

The Construction of Chinese Architecture and Garden by Image-number of Yi-ology

【作者】 邵志伟

【导师】 刘大钧;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 建筑既是“形而下者谓之器”,也是“形而上者谓之道”的物化形态。建筑作为人文工程,被当做生存的理想环境和意志的象征,被赋予了许多社会性、哲理性和人格性,具有了全面的文化和哲学意义。《周易》对中国传统建筑文化的理论贡献及哲学阐释等方面均有重要的影响,其所呈现的世界图式及其义理被融现于建筑营构之中。建筑从总体布局、立面造型到尺寸、细部做法,处处遵从易学思想。中国建筑被公认为是发展之历史悠久、风格鲜明的独立系统之一,易学作为中国传统文化思维的代表性呈现,与此息息相联。《周易》通过其完整的“图式”体系来描述客观宇宙万物,并与四方阴阳五行相结合,而形成时空合一的思想模型。象在此体系中作为基本的构成元素,数是这些要素的根本联系和逻辑构成。此图式也成为中国古代建筑法天象地设计构思的理论依据。理清其源头,系统进行总结,对推进中国传统建筑理论的现代转化有着积极意义。从易学象数角度系统地对待建筑,是本论文研究的一个起点。沿着《周易》观物取象的思想脉络,通过探讨立象尽意的表现形式,从象数分析过渡到建筑设计,并加以中外建筑思想对比,以探寻我国古典建筑象思维的形成发展过程,并最终表达出对思想境界的追求。本论文在内容上分为六个部分:第一章通过易象及其模式分析,对建筑的形式结构与易象符号的同构性进行研究,将《周易》卦象与建筑形式进行关联。易象作为超语言超物象的符号,在“一阴一阳之谓道”基础上建起宇宙论认知系统。建筑语言从某种程度上也是一个表达主体内心体验符号体系。中国建筑园林本身通过其形状与尺度、材料和颜色各种符号形式,构造成一种组合体系,并体现出文化观念和制度内涵。并以“象”作为思维上客体的联系中介,呈现出直观顿悟的思维持色。从立意构思到平面规划、造型方位、装饰装修,处处都洋溢着象征主义的情趣,渗透到天地人的各个方面,从而形成完整的文化阐释系统。第二章中分析易数图式下的建筑营构,通过建筑布局规模建制和构件制式等规定,体现出作为中国哲学文化、天文和数学等结合的“易数”,在中国传统建筑尤其是礼制建筑中的重要应用,并为中国传统建筑研究提供了新思路。建筑象数也是其天道思想体现,平面布局是数理秩序视觉化的充分体现,并在空间开合的过程中融入时间因素,也体会到效法天地四时的自然对应理念。并通过《周易》中数理运用,使其具有了美学伦理的价值和哲学内涵。第三章对周易取象运数,加之阴阳五行引入,将八卦分配于四方、四时的世界图式进行总结。其作为易学哲学思想的精华,也是表述宇宙万事万物总体变化规律及相互关系、群体功能的理想模型。这种时空一体化的思维模式,成为中国古代建筑设计构思的理论依据,对中国传统建筑环境观念产生重要影响。我们通过易学象数图式视角,可以获得一条理解古代建筑选址布局的途径,也是其法天象地特征的直观表达。第四章从象数易理与建筑秩序关系方面入手,分析中国传统礼制建筑通过种种象数布局的模式,所表现出的人文礼制思想追求。可以深入解析古代礼制建筑的空间构成的规律:一方面其作为建筑设计规划的指导原则影响着中国古代建筑环境观念;另一方面其整体的宇宙时空观又成为堪舆等学说之起源,使中国传统建筑园林充满了朴素的辩证思想。建筑规制和体量、颜色、建筑式样及装修等都被看作建筑等级象征的要素,建筑象数不再是纯粹的符号象征。河图洛书与易数蕴含宇宙万物之理,择中观念又决定了传统城市规划模式,对中国建筑影响深远,建筑成为土木写就的政治伦理。天地人三位一体,数理与形象互相含蕴而相得益彰,同时又形成了功能与形式的统一,具有实用价值和哲理内涵,并赋予了建筑礼的精神和乐的意蕴。第五章从象数思维对建筑美学意象的影响方面开展综合性研究。《周易》象数以阴阳为基本,导出形神刚柔、动静等审美规律,成为中国艺术思想体系中的重要概念。中国建筑在布局设计和环境意识上,园林和建筑都不约而同的追求阴阳和谐、循环变化、象在意外等审美层次,其外形和装饰多受到《易》学象数阴阳的影响,通过有无、虚实、繁简等艺术内涵,形成感性与理性交织,最终达到人与环境的统一。在建筑环境理论日趋多元复杂的当下,象数美学和科学技术的结合更加显现出其可贵和实践指导意义。第六章发掘象数易理中更深层次的文化内涵。中国建筑从表面造型,意境相生与境外之美,自景、意、境交融的审美,深入到“天人合一”的精神传承与人文思想,最终在中国建筑园林体现出对“易”之境界的追求。中国传统建筑艺术通过空间营构,其目的在于表现人的生命意识,形成了与易学同样的天人合一的整体思维模式。通过易学象数思维寻找中国建筑文化的出路,对全球化环境下的地域性多元化创新提出借鉴。象数思维方式是中华思维方式的元点和代表,它不仅渗透到深层次的民族文化,而且渗透到如建筑园林营构等外在层面。本论文从易学象数角度对《周易》与建筑同构关系进行系统研究,分析阐释其象数图式及哲理对中国传统建筑园林营构的影响,旨在展开对中国传统建筑的设计思想和理论方法的重新探讨。并由象数内涵、空间布局、易理象征直至境界呈现等多方面,按照建筑园林营构方式进行归纳,从而对中国传统建筑从符号语言、伦理审美等角度加以系统审视,为中国现代建筑发展溯本清源,实现当代语境的转化提供新的思路。在易学“卦象—物象—法象”三个不同层次概念基础上提出中国传统建筑园林艺术的“具象—现象—意象—意境—境界”的发展特质。作为探索中国传统建筑与中国哲学艺术关系的初步尝试,并期望能对中国建筑传统理论在新领域拓展有所裨益,对当前建筑文化标准做出反应。

