

The Study of Socialist Form with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 杨勇民

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 任何事物都是一种表现形态。任何一种事物形态都是结构和性能的统一。生物形态学是研究生物机体外形和内部结构及其与功能关系的科学。形态学研究事物的表现形式、内部结构及其与功能的关系,从结构和性能两个方面把握事物。中国特色社会主义也是一种形态,也应当在形态学视野下研究中国特色社会主义。在形态学视野下研究中国特色社会主义,是对中国特色社会主义进行的整体性、系统性的研究。这一论题研究的意义与价值在于:从理论上看,通过对于中国特色社会主义形态的产生、内涵、特征、历史方位、价值等方面理论的提炼和创新,提升人们对于中国特色社会主义的全面认识;有助于人们认识中国特色社会主义形态的丰富内涵;有助于总结马克思主义中国化的历史经验,进一步推进马克思主义中国化的水平;有助于澄清党内外、国内外、政界、学术界和民间对中国特色社会主义形态的各种误解、疑惑,纠正对于中国特色社会主义形态的各种歪曲,使人们正确认识中国特色社会主义形态。从实践上看,有助于我们准确把握中国特色社会主义各种形态的关系,防止混淆各种形态,以利于社会主义建设事业顺利进行;有助于我们加强中国特色社会主义各种形态的建设,发挥出各种形态的积极作用;有助于人们坚定社会主义信念;有助于人们把握中国特色社会主义形态的本质规定和历史地位,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义。从发生学和过程论角度来看,中国特色社会主义形态有着自己的产生条件和发展的历史轨迹。从和平与发展成为世界主题、中国的周边一些国家经济高速增长、国际上社会主义国家遭受严重挫折的历史教训、经济全球化的深入发展、新科学革命的发展和知识经济的兴起、马克思晚年的东方社会理论、基本国情、理论基础、中国社会主义建设曲折发展的历史经验、实践基础、民族文化等方面,说明中国特色社会主义形态是主客观条件及其相互作用的结果。从世界视野来看,中国特色社会主义形态源于社会主义从空想到科学、从理论到实践、从一国模式到多国模式的发展。它是中国共产党在长期的社会主义建设实践中,历经艰辛而探索出来的。中国特色社会主义形态发展之路,经历了从1956年到十一届三中全会前初步探索阶段、从1978年到1989年初步形成阶段、从1989年到2002年完全形成阶段和2003年到现在的不断成熟阶段。中国特色社会主义形态有着丰富的内涵。从存在方式上看,中国特色社会主义形态是实践形态、理论形态、制度形态和价值形态的有机统一,这四种表现形态构成了中国特色社会主义形态的结构及其相应的性能。而这四种表现形态又有自己的结构及其相应的性能。实践形态表现为中国特色社会主义道路。从其结构看,中国特色社会主义道路由政治基石、基本国情、根本任务、总体布局、发展动力和奋斗目标等方面构成。从其功能看,能够实现经济大发展和人民共同富裕、人民当家作主、文化大繁荣以及社会和谐。理论形态表现为中国特色社会主义理论体系。在逻辑结构上,中国特色社会主义理论体系包括马克思主义的世界观和方法论、基本原理和行动纲领三个层次。在形式结构上,中国特色社会主义理论体系是包括邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观等重大战略思想在内的科学理论体系。从其功能看,它推动了马克思主义的发展创新,指导着中国社会主义现代化建设走向成功,成为中华民族走向复兴的的精神支柱。制度形态表现为中国特色社会主义社会制度。从其结构看,它是中国特色社会主义的经济制度、政治制度、文化制度和社会制度相互联系、相互作用的有机统一。这四种制度形态又各有自己的结构及其性能。在经济制度形态方面,中国特色社会主义在所有制结构、分配方式、经济运行体制以及经济管理体制等方面形成了比较完善的经济制度和体制。在政治制度形态方面,主要包括人民民主专政、人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度以及基层群众自治制度。在文化制度形态方面,中国特色社会主义始终把握先进文化的前进方向,以马克思主义为指导思想,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,不断满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需要。在社会制度形态方面,大力推进以民生为重点的社会建设,培育和规范各类社会组织,构建有利于社会和谐的社会管理与运行机制。从其功能看,它具有强制性和规范性,能够集中力量办大事,保障了社会主义本质的实现。价值形态表现为中国特色社会主义共同理想。社会理想是一种价值追求,中国特色社会主义是中国人民共同的价值追求,中国特色社会主义共同理想就成为中国人民共同的核心价值观。在结构上,它是由人们对中国特色社会主义的认知、感情、信心、信仰和追求五个方面相互影响、相互作用构成的。从其功能看,它指明了全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同目标,奠定了万众一心的思想基础,提供了激励斗志的精神武器,还具有创新功能。中国特色社会主义的实践形态、理论形态、制度形态和价值形态有着紧密的内在联系。这四种形态具有各自的特点和功能,它们互相联系、互相作用的有机统一成为社会形态。从社会构成要素上看,中国特色社会主义形态是经济形态、政治形态、文化形态和社会形态的有机统一,这四种表现形态构成了中国特色社会主义形态的结构及其相应的性能。而这四种表现形态又有自己的结构及其相应的性能。关于经济形态。从其结构看,中国特色社会主义经济形态是社会主义市场经济,是社会主义条件下的市场经济,是社会主义和市场经济的结合。社会主义和市场经济互相联系、互相作用,形成了一个有机整体。从其功能看,能够解放和发展生产力,实现共同富裕,促进人的全面发展。关于政治形态。从其结构看,中国特色社会主义政治形态是坚持中国共产党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一,中国共产党的领导是人民当家作主和依法治国的根本保证,人民当家作主是社会主义民主政治的本质和要求,依法治国是中国共产党领导人民治理国家的基本方略。从其功能看,能够增强党和国家的活力,发展社会主义生产力,调动人民群众的积极性,维护民族团结和社会稳定。关于文化形态。从其结构看,中国特色社会主义文化形态是由思想道德和教育科学文化构成的。思想道德是中国特色社会主义文化形态的灵魂,教育科学文化是中国特色社会主义文化形态的基础。从其功能看,它是实现社会主义现代化的重要保证,提升当代中国综合国力的重要标志,促进人的全面发展的必要条件。关于社会形态。从其结构看,中国特色社会主义社会形态是由社会生活、社会关系、社会意识、社会生活环境、社会管理等方面形成的结构。从其功能看,能够推动中国特色社会主义事业全面发展,实现全面建设小康社会的目标,维护最广大人民群众的根本利益,巩固中国共产党执政的社会基础,增强应对国际环境挑战和风险的能力。中国特色社会主义的经济、政治、文化和社会四种形态有着紧密的内在联系。它们之间相互依存、相互制约和相互转化,构成了社会的有机体。中国特色社会主义形态具有丰富的特性,它的基本特征有六个方面。其一,中国特色社会主义形态从根本上包括中国特色社会主义道路和中国特色社会主义理论体系两方面,是实践性和理论性的统一。其二,民族性与世界性的双重色彩,统一于中国特色社会主义形态之中,实现了民族性与世界性的真正统一。其三,中国特色社会主义形态坚持原则性和开放性的统一。它坚持马克思主义的原则性。它又具有开放性,富有实践特色、民族特色和时代特色。其四,中国特色社会主义形态是统一性和多样性的统一。中国特色社会主义形态具有极大的包容性,既有居于主导地位的社会主义因素,也有各种非社会主义因素。其五,中国特色社会主义形态是理想性和现实性的统一。中国特色社会主义形态的现实性是其理想性的基础,理想性是其现实性的精神动力和方向。其六,中国特色社会主义形态是合目的性和合规律性的统一。中国特色社会主义形态遵循人类社会发展的规律,又是中华民族根本利益之所在。从历史方位看,中国特色社会主义形态坚持了一切从实际出发的根本方法、适应社会化大生产的需要、坚持共产党的领导和把马克思主义作为意识形态的指导思想等经典社会主义形态的基本原则,又具有坚持“实事求是”的方法论、把改革作为社会主义发展的动力和发展社会主义市场经济等特殊性,因而是对经典社会主义形态的继承和发展;中国特色社会主义形态和新民主主义形态虽然在发展人民民主、多种经济成分和思想文化建设等方面具有相同点,但是二者的根本任务、社会主要矛盾以及经济、政治、文化形态方面有很大不同,前者是对后者的超越和发展;中国曾经“照搬照抄”了苏联社会主义形态的东西,但是在改革开放中中国特色社会主义形态实现了对苏联社会主义形态的扬弃和跨越,在经济体制、政治体制、文化体制、根本任务、开放性和封闭性等方面显著不同;民主社会主义形态在实质上是一种与中国特色社会主义形态相背离的社会改良主义,二者的指导思想、对待资本主义问题、对待马克思主义态度、民主政治建设、生产资料所有制等方面有根本的不同;随着改革开放的确立与发展,中国在各个领域吸收利用了资本主义国家的一些先进经验和方法来发展生产力,但中国特色社会主义形态的实质不是当代资本主义形态,二者的本质区别在于经济制度及分配制度、政治制度、思想文化制度等方面。因此,中国特色社会主义形态是一种特殊的相对独立的社会主义形态。从价值论的角度看中国特色社会主义形态,它是引领当代中国前进的旗帜,证明了社会主义比资本主义的优越性,为第三世界的发展提供了借鉴,展现了世界社会主义运动的希望。应该在新的实践中坚持和发展中国特色社会主义形态。

