock sporttheory systemtactical concept
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

