

Vegetation Ecology of Abandoned Copper Mine Lands on Zhongtiao Mountain Areas,Shanxi

【作者】 刘秀珍

【导师】 张峰;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 生态学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 矿山废弃地生态恢复的关键是植被恢复,由于植被的自然恢复非常缓慢,必须对其采取积极的人工恢复措施加以干预。本论文以山西垣曲县境内的中条山有色金属集团有限公司采矿废弃地自然恢复的植被为研究对象,采用空间代替时间方法获得数据,用数量生态学方法,包括TWINSPAN、DCA、多样性指数、生态位宽度和重叠等,研究该矿区废弃地不同恢复年限的自然恢复植物群落的组成、结构、空间分布及演替趋势,分析了物种丰富度、均匀度和综合多样性在演替过程中的变化,探讨了矿业废弃地植被恢复模式与策略,以期为山西及周边地区矿业废弃地植被恢复提供科学依据。主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)中条山有色金属集团有限公司采矿废弃地共记录维管植物88种,其中草本植物74种、灌木植物4种、乔木10种,分别占所查记录的84.09%、4.55%、11.36%,隶属于36个科74个属,这些属共分为11个分布区类型,3个亚型,中温带地理成分占有优势,共38属,占总属的51.35%。按照植物种的区系划分,温带植物种有49个,占总种数的55.68%,反映出区域的环境特性,显示了该地区的温带特性。(2)用TWINSPAN分类方法,把81个样方分为8个群丛,分别是:Ⅰ臭椿-狗尾草+野艾蒿群丛;Ⅱ狗尾草+反枝苋群丛;Ⅲ狗尾草+黄花蒿群丛;Ⅳ刺槐-铁杆蒿+野艾蒿群丛;Ⅴ臭椿+刺槐-狗尾草+铁杆蒿群丛;Ⅵ野艾蒿+竹节草群丛;Ⅶ野艾蒿+碱蓬群丛;Ⅷ黄花蒿+博落回群丛。每一个群丛的物种组成各不相同,其结构和功能也就有所差异。在样方和物种的DCA排序的二维图中可以看出,不同轴反映的含义不同,分别表示影响群落稳定的环境因子,如废弃时间、海拔、土壤水分、土壤肥力等。TWINSPAN和DCA结合使用,能够更好地反映植被数量生态的特性。(3)用Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度指数和Petraitis生态位特定重叠和生态位普遍重叠指数,通过优势种生态位宽度和重叠分析,研究采矿废弃地自然恢复植被的发展现状,结果:在不同的群丛里,优势种的生态位宽度大,说明这些物种对环境生态因子的适应幅度大,分布范围广,对各种资源的利用能力相对强。生态位重叠值越大,说明种群间的生态相近性就越大,适应环境能力和利用资源的共性或相似性也就越大,种间竞争的机会就越大。但生态位宽的物种,它们之间的生态位重叠不一定就高,说明物种之间能够共享环境资源,在一定程度上维持了群丛的动态平衡。(4)利用Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Patrick丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Alatalo均匀度指数分析矿区废弃地上植物群落物种组成、群落结构以及稳定性的程度,结果表明:群落内的多样性指数越大,其丰富度指数也就越大,群落的结构和功能就越完善。8个群落的均匀度指数差异较小,说明各个群落内的植物物种适应当前的环境条件。通过分析,得到中条山铜矿区废弃地植被演替的规律:草本植物群落→灌丛→森林群落。(5)在对中条山集团铜矿废弃地上植被的优势种的种间关系的研究方面,运用2×2列联表,χ2检验方法对群落优势种进行总体相关性和种对间的联结性分析,利用共同出现百分率、Jaccard指数测定种对间的关联度,应用Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数反映种对间的数量变化关系。结果显示,对生境要求相同或相似的种对表现出显著的正关联;种间关系因群落类型不同而有明显差异。检验呈显著、极显著相关的种对数少于相关分析和秩相关分析的种对数,而同时也验证了Spearman秩相关分析比Pearson相关分析的灵敏度高,弥补了分析中的不足。(6)为了加快矿区废弃地植被恢复进程,通过人为干预,采取先进技术和措施,筛选出适应当地生态环境条件的先锋物种。通过调查,提出了植被恢复模式,采取乔、灌、草相结合的生态系统。在这个模式中,我们选取的先锋物种有狗尾草,铁杆蒿、博落回、刺槐和臭椿,主要是木本植物和草本植物,最后提出判定植被恢复的几个标准,用来检验植被恢复工作的成败。

