

The Research on Knowledge Management Capability of the Sci-Tech Enterprise’s Management

【作者】 夏金华

【导师】 刘冬荣;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 世界经济全球化一体化的今天,国家、企业之间的竞争已转变成科技实力的竞争,尤其是2007年我国提出发展战略性新兴产业以来,科技型企业已成为国家经济发展的重要载体,对国家、企业以及战略性新兴产业的发展都具有十分重要的战略意义,而作为科技型企业的一个重要组成部分——管理层的知识管理能力已成为科技型企业核心能力、核心竞争力的重要源泉。因此,当前加强对科技型企业管理层知识管理能力的研究显得尤为紧迫和重要,对提高科技型企业的核心竞争力有着重要的理论和实践指导意义。本文以我国科技型企业管理层知识管理能力问题为研究对象,在总结、提炼前人研究成果的基础上,针对我国科技型企业管理层知识管理能力问题的实际,综合运用知识管理能力理论,利用文献分析、专家访谈、定性分析与定量分析相结合等方法,对我国科技型企业管理层知识管理能力构成要素、管理层知识管理能力评价、管理层知识管理能力与绩效关系、管理理层知识管理能力与竞争优势的关系、管理层知识管理能力的影响因素进行了深入细致的研究。首先,本文以深圳市科技型企业为考察对象,根据国内外己有研究结果,通过关键事件访谈、内容分析等方法,采取360反馈技术,探讨了科技型企业管理层知识管理能力的构成要素。我们认为知识获取能力、知识存储能力、知识共享能力、知识转化能力、知识应用能力和知识创新能力六个因素能够区分在知识管理活动中表现一般和表现优秀的管理层个体,而且都是与管理层的工作绩效相关联,因而是科技型企业管理层知识管理能力的维度。结果显示,本研究具有较好的信度和效度,能够很好地反映科技型企业管理层知识管理能力的实质。其次,本文以科技型企业管理层的工作业绩水平作为因变量,各能力元素水平作为解释变量,研究结果显示,管理层的知识管理能力对绩效有显著影响作用。其中知识获取能力对任务完成绩效的路径系数为0.45,达到0.01的显著性水平,知识获取能力对关系管理绩效的路径系数为0.23,显著性水平为0.05;知识共享能力对任务完成绩效和关系管理绩效的路径系数分别0.55和0.68,显著性水平都达到了0.001;知识应用能力对任务完成绩效和关系管理绩效的路径系数分别为0.86和0.74,达到了0.001的显著水平;知识创新能力对任务完成绩效和关系管理绩效的路径系数分别为0.77和0.56,显著性水平分别达到0.001和0.01。通过上面的数据我们可以知道:科技型企业管理层知识管理能力与其绩效密切相关,知识管理能力对绩效有着显著的影响,但知识管理能力的不同维度对绩效的不同维度的影响程度是有区别的,例如知识转化能力和知识应用能力对任务完成绩效和关系管理绩效的影响都很大,而知识创新对任务完成绩效的影响比对关系管理绩效的影响更大;又如在任务完成绩效方面,知识应用能力影响最大,其次是知识创新,然后是知识共享,再是知识的获取,这些均与现实当中的情况基本吻合。再次,通过对科技型企业管理层知识管理能力与绩效关系模型的构建和检验,本文认为科技型企业管理层知识管理能力与工作绩效间存在着密切的相关性,科技型企业管理层知识管理能力对绩效有显著影响,不同的知识管理能力维度对科技型企业管理层绩效的各维度存在不同的预测效应,由此也说明了本文所构建的科技型企业管理层知识管理能力评价模型是基于绩效的效标,对管理层的绩效具有预测作用,是能够区分绩效优异者与普通者的。此外,对科技型企业管理层知识管理能力和竞争优势的关系进行了分析。得到如下结论:第一,选用国内科技型企业作为样本,对竞争优势和知识管理能力进行因子分析,指标效度和信度较高,然而这些指标测度存在一定困难,而且非参数指标的存在使得被调查者的主观评价会左右量化数据指标;第二,数据包络分析C2R模型分析得出,通过定量分析科技企业知识管理能力与竞争优势关系,总体上有效,同时也对科技型企业知识管理能力与竞争优势呈正比进行了验证,这一结论对于科技企业创造竞争优势提供了思路,有效知识管理是科技型企业获得竞争优势的重要途径,科技型企业可以通过加强知识管理来创造和保持竞争优势。最后,本文分析了科技型企业管理层知识管理能力的影响因素。通过变量之间的多元回归分析表明:第一,在验证科技型企业管理层知识管理能力影响因素中采用了因子分析,通过选用国内科技型企业作为样本,其结果表明不论是样本选择还是验证方法选取都是较为科学合理的,这里同时需要注意,指标测度存在一定困难,问卷调查中有些非参数指标的衡量需要被调查者主观判断,这些指标的调查结果具有较大的主观性;第二,通过相关性分析和回归分析,针对各种分析方法得出的结论进行比较,可以看出,知识管理能力影响因素确实与管理层知识管理能力之间线性相关,知识具体到某一种知识管理能力,其影响因素作用程度不同,总的来说,组织文化对管理层知识管理能力作用最大,人力资源管理次之,紧接着是信息技术因素,这也反映出知识管理的核心是要管理好人,同时区分了各种知识管理能力的决定因素对于科技企业的发展战略制定具有重要的导向作用,科技企业更加明了采取何种策略才能获得竞争优势。

