

Study on the Functional Expansion of the Ideological and Political Work in Building of Harmonious Society

【作者】 罗湘明

【导师】 刘新庚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 建设和谐社会是党和国家的一项重要战略目标。如何拓展思想政治工作的时代功能,为构建社会主义和谐社会做出应有的贡献,如何抓住机遇,在服务和谐社会建设的同时实现自身学科原理和方法理论的现代发展,是思想政治教育当前所面临的重大课题,亦是思想政治教育研究者的历史使命。因此,找准和谐社会建设中思想政治工作的功能定位,强化思想政治工作的原有功能,大力拓展其新功能,切实解决思想政治工作应该为构建和谐社会“做什么”、“如何做”等问题,就是本选题研究的重大意义与价值所在。学术界对和谐社会构建中发挥思想政治工作作用的必要性、重要性的看法高度一致,但拓展思想政治工作相应功能的系统研究则很鲜见,给本文的研究留下了很大空间,也留下了较大难度。和谐社会建设中思想政治工作的功能拓展,本质上是思想政治工作地位、作用在新的社会需要中的新彰显,是传统政治优势与当今时代要求的辩证统一。其功能拓展的理论依据,主要是马克思主义关于意识形态功能的学说、社会主义和谐社会建设的理论、中国共产党关于思想政治工作地位与作用的学说、思想政治教育功能的原理与方法理论,还需借鉴社会学、心理学、管理学等学科理论以及西方在社会建设方面的相关理论与做法。顺应和谐社会的时代需求和学科理论的本质要求,思想政治工作必须大力拓展自身在服务和谐社会建设方面的系列功能,即服务人与人的和谐发展,服务人与社会的和谐发展,服务个体身心的和谐发展,服务人与自然的和谐发展。当前,拓展思想政治工作时代功能的一个基本价值取向,是推进中国特色社会主义社会的和谐发展。具体指向包涵:着眼和谐社会的思想基础,注重和谐社会的发展导向,倾心和谐社会的矛盾调节,致力和谐社会的运行保障。首先,要大力弘扬中华和谐神韵,创新思想政治工作的社会导向功能。既要承继“以和为贵”思想底蕴,建树社会和谐的共同愿景;又要努力开掘“仁和中庸”的时代内涵,导引人际关系和合友善;还要彰显“和谐社会”时代魅力,导航现代社会的发展方向。其次,要着眼全面和谐发展,大力开发思想政治工作的素质培育功能。既要推进思想观念更新,促进思维与时代同步发展;又要加强思想品德教育,促进品格与行为和谐发展;还要注重开发人的内在潜能,促进智力与技能协调发展。第三,要坚持核心价值取向,大力拓展思想政治工作的意志凝聚功能。既要以马克思主义中国化最新成果凝铸主体灵魂;又要以中国特色社会主义共同理想整合群体意志,还要以民族精神和时代精神主导社会思潮鼓舞全民斗志,以社会主义荣辱观规范行为引领时代新风。第四,要彰显公平正义,大力强化思想政治工作的精神激励功能。既要彰显公平理念,注重弱势群体的精神激励;又要推进民主建设,注重各级干部的政治激励;还要弘扬社会正气,注重社会和谐的行为激励。第五,要注重统筹兼顾,大力开发思想政治工作的矛盾协调功能。既要协调人际关系,维护社会环境和谐;又要注意化解思想矛盾,维护群体行为和谐;还要注重身心冲突的调适,维护个体内在的和谐。第六,要加强和谐人格的塑造,大力拓展思想政治工作的思想转化功能。既要以情感人,增进思想与态度的认同;又要以情动人,推进观念与认知的变革;还要以理服人,促进个体与整体相一致。第七,要注重人文关怀,大力拓展思想政治工作和谐保障功能。既要遵循社会发展规律,保障思想前进方向;又要强化以人为本宗旨,保障人民心情舒畅;还要贯彻民主法治精神,保障社会和谐稳定。在和谐社会建设中,思想政治工作功能的拓展是全方位、多层次的,其功能效应是辩证统一、相辅相成的,本质上具有内在的逻辑联系。他们辩证统一于一个新型的思想政治工作功能体系,即“和谐型”功能体系之中。该功能体系的理论架构至少包含基础因子、手段因子、和目标因子三个组成部分。前者包括社会导向功能与素质培育功能;后者包括意志凝聚功能、精神激励功能与矛盾协调功能;再者包括观念转化功能与和谐保障功能。“和谐型”思想政治工作功能体系具有自身特色的运行机制,主要包括三个相互支撑、协调互动的具体操作机制,即和谐目标的制导机制、体系功能的共振机制、功能运行的协控机制。