【Abstract】 Everything is a display form. Any kind of form is the unity of the structure and performance. Biological morphology is the science that studies the relationship between external configuration and inside structure of living organisms and their functions. Morphology researches on manifestation, internal structure and performance of things, and the relation between them, exploring things from the aspects of structure and performance. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is also a kind of form and should be studied from the perspective of morphology.Research on socialism with Chinese characteristics from the perspective of morphology is an integrated and systematic research on socialism with Chinese characteristics. The significance and value of the study in this paper lie in the following aspects. Theoretically, it promotes a comprehensive understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics from aspects including extraction and innovation of the generation, connotation, characteristics, historical position, value of socialist forms with Chinese characteristics. It promotes a profound understanding of the connotation of socialist forms with Chinese characteristics, and the summary of historical experience of localization of Marxism in China. It advances the level of localization of Marxism in China. It contributes to clarify some misunderstandings and doubts about socialist form with Chinese characteristics among people in and outside the Party, at home and abroad, in political and academic circles, and the folks, providing people with an exact idea of socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the practical perspective, it helps us to accurately grasp the relationship between various socialist forms with Chinese characteristics and avoid confusion of various forms so as to facilitate the smooth progress of the socialist construction. It helps us to strengthen the construction of various forms of socialism with Chinese characteristics and play an active role of various forms. It helps us to strengthen socialism conviction. And it helps us to grasp essential stipulation and historical position of various socialist forms with Chinese characteristics and continue to insist on and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.From perspective of genetic principle and process theory, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics has its own production condition and historical course of the development. From perspective of the following aspects such as peace and development as the current world theme, the fast economic growth of China’s surrounding countries, the historical lesson of serious setbacks that the international socialism countries suffered, the further development of economic globlization, the development of the new scientific revolution and the rise of knowledge economy, the theory of oriental society of Marx in his later years, the fundamental realities of the country, the theoretical basis, the historical experiencethe of the tortuous development of socialist construction, the practical basis and our national culture; the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the result of interaction between the subjective and objective conditions. From a global perspective, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics originates from socialist development from utopian to science, from theory to practice, from one country mode to multinational model. The Communist Party of China experiences hardships and explores it in the long-term socialist construction practice. The socialist form with Chinese characteristics goes through four stages:the primary exploring stage from1959to the Third Plenary Session of the11th Central Committee, the primary forming stage from1978to1989, the complete formation stage from1989to2002, the gradually mature stage from2003to present.The socialist form with Chinese characteristics has rich connotation. From the way of existence, socialism with Chinese characteristics is an organic unity of practical appearance, theoretical