

Study on Marx’s Thought That People as Masters

【作者】 刘真金

【导师】 肖铁肩;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 马克思人民主体思想是马克思主义理论的核心、灵魂与实质。从理论上讲,研究马克思人民主体思想可以加深对马克思主义理论的理解,为贯彻落实科学发展观提供理论依据以及为马克思主义中国化提供理论支撑,从而巩固马克思主义在意识形态中的指导地位;从实践上讲,研究马克思人民主体思想,可以发挥其对中国建设和谐社会以及对世界其它各国建设社会主义的指导作用,从而有利于全世界实现人民主体目标,有利于重建与加强人们对马克思主义的信仰,促进世界社会主义运动高潮的到来。马克思人民主体思想的基本形成与全面论证大致经历了四个阶段。一是铺垫与萌芽时期,即《莱茵报》及以前时期。这一时期是马克思受特利尔城的历史和社会环境以及三位长辈思想的影响到受黑格尔及青年黑格尔派唯心主义思想影响的过程,是从受唯心主义思想影响到《莱茵报》时期对这一思想反思的过程。二是唯物主义哲学奠基与初步形成时期,即《黑格尔法哲学批判》至《德法年鉴》时期。在《黑格尔法哲学批判》中,马克思通过对黑格尔法哲学的批判,确立了市民社会决定国家的唯物主义原则并提出了人民主权与民主制的主张;发表在《德法年鉴》上的文章中,马克思指出资产阶级政治解放还不是人类解放并赋予了无产阶级人类解放的历史使命。这一时期,马克思初步完成了向唯物主义的转变,人民主体思想初步形成。三是基本形成与全面论证时期,即《1844年经济学哲学手稿》至《德意志意识形态》时期。这一时期,是马克思从经济学、哲学、政治学等学科对人民主体思想进行多学科论证,也是马克思人民主体思想全面展开的阶段。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,人民为主体得到了初步论证。在《神圣家族》中,马克思主要是批判青年黑格尔派的自我意识哲学以论证人民为主体。《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》的内容表明马克思阐述的是主体的根本特性和实现人民主体目标的根本途径。《德意志意识形态》表明历史唯物主义的诞生,在唯物史观基础上马克思人民主体思想得到了科学阐明与论证,该著作是马克思人民主体思想基本形成的标志。四是深化发展时期,即《共产党宣言》至《哥达纲领批判》时期。在《共产党宣言》中,马克思彰显了人民是社会实践主体,昭示了人民是价值主体,表明了共产党人要始终坚持人民主体思想。对1848年欧洲革命的反思,马克思撰写了《1848年至1850年法兰西阶级斗争》和《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》。在这两部著作中,马克思人民主体思想得到了进一步丰富和发展。《法兰西内战》是马克思对1871年巴黎公社人民主体实践的理论总结,从中可以看出马克思丰富的人民主体思想。晚年马克思撰写的《哥达纲领批判》重申了人民主体的一贯立场和思想,是马克思对其人民主体思想的总结和进一步发展。马克思看到人类社会长期以来都是少数人压迫、剥削大多数人的社会,马克思要把这个颠倒的社会再颠倒过来。以人民主体为出发点,马克思在批判中构建了人民主体思想。人民主体的深刻内涵;人民是经济、政治、文化、利益价值主体的具体内容;人民为主体的经济、政治、文化条件构成人民主体思想的主要逻辑系统。马克思人民主体思想以实现人民主体目标为旨归,实现人类解放是充分实现人民主体目标的条件。在马克思人民主体思想中,蕴含着批判性与建构性的统一、价值性与真理性的结合。马克思人民主体思想在继承与批判中实现了少数人主体到多数人主体、从历史唯心主义到历史唯物主义的根本变革。马克思人民主体思想具有重大影响与意义。列宁第一次把马克思人民主体思想从理论推向了实践,实现了苏联广大人民当家做主。在马克思人民主体思想的影响下,中国进行了革命、建设与改革运动并取得了巨大成功。在日益全球化的今天,在人民主体目标还没有充分实现之前,马克思人民主体思想对当代中国以及全世界的社会主义运动仍然具有不可或缺的指导作用。

