

A Study on Traditional Cultural Foundation of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 许青春

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 如何对待本民族传统文化,一直是中国近代以来一个长期争执、悬而未决的问题。中国共产党成立后,对于这个问题给予了正确的原则性回答,但这个正确原则在极左运动和“文化大革命”中遭到严重破坏,以致在改革开放后的很长一段时间,关于社会主义文化建设要不要继承传统文化的论争仍在继续。改革开放以来中国共产党恢复了对待传统文化的正确方针,但由于长期受“左”的思想影响,在继承传统、推陈出新方面总的说来还是破的多立的少。20世纪末期至今,从执政党到学术界和民间对于传统文化的认识越来越全面和深刻,继承和弘扬优秀传统文化成为共识。可以说,能否处理好传统文化与党的理论创新的关系,既关系到马克思主义中国化的顺利进行,又关系到传统文化的现代化转型,也关系到中华民族文化的前途命运。但直到今天,在如何继承和弘扬的问题上还存在许多值得探讨的问题。继提出文化大发展大繁荣、在弘扬中华优秀传统文化的基础上创造中华文化新辉煌的号召之后,党的十七届六中全会进一步强调,优秀传统文化“是发展社会主义先进文化的深厚基础,是建设中华民族共有精神家园的重要支撑”,提出建设优秀传统文化传承体系,并发出建设社会主义文化强国的号召,这就要求我们进一步明确优秀传统文化在社会主义文化建设和党的理论创新中的地位和作用、对在新的实践中如何更好地在优秀传统文化基础上丰富和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系做出有益的探讨。本文在马克思主义指导下,在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,力求进一步阐明传统文化在中国特色社会主义理论体系中的地位和作用;以动态的视角从整体上把握中国特色社会主义理论体系的传统文化基础;对以优秀传统文化为基础发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的途径、机制与特色等进行探讨和总结;提出在优秀传统文化基础上丰富和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的思路和主张。全文分为导论、正文和结语三个部分。导论部分对研究对象、研究意义、研究思路、可能的创新点以及研究方法等进行了说明,对学术界研究状况进行了梳理和述评。正文分五章进行论述。第一章论证了中国特色社会主义理论体系以传统文化为基础的历史必然性。其一,这是文化发展规律的要求。文化作为人类社会历史发展的重要组成部分,有着自身的发展规律。任何时期任何文化形态的发展都必须遵循这些规律。从文化发展的一般规律来看,文化发展的相对独立性规律要求社会发展必须高度重视文化的发展;世界文化发展的多样性与民族性规律表明保持社会主义先进文化的民族性是中国文化自立于世界文化之林的重要条件;文化的发展是在传承基础上的创新,这就要求我们既不能抛弃传统,又不能抱残守缺;文化在交往中发展的规律表明,以开放和包容的心态吸纳一切文明成果,是继承文化传统、发扬光大本土文化的必要条件;文化发展的时代性与先进性规律表明文化的发展在于文化的不断创新。从中国传统文化发展的规律来看,一脉相承是中国传统文化绵延发展的精神根基;思想自由是文化发展的重要条件;文化开放是文化发展的必要条件;文化自觉是文化发展的内在动因。这就要求我们以高度的文化自觉承续中国文化之脉,发扬光大民族优秀传统文化。其二,这是马克思主义中国化的内在要求。马克思主义中国化的基本内涵之一就是把马克思主义基本原理与中国的优秀传统文化相结合,因此,以传统文化为文化基础是马克思主义中国化的题中应有之义;新时期马克思主义中国化面临着中华民族伟大复兴的根本任务,而中华民族复兴的根本在于中华民族文化的复兴。怎样建设好、发展好中华民族文化,是中国共产党人目前的重要历史使命。其三,这是中华民族文化发展的内在要求。失去了民族传统,就失去了民族文化的遗传密码,因此,实现中华民族文化的复兴必须承续中国传统文化、发展中华文化。其四,传统文化的当代价值是其成为中国特色社会主义理论体系文化基础的内在根据。此外,马克思主义中国化进程中在处理马克思主义与中国传统文化关系上的经验与教训也为中国特色社会主义理论体系以传统文化为基础提供了重要借鉴。第二章论述了中国共产党以传统文化为基础开创和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的历史进程及取得的主要成果。在中国特色社会主义理论体系的形成和发展的过程中,怎样正确认识传统文化在新时期文化建设中的作用、怎样利用优秀传统文化进行社会主义文化建设,也经历了一个不断发展的历史过程。“文化大革命”后的十余年问,对传统文化与现代化的关系、传统文化与马克思主义的关系的论争又出现了一个高潮。面对新的全盘西化论、文化保守主义等,邓小平等中国共产党人主张在坚决肃清传统文化中的封建主义思想残余影响的基础上,继承传统文化的永恒性价值,并对传统文化进行批判改造和创新。这一时期在优秀传统文化基础上提出了“和平统一、一国两制”的伟大构想、人本思想、改革开放理论、“小康社会”理论等。20世纪90年代以来,江泽民等中国共产党人在坚持中国共产党对待民族传统文化的一贯正确原则的基础上,把优秀中国传统文化的地位提高到关系民族振兴和存亡的高度上来进行继承和弘扬。这一时期,古老的“和而不同”思想获得了新的生命力;以古为鉴,提出“立党为公,执政为民”的理念;对传统变易思想进行马克思主义新解读,提出“与时俱进”的理论;借鉴传统治国理念和治国方式并加以综合创新,提出依法治国与以德治国相结合;提出在弘扬中华民族精神的基础上培育新时期民族精神等。新的世纪,胡锦涛等中国共产党人站在新的历史起点上,综观国内外大势,更加重视优秀传统文化的作用,发出了在弘扬优秀传统文化的基础上创造中华文化新辉煌的号召,提出建立优秀传统文化传承体系等并作出了具体的部署。在理论创新上的主要成果是:在传统朴素唯物主义基础上提出“求真务实”观念;在传统民本思想的基础上提出“以人为本”理念;在传统天人观念的基础上提出全面协调可持续发展理论;在传统“和合”思想基础上提出“和谐社会”、“和谐世界”理论等。中国特色社会主义理论体系以传统文化为基础是一个连续性与阶段性相统一的过程。连续性表现为一贯性、稳定性和原则性,阶段性表现为在中国特色社会主义理论体系发展的每一个阶段上,又较之前一个阶段更加理性、更加自觉、更加完善,并以新的成果不断拓展以优秀传统文化为基础发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的广度和深度。第三章论述了中国共产党以传统文化为基础开创和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的鲜明特色及基本经验。毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系都是马克思主义中国化的理论成果,都是中华文化的新形态,都以传统文化为基础来不断创新和发展自身,二者一脉相承,因此具有许多共性。但也各具特性,后者不仅表现出领导人的智慧个性的不同,更有时代背景的不同以及由此决定的需要解决的时代课题的不同,同时在理论品格、实践品格等方面也表现出不同的特征:更加表现出指导思想一元性与文化发展多样化的统一、时代性与继承性的统一民族性与世界性的统一、开放性与自主性的统一、理论创新与实践发展的统一等特征。不仅如此,在中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的不同历史阶段,以传统文化为基础进行创新和发展也表现出不同的特点。邓小平等中国共产党人认识到优秀传统文化的重要性,确立了基本原则和框架,开始了制度化建设,并开始酝酿文化体制改革,一定程度上影响了大众对传统文化的态度,但在认识的深度和涉及的广度上还较欠缺,未引起足够的重视和较大的社会影响;江泽民等中国共产党人对传统文化地位和作用的认识更加深刻,大力倡导继承和发展祖国优秀传统文化,除身体力行外,还注重加强制度化建设,开始进行文化体制改革,大大激发了大众的热情和力量;胡锦涛等中国共产党人以高度的文化自觉、文化自信和文化自强意识,高度重视传统文化的地位和作用,开始全面利用传统文化基础以促进文化的大发展和大繁荣,文化体制改革不断取得重大突破,文化生产力得到大大解放和发展,人民群众的文化参与意识和能力都得到了空前的提高。从邓小平理论到科学发展观,文化发展观日臻完善,对传统文化的认识更加全面和科学,对优秀传统文化的利用日益广泛和深入,更加注重依靠集体和群众的智慧进行文化创新。第四章探讨了中国共产党以传统文化为基础开创和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的途径与机制。以传统文化为基础开创和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的基本途径包括:一是马克思主义基本原理与中国优秀传统文化相结合,实现马克思主义的民族化(中国化)。