

Legal Regulation of Publiy Utility Abusing Monopoly Power in China

【作者】 郑艳馨

【导师】 漆多俊;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 公用企业垄断行为目前已成为人们关注的焦点问题,也成为学术界探讨的热点问题。我国公用企业垄断行为对社会的危害尤为严重,其中最为常见的是公用企业垄断力滥用行为。如何正确界定和有效规制该种行为,成为考量我国《反垄断法》的合理性和社会政治、经济基本运行模式适时性的一个重要观察点。对于我国公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制的研究,我们可以通过追本溯源、剥丝抽茧的方式进行逐步展开。要研究我国公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制问题,首先就要对公用企业垄断基本理论问题有一个准确的认识。我们不仅要分析公用企业的内涵、基本特征、主要类型及其在我国国民经济中的作用,为研究公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制提供一个基本的认识平台。在对公用企业有了一个基本认识之后,分析公用企业垄断的含义与特征、公用企业垄断的属性、公用企业垄断的主要类型等问题成为必不可少的研究内容,通过对这些问题的研究,可以明确公用企业及其垄断行为同一般企业及其垄断行为的不同之处。在对公用企业垄断行为的基本理论进行分析总结之后,我们发现公用企业垄断力滥用行为是其最为主要的垄断行为。要明确公用企业垄断力滥用行为的含义与特征,了解公用企业垄断力获得的途径与原因,分析公用企业垄断力滥用行为的表现形式及其弊害,并与一般企业的垄断力滥用行为进行相应比较。同时,为公用企业垄断力滥用行为的判定提供一个合理的判定标准。单纯研究基本理论问题是远远不够的,要对公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制问题进行系统研究离不开对其现状的分析与考察。通过认真分析我国公用企业垄断力滥用行为现状、立法现状和我国公用企业市场化改革现状及其效果,可以为研究我国公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制问题提供实证依据。当然,在研究公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制问题时,我们不能仅要对我国的现状进行研究,还要通过横向比较思考我国公用企业垄断力滥用行为法律规制与改革实效与其它国家,尤其是美国、英国和德国等世界主要国家之间的区别,总结国际经验与教训,研究值得我国学习与借鉴的地方。通过研究,我们不难发现,以反垄断法为核心确立公用企业垄断力滥用行为规制制度是目前最为适宜于我国国情的公用企业垄断力滥用行为规制制度。对于如何构建我国的公用企业垄断力滥用反垄断法规制体系,我国应主要从规制目标、规制范围和规制主体上进行研究,以弥补现行立法的缺陷。同时,我们还应明确,因为公用企业作为一种特殊的企业,对其垄断力滥用行为的规制远没有一般企业那样简单,它不仅需要反垄断法的完善,还需要其他相关法律制度如公用企业管制制度、价格法律制度等的完善,需要国家经济体制与政治体制改革的配合。

【Abstract】 Public Utility monopoly behavior have become a social focus, also become the hot topic of academic circles. Public utilities monopolies increase serious harm to the society. In those behaviors, the most popular behavior is public utility abuse monopoly power. How to rule this behavior effectively has become the important checkpoint to observe the reason about anti-monopoly law and the timeliness about the politics and economics model. We can study legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power in our country by tracking down the origin and proceeding from the outside to the inside.When we study legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power in our country, the first thing we could do is to make clearly understand about the basic theory of public utility monopoly. We need to analysis the connotation, basic features, main types and effect in our national economy about public utility. It provides a basic information platform to study legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power. After known the public utility, we need to analysis the connotation, features, attributes, mainly types about Public Utility monopoly. We can find the difference between public utility and general enterprises, public utility monopolies and monopoly.After analysised and sumed up the basic theory of public utility monopoly, we found public utility abuse monopoly power is the main monopoly. We need to analysis the meaning and characteristic of public utility abuse monopoly power, the way to approach public utility monopoly power and the reasons, and divid the forms of public utility abuse monopoly power and the evils, find the difference between public utility abuse monopoly power and general enterprises abuse monopoly power. We also need to describe the judgment criteria in detail about public utility abuse monopoly power. Only stading the basic theory simply is far from enough, we need to analysis and investigate the legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power in a systematic way. By accurate analysis the present situation about public utility abuse monopoly power, regulation and reform in our country, we can probably bring some proofs for the definition of regulating public utility abuse monopoly power. We also need to compare the different country about legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power and reform effect of public utility, mainly compare the different from United States, Britain and Germany and other major countries about legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power and reform effect of public utility, summarize the international experience and lessons from the enlightenment to our country, stady the useful references to us.By studying, we found that establishing the legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power by anti-monopoly law is the best legal regulation for our national condition to regulate public utility abuse monopoly power. We should mainly study the regulation object, the regulation scope and the regulation subject to establish the legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power by anti-monopoly law. It can make up the defect in present legislation. Because public utility is special utility, regulating public utility abuse monopoly power is not easy than general enterprises. Which need us perfecting the anti-monopoly law, the price law and the control system of public utility, reforming political and economic systemic reforms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

