

Research on3D Stereo Quantitative Prediction of Concealed Ore Body in Hongtoushan Copper Mine

【作者】 刘文玉

【导师】 吴湘滨; 毛先成;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 国土资源信息工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 为危机矿山寻找接替资源是当前矿产资源预测评价与找矿的热点问题。一方面,危机矿山具有矿山开发程度高、地质勘探原始资料积累充分、评价与找矿向深边部三维空间发展的特点。另一方面,矿产资源预测中许多重大基础问题的研究常常涉及到非线性问题,如矿床与各种控矿因素之间的关系问题。这些都要求建立起适应于危机矿山深边部及外围找矿的矿产资源评价新理论、新方法和找矿创新体系。辽宁红透山铜矿是我国东北最大的铜矿基地,随着表层矿与浅层矿体的开采与利用,矿山陷入了“硐老山空”的尴尬境地。围绕老矿山深部及外围开展找矿工作已势在必行。以“十一五”国家科技支撑计划“深采有色金属矿山资源增储与高效利用关键技术研究”项目为依托,通过对红透山铜矿区几十年来积累的地质找矿资料进行综合研究和二次开发利用,以矿区成矿规律为指导,在总结和吸纳现有矿产资源定量评价、三维地学建模与可视化技术、空间数据挖掘等技术与方法的基础上,研究和实现了符合矿产资源预测评价要求的多源三维地学空间数据库、地质体实体模型和块体模型、地质场数字化模型与控矿作用空间分析,并建立了适应于危机矿山可接替资源找矿特点的基于SDM的隐伏矿体三维定量预测理论和方法。主要研究成果如下:(1)在全面收集与整理红透山铜矿地质、勘探、物探等已有资料的基础上,分析矿区的地质数据现状与多源三维地学空间数据库特征,对其进行整合与统一化管理;利用三维地质建模软件Surpac建立了矿区地层、构造、已知矿体和地球物理等三维实体模型以及它们的块体模型,实现了多源地学空间数据在三维可视化层面上的统一建模、统一数字化表达与存储,并与隐伏矿体预测指标数据及预测成果一起,构成了多源三维地学空间数据库。(2)以多源三维地学空间数据为基础,从地质体控矿作用空间分布角度,提出了反映成矿物理化学作用在地质空间中的综合分布与控矿作用效果的地质场,给出了地质场的数字化建模方法和空间分析方法,建立了矿化分布场、断层控矿作用场、地层岩性控矿作用场、物探作用场等场模型,实现了场模型的数字化表达。利用空间分析和统计分析等手段,对断层控矿作用场、地层岩性控矿作用场、物探作用场与矿化分布场的空间关联关系进行了分析,提取出了可定量地度量地质控矿作用的成矿有利指标,得到了成矿有利指标与矿化指标之间的定量空间相关关系,最大限度地揭示了隐含在综合地质资料中的控矿地质因素、找矿标志到矿化分布的非线性映射关系;(3)在分析空间数据挖掘理论与方法的基础上,探讨了模糊综合评判法、层次分析法、灰色关联分析法以及回归预测方法等矿产资源预测中常用的空间预测方法,构建了基于空间数据挖掘的隐伏矿体三维定量成矿预测体系。并针对单一预测方法的不足,提出了将各类不同的预测方法进行优势互补进行矿产资源综合预测的组合预测方法。(4)综合运用灰色系统理论、模糊数学方法以及层次分析法,建立了灰色模糊层次综合评判(GFAHP)预测模型。为了更好地确定模型评判指标权重,将主观赋值法与客观赋值法相结合,使用灰色关联度分析方法对各控矿因素指标对矿化的重要性进行定量分析和比较。对层次分析法进行了改进,将原来的两两对比矩阵改造成模糊一致性矩阵,构建了模糊层次分析法的数学模型。利用改进后的模糊层次分析法确定权重值,弥补了主、客观赋值法的缺陷,使权重值的确定更为精确。并与模糊综合评价模型相结合,建立了适用于隐伏矿体三维定量预测的GFAHP模型。(5)利用回归预测方法,建立了反映矿化变量与控矿因素之间的矿化数学模型,并对红透山铜矿隐伏矿体进行预测;并与GFAHP预测模型一起,分别绘制了它们各自按标高水平的单元预测结果等值线图。通过对这两种预测结果对比分析,圈定了立体找矿靶区,并预测其资源量。