马克思主义与中国传统文化之间存在着的契合之处为二者的相互结合提供了桥梁和基础。实现马克思主义的民族化既是马克思主义理论发展的内在要求,又是中国革命和建设实践的客观要求。马克思主义的民族化实质上应是马克思主义基本原理的民族化,也就是要遵循“实事求是”的思想路线,深入研究马克思主义,切实做到“四个分清”,使马克思主义的民族化沿着正确的轨道进行。二是优秀传统文化以马克思主义基本原理为指导,实现民族文化的马克思主义化。实现民族文化的马克思主义化就是用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,来分析和认识“传统文化”,继承和发扬优秀传统文化,并在新的历史体条件下创新传统文化。在“传统文化”马克思主义化的问题上,同样需要坚持“实事求是”的思想路线,全面而科学地认识我们的传统文化,注意克服传统文化中的消极因素。三是马克思主义基本原理与优秀传统文化实现时代化和大众化,这与马克思主义的民族化、民族文化的马克思主义化相互融通、相互作用、相互促进,统一于马克思主义中国化的总过程。以传统文化为基础开创和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的基本机制包括:一是政坛与论坛的互动机制,即党的理论创新不仅依靠领袖人物的远见卓识,更要寻求专家智库的智慧支持,大量吸收和参考理论界和学术界的研究成果,注重理论创新的科学性。二是群众参与机制。以人民群众为传承祖国优秀传统文化、创造社会主义先进文化的主体力量,引导群众发挥主体性和创造性,这既是马克思主义的本质要求,也是党的理论创新的智慧源泉。三是国内国际文化交流机制,这是新时期党的文化交流价值观的体现。无论是本民族文化内部各种文化之间,还是世界各民族不同文化之间(尤其是后者),在彼此尊重、平等相待的基础上,求同存异,取长补短,共同发展,都是保持文化发展活力、解决文化交流与融通中的矛盾和分歧的正确原则。第五章在客观分析当前面临的国内外机遇与挑战的基础上,提出了以优秀传统文化为基础坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的思路与主张。面临的国内机遇主要有:一,中国共产党新时期的高度文化自觉为党在优秀传统文化基础上坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系提供了内在动力;二,改革开放以来经济又好又快发展为在优秀传统文化基础上坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系提供了重要的基础条件;三,新时期政治发展为在优秀传统文化基础上坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系提供了环境支持。面临的国际机遇主要有:一,经济全球化为中国文化走向世界带来了前所未有的机遇;二,文化全球化促使我们更加自觉地认识自己的文化,并在同世界各国文化的交流融通中,互通有无,相互借鉴,推动人类文明的进步;三,全球性危机引发人们对西方文化的反思和对中国传统智慧的呼唤。这对于我们冲破西方文化中心主义、树立“和而不同”的世界文化发展理念、推动建立世界文化新秩序提供了历史契机,也有利于我们增强文化自信,树立文化自强的观念,在继承和创新中不断发扬光大中华民族文化。面临的国内挑战主要有:社会变革对传统文化的冲击,市场经济的负面影响对传统文化的冲击,传统文化教育的弱化以及传统文化创新不足等。面临的国际挑战主要有:西方文化霸权使世界文化多样性受到威胁,文化全球化使民族国家文化认同出现危机,文化全球化进程中形成的不良文化观造成中国文化危机等。以优秀传统文化为基础坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的思路与主张主要有:一,以确立科学的传统文化观为前提。传统文化观不仅涉及对传统文化自身的认识,还涉及对传统文化与当代文化发展、传统文化与中国化马克思主义以及中华民族文化、民族文化与世界文化等关系的认识。因此,确立科学的传统文化观是新时期中国共产党利用优秀传统文化发展自身理论、推进马克思主义中国化伟大事业的重要思想前提;二,以中国特色社会主义伟大实践为立足点。以优秀传统文化为基础坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系的过程也是优秀传统文化实现现代化的过程,而优秀传统文化的现代化必须立足于中国特色社会主义实践,以满足当代社会实践的需要,实现自身的价值;三,以可持续发展的经济基础和良好的政治环境为保障;四,以文化创新为核心。文化创新是文化发展的源泉和动力,优秀传统文化的当代发展必须实现文化创新:将中国传统文化进行创造性解读,发挥中国传统文化特长、铸造社会主义核心价值体系,运用一切可行的手段和方法实现优秀传统文化的现代转型等;五,以加强执政党建设为关键。办好中国的事情,关键在党。能否充分利用、科学利用优秀传统文化以丰富和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系,关键也在党。中国共产党能否自觉担负起传承民族优秀文化的责任,能否充分利用优秀传统文化加强党的建设事关党和国家、民族的前途和命运;六,以提升国民文化素质为根本。人的因素是根本因素。人的素质以文化素质为根本,而文化素质就是国家素质。提升国民文化素质的最佳突破口在于全民阅读。应将全民阅读提到国家战略的高度,以提升民族文化素质,从根本上解决理论创新和文化创新主体的问题。结语部分对全文进行了简要总结,并说明了论文存在的主要问题以及今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 How to deal with the traditional culture has been a long-term pending dispute in modern China. The Communist Party of China (CPC), after founding, set out the correct principle to resolve this problem, but the right principle was severely undermined in the ultra left movement and the "Cultural Revolution", resulting in a debate on whether the traditional culture should be inherited by socialist culture for a long time after the reform and opening up policy was initiated. Since the reform and opening up policy was adopted, the CPC restored the correct guideline for treatment of traditional culture, but because of the long-term influence on ideology by the "left" thinking, more traditional culture have been broken while fewer innovations have been rolled out. From the late20th century until now, the ruling party, the academia and the folk have all developed a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the traditional culture, and reached consensus on inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditional culture. It is fair to say that well handling of the relationship between traditional culture and the Party’s theoretical innovation is related to the smooth localization of Marxism in China, the modernization of traditional culture, and the future and destiny of the Chinese culture. Yet there are still many issues on how to inherit and carry forward traditional culture worth exploring. The CPC Central Committee has called for cultural