

Health Qigong Teaching and Aesthetic Education

【作者】 司红玉

【导师】 李金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 健身气功是我国正式开展的第62个体育项目。审美教育是教育学、美学的主要组成部分,并有自己的学科体系。健身气功教学与审美教育中的“与”,在这里是介词“跟”的意思。以健身气功教学与审美教育的关系为研究对象,以健身气功界、美学界的部分专家学者,参加2011年全国高校健身气功比赛的运动员及教练员等为调研对象。运用专家访谈,问卷调查,文献资料,比较,逻辑,现象学中本质直观、先验还原(主要用于分析导引术、气功到健身气功变更的主要原因及其现象学美学特征),哲学中的隐喻(主要用于因学练健身气功而获得审美移情结果的表达),文学中的语符思维(主要用于把这种审美移情结果的表达用优美文字表述出来等),来观照两者的关系,以期把健身气功教学作为审美教育的一种特殊审美媒介,充分发挥其审美教育的功能,进而达到提高和培养审美感受力、鉴赏力、创造力的目的。由此,本研究的意义在于:1.丰富、充实了健身气功的理论体系,提升其学科“品味”;2.深化、完善了审美教育的系统结构,使其相得益彰;3.有利于扩大练习者人群,以便更多人从中受益;4.更好地激起练习者的兴趣,发挥最佳健身、健心功效;5.有助于成为健身气功老师的“好帮手”,以便促进健身气功的推广普及。本研究得出以下结论:(1)构建了健身气功教学与审美教育的内在图式。(2)健身气功教学具有审美教育的性质,主要表现在它的性命双修上。与审美教育的怡情养性具有同工异曲之妙。(3)健身气功教学具有审美教育的特点,主要体现在健身气功教学中具有美的形象性、美的情感性、美的育人性。(4)健身气功教学具有审美教育的功能,具体体现在健身气功教学中的修身养性、涵养道德、身心和谐方面。与审美教育的陶冶性情、道德储备、身心培育等是一脉相承的。(5)健身气功教学是一种特殊的审美媒介,具体原因是:健身气功教学承载了审美施教、审美媒介两种功能,之所以能承载这两种功能,主要在于它的特殊性:第一,温柔敦厚的技术风格;第二,心息相依,意形相随,动缓息长的运动特征;第三,有利于构建内在时间意识;第四,健身气功是一门关于和谐的学问;第五,健身气功追求“三调合一得清”的文化传统。另外,健身气功教学中的性命双修促使了审美教育系统结构的动态发展。(6)健身气功教学实施的审美教育原则的理论依据是:因学练健身气功而产生审美体验,审美体验又是审美教育的首要原则。健身气功教学实施过程的审美教育的具体原则为:练习者要表现审美体验的直觉性、意象性原则,练习者以活动为中心的原则,练习者与审美活动、美学理论普及相促进原则。(7)审美感觉力能很好的促进健身气功教学中的三调,因为它所产生的生理作用与自身感受器有密切联系;审美想象力有利于促使健身气功教学中各种美好意念的发生;审美领悟力有助于把握和领会健身气功的真谛。健身气功教学有助于提高审美感受力,促进美感的形成,使审美感受力出现了三个层次:悦耳悦目、悦心悦意、悦志悦神,即构建了健身气功教学的审美感受力内在图式。在健身气功教学中,寡欲、抱一等调心途径,腹式呼吸关键环节的运用,以及过程中彰显它的技术特征:心息相依,意形相随,动缓息长等,有利于提高和培养审美感受力。(8)审美鉴别的提升有利于把健身气功教学看作一个独特的审美媒介,并能很好的认知健身气功教学的“内在时间意识”。审美欣赏水平的高低对能否正确认知健身气功温柔敦厚的技术风格起着很关键的作用。健身气功教学有助于提高审美鉴赏力,促使物化的形成(健身气功教学中的虚静是产生审美鉴赏的基础、健身气功教学中的高峰体验是审美鉴赏力提高的反映、健身气功教学中的物化是审美鉴赏力的最高境界),并形成了审美鉴赏力的三个层次:审美意象、审美体验、审美意境,即构建了健身气功教学的审美鉴赏力内在图式。健身气功内省法教学中的“内视”、节奏感、动作美教学及敬礼的运用有利于提高和培养审美鉴赏力。(9)审美想象思维有利于展现健身气功教学中的意念神韵。审美直觉思维对健身气功教学及演练水平档次的评判有积极影响。审美灵感思维有利于健身气功新功法的创编或有关健身气功诗句的表达。健身气功教学有助于提高审美创造能力,并促使形成了审美创造力的三个层次:审美享受(健身气功教学中的形象直观性是练习者培养审美享受的切入点、练习者的情感体验性是培养审美享受的内在驱动力、健身气功的练功音乐营造了审美享受的环境、练习者的整体和谐性是获得审美享受的主要体现)、审美移情(把体育项目的健身气功人性化、生活化)、隐喻(把描写其它的术语创造性运用到健身气功项目上)。并构建了健身气功教学的审美创造力内在图式。健身气功教学中的心性、意匠、专注转移、圆型趋向教学有利于提高和培养审美创造力。

