

Research on the Influence of Relationship Quality on Buyers’Post-purchase Behavior Intention in Industrial Marketing Context

【作者】 杨雪莲

【导师】 胡正明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,中国工业品制造企业经历着前所未有的竞争压力。随着全球经济一体化趋势的加强,中国企业必须在全球分工体系中寻找和发挥自身的竞争优势,无论参与国际分工,还是中国的全面工业化,都意味着中国制造产业会有更蓬勃的发展。但是,当前的中国工业品制造企业,无论在营销观念还是在营销方式技巧上均远远落后,这已经成为制约目前中国工业品市场企业竞争力提升的重要瓶颈。如何通过工业品营销情境理论体系的构建,明确工业品市场营销情境的核心主题和构成要素之间的影响机制,实现营销观念的转变以及营销方式的突破,已经成为中国工业品市场营销实践中一个亟待解决的问题。然而,由于研究者长期以来对工业品市场营销研究的忽视,工业品营销无论在理论体系构建还是研究深入程度上都相对缺失。由于消费品市场和工业品市场中顾客主体特征的种种不同,不能简单的将消费品营销理论框架和研究成果直接应用于工业品营销领域。另外,近年来市场营销理论研究陷入了顾客忠诚困境,企业在追求顾客满意和顾客忠诚上投入的越来越多,但真正忠诚的顾客却越来愈少。主要原因在于存在“用非关系型的交易型行为来验证实质是关系现象的顾客忠诚形成原因”的研究悖论。随着顾客行为表现的多元化特征日益明显,以顾客忠诚为终极目标的传统营销理论体系的缺陷越来越明显,这表明市场营销理论体系需要进行变革和创新。因此,本研究首先对工业品营销情境进行了辨析,确定了顾客行为和关系营销是工业品市场营销情境中的两大主要研究主题。在此基础上,按照“利益交换是任何关系建立的本质属性”以及“态度影响行为”的逻辑思路,尝试构建了“利益——关系质量——顾客购后行为倾向”的理论框架,并利用238家制造企业的横断面数据进行了实证验证,完整清新地阐释了关系质量影响顾客购后行为倾向的机制,以及关系质量的影响因素;在搭建工业品市场营销情境的理论研究体系,丰富关系营销和顾客行为在不同营销情境中的理论研究成果的同时,揭示了工业品制造企业进行顾客关系管理,预测顾客购后行为,提高企业营销绩效的实践可行路径,即同时提高顾客在业务往来中获得的交易利益和关系利益,以增强顾客满意和顾客信任水平,进而一方面通过顾客承诺意愿的提高增加顾客交易型购后行为倾向,另一方面通过顾客信任水平的提高增加顾客关系型购后行为倾向,最终提升企业营销绩效。本研究主要解决了三个方面的问题:第一,利用归纳和演绎相结合的理论建构方法,以现有研究成果和实地企业访谈为基础,构建了工业品营销理论体系、构成要素和测度体系。第二,通过理论分析和实证研究,阐释了关系质量影响顾客购后行为倾向的机制,揭示了关系质量各个维度对交易型和关系型顾客购后行为倾向的直接影响和间接影响过程。第三,从交易利益和关系利益二维视角对关系质量的形成原因进行了理论探讨和实证检验,揭示了关系质量的内部维度,一方面存在着影响因素的差异,另一方面,其相互之间存在递进层次关系。本研究得到的主要结论及其实践启示包括:第一,工业品营销情境中的两大主题是“企业-顾客关系质量”和“顾客购后行为倾向”。关系质量包括顾客满意、顾客信任和顾客承诺三个维度;顾客购后行为倾向是包括交易型和关系型二维结构的构念。该结论为工业品营销情境研究提供理论基础的同时,也为该研究情境向纵深发展廓清了逻辑思路,并提供了在实践中识别、测度和提升工业品市场顾客关系质量和顾客行为倾向的方法。第二,工业品营销情境中,交易利益和关系利益并列成为企业-顾客关系质量的影响因素,二者对顾客满意和顾客信任均具有显著的正向影响,而对顾客承诺没有直接影响。该结论表明,工业品营销情境中企业首先要确保产品和服务质量,才能赢得较高水平的顾客满意和顾客信任,但关系利益也是提高顾客信任程度的有效途径,企业加强对顾客关系利益的关注和投入,可以很好的提高顾客信任程度,同时在一定程度上减少过分关注顾客满意对顾客购后行为倾向的消极影响。第三,关系质量的三个维度之间存在递进层次关系。顾客的满意水平直接影响顾客信任的程度;顾客承诺意愿的高低,仅受顾客信任程度直接影响;顾客满意对顾客承诺不具有直接的影响作用,但通过顾客信任对顾客承诺产生间接影响作用。该结论表明工业品营销情境中,顾客满意只是企业-顾客关系的初级阶段,顾客信任和顾客承诺才是有效提高营销绩效的高级阶段。第四,企业-顾客关系质量的各个维度在影响不同顾客购后行为倾向方面存在差异。顾客满意对交易型顾客购后行为倾向没有显著的直接影响,而对关系型顾客购后行为倾向具有显著的负向影响;顾客信任和顾客承诺对交易型/关系型顾客行为倾向均具有显著的正向影响。在对交易型顾客购后行为倾向的影响方面,顾客承诺的影响作用明显大于顾客信任;而在对关系型顾客购后行为倾向的影响方面,顾客信任的作用则明显大于顾客承诺。该结论表明工业品营销情境中,企业既需要通过提高顾客承诺意愿来引导顾客交易型购后行为倾向的产生,进而直接提高企业营销绩效;又需要通过提高顾客信任程度来保证关系型顾客购后行为倾向发生的概率,为企业遭遇特殊事件提供保障。第五,关系质量可以作为顾客购后行为倾向单独的前置变量,同时,具有交易和关系双维结构的“利益”成为企业-顾客关系质量的主要影响因素。企业-顾客关系质量在利益和顾客购后行为倾向之间起到了完全的中介作用。第六,“企业规模”、“业务往来时间”、“双方规模差异”以及“采购产品是否是关键零部件”等样本企业特征变量对企业-顾客关系质量和顾客购后行为倾向的影响存在差异。相对于现有的关系营销和顾客行为研究、以及工业品营销情境理论研究,本研究的创新和发展主要体现在三个方面:第一,弥补了当前工业品营销研究的缺失。通过辨析各种营销情境的异同,明确了市场营销理论中工业品营销情境成为单独研究情境的必要性和可行性。并对工业品营销情境中各个变量的内涵,进行了界定与测度体系的明确,为工业品营销理论研究和企业营销实践提供了思路。第二,解决了当前关系营销领域对关系质量结构维度及前因后果研究的争论。工业品营销情境中,关系质量作为顾客购后行为倾向的前因变量,是一个维度之间具有递进层次关系的三维高阶构念;交易利益和关系利益是影响关系质量的前因变量,进而构建“利益—关系质量”的架构。第三,突破了顾客忠诚研究困境。用多元化的顾客购后行为倾向代替顾客忠诚作为工业品营销研究的因变量,解决了“用交易型行为来验证顾客忠诚形成原因”的研究悖论,最终构建了适合工业品营销情境的,完整的“利益—关系质量—顾客购后行为倾向”理论架构。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of the21st century, China’s industrial manufacturing companies have been experiencing unprecedented competitive pressures. With the strengthening of the trend of global economic integration, Chinese enterprises have to build their competitive advantage to face the challenge of participation in the international division of labor, as well as to meet the need of industrialization of China. So China’s manufacturing industry will come to an era of rapid development. However, the current industrial manufacturing companies, in terms of the marketing awareness or marketing skills are lagging far behind; these have become important bottleneck constraints of enhancing the competitiveness of the Chinese industrial market companies. How to explore the mechanism between the core