development and prosperity, creating new splendor of Chinese culture while carrying forward the fine traditional culture and building a socialist country with strong culture, which requires us to further clarify the position and role of fine traditional culture in the construction of socialist culture and the Party’s theoretical innovation, and to make useful studies on how to better enrich and develop the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture.This paper strives to further clarify the status and role of traditional culture in the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture, under the guidance of Marxism and drawing on the previous research results; analyses from a full and dynamic perspective the traditional culture basis of the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture; discusses and summarizes the ways, mechanisms and characteristics of the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture; and proposes the the line of thinking and proposals for the enrichment and development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture.The paper is divided into three parts-the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.The introduction part describes the object of study, significance, line of thinking, possible points of innovation and research methods, and combs and reviews the status of current academic researches.The main body is divided into five chapters.The first chapter demonstrates the historical inevitability for the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. First, it is the requirement by the law of cultural development. Seen from the general law of cultural development, the relative independence of cultural development requires high attention from the society to cultural development. The diversity and nationality of world cultural development shows that to maintain the national character of the advanced socialist culture is an important condition for Chinese culture to stand in the world cultural forest. The development of culture is innovation on the basis of inheritance, which requires us neither to abandon traditions, nor to be conservative. The law of development of cultural exchanges tells that to absorb all civilizations with an open and tolerant attitude is a prerequisite for inheriting cultural tradition and carrying forward local culture. To keep the advanced nature of culture in different times, continuous innovation is a must. Seen from the law governing the development of traditional Chinese culture, following the same strain is the spiritual foundation, freedom of thought is important condition, cultural openness is a prerequisite, and cultural awareness is intrinsic motivation. This requires that we consciously inherit the pulse of Chinese culture and carry forward the fine traditional culture. Second, this is the inherent requirement of the localization of Marxism in China. Taking traditional culture as the base for cultural development is an integral part of the localization of Marxism in China. Sinicization of Marxism in the new era is faced with the fundamental task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which essentially lies in the revival of Chinese culture. How to build and develop the Chinese culture is an important historical mission for the CPC. Third, it is the inherent requirement of the cultural development of the Chinese nation. To lose the tradition means to lose the genetic code of national culture. Therefore, the revival of Chinese culture must inherit and develop the Chinese culture. Fourth, the contemporary value of traditional culture is the internal basis of the cultural foundation of the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture.The second chapter elaborates on the historical process and main achievements of the CPC’s initiation and development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. During the ten odd years after the "Cultural