

Research on the Intrinsic Association between Marx’s Civil Society Theory and Marx’s Modernity Theory

【作者】 卢维良

【导师】 祝小宁;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 马克思思想是一个整体性的思想体系,各个具体思想相互联系、紧密相关。市民社会理论与现代性思想作为马克思思想的两个组成部分在发展进程上存在着内在关联,体现在三个方面。马克思在批判继承黑格尔市民社会理论的基础上,提出了“市民社会是政治国家的基础”的论断,标志着马克思唯物主义的市民社会理论以及以阐发“市民社会”为核心的现代性思想的开端。黑格尔主义是马克思思想发展的出发点,《博士论文》和《莱茵报》前期,马克思对黑格尔的唯心主义和理性主义深信不疑,这期间他的市民社会理论与现代性思想还处于萌芽时期。《博士论文》中贯穿着“自我意识”原则,马克思借“自我意识”原则高扬市民社会中人的权利、自由和平等,彰显启蒙现代性。《莱茵报》前期,马克思借维护新闻出版自由来维护广大劳动群众的权利和利益,以此来颂扬现代理性和启蒙精神。《莱茵报》后期,马克思遇到了极其苦恼的“物质利益问题”,使他开始对自己信仰的黑格尔的唯心主义和理性主义产生怀疑,为了清算自己唯心主义信仰,他对黑格尔的法哲学尤其是其市民社会理论进行了批判,在批判过程中提出了与黑格尔相反的“市民社会是政治国家的基础”的结论,标志着马克思唯物主义的市民社会理论与现代性思想的开端。此后,马克思继续对市民社会的政治解放和人的解放进行探索,使其市民社会理论与现代性思想在哲学范围内得到进一步发展。马克思运用唯物史观深入剖析了市民社会,全面阐发了以唯物史观为基础的市民社会理论和现代性思想。自1844年开始研究政治经济学后,马克思便逐渐深入到市民社会内部,运用逐渐形成的唯物史观对市民社会的商品、货币、生产、资本等进行剖析,揭示出市民社会的异化和物化的本质以及资本逻辑的实质,使得以唯物史观为基础的市民社会理论与现代性思想得到全面阐发;同时,由于得到唯物史观、剩余价值理论等“科学”的论证,马克思的市民社会理论与现代性思想得到进一步完善,达到成熟。马克思在唯物史观和剩余价值理论的科学论证基础上,指出了扬弃市民社会、实现人的解放是克服市民社会内在矛盾、解决现代性困境的唯一出路,标志着马克思的市民社会理论和现代性思想得到了进一步升华。马克思市民社会理论与现代性思想的内在关联,对于中国现代性建构尤其是社会主义市民社会建设有着极其重要的借鉴意义。鉴于市民社会在促进现代性发展的同时又因其内部存在着矛盾和缺陷而对现代性发展起着阻碍作用。因此,当前中国建构社会主义现代性,应该走出一条中国特色的道路,通过学习型政党建设、服务型政府构建、培育社会资本、加强市民社会组织建设以及民主法治建设等措施来促进中国社会主义市民社会建设,通过社会主义公有制的主导作用,努力地避免市民社会给现代性发展带来的阻滞。

【Abstract】 Marx’s thought is a holistic system of thought, various specific ideas mutuallylinked and closely related. Theory of civil society and the modernity thought, as the twoof Marx’s thought, there is an intrinsic correlation integral part in the developmentprocess, reflected in three aspects.In the critical inheritance of Hegel’s theory of civil society foundation, Marx putforward “the civil society is the foundation of the political state” judgement, whichmark Marx’s materialist theory of civil society and modernity thought analysizing“citizen society” as the core beginning. Hegelianism is the starting point of thedevelopment of Marx though, the “doctoral thesis” and the “Rheinische Zeitung” earlyon, Marx convinced of the idealism and rationalism of Hegel, during which his theoryof civil society and modernity thought are still in infancy.“Doctoral thesis” runsthrough the principle of “self-consciousness”, Marx praised the theme of human rights,freedom and equality of civil society by the principle of “self-consciousness”, andhighlighted the modernity of the Enlightenment.“Rheinische Zeitung” early, Marx bymaintenance of a free press safeguarded the rights and interests of the laboring massesin order to celebrate the modern rationality and spirit of the Enlightenment.LateRheinische Zeitung, Marx encountered extremely distressed “material interests”, hebegan to doubt their own faith of Hegel’s idealism and rationalism, in order to liquidatehis idealist beliefs, he started Hegelian philosophy of law especially civil society theory,and in the critical process he proposed that the civil society is the foundation of thepolitical state which contrary Hegel’s, which mark Marx materialist theory of civilsociety and modernity thought beginning. Since then, Marx continued to explorepolitical emancipation and human emancipation of civil society, which furthered thetheory of civil society and the modernity thought.Marx uesed historical materialism to in-depth analysis of the civil society, andcomprehensivly elucidated the historical materialism-based theory of civil society andmodernity thought. Since1844began to study political economy, Marx graduallypenetrated within the civil society, the use of historical materialism gradual formation of public social goods, money, production, capital and other analysis, revealed thealienation and materialization of the civil society, and the essence of the logic of capital,making the full elucidation of the historical materialism-based theory of civil societyand modernity thought. At the same time, thanks to “scientific” demonstration ofhistorical materialism and the theory of surplus value, Marx’s civil society theory andmodernity thought have been further improved to reach maturity.On the basis of scientific proof of historical materialism and the theory of surplusvalue, Marx pointed out the develop the useful and discard the useless civil society andrealize the human liberation is the only way to overcome the inherent contradictions ofcivil society and solve the dilemma of modernity, that Marx’s theory of civil society andmodernity thought has been further sublimation.The intrinsic associations between Marx’s civil society theory and modernitythought for the Chinese modernity construction especially the socialist civil societyconstruction has an extremely important reference. In view of the civil societypromoting modern development and hindering the development of the modernity at thesame time because of its internal contradictions and defects, therefore, the currentChinese socialist modern construction, should walk out of a road of Chinesecharacteristics, through the construction of Learning-oriented Political Party, the servicetype government construction, breed social capital, strengthen civil society organizationconstruction and the construction of democracy and legal system and other measures topromote Chinese socialist civil society construction, through the system of socialistpublic ownership in the leading role, try to avoid the civil society to moderndevelopment of block.