【Abstract】 The state, competition among enterprises has been transformed into a scientific and technological strength of competition in Integration of economic globalization today. The Sci-Tech enterprises is an important carrier of the national economic development that the main driving force of technological innovation is a country to obtain long-term competitive advantage.The main form of business organization, enterprise management, knowledge management, science and technology capabilities of enterprises is of great strategic importance. Science and technology enterprise is management knowledge economy resources.The core of the Sci-Tech enterprises is only the Sci-Tech enterprises management and knowledge management capabilities in order to explain the core competitiveness, and only science and technology management, knowledge management is the core competence, the only source of core competence. Therefore, the strengthening of science and technology enterprise management knowledge management research is particularly urgent and important, which can fundamentally solve the problems of science and technology enterprise development, many problems.This article will be knowledge management capabilities of science and technology enterprise management as this study. First of all, this hi-tech enterprises in Shenzhen City, study object, has been through critical incident interviews, content analysis and other methods, to360feedback technology, science and technology enterprise management of the elements of knowledge management capabilities according to the results of a study abroad. We believe that knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge transformation, knowledge and ability to apply knowledge and innovative capability to distinguish between the six factors in knowledge management activities in general and the management of outstanding individuals, but are related to management layer associated with job performance, which is the science and technology enterprise management knowledge management dimension. The results show that the study has good reliability and validity, which can well reflect the ability of science and technology enterprise management, the essence of knowledge management.Secondly, this paper has the performance of scientific and technological level of corporate management as the dependent variable, element of the ability level as an explanatory variable, according to four different positions from the actual data, the establishment of the stepwise regression model. The results showed that the5%confidence level of knowledge on the management of science and technology enterprise management skills and job performance there was a significant positive correlation, and decided to work four jobs a key performance management capabilities of the Sci-Tech enterprises are different elements identical, thereby confirming the ability of science and technology enterprise management, knowledge management has the organic, context specific work to identify science and technology enterprise management, the ability to work effectively, the performance evaluation criteria to establish a theoretical basis.Again, the Sci-Tech enterprises through knowledge management and performance management, relationship building and testing the model, the paper that the ability of science and technology enterprise management, knowledge management and work performance there is a close correlation between the nature of science and technology enterprise management, knowledge management have a significant effect on the performance of different dimensions of knowledge management performance management of the Sci-Tech enterprises there are different dimensions of the predicted effect, which also shows the paper to build technology-based enterprise management, knowledge management evaluation model is performance criterion based on predictive performance management role, is able to distinguish between those with outstanding performance and ordinary person.Then, the quantitative description of the science and technology enterprise management knowledge management capability and competitive advantage relationship. This is a core concern of this article. I agree that effective knowledge management is a source of competitive advantage in gaining access to this view, knowledge management and effective management of knowledge management depends on the ability of science and technology enterprise level. This paper attempts a quantitative language to describe the relationships between them:Select the data envelopment analysis model and empirical analysis. The results show that the management of science and technology enterprise knowledge management capabilities of the six dimensions and three dimensions of dynamic competitive advantage using data envelopment analysis model for quantitative analysis is basically reasonable and effective. This provides guidance to companies through the implementation of effective knowledge management and a corresponding increase competitive advantage and provides a new way of thinking.Finally, there is the analysis of science and technology enterprise management knowledge management and its ability to influence the relationship between factors. Science and technology enterprise management capabilities and knowledge management factors is affecting the relationship between one of the concerns in this article. Previous research on knowledge management believes that the need for effective knowledge management. It is necessary by means of information technology. Information technology is considered to be the determinants of knowledge management. Empirical analysis of correlation and regression results indicate that the ability of information technology in knowledge sharing and knowledge acquisition has an important role in the ability to prove impact of information technology, enterprise knowledge management is an important factor. Advanced information technology support at a deeper level, enlarge and strengthen knowledge management and enterprise knowledge management activities contribute to, but not with the information technology, knowledge management, natural results on significant competitive advantage for enterprises and good performance. Implement effective information technology is not the decisive factor in knowledge management.In short, through this discussion of the system, The paper is the "science and technology enterprise performance management, knowledge management which is the management’s ability criterion,""science and technology enterprise management, knowledge management capacity from knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, knowledge applications, knowledge sharing and knowledge innovation constitute the six dimensions "," management’s knowledge management capability and performance are closely related." Research on knowledge management of science and technology enterprise management, should fully consider the factors of knowledge management "and other conclusions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F276.44;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1725
  • 攻读期成果