Revolution", the argument over the relationship between traditional culture and modernization and between traditional culture and Marxism reached a climax. Faced with the new total westernization and cultural conservatism, Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese communists advocated to resolutely eliminate the residual effects of feudal ideology in the traditional culture, promote the inheritance of eternal value of traditional culture, and make critical transformation and innovation of traditional culture. During this period, many important theories were proposed on the basis of the fine traditional culture, including the great concept of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", humanism, the theory of reform and opening up,"moderately prosperous society" and so on. Since the1990s, Jiang Zemin and other Chinese communists lifted the status of the excellent traditional Chinese culture to the height of national rejuvenation and survival while adhering the right principle of CPC for the treatment of traditional culture. In that period, the ancient thought "harmony but not uniformity" obtained new vitality; the concept of "building up the Party for the public and assuming administration for the people" was put forward by seeking wisdom from ancient times; the traditional thought of change got a new Marxist interpretation and the "keeping abreast with the times" theory came into being; the traditional idea and manner of running the country was learned and innovated, and "the rule of law combined with rule of virtue" was produced; and the idea to cultivate the national spirit in the new era on the basis of carrying forward the spirit of the Chinese nation was rolled out. In the new century, Hu Jintao and other Chinese communists, standing at a new historical starting point, capturing the general trend at home and abroad and paying more attention to the role of the fine traditional culture, have called on creating the new glory of Chinese culture while carrying forward the fine traditional culture, proposed the establishment of excellent traditional cultural heritage system and made concrete deployment. The main results on the theoretical innovation include:the pragmatic concept on the basis of traditional naive materialism, the concept of "putting people first" based on the traditional people-centered thought, the theory of "comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development" on the basis of harmony between man and nature, the theory of "harmonious society" and "harmonious world" drawing upon the thought of harmony. The development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture is reflected on the unity of continuity and periodicity. Continuity is manifested in consistency, stability and principle, and periodicity means that the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture turns more rational and conscious in every new phase of the development, and continue to expand the breadth and depth of the system with new results.The third chapter discusses about the distinctive characteristics and the basic experience of CPC’s creating and developing the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. Both the Mao Zedong Thought and the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture are the theoretical results of Marxism localization in China, new forms of Chinese culture, innovation and development based on traditional culture, of the same strain with much in common. But they also have respective personality. The latter not only shows the different wisdom and personality of the leaders, but also has different backgrounds and different problems to be addressed. It is also different in theoretical and practical characters, with a better manifestation of the unity between the unitary guiding ideology and diversified cultural development, between progress with the times and inheritance, between national character and