【Abstract】 The key of ecological restoration of abandoned mining lands is revegetation restoration. As the restoration process of spontaneous revegetation is very slow, it must adopt the positive artificial restoration measures to improve plant community seccession. The spontaneous revegetation of abandoned copper mining lands on Zhongtiaoshan Nonferrous Metal Group in Yuanqu, Shanxi were studied by using a space-for-time substitution method to collect vegetation data simultaneously at different succession stages, moreover, and the community composition, the structure, the spatial distribution, the succession tendency of spontaneous revegetation, the change of species richness, evenness and overall diversity at different restoration stages on the abandoned copper mining areas were analyzed by quantitative ecological method including TWINSPAN, DCA, diversity indices, interspecific relationship, niche breadth and overlapping. Furthermore, the revegetation mode and strategies in this areas were discussed, which will be of great benefit for Shanxi and its neighboring areas. The mainly studied and corresponding research are as followings:(1) There were recorded88species of vascular plants in the filed totally, including74species of herbaceous plants,4species of shrubs,10species of tree, and occupied84.09%,4.55%,11.36%respectively. Based on the floristic regionalization of China, these species belong to36families74genera and were divided into11distribution types, three subtypes. The temperate zone was dominant, including38genera, accounting for51.35%. Among which the plant species of temperate zone had49kinds, aoccounted for the total was55.68%, and it reflected the environmental characteristics and fully shows the characteristics of the region’s temperate zone.(2)81samples were divided into eight associations by TWINSPAN. They were respectively:ⅠAssoc. Ailanthus altissima-Setaria viridis+Artemisia lavandulaefolia;Ⅱ Assoc. Setaria viridis+Amaranthus retroflexus;Ⅲ Assoc. Setaria viridis+Artemisia annua;Ⅳ Assoc. Robinia Pseudoacaia-Artemisia sacrorum+Artemisia lavandulaefolia;Ⅴ Assoc. Ailanthus altissima+Robinia Pseudoacaia-Artemisia sacrorum+Setaria viridis; Ⅵ Assoc. Artemisia lavandulaefolia+Chrysopogon aciculatus; Ⅶ Assoc. Artemisia lavandulaefolia+Artemisia anethifolia;Ⅷ Assoc. Artemisia annua+Macleaya cordata. Each Association had different species composition, so their structure and function were different too. In two-dimensional DCA diagram of the samples amd species, every axes represented the different meanings in Figure. It showed environment factors that affect the community stability, such as waste time, altitude, soil moisture, fertility and so on. The combination of two methods could be better to reflect the characteristics of vegetation quantity.(3) The vegetation succession of natural recovery on the mining abandoned lands were investigated by using Shannon-Wiener index and Petraitis’s niche-specific overlaping and general overlapping index. The results showed:the dominant species has a wide niche breadth in the different associations. It shows that the bigger the adaptability of these species to environmental ecological factors is, the wider the distribution range is and the stronger the ability of using the environmental resources is. The greater the niche overlap of the dominant sapecies is, the larger the ecological similarity between populations, the stronger the commonality or similarity is in ability to adapt to the environment and use of resources, the fiercer the interspecies competition is. However, these species in the associations which has the wide niche breadth may not have the higher niche overlap.It indicates that these species can share the environmental resources and improve the structure and function of associations and maintain the ecological balance of associations to a certain extent.(4)χ2-test with2×2contingency table and Jaccard indices were used to analyze the interspecific relationship of13dominant species of community. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were also applied to calculate correlations between species. The results indicted that species with positive association have similar biological characteristics and demand similar habitats, and the relationships among species-pairs are of significant difference in different communities and succession stages. The significant species-pairs from χ2-test is lower than that from the Spearman rank correlation test and Pearson test, and the Spearman rank correlation test is better than Pearson test.(5) The species composition, community structure and the degree of stability analyzed by using Simpson diversity index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Patrick richness index, Pielou evenness index and Alatalo evenness index respectively. The result shows that the greater the diversity index, the greater its richness, the more perfect the structure and function in community. The diversification of evenness index wasn’t big in the8communities, indicating that plant species adapted to the current environmental conditions, the competition was not very intense each community and these communities were stable. Based on the analysis of quantitative ecology methods, we have got the law of vegetation succession on the copper mine abandoned lands:herb communities→shrubs→forest.(6) To speed up the process of vegetation restoration on the mining abandoned lands, a series of techniques and measurments through the human intervention should be taking, and the pioneer species that adapt to local ecological environment were choosn. Through the investigation, the vegetation restoration model was introduced, that is the combined ecosystems by the tree, shrub and grass. In the model we have selected the pioneer species, in cluding Setaria viridis, Artemisia gmelinii, cordata, Robinia pseudoacacia and Ailanthus altissima. Finally some several criteria of vegetation restoration were discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

