

Zooarchaeology Research of Neolithic Period, Haidai Region

【作者】 宋艳波

【导师】 栾丰实;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文是针对海岱地区新石器时代的动物遗存所做的研究与探讨,笔者文中分别对这些处于不同时期的各个遗址中出土的动物遗存概况、动物饲养情况、动物遗存所反映的先民行为及生产生活、环境和针对特殊动物的有意识埋藏等情况进行了汇总与分析,并在此基础上对海岱地区新石器时代先民对于动物遗存的利用模式进行了归纳与总结。第一章,对本文研究的范围、时空框架等加以界定;对本文的研究背景、研究资料和研究方法进行了介绍,对本文的创新之处进行了说明。第二章,对海岱地区新石器时代出土动物遗存的遗址材料进行了全面收集,针对其动物种属的出现频率与特征进行了分析和总结。在新石器时代延续几千年的时间内,海岱地区主要动物群基本没有发生太大的变化:不同地区之间动物群存在着一定的差异,主要还是与各地区间的地理环境差异有关;各地区内部遗址间也存在着一些差异,则可能与先民对自然资源的开发利用程度有关。第三章,对海岱地区新石器时代各种家养动物(猪、狗、牛、羊、马和鸡等)的出现与饲养问题进行了分析与讨论。家猪在本地区最先出现于后李文化时期,可能是本地驯化的;狗最早也是出现在后李文化时期,出现之时便已处于驯化较为成熟的阶段;黄牛最早可能出现在大汶口文化晚期的鲁中南苏北和鲁豫皖地区,龙山文化时期鲁北地区也已经存在黄牛的饲养了;水牛、山羊、绵羊、马和鸡等,至少在龙山文化时期都还未出现家养的迹象。先民饲养家畜的目的,除了狗可能为狩猎伙伴外,猪和黄牛都是作为肉食资源存在的。第四章,主要是针对海岱地区新石器时代的动物群所反映的先民行为及经济生活等进行了汇总、讨论与分析。第一节,对海岱地区新石器时代各遗址中出土的动物遗存表面痕迹及制品情况进行了汇总与分析,并对其在新石器时代几千年间的演变进行了总结与归纳。动物遗存的表面痕迹多为狩猎宰杀动物及剥皮剔肉的过程中留下的,与先民取食肉类的活动有关;也有部分痕迹是在取料制作各种制品的过程中留下的,与先民对动物遗存的再利用有关。动物遗存制品,从后李文化时期到北辛文化时期再到大汶口文化时期,其制作技术是不断发展的,到大汶口文化时期达到了高峰,此类制品不仅数量多,而且造型也多种多样,制作也都比较精细,还出现了一些制作精美具有特殊用途的专门制品;龙山文化时期,与前相比,此类制品不仅数量上少了,而且制作精细化程度也有所降低,笔者认为产生这种变化的原因可能与先民的需求有关。第二节,对海岱地区新石器时代动物构成情况及其反映的先民对肉食资源的获取进行了汇总与分析。后李文化时期,先民主要依靠狩猎野生的鹿类动物来获取肉食。北辛文化时期,开始有了一定的地区差异,鲁中南地区的先民们已经开始饲养家猪,而且饲养开始成为其获取肉食资源的主要活动;鲁北和胶东半袋地区的先民们也开始饲养家猪,但狩猎和捕捞活动仍然是先民获取肉食资源的主要活动。大汶口文化时期,家猪饲养已经成为各地区先民获取肉食资源的主要方式,渔猎采集活动仍然比较重要,尤其是胶东半岛地区,虽然家猪在哺乳动物构成中占的比重是最高的,但其总的动物构成却显示出海生贝类遗存的优势地位不可动摇;龙山文化时期,先民的主要肉食资源还是来自于饲养的家畜(包括家猪和牛,其中家猪所占的比例比大汶口文化时期似乎有所下降),渔猎等活动作为获取肉食资源的补充仍然存在,且在部分地区与大汶口时代相比要更为重要一些。第五章,对海岱地区新石器时代野生动物群所反映的环境情况进行了汇总与分析。从后李文化到龙山文化几千年的时间内,本地区并未发生大的环境变化,野生动物群所反映的环境与全新世整个大的环境是一致的,均要比现在更加温暖湿润。各个时期大量水生动物的发现,表明新石器时代本地区分布有更多的河湖地貌。当然,因为遗址中发现的动物多为先民狩猎获得的,从一开始可能就有了一定的针对性,因此并不能完全代表当时的自然环境。第六章,对海岱地区新石器时代各遗址中出现的针对特殊动物种属及部位的埋藏现象进行了汇总与分析,根据其埋藏区域的不同,分为墓葬与墓葬外遗迹两种情况进行讨论与分析。第一节对海岱地区新石器时代各墓地中出土有动物遗存及制品的墓葬进行了汇总与分析。从北辛文化时期开始,一直到大汶口文化阶段,都是以汶泗流域的鲁中南苏北地区发现此类墓葬的数量最多,且随葬动物种属都较为丰富,随葬的动物遗存制品数量也比较多,还有部分本地特有的器物存在;鲁北地区则是从大汶口文化阶段到龙山文化阶段都保持了相对稳定的发展,到龙山文化阶段已经成为发现此类墓葬数量最多随葬种属最为丰富的地区,其它地区材料都比较少。从随葬动物遗存制品情况来看,墓主以男性为主,随葬品包含了生产生活类的工具用品,日常装饰品与其它用品等,大多应为墓主生前所用之物;从时代上来看,这类制品在大汶口时期墓葬中出现的频率最高,数量也最多,到了龙山文化时期,此类制品出现的频率大大降低,且数量上也都比较少。从随葬的动物种属来看,猪类遗存(猪牙除外)出土频率较高,主要是作为肉食或肉食的象征随葬的,到龙山文化时期形成了以猪下颌骨这一特定部位作为肉食象征的随葬习俗;长大的蚌壳、獐牙、猪的犬齿和门齿等则是与“辟邪”等象征意义有关的;狗应该是以一种与先民较为亲近的伙伴关系随葬到墓中的,可能是墓主生前的狩猎伙伴或宠物之类的;其它种属的埋藏可能还是与肉食有关;特殊地区墓葬中的软体动物埋藏(三里河墓葬的疣荔枝螺和北阡墓葬的牡蛎等)除了与本地区的环境相关外,还可能是先民某种特殊意识形态的反映。第二节着重讨论了海岱地区不同文化时期墓葬外遗迹中发现的动物种属及部位的特殊埋藏现象。此类特殊埋藏,主要表现在动物遗存的整体埋藏和集中埋藏方面,涉及的动物种属有狗、猪、鹿、牛、龟、鳄鱼、鸟等,以猪和狗出现的频率最高。发现的猪和狗,一般都是以完整骨架的方式埋藏的。这类埋藏,种属上以猪为主,早的阶段以埋藏身体的一部分为主,到了较晚的阶段演变为以埋藏整副骨架为主,主要是为祭祀活动的需要;狗的埋藏从一开始就是以完整骨架的形式出现的,中间一段时间发现较少,到较晚阶段发现数量大增,应该也是以祭祀活动为主的,可能还掺杂了部分“动物崇拜”的因素在里面;其它动物出现频率较低,可能多也是与祭祀活动有关。第七章,对海岱地区新石器时代先民对于动物资源利用模式的演变过程及其影响因素等进行了探讨与分析。整个新石器时代海岱地区先民们对动物遗存利用的主要方式就是获取肉食资源,不管是从周围自然环境中渔猎动物捕捞贝类,还是驯化并饲养家猪和牛等,都是为了满足广大先民的肉食需要。除此之外,先民还会利用食剩的动物遗存的坚硬部分制作各种人工制品,包括日常生产和生活用品、装饰品及特殊用途的制品等,先民对动物遗存的这一利用方式从后李文化到龙山文化阶段大体经历了开始—发展—高峰—下滑的过程。从北辛文化时期开始,先民有意识的选取一些特殊的动物或骨骼部位,在不同的地方(灰坑、灰沟或房址)中埋藏,以此来开展各种祭祀神灵或祖先的各种仪式活动;也会在墓葬中随葬特定的动物种属或部位,作为“辟邪”或肉食的象征,这一利用方式存在于北辛文化到龙山文化的各个阶段,到龙山文化阶段,似乎达到了高峰,尤其是随葬的动物种属和部位的相对固定化和卜骨的出现,充分显示出先民在精神信仰方面的极大发展。不同时期、不同区域内先民对动物遗存利用方式的差异,在新石器时代中期到晚期可能还是与遗址所处的自然地理环境关系更大一些;在新石器时代晚期已经出现了不同环境之间的交流与联系;在新石器时代末期,环境的影响因素普遍降低,更大的因素在于先民的经济活动,在于先民对周围资源的利用和开发程度。