integration into the world, between openness and independence, between theoretical innovation and practical development, etc. Moreover, the innovation and development of traditional culture showed different features in different historical stages of the formation and development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese communists recognized the importance of fine traditional culture, established the basic principles and framework, launched a systematic construction of the cultural system, and began thinking on cultural administrative system reform, which to some extent affected the attitude of the public to the traditional culture, but did not attract enough attention or generate greater social impact due to inadequate depth and breadth of understanding. Jiang Zemin and other Chinese communists had a more profound understanding of the status and role of traditional culture, vigorously promoted the inheritance and development of fine traditional culture, focused on institutional construction and started the cultural administrative system reform, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the public. Hu Jintao and other Chinese communists attach great importance to the status and role of traditional culture, make full use of the foundation of traditional culture to promote cultural development and prosperity, by which the cultural system reform have made continuous major breakthroughs, cultural productivity has been greatly liberated and developed, and people’s awareness and ability of participating in cultural activities have seen an unprecedented improvement. From Deng Xiaoping’s theory to the scientific outlook on development, the cultural development concept has improved substantially, the understanding of traditional culture becomes more comprehensive and scientific, the excellent traditional culture is used in wider areas and at a deeper level, and more attention is paid to the collective wisdom of the masses for cultural innovation.The fourth chapter explores the ways and mechanisms to create and develop the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. The basic approach is as below. First, to combine the basic principle of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture, and achieve the nationalization of Marxism (in China). The similarity between Marxism and traditional Chinese culture provides a bridge and foundation for their combination. The nationalization of Marxism is not only inherent requirement of the development of Marxist theory, but also the objective requirement of the Chinese revolution and construction. The nationalization of Marxism is in essence the nationalization of the basic tenets of Marxism, that is, to follow the ideological line of "seeking truth from facts", make in-depth study of Marxism, and effectively "four demarcations", so as to bring the nationalization of Marxism on the right track. Second, the fine traditional culture takes the basic principles of Marxism as guidance, and realize the Marxization of national culture. The Marxization of national culture is to use the Marxist stand, viewpoint and methods for analysing and understanding "traditional culture", inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditional culture and making innovations in the new historical conditions. On the Marxization of national culture, we also need to adhere to the ideological line of "seeking truth from facts", develop a comprehensive and scientific understanding of traditional culture, and overcome the negative factors in the traditional culture. Third, the basic tenets of Marxism and the fine traditional culture need to keep up with the times and be accepted by the public, which interact with the nationalization of Marxism and the Marxization of national culture in a mutual influential and promoting manner, and united in the whole process of localization of Marxism in China. The basic mechanisms include:First, the