【Abstract】 Marx’s thought that people as masters is the core, the soul and the essence of Marxism. Theoretically, to study the Marx’s thought that people as masters can deepen the understanding of Marxism, provides a theoretical basis for carrying out the scientific development outlook and provides a theoretical support for the Marxism in China. As a result, these can consolidate the guiding status of the Marxism in ideology. Practically, to study the Marx’s thought that people are masters can provide guidance to build a harmonious society in China and to build socialism in the other countries, which can help realizing the goal that people as masters in the world, help rebuilding and strengthening the people’faith of the Marxism and help promoting the upsurge of the socialist movement in the world.The basic formation and comprehensive demonstration of that Marx’s thought of people as masters roughly experienced four stages. The first stage is the bedding and sprouting period. That is the time of "Rhine daily" and the time before. In this period Marx is affected by from Montreal city’s history and social environment as well as the three elders’ thought to the idealism thought of the Hagel and young Hagel School, and affected by from the idealism thought to reflect it in the time of "Rhine daily". The second stage is the period of Materialism philosophy foundation and initial formation. That is the period from "criticism of Hagel’s law philosophy" to the "Yearbook of Germany and France". In the former book, Marx establishes the Materialism principle that the civil society determines the state by criticizing the Hagel law philosophy and puts forward the advocacy of the people’s sovereignty and democracy. In the articles of the "Yearbook of Germany and France", Marx points out that the bourgeois political emancipation is not human emancipation and confers the historical mission of human emancipation to the proletariat. The third stage is the period of the basic formation and comprehensive demonstration. That is the period from the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of1844" to the "German Ideology". During this period, Marx proofs the thought that people as masters by economics, philosophy, political science and other disciplines, and Marx’s thought that people as masters spread out. In the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of1844", the idea of people as masters gets a preliminary demonstration. In the "Holy Family", Marx criticizes the philosophy of self awareness of the young Hagel School in order to demonstrate the idea of people as masters. The content in the "On the outline of Feuerbach" indicates what Marx describes are the fundamental characteristics of the masters and the way of becoming the masters. The "German Ideology" indicates that historical materialism is born, and the Marx’s thought that people as masters is scientifically clarified and argued on the basis of historical materialism. This book is the symbol that Marx’s thought that people as masters forms roughly. The forth stage is the further development period, namely the period from the "Communist Manifesto" to the "Critique of the Gotha Program". In the "Communist Manifesto", Marx reveals that people are masters in the social practice, and shows people are masters in value, and Indicates that the Communists should adhere to the thought that people as masters. On reflecting the European Revolution in1848, Marx writes the "French Class Struggle from1848to1850" and the "Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte". In the two books, the Marx’s thought that people as masters is enriched and developed furtherly. The "civil war in France" is the summary that the Paris Commune of1871about the practicing of people as masters, and Marx’s rich thought that people as masters can be seen from it. Later Marx reiterates the consistent position and thought that people as masters in the "Critique of the Gotha Program". It is the summary and further development of the Marx’s thought that people as masters.Marx sees that the minority people have been oppressed and exploited the most people in the long human society, and Marx wants to give an inversion of the inversed society again. Basing on the starting point of people as masters, Marx constructs the thought that people as masters in the criticism. Three parts constitute the main logic system of the Marx’s thought that people as masters, which are the profound meaning of people as masters; the specific content of that people as masters in economy, politics, culture, and the benefits; the conditions of that people as masters in economy, politics, and culture. Marx’s thought that people as masters points to the goal of people as masters. The human emancipation is the condition of fully realizing the goal of people as master. Marx’s thought that people as masters contains critical and constructive unity, value and truth unity. Marx’s thought that people as masters achieves the fundamental change from the minority people as masters to the most people as masters and from historical idealism to the historical materialism by inheriting and criticing.Marx’s thought that people as masters has great influence and significance. Lenin firstly puts Marx’s thought that people as masters into practice, and realizes the people as masters in the Soviet. In the influence of Marx’s thought that people as masters, China experiences the sports of revolution, construction and reform, and achieves great success in these sports. In today of increasingly globalizing and before the goal that people as master is not fully realized, Marx’s thought that people as masters still has indispensable guidance role to socialist movement in China and the whole world.

【关键词】 人民主体历史唯物主义共产主义
【Key words】 peoplemasterspracticehistorical materialism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