【Abstract】 This paper is the research about the faunal remains from Haidai region of the Neolithic age. We summarize the animal distributions and human raised animal distributions according to the remains unearthed in various sites of different period, and analyze the behavior and environment of our ancients. We also summarize the patterns of the animal remains used by the Neolithic ancients in Haidai region based on the research we have done.In Chapter One,we give the scope of our research and time range of our study.We introduce the research background、data and method, and describe the innovations of this paper.In Chapter Two, we collect all the information of faunal remains. We study the frequency of occurrence and characteristics of animal species according to the faunal remains unearthed from Haidai region of the Neolithic age. Haidai’s fauna rarely changed in the Neolithic age for thousands of years. Fauna from different regions have some differences because of different geographical environment. There are some differences between the sites of one region and it may be because of the different extend of the explosion of natural resources by the ancients.In Chapter Three, we discuss the emergence and feedings of domestic animals (pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, horses and chickens, etc.) in Haidai region of the Neolithic age. Domestic pigs firstly appeared in the Houli culture period, and they may be locally domesticated. Domestic dogs firstly appeared in the Houli culture period too,and they were in the domesticate maturation period when appearing. Cattle appeared in the middle-southern Shandong、northern Jiangsu、eastern Henan、 northern Anhui region during the late Dawenkou culture period. During the Longshan Culture in northern Shandong cattle were fed already; While domestic buffalos、 goats、sheep、horses and chickens have not been found during the Longshan culture yet.The purposes of feeding livestocks were mainly to get meat, while dogs were treated as hunting partners.In Chapter Four, we discuss economic lives in Haidai reflected by faunal Remains in the Neolithic age.In the first section, we study the marks on the surface of the faunal remains unearthed in Haidai region of the Neolithic age, and discuss the development of it during this period. The marks on the surface of faunal remains mainly were caused by killing and skinning and some marks were caused by making artifacts related to the reuse of the faunal remains by our ancients. The level of making animal remains products rised all the time from the Houli culture period to the Dawenkou culture period and reached its peak in the late Dawenkou culture period. The quantity of the products is large and the shapes varies greatly and have fine workmanship. We also find some fine and special artifacts. While in the Longshan culture period, the quantity of the products decreased and manufacture craft also went down. And we believe that might be caused by the needs of the ancients.In the second