

【作者】 王友良

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 任何社会都是一种道德秩序,它扎根于一种共同的价值体系。在楼市运行中,主体对住宅主导价值认识的偏离,负价值对正价值的侵犯,是导致我国“问题楼市”出现的深层次原因。为了避免社会为之付出巨大的代价,我们应当对“问题楼市”施以伦理之力,进行楼市价值的重构。从对我国楼市问题的实然审视入手,以对“问题楼市”的价值分析作为思辩的逻辑起点,在应用伦理学基本理论的指导下,以提出我国楼市需要价值重构的观点为中介,提出人本楼市的价值观和人本楼市构建的伦理对策作为研究的逻辑终点。楼市价值的重构,是对住宅商品的“经济一福利”二重属性的认同与合伦理选择。只有对楼市进行价值重构,即以满足广大民众居住需要和幸福感的基本价值取向来统一社会共识,形成关于发展楼市的共同愿景和心灵契约,构建以人为本的楼市,才是真正解决楼市问题的正本清源之道和突破之思。对“问题楼市”施以伦理之力,必须在楼市价值观的指导下构建“人本楼市”的伦理对策体系。该体系可以综合“楼市主体维”和“伦理范畴维”进行构建。基本思路是强调政府的道德责任、企业的伦理经营以及民众的幸福消费的协同。市场的固有的缺陷并不能达到帕累托最优状态,人本楼市不会白发形成。解决市场失灵和道德失衡的问题还得靠政府这只“看得见的手”,需要政府责任(特别是道德责任)的投入。为此,政府必须要坚持科学发展观,正确处理经济发展与社会民生的辨证关系。基于构建人本楼市的责任目标,政府的责任体系应当以政策制定与执行为根本,以维持住宅供求平衡、制衡经济利益关系和落实住房保障为工作抓手。无论善还是恶,都是以利益为深层基础的。在楼市利益关系的调节中,政府通过政策与法规对企业的经营进行他律是必要的,但更为重要的是房地产企业的良知。经营伦理和伦理经营就是企业良知与自律的体现,是企业参与人本楼市构建的主体力量。企业伦理经营可以有不同的思想境界。第一境界是“合法规经营”,第二境界是“合市场经营”,第三境界是“合责任经营”。相对而言,“合法规”是企业伦理的低线,“合市场”是中线,“合责任”则是高线。从“合法规”到“合市场”,再到“合责任”,是企业经营伦理观的进化,是伦理经营力度的提升。住者有其居,是人权的一种体现,也是民众生活幸福的一大观察点。以人为本楼市的构建,需要消费者的积极参与。按照我国的文化传统,安居乐业是民众的一种基本需求,民众通过安居乐业可以促进个人的全面发展,并体验居住条件改善所带来的幸福体验。住宅消费不仅是个经济问题,也是个伦理问题。构建人本楼市,需要广大消费者能够成为人本楼市中的伦理主体。因此,应当通过宣传与学习让大众了解幸福的内涵,树立幸福消费观,自觉进行楼市的合法消费、适度消费和绿色消费。

【Abstract】 Every society follows ethics order and forms a deep-rooted value system shared by all. In real estate operation, the recognition deviation of the leading housing value from the principal, the invasion of negative value against positive one, are the deep-seated causes of our "problem real estate market". In order to avoid the huge loss inflicted upon the society, the market value of real estate should be restructured by utilizing the ethics force against the problem market.Starting from the logic of analyzing irrational issue and the according attributions, based upon the formation of real estate market and actual investigation, the paper puts forward the arguments that our market needs value reconstruction by discussing the government’s role, enterprise’s service and consumer’s happiness. In the end, the idea of constructing the real estate market for people is suggested as the logic conclusion.The reconstruction target is to realize the change from "real estate people" to "real estate for people". Although both conceptions seek prosperity and wealth accumulation in real estate, the "real estate people" do business only for the sake of market and wealth which results in the loss of value coordinates while "real estate for people" is for people’s survival, development, improvement and welfare. The former tends to indulge in "evil" while the latter in "good". Simply put,"real estate for people" is based upon people and fulfills people’s need and development. Only after this change, our real estate market can transit from irrational to rational prosperity. In this ethic category consisting of responsibility, service and happiness, the government is the guide, enterprises are the core and consumption for happiness is the background.The commitment to society for living and working in peace and contentment is the invisible hand for guiding government policy intervention and management. Safeguarding the residence right, promoting the rational development are the positive value utility and the purpose of administration for "good". On the contrary, profit-seeking of administrative staff, indulging in achievements of official career and even rent-seeking reflect the negative value of administrating behavior and tendency to "evil". The formulating and regulating real estate policy based on people welfare is the commitment to society and people as well as administrative service.Real estate enterprise is the cooperative organization earning reasonable profit by developing and operating house commodity and they are bonded by profit, contract and obligation. They are both economic entity and ethic entity. The sustainable economic and social benefits could be materialized by effective integration of both economic and ethic value under the guidance of ethics by taking the dual features of economy and welfare of residence products into consideration. The operating target of ethics to real estate enterprise can be divided into three levels. The first level is legal operation based on relevant laws of regulations in China. The second level is operation for mutual benefits based on market demand and supply and rules of the game, in which mutual trust and beneficial and harmonious relation with other principals especially the consumers are set up. The third level is contribution operation, which is supplying the market with sufficient, reasonably structured and priced, reliable and good quality house commodity and realizing the housing safeguarding system and society’s happiness consumption all contributing to rational prosperity.In the practice of real estate reconstruction and the establishment of "real estate market based on people", the consumers’perception of value is an important influencing factor without any doubt. The consumers’ rational expression and mental experience are different due to reasons such as information asymmetry. The market based on people should satisfy different demands to living, enjoying and development and harvest sense of happiness in the real estate consumption. Establishing ethics such as legal, reasonable and green consumption is the way to happy consumption in which legal consumption is the premise, reasonable consumption is the foundation and green consumption is the expectation to happiness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F293.3;B82-053
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】362
  • 攻读期成果

