

The Literature Study on Bian-stone Therapy and the Clinical Research of Its Application in Treating Asthma

【作者】 丁兆龄

【导师】 吴富东;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要探讨古代砭石的起源、功能、临床应用等,《内经》关于砭石的论述,《砭经》中的重要内容,现代砭术的复兴,砭术手法、理论研究和临床应用概况;中西医对哮喘病的病因病机及治疗方面的认识,探讨体质因素与哮喘病的关系,中西医对哮喘病的治疗进展及存在的主要问题。临床观察本研究砭石疗法对于哮喘缓解期的疗效,在临床总疗效方面明显优于对照组(p<0.01),对单项症状体征如咳嗽、咳痰、气短乏力明显有效(p<0.05或p<0.01),能明显改善哮喘缓解期患者的血清IgE水平、血清EOS计数(P<0.05)。并探讨其可能的作用机制及砭术治疗哮喘的优势。证明砭石疗法在防治哮喘病缓解期方面效果明显、疗效稳定可靠。本研究填补了砭石疗法在哮喘治疗领域的空白,为弘扬砭石、砭术的应用提供参考。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly discusses the origin,function,and clinical application of the ancientBian-stone,Neijing’s discussion about it, the important content of Bian-classic,the revivalof modern Bian-stone therapy,the technique,theoretical research and clinical application ofBian-stone therapy; The cognition of Traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicineon the pathogenesis and therapeutic aspects of asthma.Discuss the relationship betweenphysical factors and asthma, traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine’streatment progress and problems on asthma.Observe the effection of Bian-stone therapy on asthma in remission stage, in theclinical comprehensive therapeutic effection,treatment group is superior to the controlgroup (P<0.01), have markedly effection on the symptoms such as cough, expectoration,shortness of breath and fatigue (P<0.05or P<0.01). Can significantly improve the serumIgE level, serum EOS count of the remission stage of bronchial asthma patients (P<0.05).Explore its possible mechanism of action and the advantages of Bian-stone therapy inasthma treatment. Prove the Bian-stone therapy in asthma remission stage have stable andreliable therapeutic effect. This study fills the blank fields of Bian-stone therapy in theasthma treatment, provide reference to the Bian-stone development and the application ofit.

  • 【分类号】R244.4;R256.12
  • 【下载频次】360