elements of an industrial marketing context and to achieve the transformation of the marketing awareness and marketing breakthrough by constructing the theoretical system of the industrial marketing context have become industrial marketing practice problems which to be solved.However, for a long time, researchers paid little attention to neither the theoretical system construction nor the study of depth extent of industrial marketing. There is so much difference between consumer market and industrial market that the theoretical framework and research results of consumer market cannot be used directly in industrial marketing. In addition, in recent years the study of marketing theory has been lost into a customer loyalty dilemma, more and more investment have been put by companies in the pursuit of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, while the truly loyal customers are increasingly the less. In most marketing study, there is a paradox that transaction consumer behavior but relational consumer behavior was used to verify the customer loyalty cause which was essentially a relationship phenomenon. Since the forms of customer behavior have become diversified in recent years, the defects of traditional marketing theoretical system which regards customer loyalty as the ultimate goal are more and more obvious. So it is suggested that marketing theoretical system be reformed and innovated.So this paper starts form the discrimination of industrial marketing context with the two main research themes of customer behavior and relationship marketing. On this basis, in accordance with the two logical clues of "transaction benefit is the essential attribute of any relationship" and "attitudes influence behavior", the paper builds a theoretical framework of the "benefit-relationship quality-buyer’s purchase behavior intention". And then empirical research is carried out based on238samples from manufacturing enterprises. As a result, this paper systematically explains the mechanism of relationship quality influencing BPBI, reveals the path to implement customer relationship management improving marketing practice performance.This paper mainly solves three issues:(1) Based on construction theory and fuzzy cluster analysis, the paper reveals the theoretical framework of industrial marketing, as well as the constituent dimensions and measurement system of the two main constructs——relationship quality and BPBI.(2) By theoretical and empirical research, this paper explains the mechanism of relationship quality influencing BPBI, reveals the direct and indirect impact of every relationship quality’s dimension on BPBI.(3) This paper explains the causes to bulid customer relationship quality from the two-dimensional perspective of trading benefit and the relationship benefit, reveals not only the different influencing factors of internal dimensions of relationship quality, but also the mutual hierarchical relationship among the dimensins.The conclusions and implications of this study include:First,"Corporate-Customer relationship quality and BPBI" are the two main themes of industrial marketing. Relationship quality includes three dimensions: customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer commitment. BPBI is a two-dimensional structure with transaction and relational constructs. This conclusion not only makes it clear that the content of industrial marketing research, but also provides the method to measure and improve the relationship quality and BPBI in industrial market. Secondly, in industrial marketing context, either transaction benefit or relationship benefit has a significant positive impact on the