

Research on Present Situation and Monitoring Mechanism of Teenagers’ Internet Addiction

【作者】 邓验

【导师】 曾长秋;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自从中国1994年成为接入国际互联网的国家以后,网民数量逐年增加,网络逐渐普及到千家万户。丰富多彩的网络信息资源在给人们生活带来快捷、便利的同时,也对人们的思想观念和行为方式产生了一定的负面影响和冲击。青少年作为网民中最活跃的主力军,仍然处在道德意识和价值观念的剧烈变化期,更容易受到网络不良信息资源的影响,从而导致网络成瘾问题的出现。青少年网瘾问题一出现,便引起社会各界的广泛关注。众多学科领域的专家学者从不同角度、不同层面对青少年网瘾现象进行了研究,并为解决这个问题做出了很多贡献。本文在前人研究的基础上,坚持以马克思主义为指导,以思想政治教育学为依托,综合运用心理学、社会学、传播学等相关知识,采用了文献采集法、比较分析法、调查法等研究方法,从青少年网瘾相关概念界定入手,阐明了研究青少年网瘾问题的价值,通过对国内外网瘾问题研究的实践经验的理性分析,提出了青少年网瘾问题研究面临的问题和困惑;重点探讨了青少年网瘾现状及网瘾基本类型,在此基础上探讨了青少年网瘾监控机制体系的构建。以期通过青少年网络成瘾问题的理论研究,推动我国青少年网瘾监控和防治实践。本文从五个方面展开论述,一是论述青少年网瘾问题现状。通过问卷调查的形式,并对调查结果进行总结、分析,为青少年网瘾成因及监控机制研究提供现实依据。二是论述青少年网络成瘾的主要成因。依据马克思主义哲学内外因辩证统一关系的原理,从网络因素的四大特点:空间开放性、身份隐匿性、资源丰富性、传播及时性,青少年自身生理因素、心理因素,以及家庭、学校、社会等外部环境因素对青少年网络成瘾的成因进行分析。三是论述青少年网瘾判断标准及监控机制研究的基础理论。总结了江泽民同志和胡锦涛同志关于网络思想政治教育建设的重要论述;以社会存在与社会意识辩证关系原理、事物的普遍联系与发展原理、认识与实践辩证统一原理、人的本质学说以及个人全面发展学说作理论支撑;以社会学、心理学、传播学作学科支撑。四是论述了青少年网瘾判断标准的设定,并在此基础上分析了青少年网瘾的基本类型,归纳总结了在精神病学、心理学、临床医学等领域里网瘾判断标准研究的成功范例;从思想政治教育学角度,遵循人的思想形成过程中的知、情、信、意、行五个要素特点,结合时间、心理特征、病理特征等进行了网络成瘾判断标准的设定;并在此基础上,分析了当前青少年网瘾的基本类型:网络游戏成瘾、网络色情成瘾、网络交往成瘾、网络交易成瘾、网络信息成瘾、手机上网成瘾。五是论述了青少年网瘾监控机制的建立。明确青少年网瘾监控机制建立的原则:方向性和求实性相结合原则、民主性和激励性相结合原则、渗透性和层次性相结合原则;运用“有理、有利、有节”的思想法则,构建青少年自我监控机制;并从家庭、学校、社会三个方面建立“三位一体”网瘾外部综合监控机制,以防治青少年的网络成瘾问题。

【Abstract】 Since1994, China has become the country which access to international internet, the number of internet users has increased year by year and network has gradually spread to thousands of households. A variety of network information resources bring fast, convenient for people’s living, which also produced certain negative impact on people’s ideas and behavior patterns. As the main force of the most active internet users, adolescents are more susceptible to the influence of network information resources for they’re still in the drastically changeable period of moral consciousness and value, which will lead to the emergence of network addiction. And this aroused widespread concern. Many experts and scholars in the field of subjects have studied the phenomenon of adolescent network addiction from different angles and levels, and have made many contributions to solve this problem. On the basis of previous studies, taking Marxism as a guide and relying on ideological education, this paper clarifies the value of the study of youth addiction issues. Also, by using of psychology, sociology, communication and other relevant knowledge comprehensively, adopting research methods such as literature collection, comparative analysis and investigation, from the adolescent internet addiction related concept, explained the value of studying adolescent internet addiction problem. Through the rational analysis of the practice experience on domestic and foreign Internet addiction research, it put forward problems and puzzles facing the study of teenagers’network addiction. The paper disscussed importantly on the building of the internet addiction present situation in adolescents, and conducted the building of the monitoring system of adolescent Internet addiction on the basis of it. According to the theory research of youth internet addiction, it will promote research practice of China’s adolescent Internet addiction.This article discusses from five aspects, one is the problem of internet addiction in adolescents. Through the questionnaire survey, using the sociology analysis method to analyze the results of the investigation, which provide a practical basis to the adolescent Internet addiction criteria and monitoring mechanism. Two is discussing the main causes of adolescent internet addiction. According to the external and internal relationship of dialectical unity of principle of Marx’s philosophy, from the network factor’s four major characteristics:space opening, identity occulting, resources riching, spread timeliness, young people own physiological factors, psychological factors, as well as family, school, social and other external environmental factors, we conduct analysising in-depth of the causes on adolescent internet addiction. Three is discussing the basis theory of adolescent internet addiction criteria and monitoring mechanism. It summarized the important construction on Ideological and political education at network of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao; It took the principle of social existence and social consciousness, the principle of the general connection between things and development, the principle of dialectical unity of understanding and practice, the theory of human nature and the theory of personal overall development as the theory support; It took the sociology, psychology, communication studies as the academic support. Four is discussing the criteria set of adolescent Internet addiction and analysing the types of Internet addiction in adolescents based on it. The paper summarized the successful example of Internet addiction criteria in psychiatry, psychology, clinical medicine and other fields; From the perspective of the ideological and political education, and following five essential characteristics in the formational process of human thought, such as:knowledge, feeling, thought, idea and act, combing with the features of time, psychological characteristics, pathological characteristics, the paper setted the judgment standard of Internet addiction setting; And on this foundation, it analysed current basic types of adolescent internet addiction:network game addiction, Internet pornography addiction, network communication addiction, network trading addiction,network information addiction, mobile phone addiction. Five is discussing the monitoring mechanism of internet addiction in adolescents. It conducted the principle of establishing the monitoring mechanism of adolescents internet addiction:the principle of direction and practical combination, the principle of democracy and incentive combination, the principle of permeability and hierarchy combination; It constructed the youth self monitoring mechanism of using the thought principle of rational, favorable, control"; It builded " the Trinity" Internet addiction external integrated monitoring mechanism from family, school, society three aspects, in order to solve the problem of youth internet addiction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