【Abstract】 Architecture is not only antecedent to the material form exists, but also is the expression of ideal method as definite thing which is subsequent to the material form exists.As human engineering, architecture is regarded as the survival of the ideal environment and symbol of the will, at the same time, endowed with much sociality, philosophy and personality and comprehensive culture and philosophical meaning.The "Zhouyi" has great influence on the theoretical contributions of Chinese traditional architectural culture and philosophical interpretation, which presents world pattern and the principles that were melted in building construction. From the architectural general layout, the facade and detail size practice follow the Yi-ology theory. Chinese architecture is regarded as independent long-history and unified style building system, which is closely related to the development of the Chinese traditional culture represented by Yi-ology.The " Zhouyi " has a complete " icon " structure to the objective world, in this structure," image " is the basic structure as unit, and " number" connects these units of the fundamental principle, which is assigned to the four-quartet, and the formation of spatial and temporal integration mode, which to become theoretical basis of Chinese ancient architectural design of "law-nature-phase-earth". Summarization of its system source, have positive significance on promoting the traditional Chinese architecture of modernization research.This thesis is started from the systematical treatment of architecture with the point view of imagine-number of Yi-ology. It analyzes the eight-trigrams and sixty-four trigrams symbol and studies on the image of idea forms. From imagine-number analysis to architectural design, it explores the forming process of classical architecture image thought.In this paper, the content is divided into six parts:By imagine model of Yi-ology, the first chapter compares the structure of architecture form with Yi-ology imagine symbols isomorphism. In the "Zhouyi ", trigram image is usually connected to architectural form. As the language of the object symbol, imagine-number of Yi-ology builds cosmological cognitive system on the basis of the way of "Yin-yang ". Architectural language to some degree is also a symbol system. Modern building is some kind of symbols which express the main body inner experiences. Building garden is a system construction combined with the shape and dimensions, material and color symbols form, and reflects the cultural concept and connotation of the system."Image" as the thinking of the object contact intermediary, expresses the intuitive thinking characteristics. All the conception planning, modelling position and decoration are permeated with the appeal of the symbolism. They permeate whole aspects of the heaven mankind with earth and form a complete cultural interpretation system.The second chapter analyzes the building construction under the Yi-number pattern with building layout, scale and component system, and reflects that "Yi-number", which is combined with Chinese philosophy culture, astronomy and mathematics, has important role in Chinese traditional architecture especially in morality architecture, and provides a new idea for the traditional Chinese architecture research. Architectural "imagine-number" also reflects natural daoism, and the mathematical ordinal visulation in layout, in the process of open space bond the time factor, and realize us the natural corresponding concept which follow the example of four-quartet. The using of " Zhouyi " in mathematical makes it have the value of aesthetics and ethics and philosophy connotation.By introducing yin-yang five-element, the third chapter summarizes the eight tri-grams’ world pattern, which takes image-number of Zhouyi into four-quartet and seasons. This systematic philosophy becomes the central ideal model, which expresses variation rules of universal things and the mutual function relationship. This thinking mode with the unity of time and space, becoming the theoretical basis of Chinese ancient architectural design ideas, has great influence on Chinese traditional architectural environment concept. Through the perspective of imagine-number of Yi-ology, we can obtain a shortcut to understand the layout of the ancient buildings, which directly expresses the law-nature-phase-earth.The forth chapter starts with the relationship of imagine-number meaning of Yi-ology on architectural order, analyze Chinese