mechanism of political arena and forum interaction, namely, the Party’s theoretical innovation depends not only on the foresight of the leaders, but also seeks support from the think tank of experts, absorbs a large number of theoretical and academic researches, and focuses on scientific theoretical innovation. Second, the mechanism of mass participation. The mass is the main force to inherit the fine traditional culture and create an advanced socialist culture. To guide the mass and give play to their creativity is both an essential requirement of Marxism, but a source of wisdom for the Party’s theoretical innovation. Third, domestic and international cultural exchange mechanism, which is a manifestation of cultural exchange values of the Party. For the various national cultures and different cultures across the world (especially the latter), seeking common ground while reserving differences, complementarity and common development on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment are the correct principles to maintain the vitality of cultural development and solve the contradictions and differences in cultural exchanges and intermediation.The fifth chapter puts forward the line of thinking and proposals to uphold and develop the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture, after an objective analysis of current opportunities and challenges at home and abroad. Domestic opportunities include:first, the strong cultural awareness of CPC provides intrinsic motivation to develop the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. Second, since the start of reform and opening up, the sound and rapid economic development provides important conditions for developing the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. Third, political development in the new era offers environmental support for the development of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of fine traditional culture. International opportunities include:First, economic globalization has brought unprecedented opportunities for Chinese culture to go to the world. Second, cultural globalization has brought historical opportunities. Cultural globalization prompt us to know our own culture more consciously, and learn from each other and promote the progress of human civilization in the exchanges with the cultures of other countries. Third, global crisis inspires people’s reflection on western culture and call for the conventional wisdom of China. Domestic challenges include:the impact of social change on traditional culture, the negative impact of market economy on traditional culture, the weakening of traditional culture and education, and lack of innovation in traditional culture. International challenges are:the world’s cultural diversity threatened by the western cultural hegemony, cultural globalization bringing crisis to the national cultural identity, the negative cultural view produced in the process of cultural globalization causing the Chinese cultural crisis. The paper puts forward such line of thinking and proposals as:first, to take the scientific concept of traditional culture as the prerequisite, second, to focus on the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics as foothold, third, the economic foundation for sustainable development and good political environment serving as the guarantee, fourth, cultural innovation is the core, fifth, to strengthen party building is the key, sixth, higher quality of the people is the radical solution. The best breakthrough point to enhance the quality of the nation is universal reading. Universal reading should be lifted to the national strategic level to enhance the national quality which is the main force of theoretical and cultural innovation.The conclusion part makes a brief summary of the full text and briefs the main problems of the paper and the direction of future efforts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