two of three dimensions of relationship quality:customer satisfaction and customer trust. But they have no direct impact on the other dimension:customer commitment. The conclusions show that more transaction benefits including of good product quality and service are the foundation of a high level of customer satisfaction and trust, while relationship benefit is also an effective way to improve customer trust. So much concern and investment should be given on relationship benefit by enterprises in order to improve customer trust and also to reduce the negative impact of customer satisfaction on BPBI.Third, there are progressive hierarchical relationships between the three dimensions of relationship quality. Customer satisfaction directly affect the degree of customer trust while indirectly affect the level of customer commitment. The conclusion shows that in the context of industrial marketing, customer satisfaction is only the primary stage of the customer relationship, customer trust and customer commitment are the advanced stages to effectively improve marketing performance.Fourth, different dimensions of relationship quality have different influence on the two sides of customer purchase behavior tendencies. Customer satisfaction didn’t significantly impact transactional BPBI, while significantly and negatively impact relational BPBI. Both customer trust and customer commitment have significantly positive influence on not only transaction but also relational customer behavior intention. To transactional BPBI, the effects of customer commitment were significantly greater than those of customer trust. In contrast, to relational BPBI, the effects of customer trust were obviously greater than those of customer commitment. The conclusions show that in the industrial marketing context, on one hand, sellers should improve customer commitment to guide the generation of customer transaction behavioral tendencies, and thus to improve marketing performance; on the other hand, sellers need to enhence the level of customer trust to ensure the probability of relational customers purchase behavioral tendencies that can help companies encounter crisisl event. Fifth, relationship quality can be a separate pre-variable to affect BPBI, and at the same time,"benefit" with two-dimensional structure of the transaction and relationship has become the main factor affecting the quality of the enterprise-customer relationship. Relationship quality plays a full role in intermediary between benefit and BPBI.Sixth, the sample firm characteristics variables such as enterprise scale, business dealings time, firm size differences as well as the product of procurement affect relationship quality and BPBI differently.The main innovation of this paper is:(1) Breaking through the limitation of marketing context, this paper analyzes the similarities and differences of different marketing situations, defines industrial marketing context as a separate study situation, and constructs a complete research framework and measurement system.(2) Solving the disputes of causes and effects as well as internal dimensions of relationship quality, this paper reveals relationship quality is a multidimensional variable with three dimensions. Its antecedent variable is "benefit" and its subsequent variable is BPBI.(3) Breaking through the bottleneck of consumer behavior study, this paper reveals the reasons of the paradox of consumer loyalty; builds a complete framework by using the diversified buyer behavior as the dependent variable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F274;F425;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2507
  • 攻读期成果