traditional ritual buildings through various layouts of imagine-number. It shows us the pursuit of ethical and humanistic thought and makes analysis of the ancient ritual building space composition, which as mainstream in architectural practical design guidelines. On the other hand, the metaphysical thought is become the origin of kanyu. It makes Chinese traditional architecture full of simple dialectical thought. The building regulations, size, color, style and decoration are seen as the elements of architectural level symbol. Architectural imagine-number is no longer pure symbol, and becoming the connotation of ethics. Optional idea decides traditional city planning model."Hemap and Luowriting" with Yi-number full of the universal meanings have important influence on Chinese architecture. The building becomes the political ethics construction. Harmony of nature-earth and human combining mathematics with image achieves the unity of function and form which has practical value and philosophical connotation, and brings spirit of propriety and implication in building.We carry out comprehensive study In the fifth chapter from the thought of imagine-number to the influence on architectural aesthetic image. The imagine-number in the "book of changes" is based on Yin-yang and expresses many aesthetic rules such as flexible and dynamic form which become the important concepts in Chinese art theory system. Architectural appearance and decoration are easily influenced by imagine-number of Yi-ology of Yin-yang on many artistic connotations such as being and non-being, reality and fantasies, complex or simple which form perceptual and rational unity. The environmental layout and architecture design consciousness both pursuit of harmony of Yin-yang, cycling and other aesthetic appreciations, and ultimately achieve the unity of the human and the environment. Combining imagine-number aesthetics with science and technology shows us the importance and operability in modern architectural theoretical diverse trends.The sixth chapter explores imagine-number of Yi-ology of the cultural connotation from the Chinese building surface model, artistic conception and special beauty. It pursues artistic conception combining of blending scene, meaning and artistic conception and makes deeper study in the psychic inheritance and humanistic spirit of "the harmony of nature and human being", which finally reflects the pursuit of "Yi" in Chinese architectural garden. By the space construction, the purpose of Chinese traditional architectural art is to show life consciousness and the whole thinking mode of "the harmony of nature and human being "about the " Zhouyi ". Searching for the outlet of architectural culture on the image-number of Yi-ology thought could bring us suggestions for the innovation of regional diversity under the context of globalization. In conclusion, this paper makes a systematic isomorphism study beteen " Zhouyi " and architecture,which Analyzes and interprets the influence of imagine-number philosophy on Chinese traditional architectural pattern construction so as to the Chinese traditional architectural garden formation. According to different building types, imagine-number culture and architectural symbol, this paper systematically examines the Chinese traditional architectural culture, space layout and artistic conception in philosophical point, which provides new ideas to the Chinese modern building development. Basing on the "phenomenon-image-law" as the three different level concepts, this paper brings us new artistic conception about traditional Chinese architectural garden and building art as "representation-phenomenon-image-conception-realm ". As an attempt to discuss the relationship between the Chinese traditional architecture and the Chinese philosophy, Yi-ology is expected to help us study the modernization of Chinese traditional architectural theory and response to the modern architectural culture standard.Thinking mode of imagine-number is the element and representation of thinking mode in China. It penetrates not only into the deeper national culture but also into the external level such as the garden construction. Summarization of imagine-number thought is also the important subject of Chinese culture modernization.

【关键词】 易学象数建筑园林营构
【Key words】 Yi-ologyimagine-numbertraditional architecturegardenconstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】B221;TU-0
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】3274
  • 攻读期成果

