

Research on the Coordination Institution between Industrial Policy Law and Anti-monopoly Law

【作者】 宾雪花

【导师】 漆多俊;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 经济法, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 产业政策法与反垄断法作为政府调节经济的两种方式,他们的冲突在于发达市场经济国家的反垄断思想、理念,与后发展国家的产业政策调控权之间发生的矛盾和冲突。即发达国家的市场经济的正常运行,急需反垄断法来规制垄断行为和限制竞争行为,消除市场障碍,建立健康的市场竞争秩序;后发展国家的经济赶超迫切性,需要制定产业政策法,扶植、培育大规模的企业集团,促进规模经济,提高经济效率,增强国际竞争力。这两种制度运用到某一个具体国家中就会产生冲突或矛盾。本课题从法治角度,提出中国两法之协调制度的构建框架,以促进经济发展,增进社会福利。本文主要对四个问题进行研究。第一个问题,对产业政策法与反垄断法之协调的基本理论问题研究。第一章主要阐述两法存在冲突,即资源配置机制之间,规模经济与反垄断之间,过强政府干预的产业政策法与弱势的反垄断法之间,正义与利益价值层面之间的冲突;分析了两法可协调的经济学和经济法基础。即有效竞争理论是经济协调基础,两法互动发展是最优的策略;两法都是社会本位法、两法可以衡平原则调和价值。第二个问题,对具体协调制度进行研究和评析。第二、三、四章将两法在长期博弈过程中形成的六种协调制度,根据制度之间的相关性划分为三组,即事前协商和适用除外制度一组、卡特尔豁免和企业合并控制制度一组、部长特许制和美国反垄断和解制度一组;第五章则对全部协调制度加以总评述和评析。最后指出侧重反垄断法的协调制度;根据本国的政治、经济、法治程度设置协调制度;协调制度的实施效果与反垄断运行机关的设置有着直接关系等内容,对构建中国两法之协调制度具有一定的借鉴意义。第三个问题,对我国产业政策法与反垄断法之间的冲突现状和当前中国协调制度进行评析。第六章指出,在市场经济活动中,我国两法以产业政策法为主、反垄断法为辅的动态演变趋势,目前已造成一些弊端;在协调制度的立法方面,尽管有一些协调制度,但存在制定较粗陋、缺失事前协商制度等缺陷;在协调制度的具体实务方面,则是更多得通过宽松的合并控制制度为产业兼并重组政策服务,没有充分运用反垄断法的企业合并控制制度监控产业兼并重组行为,没有灵活运用危机卡特尔、中小企业卡特尔等协调制度为当前经济服务。第四个问题,构建中国两法之协调制度。首先,第七章提出要完善产业政策立法,向创新驱动型产业政策法转型;以反垄断法为重设置中国制度的构想。其次,完善相应的具体协调制度,具体包括:提议设置事前协商制度;卡特尔豁免应依照一事一立原则,详细呈列每一个豁免事由的标准和程序;建议合并豁免制度应以列举式详解“社会公共利益”豁免事由。最后,建议赋予中国反垄断运行机关高度的权威性和独立性,才能够保证以反垄断法为重的协调制度的实现。

【Abstract】 In essense, Industrial policy law and Anti-monopoly law as two kinds of weapons of government intervention in the economy, there are conflicts because one is originated from developed countries where have basic thoughth of anti-monopoly the other is produced from developing countries where want to exercise state-power to develop economy quickly.That is, developed countries are in urgent need of anti-monopoly law to regulate monopoly and restricted competition behavior, to build a healthy market competition and remove market barriers as soon as:possible; developing countries are in urgent need of insutrial policy law to catch up develped coutries, to support large-scale enterprise group, to promote economies of scale and enhance international competitiveness, thus there are contradictions when both are depolyed in a specific country. The dissertation tries to set out from a perspective of law science and discuss how to build China’s legal coordination institution between industrial policy law and Anti-monopoly law.The dissertation focuses on the following four problems to study:Firstly, research on the basic theory of coordination institution. The paper analyzes that there are some conflicts between their resource allocation mechanism, economies of scale and anti-monopoly, industrial policy law as the strongest government-intervention and Anti-Monopoly Law as the least weak one, justice and interests from the perspective of legal value. In the meantime, it shows these conflicts are able to be coordinated in view of the basis of the economic economics and law.Secondly, general research on specific coordination institution. Based on correlations of institutions, specific coorindation institution consists of three parts. That is, exception and prior consultation; cartel exemptions and merger control system; special permit system and settlement system. In the end of chapter, reviewing and analyzing total insititutions.Thirdly, analyzing China’s unique political, cultural, economic background, assessing China’s coordination institution. The paper pointed out that the trend between industrial policy law and anti-monopoly law is that industrial policy law plays important role in the national economic life, rather, antimonopoly law does minor role; China’s legal coordination institution is imperfect.Finally, building chinese coordination system. The paper proposed to build innovation—driven industrial policy law; emphasized on the main role of antimonopoly law in the China’s economic life; seted prior consultation system, detailed each kind of exemption criterial regarding different cartel exemption types, pointed out merger exemption system should be detailed to list "public interest". In the end, the end of the dissertation proposed that an independent and powerful power should be authorized to Anti-monopoly law enforce agencies in order to reconcile the contradictions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