section, we discuss the composition of animals of the Neolithic age in Haidai region and analyze the the meat gains of our ancients. The ancients in the Houli culture period got their meat mainly by hunting cervidae animals. In the Beixin culture period regional difference began to show up. People in north and middle of Shandong area began to raise pigs and the meat resource mainly relied on domestic animals. People in other area began to raise pigs too, but their meat resource mainly come from hunting and fishing. In the Dawenkou culture period raising pigs became the main way for all the regions to get meat, but hunting and fishing are also important. Especially in the Jiaodong Peninsula, shellfish remains were the dominant compositions of animal remains though pigs were the largest part of mammals. In the Longshan culture period, the main meat resource were livestocks (including pigs and catties, and the proportion of pigs decreased compared to the Dawenkou culture period). Hunting and fishing remains were as a complement to get meat resources, and in some area they became more important compared to the Dawenkou culture period.In Chapter Five, the climate reflected by the Haidai Neolithic wild fauna were discussed. From the Houli culture period to the Longshan culture period the environment did not change much for thousands of years. It was consistent with the Holocene climate which was more humid and warmmer than mordern ages. The discovery of large quantities of aquatic animals from different period shows that there were more lakes and rivers in the Neolithic age in this region. Most of the animals in the remains were preys of the ancients. So it probably does not represent the real natural environment at that time.In Chapter Six, we discuss the special animal species appeared in Haidai region and the burial phenomenon according to whether it was buried outside or inside tomb.In the first section, we list systematically information of the tombs in which faunal remains and artifacts were found in Haidai region. Most of these tombs were found in middle-southern Shandong and north Jiangsu which we call it Wensi valley from the Beixin cuture period to the Dawenkou cuture period. Rich and varied faunal remains and artifacts made of animal remains were discovered in tombs. And some artifacts were typical in this area. The culture of northern Shandong maintained a relatively stable development from the Dawenkou culture period to the Longshan culture period. Most of the tombs abundant of funeral objects were found in northern Shandong during the Longshan culture period.Most of the tomb owners were male according to funeral animal remains. Some funeral objects were daily life tools and ornaments and other products. Most of them were used during the owner’s life. The amount of these burial artifacts were largest in the Dawenkou culture period. And the amount decreased sharply during the Longshan culture period. Pigs remains (except the teeth) have the highest frequency of being discovered, and they were buried as meat or the symbol of meat. During the Longshan culture period