

Study on a New Mineral-Metallurgical Processing for Low Grade Complicated Refractory Tungsten Ore and Its Tech-Economic Assessment Model

【作者】 邓海波

【导师】 王淀佐;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国是世界上钨资源储量和钨原料生产、出口量最大的国家。柿竹园多金属矿为世界最大钨矿,钨资源占世界已探明储量的20.7%,但矿石含钨品位低,矿物成分及组成复杂,分选难度大,资源综合利用困难。长期以来,柿竹园钨矿的WO3选矿回收率一直在62.6%左右。针对其矿石特点,开展低品位复杂难处理钨矿选-冶联合工艺技术研究,意义重大。选矿研究部分,作者提出了常温浮选直接产出低品位黑白钨混合精矿的“弱磁预脱铁-浮选预脱泥-黑白钨混浮新工艺”。实验室小型闭路试验和工业试验均获得了优于原工艺的试验指标,得出了钨精矿品位与钨选矿回收率之间的关系。新工艺采用常温精选产出30%WO3粗精矿方案,与原加温精选产出65%WO3精矿工艺相比,可增加WO3回收量482.1t/a。浮选新工艺机理研究方面,EDLVO理论计算表明在疏水体系下,钨矿物与矿泥作用的总EDLVO势能NEDTotal为负,说明钨矿物与细粒矿泥发生凝聚的行为是自动过程。矿物表面动电位理论分析和实测表明,钨矿物与萤石矿泥会发生静电吸附互凝。以上凝聚和互凝现象会影响钨矿浮选,所以预先脱泥是合理的。红外光谱分析表明,捕收剂GYB与黑钨矿的作用机理是发生表面化学吸附生成疏水难溶螯合物。水冶研究部分,针对低品位钨粗精矿和中矿原料,开发了钨粗精矿高碱压煮工艺和浓缩结晶-钨碱分离-碱回收工艺,得出了不同WO3品位钨精矿原料与单位W03处理溶出生产成本的关系。技术经济评价理论研究方面,作者分析导出了选-冶企业联合采用新工艺后效益变化E的评价模型。E与品位为100%WO3的产品金属价格Po相关波动,计算结果表明:原工艺采用65%WO3精矿方案,新工艺采用30%WO3粗精矿方案,当产品金属价格P0达到P0(30%WO3方案)=9.55×104(元/t WO3),E达到盈亏平衡点,具有应用可能性。当P0继续上升时,E随之急剧上升,新工艺有较大的综合盈利效益。建议采用。选-冶联合效益E与原工艺精矿品位为β1的矿产金属价格P1、新工艺精矿品位为β2的矿产金属价格P2无关,但P1、P2的取值会直接影响选-冶联合效益E在选矿效益Ed、冶金效益Em之间的分配比例。作者在综合平衡选-冶双方效益、由获利较多方让利回馈成本上升方的设定条件下,分析提出了新工艺β2精矿矿产金属价格的合理理论底线值P2的计算方法,由此提出了P0、P1、P2相关联计算选取方法。本方法有助于E在Ed、Em之间的平衡分配。柿竹园多金属矿实际案例计算结果表明,本论文研究提出的选-冶企业联合采用新工艺后效益变化E的评价模型是合理的,并可回用指导钨选-冶联合工艺实际生产过程的经济参数的拟定,协调钨选-冶双方的合理利益分配,从而有助于选-冶联合新工艺获得选-冶双方的认可和实施。

【Abstract】 China’s tungsten resources, production and export quantity are all in the first place of the world. Shizhuyuan Polymetallic Mine is the biggest one, which possesses20.7%explored tungsten resources of the world. However, its ores is hard to be separated and utilized comprehensively due to the low grade and the complicated composition. WO3beneficiation recovery in this mine was only62.6%for a long time. Thus, it is significant to do some research and thereby develop a new mineral-metallurgical processing for this low-grade, complicated and refractory tungsten ore.In the aspect of beneficiation research, a novel flowsheet of "iron removal by weak magnetic separation-slimes removal by flotation-scheelite and wolframite bulk flotation" is designed, by which a low grade WO3scheelite and wolframite bulk concentrate could be directly produced by normal temperature flotation. The relationship between tungsten concentrate WO3grade and WO3recovery was determined. Compared with the present process for warming flotation to preduce65%WO3concentrate, the better test index was obtained by the new process for normal temperature flotation to preduce30%WO3rough concentrate in small-sized closed circuit test and industrial test, and WO3total recovery was increased for482.1t/a.In the research field of flotation new process mechanism, EDLVO theory is introduced for the calculation. which shows that, in the case of hydrophobic system, the value of total EDLVO potential energy of fine grain sludge ore acting on tungsten minerals VEDTotal is negative. This means that fine grain sludge ore would be flocculated with tungsten minerals in an automatic way. Based on the theoretical calculation and the actual detection on Zeta potential, it suggests that the fine minerals of fluorite, scheelite and wolframite might electrocoagulate together. These phenomena are harmful for the fine grain sludge ore in the case of tungsten ore flotation separation. Therefore, the predesliming is necessary and reasonable. Analysis with infrared spectroscopy showed that the effect mechanism of collector GYB on wolframite is generating a hydrophobic dissolvable chelate through surface chemical absorptionIn the research field of hydrometallurgy, the tungsten rough concentrate high alkali autoclaving process and the condense crystallizing-tungsten alkali separating-alkali recycling process were developed for low grade rough concentrate and middling raw material. The relationship of different WO3grade concentrates and unit production costs of WO3dissolution was determined.In the research field of technological economy evaluation theory, an assessment model is set up by the author for a changed economic benefit E of the new mineral-metallurgical processing. E is fluctuated relative to Po, where Po is the metal price of the100%WO3product. The concentrate grade of the present process is65%WO3and the rough concentrate grade of the new process is30%WO3. Calculated result of E showed that if the new process is used and if Pois fluctuated to Po (3o%WO3process)-9.55×104(RMB/t WO3), E should come up to breakeven point, therefore bringing applicability of the new processing. When Po continues to rise, E should rise rapidly. The new processing has great comprehensive profit benefits and is recommended.The economic benefit E of the mineral-metallurgical processing has no concerns to mineral product metal price Pi with a β1grade concentrate under the existing process and to the mineral product metal price P2with a β2grade concentrate under the new process. However, the values of P1and P2would directly influence distributive proportion of E between mineral processing benefit Ed and metallurgical processing benefit Em. One condition is set up based on the comprehensive balance between the mineral processing benefit and the metallurgical processing benefit, and some benefits given by the more profitable side to the side whose cost is rolling up. Under this condition, a calculating method was derived for P2, the reasonable theoretical base line price of mineral product metal produced by new process with β2grade concentrate; thereby a correlating calculation method was derived for P0, P1and P2, which should be contributed to a balanced distribution of E between Ed and Em.Calculated results in the case of Shizhuyuan Polymetallic Mine show that the assessment model of E research is reasonable. This evaluation model of E can be used back to guide drawing up economic parameters in actual production of tungsten under the mineral-metallurgical processing, and to coordinate profit distribution of the mineral processing side and the metallurgical processing side, so as the two sides to be conducive to the acceptance and implementation of the new procesing in production.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