form, system form, and value form, which constitute the structure of the socialist form with Chinese characteristics and the corresponding performance. And the four display forms have their own structure and corresponding performance.The practical appearance manifests as the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. From the way of its structure, the socialist road with Chinese characteristics consists of the following aspects including the political foundation stone, the fundamental realities of the country, the basic task, the overall layout, the development power, and the struggle target. From the way of its function, it will realize the economic development, people’s common prosperity, people as masters, cultural prosperity and social harmony.The theoretical form manifests as the socialist theoretic system with Chinese characteristics. We must grasp the relationship between the socialist theoretic system with Chinese characteristics and Maoism. From the logic structure, the socialist theoretic system with Chinese characteristics is composed of three levels including the world outlook and methodology of Marxism, the basic principle and program of action. From the form structure, the socialist theoretic system with Chinese characteristics is a scientific theory system including the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", the scientific outlook on development and other important strategic thoughts. From its function, it promotes the development and innovation of Marxism and guides China’s socialist modernization construction to head for success. And it has become the spiritual pillar of Chinese nationon on the way to rejuvenation.The system form manifests as the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. From its structure, it is the organic unity of the interrelationship and interaction of the economic system, the political system, the cultural system and the social system. And the four system forms have their own structure and performance. From the form of economic system, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics has formed comparatively perfect economic institution and system in the following aspects including the ownership structure, the mode of distribution, the economic operation system and the economic management system. From the form of political system, it is mainly composed of the people’s democratic dictatorship, the people’s congress system, the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party, the regional national autonomy system, and the self-governance system of the primary society layers. From the form of cultural system, socialism with Chinese characteristics always grasps the developing direction of the advanced culture under the guidance of Marxism and promotes the development and prosperity of socialist culture to fulfill people’s increasing needs in spiritual culture. From the form of social system, it vigorously promotes the social construction that focuses on improving people’s livelihood, and cultivates and regulates all kinds of social organizations, constructing the social management and operation mechanism in building a harmonious society. From its function, it is of mandatory and normative nature, it can concentrate our forces on a major task, it is the guarantee for realizing the essence of socialism.The value form manifests as the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The social ideal is the pursuit of value. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the common pursuit of value of the Chinese people. The common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the common core values of the Chinese people. In structure it is is composed of the mutual influence and interaction of the five aspects including people’s cognition, emotion, confidance, faith and pursuit of socialism with Chinese characteristics. From its function, it points the common orientation of unity and struggle out for all ethnic groups of the country and lays the ideological foundation for the whole nation to work with one heart and one mind. It provides the thinking weapon to inspire our fighting spirit