【Abstract】 Health Qigong is formally launched62sports. Esthetic education is a major component of education, aesthetics, have their own disciplinary system."And" in Health Qigong teaching and aesthetic education that is the preposition "with". To Health Qigong teaching and aesthetic education of relationship for research object, to experts and scholars in the field of Health Qigong and aesthetics,participation in the2011national Health Qigong in University competition of athletes and coaches for research objects.using expert interview,questionnaire investigation, literature information, comparison, logic, phenomenology in the nature intuitive, and prior restore (main for analysis guidance operation, and Qigong to Health Qigong change of main causes and the phenomenology aesthetics features), philosophy in the of metaphor (main for due to practiced Health Qigong and get aesthetic empathy results of expression),Language character of thinking in literature (mainly used in the result expression of aesthetic empathy with this beautiful text, and so on), the view of the relationship between, with a view to aesthetic education of Health Qigong teaching as a special aesthetic media,Full use of its aesthetic education function,thus improving the aesthetic feel, taste, creativity and culture purposes. Thus, the significance of this study is that:1. Rich, full Health Qigong theory, Upgrading its subject "taste";2.deepen and perfect the structure of aesthetic education system, making benefit by associating;3. Helps increase practitioner groups, so that more people would benefit from;4. Better stir up interest of practitioners, peak fitness, health effects;5. Helps to be Health Qigong teacher "good help", to promote the popularization of Health Qigong.The study came to the following conclusion:(1) Constructing Health Qigong teaching and the internal schema of aesthetic education(2)Health Qigong teaching have the nature of aesthetic education, mainly in that it lives on the double. Aesthetic education and contribute to one’s peace of mind or inner tranquility with the same theme, different tone than good.(3) Health Qigong teaching has the characteristics of aesthetic education, mainly in the Health qigong has a beautiful image、beautiful emotion, beautiful education.(4)Health Qigong teaching have the function of aesthetic education, embodied in moral self-cultivation, and conservation of Health Qigong, physical and mental harmony.It and Cultivating temperament,ethical cultivation,body and mind of aesthetic education is imbued with the reserves.(5) Health Qigong teaching is a special of aesthetic media, specific causes is:Health Qigong teaching hosted has aesthetic taught, and aesthetic media two species function, is can hosted this two species function, mainly about it is particularity:first, gentle of technology style; second, heart income dependent, meaning shaped followed by, dynamic sustained income long of movement features; third, conducive to construction inner time consciousness; forth, Health Qigong is a harmonious learning; fifth, the pursuit of Health Qigong "hree adjustable in one clearly" cultural traditions. In addition, Health Qigong lives double aesthetic education of structural dynamics of development of the system.(6) Implementation of aesthetic education of principles of Health Qigong teaching theory is:without the aesthetic experience of practicing Health Qigong,is the first principle of aesthetic education of aesthetic experience.Principles of aesthetic education of specific implementation Health Qigong teaching:practitioners to show images of aesthetic experience of intuition,principles,practitioners ofactivity-centered principles,practitioners, aesthetic theory, universal principles and aesthetic activity.(7) Promotion of aesthetic feeling of a good Health Qigong teaching in three adjustable, because it produces physiological effects has close ties with their receptors; aesthetic imagination of good ideas to promote Health Qigong; aesthetic understanding helps to grasp and understand the true meaning of Health Qigong. Practicing Health Qigong can help improve the aesthetic experience, promote the formation of aesthetic, aesthetic experience there have been three levels:Sweet pleasing to the eye, meaning heart, Relaxed and happy, which built the aesthetic feeling of Health Qigong intrinsic schema. In the teaching of Health Qigong, Unselfish, holding first-aligning approaches, use abdominal breathing the key link, and shows it in the course of technical features:heart-rate dependent, meaning together, long sustained interest, to improve training and aesthetic experience.(8) Aesthetic upgrade of differential in favor of aesthetic appreciation of Health Qigong teaching as a unique medium, and it has good cognitive Health Qigong "internal time consciousness". Level of aesthetic appreciation as to whether the correct cognitive Health Qigong gentle style of technology plays a key role. Health Qigong teaching in favor of improving the aesthetic taste, prompted the formation of the physic-chemical (Emptiness is the aesthetic appreciation of Health Qigong teaching, peak of Health Qigong teaching experience is the basis of improving reflecting aesthetic taste, Materialization of Health Qigong teaching is of aesthetic taste of top of the realms),and formed the aesthetic taste of the three levels:aestheticimagery,aesthetic experience,aesthetic artistic conception, Construction of aesthetic appreciation of Health Qigong the materialization intrinsic schema. Introspective method of Health Qigong teaching as salute, rhythm, action teaching and to enhance the application of aesthetic taste and culture.(9) Aesthetic imagination thinking helps to show the idea of Health Qigong teaching charm.Aesthetic intuitive thinking on level grade evaluation of Health Qigong and exercise has a positive effect. Aesthetic inspiration to new methods of creating Health Qigong or about expression of Health Qigong in a poem. Health Qigong teaching help improving aesthetic created ability, and leading to form aesthetic creativity of three levels:aesthetic enjoy (Health Qigong of image intuitive sexual is exercises who training aesthetic enjoy of point, and exercises who of emotional experience sexual is training aesthetic enjoy of inner drive force, and Health Qigong of exercises music create has aesthetic enjoy of environment, and exercises who of overall harmonious sexual is get aesthetic enjoy of main reflected), and aesthetic empathy (to sports project of Health Qigong human, and life of), and Metaphors (other terms described on the creative use of Health Qigong).Construction and aesthetic creativity of Health Qigong teaching intrinsic schema.Health Qigong teaching,Carpenter,focus, stage, round trends helps to improve the teaching and training of aesthetic creativity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