【Abstract】 In order to ensure the sustainable development of the social economy of our country, it becomes presently an outstanding problem to explore replaceable resources for the crisis mines. On one hand, the crisis mines have the following characteristics:high intensity in mine exploration and development, sufficient accumulation in the firsthand information of geological exploration, development towards the deep and marginal three-dimensional space for evaluation and ore prospecting. On the other hand, many important and basic problems in mineralization and predictive research often involve non-linear problems such as the relationship between the deposits and control factors of mineralization. Therefore, it has become an urgent affair to establish the new methods and theories for evaluating mineral resources in new prospecting innovation systems that are suitable for the crisis mine prospecting in the deep, marginal and peripheral locations.Hongtoushan Copper Mine in Liaoning province is the biggest copper mine base in northeast of china and has become a resource crisis mine with the increasing ore body exploration and usage in surface and in shallow. It is imperative to carry out concealed ore body exploration in the deep, marginal and periphery locations of old mine.Based on the eleventh five-year national science and technology supporting plan "key technology research on deep mining nonferrous metal mine resource reserves increase and efficient utilization", according to the comprehensive research and secondary development and utilization on geological prospecting data, guided by the metallogenic regularity of mining area, this research assimilates modern theories and methods of quantitative appraisal of mineral resources,3D geoscience modeling, spatial date mining, etc, studies and implements the multi-source3D geoscience spatial database, geological entity models and block models, the digital modeling of geological field and the spatial analysis of geological ore-controlling factors which are suitable for the requests of prospecting of replaceable resource. And then, the stereo quantitative3D prediction theory and method of concealed ore body base on SDM is set up. The main research results are as follows: (1) Based on completely collecting and sorting out of existing Hongtoushan Copper Mine geological data, exploration data and geophysical data, the paper analyses the present situation of geological mining data and the characteristics of multi-source3D geology spatial database, and makes integration and unification management on the database; uses3D geological modeling software Surpac to build3D solid and block model of the mining formation, tectonic, known ore body and geophysics, realizing the unified modeling, unified digital expression and storage of the multi-source geological spatial data in3D visualization level, which constitute multi-source3D geological spatial database along with concealed ore body prediction index data and result.(2) With the consideration of ore-controlling actions of geological conditions and based on the multi-source3D geological spatial database, the geological field, which can give a macro description or reflection of the metallogenic physicochemical process’s synthetic distribution and ore-controlling effects in geological space, is put forward. The digital modeling method and the spatial analysis method of geological fields are given. Based on the geological field theory above, the distribution fields of mineralization and the ore-controlling effect fields of faults, strata, lithology and geophysical are analyzed, and the ore-formation favorable indexes, which can quantitatively characterize the geological ore-controlling effects, are extracted. Accordingly, the quantitative spatial correlation between the ore-formation favorable indexes and the mineralization indexes is reached, which can maximally reveal the nonlinear mapping relationship from ore-controlling geological factor, prospecting criteria hidden in the comprehensive geological data to mineralization distribution.(3) Through analyzing SDM theories and means, discussing some general SDM means in mineral resource prediction such as fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, analytic hierarchy precess (AHP), grey relational analysis and regression forecasting,3D quantitative metallogenic prediction system of concealed ore body is built based on SDM. In order to conquer the disadvantages of single prediction method, a combination predicting method is put forward according to use the advantages of different methods.(4) The paper comprehensively uses grey system theory, fuzzy mathematical method and analytic hierarchy process to build grey fuzzy hierarchy comprehensive evaluation prediction model (GFAHP). In order to make the factor’s weight more effective and accurate, it combines subjective and objective valuation method together, and uses grey relational analysis to analyze the importance between ore-controlling effects. An Improved fuzzy hierarchy analyst method, which changes the comparison matrix to fuzzy consistent matrix, is used to determine the weights, which remedy the defects of subject and object valuation methods. In combination with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, GFAHP model is set up for concealed ore body3D quantitative prediction.(5) The mineralization mathematical model that reflects the functional relation between the mineralization variables and the ore-controlling variables is built by using multiple regression model to predict the concealed ore body of Hongtoushan Copper Mine. The predicting results of multiple regression model and GFAHP model are drawn in2D voxel prediction maps according to elevation levels. After comparing the results between predicting models, the three-dimensional prospecting target areas have been delineated and their resource amount have also been calculated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