and has innovation function.The practical appearance, theoretical forms, system form, and value socialist form with Chinese characteristics have closely inherent connection. The four forms have their own characteristics and functions. The organic unity of their interconnection and interaction is the social form.From the factors of constructing the society, socialist form with Chinese characteristics is an organic unity of the economic form, political form, cultural form and social form. The four forms constitute the structure and the corresponding performance of the socialist form with Chinese characteristics. And the four forms have their own structure and corresponding performance. On the economic form. From its structure, the economic socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the socialist market economy, the market economy under the condition of socialism, the combination of socialism and the market economy. Socialism and the market economy are interrelated and interact on each other, forming an organic whole. From its function, it can liberate and develop productivity, achieve common prosperity, and promote the all-round development of people.On the political form. From its structure, the political socialist form with Chinese characteristics combines the need to uphold the leadership of Communist Party of China and to ensure that the people are the masters of the country with the need to rule the country by law. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is a fundamental guarantee for ensuring that the people are the masters of the country and ruling the country by law. The essential requirement of the construction of socialist democratic politics is that the people are the masters of the country. Ruling the country by law is the fundamental strategy of administering the country by people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. From its function, it can enhance the vitality of the Party and the country and develop the socialist productivity. It can arouse the enthusiasm of the masses and maintain national unity and social stability.On the cultural form. The socialist culture in theory and practice has undergone a long process of exploration. Reform and opening-up marks the emergence of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and the beginning of the historical period of development. From the structure, the cultural socialist form with Chinese characteristics consists of morality, education, science and culture. Morality is the soul of the cultural socialist form with Chinese characteristics. Education, science and culture are the foundation of the cultural socialist form with Chinese characteristics. From its function, it is the important guarantee for realizing the socialist modernization, the important symbol of enhancing comprehensive national strength, and the necessary condition of promoting the all-round development of people. From its characteristics, it is characteristic of the affinity to people, the scientific nature of seeking truth from facts, and nationality.On the social form. From its structure, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics consists of the aspects including social life, social relations, social consciousness, social environment and social administration. From its function, it can promote the all-round development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and achieve the goal of the comprehensive construction of a well-off society. It can safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, consolidate the social basis of the administrative position of the Communist Party of China, and enhance the capacities to cope with the international challenges and risks.The economic form, political form, cultural form and social socialist form with Chinese characteristics are in close internal relation to each other, the relation of interdependence, mutual restraint and mutual transformation, constituting the social organism.The socialist form with Chinese characteristics is remarkably characteristic of the following six aspects. First, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics fundamentally includes the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is the unity of practice and theory. Second, the duality of nationality and internationality, unified in the socialist form with Chinese characteristics, realizes the true unity of nationality and internationality. Third, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics combines principle with openness. It adheres to the principle of Marxism. It is open and has distinct characters of practice, of the Chinese nation and of the times. Fourth, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the unification of unity and diversity. The socialist form with Chinese characteristics has the character of inclusivenes, including socialist factors that occupies a leading position as well as non-socialist factors. Fifth, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the unity of ideality and reality. The reality of the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the foundation of the ideality, and the ideality is the spiritual motive and direction of the reality. Sixth, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the integration of regularity and purpose. The socialist form with Chinese characteristics follows the law of human society development, and it is the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.From the historical position, insisting on the fundamental method of proceeding from actual conditions, adapting to the requirement of socialized production, adhering to the basic principles of Classic Socialism including sticking to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and setting the Marxism ideology as the guiding thought, persisting in the methodology of seeking truth from facts, putting reform as the motive force of socialist development, and developing the socialist market economy, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics inherits and develops the form of Classic Socialism. The socialist form with Chinese characteristics and the form of New Democracy are similar in aspects including the development of people’s democracy, development of diverse economic sectors and ideological construction. However, the two forms are different in aspects including the fundamental task, the social principal contradiction, and the economic, political, and cultural forms. The former is an innovation and development compared with the latter. China once copies the form of Soviet socialism, but the socialist form with Chinese characteristics realizes the sublation and leap of the form of Soviet socialism in the process of reform and opening-up. The two forms are notably different in the economic system, the political system, the cultural system, the fundamental task, openness and closeness. The form of Democratic Socialism is in essence a kind of society reformism that deviates from the socialist form with Chinese characteristics, fundamentally differing in the guiding ideology, the treatment of capitalism, the attitude towards Marxism, the construction of democracy and ownership of the means of production. With the establishment and development of the reform and opening-up, China has absorbed and utilized the advanced experience and methods in various fields from the capitalist countries to develop productivity. But the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is in essence not the form of contemporary capitalism. The essential differences between the two forms lies in aspects including the economic system, the distribution system, the political system, and the cultural system. So the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is a special and relatively independent kind of socialist form.From the perspective of value theory, the socialist form with Chinese characteristics is the banner leading the development of contemporary China. It demonstrates that socialism is superior to capitalism, provides reference for the development of the Third World, and presents the prospect of the world socialist movement. We should adhere to and develop the socialist form with Chinese characteristics in the new practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

