

Study on Diffusion and Plugging Mechanism of Quick Setting Cement Based Slurry in Underground Dynamic Water Grouting and Its Application

【作者】 刘人太

【导师】 李术才;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 岩土工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国西部交通网的逐步完善、水电资源大开发及深部矿产资源开采,大批交通隧道、水工隧洞及矿山井巷工程投入建设。复杂水文地质条件下地下工程建设期间,经常会遭遇突涌水、塌方等地质灾害。其中突涌水造成的人员伤亡、财产损失和工期延误均排在各种地质灾害的前列。因此,突涌水注浆封堵理论与技术成为我国地下工程建设中的亟需解决的关键科学问题。本文针对动水条件下注浆扩散封堵理论与技术难题,紧密结合工程实践,研发了一种适用于动水封堵的新型高分子水泥基速凝注浆材料,建立单一平板裂隙的动水注浆扩散模型,通过理论分析、模型试验与数值模拟方法,深入研究了新型注浆材料在静水和动水条件下的扩散运移规律,建立了动水注浆封堵判据。通过与水泥-水玻璃等常规注浆材料对比,系统分析了不同类型浆液注浆扩散规律的影响因素及作用机制,并进行了工程应用研究,取得了一系列研究成果。(1)针对动水注浆工程对材料的特殊需求,基于高分子聚合物改性机制,确定了新型材料主剂与助剂,应用正交试验原理优化了材料组份与配比。通过一系列的力学性能试验,测定了新型注浆材料的性能指标,提出了可泵性和动水抗分散性的测试方法。通过仪器分析方法,研究了复合材料体系的微观特征,揭示了聚合物在复合体系中的作用。通过依托工程,研究了新型注浆材料在动水治理中应用的技术特点和操作工艺,证实了该材料良好的动水注浆适用性。(2)建立了单一平板裂隙注浆扩散模型,通过对水泥基速凝类浆液粘度时变性的测试,构建了浆液粘度时间函数。系统分析了浆液流型,采用考虑浆液粘度时变性的广义宾汉流体本构方程,研究了浆液在静水和动水条件下的扩散规律,建立了单平板裂隙条件下的注浆扩散运移方程。(3)为查明水泥基速凝类浆液扩散规律与影响因素,开展了准三维单一平板裂隙注浆模型试验研究,揭示了动水条件下水泥基速凝类浆液的“非对称椭圆(AE)扩散规律,建立了浆液扩散迹线的瞬态与稳态方程,获得了试验条件下的压力速度场分布特征。建立了单一平板裂隙浆液扩散的三维数值模型,采用粘度时变本构方程,研究了浆液扩散形态、压力场和速度场分布、地下水流量的瞬态规律。通过理论分析、模型试验与数值模拟研究结果的相互验证及对比,系统分析了地下水压力与流速、注浆压力与流量等关键参数对浆液扩散迹线形态、压力场速度场分布特征及变化规律的影响。(4)系统研究了动水注浆封堵过程中的静压水头、流速水头和水头损失的转换规律,揭示了特定水文地质条件下,浆液扩散开度同地下水流速的关系,分析了地下水流速极大值的存在性与注浆完全封堵的可行性。依据水泥基速凝浆液单一平板裂隙的扩散规律研究成果,提出了动水条件下的注浆封堵判据;(5)研究了动水治理工程中的注浆材料选择依据,进行了新型动水材料的现场应用试验,证实了其在动水封堵工程中的先进性,提出了适用于动水注浆设计的水文示踪试验及其数据分析方法。研究成果在张马屯铁矿和重庆中梁山隧道动水治理工程中进行了应用,取得了良好的效果,具有广阔的工程应用前景。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of the transportation network in the western of China, the development of hydropower resources and deep exploitation of mineral resources, a large number of traffic tunnels, hydraulic tunnel and mining well projects are under building. In underground constructions under complex hydro-geological conditions, water gushing, collapse and other geological disasters are often encountered. Casualties, property lost and construction delay caused by water gushing are very severe comparing with that by other geological disasters. Therefore, the theory and technology of water gushing disaster governance through grouting method become the key scientific issues witch must be solved peremptorily. In this paper, base on the practice and solution of grouting block diffusion theory and technical problems, a kind of polymer modified cement grout material suitable for grouting in hydrodynamic conditions was developed, a single plane fracture model was established for grouting in in hydrodynamic conditions. by theoretical analysis, model experiment and numerical simulation methods, diffusion and movement laws of the new type material in hydrostatic and hydrodynamic conditions was researched, the criterion of water gushing plugging by grouting was established. Through the comparison with other traditional grouting material, such as c-s grout, influencing factors and mechanisms of grout diffusion for different grouts were analyzed systematically, there engineering application was researched too, a series of research results were obtained on this basis.(1)Based on the special needs for grouting in hydrodynamic conditions and polymer modification mechanism, the main agent and additives of the new grouting material were determined, the material composition and ratio were optimized using orthogonal test. Through a series of mechanical test were carried out to obtain performance indicators of the new material, the methods of measuring pumpability and dispersion resistance were proposed. By instrumental analytical methods, microscopic characteristics of the composite system were studied, the role of the polymer in the composite system was revealed. Based on the project, the technical characteristics and operation process of the new grouting material for water gushing governance were researched. It was confirmed that the good dynamic the new material was suitable for grouting in hydrodynamic conditions.(2)A single plane fracture model for grout diffusion was established. Through measurement of time-dependent behavior of viscosity with cement grouts, viscosity-time function was obtained. The flow pattern of grouts was analyzed systematically. By taking the time-dependent behavior of viscosity into generalized Bingham fluid constitutive equation, the grout diffusion law in hydrostatic and hydrodynamic conditions was researched. The grouting diffusion function for a single plane fracture was established.(3)To ascertain grout diffusion law and its influencing factors, a quasi-three-dimensional single plane fissure grouting model tests were carried out, revealing that cement-based quick-setting grout diffusion obeys "asymmetric elliptic (AE)" law. Transient and steady-state equation of grout diffusion traces was established. The pressure and velocity fields distribution was obtained. The three-dimensional numerical model for a single plane fissure grouting was established. By using time-dependent viscosity constitutive equation, the transient law of grout diffusion behavior, pressure field and velocity field was researched. By mutual verificationd and comparison of theoretical analysis, model tests and numerical simulation results, it was researched that how key parameters, such as underground water pressure, velocity, grouting pressure and quantity of flow, influence distribution of diffusion traces, pressure field and velocity field and its variation law.(4)The conversion law of hydrostatic head, velocity head and head loss in plugging gushing water by grouting, was researched systematically, revealing the relationship between diffusion opening and velocity of underground water. Groundwater velocity maxima existence and grouting the feasibility of complete occlusion was analyzed. Based on the research results of grout diffusion law in a single plane fissure, the criterion of water gushing plugging by grouting was established.(5)The principle of grouts selection in water gushing governance engineering was researched, the application test of the new material in situ was carried out too, confirmed that the material has its obvious advantages in water gushing governance projects, hydrological tracer test and its data analysis method witch was very useful in grouting design was proposed. The research results were applied to water gushing governance grouting in Zhangmatun iron mine and Zhongliangshan Chongqing tunnel gushing water governance, good effect was achieved. They have a broad application prospect of engineering.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

