

Research on the Waveform Mapping Technology and Its Application in Digital Storage Oscilloscope

【作者】 张沁川

【导师】 王厚军;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代电子信息技术的飞速发展,越来越多的计算机和通信系统都采用高速串行总线,以期在芯片、背板以及系统设备间高速的传送数据,然而在数据传输过程中,任何微小的高速时钟和数据抖动都会对整个系统产生巨大的影响。这种发展趋势给以数字示波器为代表的数据采集和处理系统提出了新的要求,如何帮助用户快速的发现、捕获和测量信号异常已经成为该类仪器系统设计成败的关键。然而,高速的数据采集和慢速显示之间的矛盾制约着数据采集系统的发展和应用,如何在现有硬件水平下最大限度的提高系统的波形捕获和处理能力是该研究领域中面临的重大难题。本文在国家自然科学基金资助项目“GSa/s级并行采样技术及综合校准方法研究(No.60772145)”和国家自然科学基金重点项目“大规模并行取样处理及超宽带数字存储示波器研究(No.60827001)”的支持下,结合攻读博士学位期间承担的纵向电子仪器研究任务和横向合作项目,以波形映射技术为主线,主要就下几个方面展开了深入的研究:(1)基于Cache结构的波形映射系统研究。在对系统波形映射结构和被测信号统计特征进行深入分析的基础上,提出了基于Cache结构的波形映射技术,推导了该波形映射系统波形捕获率的理论计算公式,建立了基于直接映射和组相联映射技术的波形映射模型。经实验验证,使用该技术可以成倍的提高了系统的波形捕获率。(2)异常检测技术。从异常检测的角度,分析了波形映射过程的工作效率,研究了一种基于波形数据直方图的异常波形检测技术,推导了在该技术下波形映射系统的波形捕获率的理论计算公式。利用该技术大大提高了系统的捕获异常的概率。(3)三维波形亮度调节和校正技术。研究了三维波形的亮度调节和校正技术,建立了相应的数学模型,结合波形映射技术,通过实验验证了亮度调节和校正技术的有效性和工程应用价值。(4)三维波形数据分析技术。从分析三维波形数据库的结构入手,提出了针对三维波形数据库的波形参数测量算法,在保证算法可靠性和精度的前提下,对基于传统直方图的参数测量方法进行了改进,实验验证了该方法是正确和可靠的。(5)波形捕获过程的系统模型和评价方法研究。在深入分析基于并行结构的波形映射系统的波形采集过程基础上,建立了波形捕获过程的系统模型,并对波形捕获率的概念进行了更细致的分类和定义,在此基础上,首次提出了采用复合信号,利用示波器外特性对其内在的系统波形捕获率进行测试计量的方法。实验表明,通过该方法测试得到系统波形捕获率指标比双脉冲法更准确和客观的。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of modern electronic information technology, moreand more computers and communications systems use high-speed serial bus to transmitdata within chip, backplane, and system equipment, and so any little clock and datajitter would have a huge impact on the whole system. This development trend presentsdata acquisition and processing system represented by digital storage oscilloscope a newdemands, and how to help users quickly find, capture and measure the signal exceptionhas become the key to the success of data acquisition system design.However, the contradiction between the high-speed data acquisition and slowdisplay greatly restricts the development and application of data acquisition system, andunder the condition of existing hardware, how to maximize waveform capture andprocessing capabilities is a major problem encountered in this research field.Under the support of National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No.60772145and grant No.60827001), this dissertation combines the tasks of militaryelectronic equipment and civilian cooperation projects undertaken during the PhDresearch, does some research on the following aspects in depth:(1) Research on waveform mapping technology based on cache architecture. Onthe basis of the analysis of waveform mapping structure and statistical characteristics ofthe measured signal, this chapter presented a waveform3D mapping technique based onthe cache architecture, deduced theory calculation formula of waveform capture rate inthis system, established waveform mapping model based on direct mapping andassociated mapping technology. The experiments prove that the use of the technologycan multiplied waveform capture rate.(2) Research on the anomaly detection technology. From the point of view of theanomaly detection, this chapter analyzed the efficiency of the waveform mappingprocess, introduced a waveform anomaly detection technique based on the histogram ofwaveform data, also deduced theory calculation formula of waveform capture rate in thesystem. The technology greatly improves the probability of abnormal capture of thesystem. (3) Research on the3D waveform intensity adjustment and correction technique.This chapter studied the3D waveform brightness adjusting and correction technique,established the corresponding mathematical model. At last, the validity and engineeringapplication have been verified.(4)3D waveform data analysis techniques. From the analysis of the structure of the3D waveform database, the chapter proposed the waveform parameter measurementalgorithm in3D waveform database. In order to ensure reliability and precision of thealgorithm, the traditional parameter measurement method based on histogram wasimproved. At last, the validity and engineering application have been verified.(5) Model and evaluation method of waveform capture process. Firstly, this chapteranalyzed the waveform acquisition process of waveform mapping system based on theparallel structure, established the waveform capture process model, and the concept ofwaveform capture rate is classified and redefined. Secondly, this chapter proposedmeasurement methods of waveform capture rate using composite signal. The experimentsshow that this method can get more accurate and objective waveform capture rate thanthe double-pulse method.