buried with pig’s jaws as the symbol as meat became a tradition. Large clam shells、deer teeth、pig’s canines and incisors were the symbol of exorcising evils. Dogs were buried as intimate partners in the tombs. It might be the owner’s pet or hunting partner. Other species from the tombs were buried as meat. Mollusks remains in the special burial (rock whelk in the Sanlihe tomb and oysters in the Beiqian tomb etc.) were related to the local environment, and also reflected the special ideology of the ancients.In the second section, we focused on the patterns of the animal were buried outside tombs in different period of Haidai region. This kind of special burial involved dogs、pigs、deers、cows、turtles、crocodiles、birds. Pigs and dogs appeared most frequency. And usually the complete skeletons of dogs and pigs were Found in burials. Most of them were skeletons of pigs.In the early age part of the pigs were buried and in the late age complete skeletons were buried which we presume they were for sacrifice. Dogs were buried as a whole from beginning. In the middle period the dog remains were rarely found.But later a large number of the dog remains were found. They were buried as sacrifice. This phenomenon may be related to animal worship, while other animal remains were seldom discovered.In Chapter Seven, we discuss the development and factors of the manners of the exploitation on animal resource. In the whole Neolithic age animal remains were the resource of meat for the ancients in Haidai region.Hunting and fishing from the nature and raising livestocks were to get meats. And some hard animal remains were used to make all kinds of artifacts including tools、decorations and some were for special use. The usage on animal remains has undergone the start-development-peak-the decline process from the Houli culture period to the Longshan culture period.From the Beixin culture period, the ancients selected special animals or particular part of animals to bury in different places (ash pits, trenches or housing sites) as sacrifice to spirits or their ancestors in ritualistic activities. As a symbol of meat or exorcising evils, special animals and particular part of animals were found in tombs from the Beixin culture period to the Longshan culture period. Especially in the Longshan culture period this phenomenon reached its peak. The class of animals and the part of animals which were buried in the tombs were fixed.And oracle bones were found..This showed the ancients had great development in spiritual beliefs. The difference of the usage on animal remains of different periods and regions came from the diverseness of the enviroment in the middle and late Neolithic age. Communications and exchange between different area occurred in the late Neolithic age. At the end of Neolithic age, the influence of enviroment decreased widely. The economic activities of the ancients and the extend of the Exploitation on the enviroment became the most important factors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】Q981;K871.13
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1045
  • 攻读期成果

