

The Study of Zhu Yizun’s Friends

【作者】 崔晓新

【导师】 杜泽逊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 朱彝尊是清初著名的文学家、学者,他享世的八十一载中履历比较复杂,少时与同里共习诗课,名声远扬,见赏于四方师友;青年历明清鼎革之变,结交四方抗清之士,参与浙东“通海”案,欲图恢复;壮岁避祸远走,游幕十余载,识多方友朋,谈经论道,切磋学术;于知天命之年应荐出仕,进翰林苑,入直史馆,行走南书房,遍识廷中名臣,历经十四载宦海浮沉;以花甲之身归田,娱情林下,访友纪行,著述以老。朱彝尊享世的八十一载中既有青年时期的抗清岁月,又有十余载的游幕生活,还历经了出仕清廷十四载的宦海浮沉,复杂的经历使他得以广泛结交四方人士。同时他又是一位卓越的文学家、学者,在学术创作上有大量的访书、论道、研讨等师友间学术上的交游。故朱彝尊的交游对象涉及各种身份地位、年龄层次的人,交游甚为广泛和复杂,其中有一些交游对朱彝尊的际遇生活、文学创作、学术研究甚至命运产生过重大影响,在他的人生中占有十分重要的地位,是全面认识研究朱彝尊不可或缺的线索,同时在交游过程中朱彝尊对这些交游对象的际遇生活、学术生涯也有重要的影响,朱彝尊与这些名流学者的交游进而影响了清初的文学圈与学术界。由于朱彝尊交游的广泛性和复杂性,到目前为止尚没有论文和学术著作对朱彝尊的交游进行专门深入的研究。本论文以朱彝尊《曝书亭集》、《竹坨文类》、《静志居诗话》、《腾笑集》、《曝书亭集外文》为立足点,分析出朱氏的交游对象,从中选取十位代表人物:魏耕、曹溶、顾炎武、孙承泽、徐乾学、纳兰成德、王士禛、周筼、查慎行、曹寅,他们或是朱氏的布衣总角之交,或曾与朱氏有相同的政治倾向,或曾与朱氏有相似的仕途际遇,他们或曾与朱氏共事,或曾对他有经济上的援助、或曾对他有政治上的影响、或曾对他有社交上的引荐、或曾对他有学术上的提携引导、或曾与他有创作上的切磋。反之,朱彝尊或对他们有经济上的援助、学术上的提携、创作上的指导、研究上的切磋。本文在利用朱彝尊著述的基础上,还参考了与他交游的人物的文集、传记资料,论述他们与朱氏的交游,考证他们交游的内容,分析他们交往的基础,论述他们交往对彼此的影响。通过原始资料的分析、排比发现朱彝尊的交游有一些重要特点,一有助于认识朱彝尊的政治倾向,二有助于了解朱彝尊著书立说起因,三有助于了解朱彝尊在学术研究过程中得到的帮助和建议。相信这些探索对全面认识朱彝尊,乃至清代康熙间的学术、文学与政治有一定的参考意义,将是对此前研究空白一定程度上的填补。

【Abstract】 Zhu Yizun, the descendant of the prime ministers of Ming Dynasty, is a famous writer, scholar in Qing Dynasty. In his eighty-one years of life, he had complex life experience. When he was young, he began to learn poetry with his companion, appreciated by teachers and friends. In his youth, the regime of Ming and Qing Dynasty had been changed. At that time, he had a recovery attempt and acquainted many resisters of the Qing Dynasty, participating "the sea" case. In his strong year-old, he had to flee and began his visiting life, he traveled over ten years, acquainting number of staff. During this time, he achieved the academic research and literature peak. At the age of fifty, he was recommended into the imperial court, began the official career in the academia historical and the south study. He got acquainted key officials in the court. After the fourteen official ups and downs, in his sixtieth, he decided to return home, he spent his life with entertainment travel and adventure, and wrote to the old.In the eighty-one years of Zhu Yizun, he not only resisted the Qing during the years of youth, there were more than ten years of traveling life, but also fourteen set of Qing official career ups and downs, which made Zhu get a wide range of friends. He was also an accomplished writer, scholar, in academic research, there were a lot of books-visited and communication between teachers and friends. Therefore, the friends of Zhu Yizun were very extensive and complex, involving a variety of status, age level, some of which happened to make significant impact on his academic life creative life, even the life of Zhu Yizun, which played a very important position, were essential material to a comprehensive understanding of Zhu Yizun. At the same time in the process, Zhu Yizun also had important influence on the life and academic career of his friends, which further affected the literature and academia circle of Qing dynasty.As to the breadth and complexity of the intercourse of Zhu, so far there are still no papers and scholarly works devoting to depth study of making friends on Zhu Yizun. This thesis takes Zhu Yizun "Pu Shu Ting Collection","Zhu Cha genre""Jing Zhi Ju Poetry","Teng Xiao Collection","Pu Shu Ting Collection" else as the starting point, set out the friendship objects of Zhu in the poetry, and select ten representatives. Some of them were companions of Zhu. Some of them had worked with Zhu, some of them had same political orientation, some of them had similar career encounters with Zhu, some of them had assistance of financial to Zhu Yizun, some of them had political influence to Zhu Yizun, and some of them had social help to Zhu Yizun, some of them had academic guidance to Zhu Yizun, some of them had creation of ideas to Zhu Yizun. Also Zhu Yizun had offered some economic aid, academic guidance, creation of ideas to some of them.Refer to the relevant biographical collection of essays and discuss the ten people intercourse with Zhu, research their intercourse content, analysis the basis of their communication, discuss the impact of their interaction with each other. Previous studies will be a certain degree of filled.

【关键词】 朱彝尊交游影响
【Key words】 Zhu Yizunmake friendsinfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】K825.6;I206.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1780
  • 攻读期成果