【Abstract】 It is a crucial strategic objective for both China and CPC to build a harmonious society. Therefore, it is the historic mission for the researchers of the ideology education to work out how to expand the era function of the ideological and political work, how to seize the chance to better serve the establishment of a harmonious society as well as perfect the modern development of its own discipline principle and theoretical method. This is the major issue for ideology education and also the historic mission for the researchers of ideology education. Hence, fix the suitable functional position of ideological and political work in harmonious society construction, strengthen its original function, expand its new function, resolve the problems about "do what"、"how to do" are the significance and value for the research of the topic.The academic field views highly consistent of the necessity and importance for ideological and political work to build a harmonious society, however, it has little systematic research on the expansion of ideological and political work, which gives much space and difficulty to the thesis.The functional expansion of ideological and political work in building a harmonious society is, by nature, again displays the significance of the ideological and political work and reflects the dialectical unity of the traditional political advantage and the requirement of the current times. Functional expansion mainly based on the following theories such as ideology related to Marxism、establishment of a harmonious society、the role and function of ideological and political work of CPC、the education principle of ideological and political function. Meanwhile, we should apply discipline theories with sociology、 psychology and management and draw lessons from the west in the aspect of social construction.For the purpose of complying with era’s needs in harmonious society and essential requirement for discipline theory, the ideological and political work shall be expanded the service function in harmonious society construction, say the harmonious development among human beings, human beings and society、individuals、man and nature. Nowadays, one basic value orientation for expanding the era function of ideological and political work aims at promoting the harmonious society with Chinese features. The specific orientations for harmonious development are as follows, say ideological basis、society development guidance、conflict mediator and operation.First, we should carry forward the spirit of harmony and expand the function of ideological and political work and its social orientation. Carry on the thinking details such as "harmony is most precious" to navigate people to have faith in the social harmony, Try to creates "bevel once and mean" with epoch connotation to build harmonious interpersonal relationship; Show the modern charm of" harmonious society "to lead the developing directions of our society.Second, by proposing to profound harmonious development, explore competency fostering function in ideological and political work. Advance update of thinking concepts in order to improve the synchronous development between thinking and times. Enhance ideological cultivation for the harmonious development of behaviors. Moreover, concern on the development of inherent ability to promote the coordinative development of intelligence.Third, adherence to core value to give full play to the aggregating function of ideological and political work. Encourage people to be oriented by the national spirit and time spirit, guided by Marxsim Chinese-Characterization; Meanwhile, attach great importance to the socialist core value system as the soul of harmonious society and the key part of functional expansion of ideological and political work.Fourth, display Fairness and Justice in the encouragement of expanding the function of ideological and political work. We should not only display fairness and put much emphasis on spiritual construction to the disadvantaged, but also promote the democratic construction to give political encouragement to the carders. Foster civilized social trends to encourage harmonious social behaviors.Fifth, emphasize the idea of overall planning and all-round consideration by upgrading construction in ideological and political work. Coordinate interpersonal relationship and uphold social harmony; Concern about resolving the construction of thought to maintain behavioral harmony of the collective as well as inner harmony of the individuals by adjusting the contraction between the physical and the mental.Sixth, strengthen the shape of harmonious personality and expand the thinking transformation function. Affect people with care to enhance the identity of thought and attitude; Move people with emotion to innovate ideas and concepts; Convince people with rational argument to promote consistent between individuals and overalls.Seventh, expand harmoniously safeguarding function with humanistic care. Carry out the spirit of democracy and rule of law for the stability of harmonious society; Stress the people-oriented goal to ensure people in happy mood; Follow the discipline of social development to keep the thoughts advanced in the right direction.The functional expansion of ideological and political work in building a harmonious society is all-round and multi-level, the functional effect is dialectical unity as well as supplement each other, by nature, possesses inner logic relation. They reflect the dialectical unity of a new functional system of ideological and political work among "harmonious" functional system. This kind of theoretical structure at least includes fundamental factor means factor and object factor. The former consists of social guiding function and quality cultivating function; The later comprises accumulate function、spirit encouraging function and conflict harmonizing function; Another consists of concept transferring function and harmony ensuring function."Harmonious" functional system in ideological and political work serves for its typical feature of operating mechanism, which mainly consist of three specific operating systems to support in one another and coordinate and interact, that is, restricting and guiding on harmonious object mechanism、functions inter influential mechanism and operating controlling mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

