

Study on the Culture of Herborize in the Book of Songs

【作者】 孙秀华

【导师】 廖群;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《诗经》是中国古代文学最重要的元典之一,是我们了解古代社会和民族的物质文明与精神文明的重要典籍,其广博而丰富的内容,也承载着丰厚的文化传统。先哲时俊对于《诗经》文化有着精彩的解读,因而,深入挖掘《诗经》中隐涵的采集文化,以采集文化的视角阐释《诗经》中的相关诗歌,并再现《诗经》时代的社会生产与生活,应该是很有意义的探索与尝试。这可以完善对于《诗经》采集、渔猎、农业等三个从生产方式方面着眼的文化解读,以更好的理解先民们的日常生产生活,达到文化理解与认同的高度。《诗经》的文化品性是对于《诗经》进行文化解读的前提,而《先秦两汉文化与文学》、《诗经与中国文化》、《诗经的文化精神》等则提供了理论性的指导,具有示范性的作用。“《诗经》与采集文化”、“《诗经》与植物文化”、“《诗经》与植物名物”、“《诗经》与考古”等各方面的相关研究成果,正是进行“《诗经》采集文化研究”的坚实基础。认识到《诗经》中所蕴涵的文化的信息不会局限于诗歌所产生的时期,而是包含此前的人类文化积淀,也即《诗经》时代是立足于西周春秋时期,以之作为基点的,而在对某些具体内容进行辨析时,又会有一些对于夏代、商代文化的追溯。而正是因为认识到《诗经》里隐含着如此古老而又丰富的文化遗留,才使得深入探讨《诗经》时代的采集生产与采集文化成为可能。采集生产是原始先民赖以生存的最重要的生产方式之一,有其漫长而又独立的发展历程。与渔猎经济对比,采集经济有着明显的优越性,曾长期作为社会的支柱经济而存在。原始农业起源后,采集生产一度作为重要的社会经济补充。在《诗经》的时代,种植农业渐趋昌明发达,然而真正精耕细作的时期并没有马上到来,因此在灾荒、战乱、饥馑等侵袭的年代里,采集生产的救急功能愈加彰显。在《诗经》中,关乎采集的诗歌丰富多彩,引人入胜。解读这些诗歌,基于它们对于采集生产活动的反映,可以将它们分为三种情况,实写采集的,以采集起兴的和直接描摹植物意象以表情达意的。《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌涉及的内容,与先民们的衣、食、住、行紧密相关,这主要反映了采集文化的物质层面。就衣而言,是由动物皮毛、葛、麻、丝等不同材料制成,都与采集生产、采集文化直接相关。食则最重要的是菜蔬,主要是指采集而得的野菜,这既为先民日常所食用,也是饥民赖以活命度过荒年的依靠。其次也有各种果实,以及几种昆虫。先民们的住与行也多用到采集生产得来的材料,这在《诗经》中仍有着一些生动的歌咏。《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌涉及的内容,还进一步涵盖到了先民们的社会生活,这主要反映了采集文化的精神层面。而深入探寻,这些采集文化相关诗歌或隐或显的含有巫术、宗教方面的意义,反映的是人们的精神生活。这基于先民们的原始思维,即万物有灵的思维,表现为物我的互渗,以及在一些诗歌中所流露出的以植物比附自我的“生命的律动”。从原始思维的角度而言,《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌所体现出的主要是交感巫术的影响,还有生殖崇拜、祖先崇拜的庄严与神圣。深入探讨这些诗歌所含有的深层的文化因素,能使我们更好的理解这些绚烂的诗歌,走进先民们花草芬芳、林木含情的生活,领略他们相对神秘而又美丽的精神世界。从中可见,《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌深深植根于先民们的精神家园,其文化意蕴绚丽多姿,美不胜收。对于《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌从名物的、民俗的、文学艺术的以及比较文学的等四个角度进行解读,是一种多重阐释的尝试。《诗经》名物解说的历史积淀深厚,其专书则始于值得细致考究的《毛诗草木鸟兽虫鱼疏》。作为个案,基于名物的解说,考察了《诗经》中的“葛藟”,从文字训诂、考古发现、植物分类等多方面考辨,得出“葛藟”应为葡萄科葡萄属的葛藟葡萄(V. flexuosa Thunb.)的结论。在民俗方面,采集本身就可称之为“采集风俗”,而《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌深刻反映了祭祀民俗、婚恋爱情等方面。祭祀所用的祭品,多与采集相关,《诗经》中直接反映这一生产生活实际内容的诗歌比较多,有的就写到了芳香植物的采集和用以祭祀,而有些诗歌也同时与爱情婚恋相关。《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌其艺术上的特质,在于其突出而又集中的运用比兴的艺术手法,在于其婉转含蓄而又韵味深长的抒情特色,也在于其典型的复沓叠唱的吟咏,从被采摘植物的变换里体现出来的音乐的制约、套语的模式和意象的复合。《诗经》与外国文学与文化的比较,选取了“槲寄生与寄生草”、《雅歌》与《国风》、《万叶集》与《诗经》等视角来多侧面揭示《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌的自身特质,相比较而言《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌是十分典雅含蓄的,呈现出鲜明的中和之美。《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌上承自远古歌谣,与逸诗、《尚书》、《周易》、《山海经》以及神话中关于采集的描写、记载相比较,体现出了形象生动而又质朴尚实的特点。《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌绝大多数是以采摘起兴的,这种用以起兴的采集意象虽然来自于真实具体的采集生产活动,但往往只是在诗歌里流露出或隐或显的意愿和情韵。尽管如此,《诗经》采集文化相关诗歌在题材与主题上的开创上还是十分丰富的,举其要者言之,大致有“香草美人”、采草怀远、采桑诗歌、采莲歌曲、树喻的母题等等,而在后世的演变中,桃花吟咏、折柳诗歌的发展较为突出,而采草作为民俗流传,渐渐兴起了“斗草”风俗。作为个案研究,《古诗十九首》的植物意象很突出,有四类,即:时序之草:与白露、秋蝉、东风、回风等相关联的草意象;生命之树:与陵、墓、古墓等相联系的松柏、白杨;遗远芳华:采摘以遗远方所思的芙蓉、芳草、奇树之花;情爱依附:孤生竹、惠兰花和表达夫妻情深的兔丝、女罗等。《古诗十九首》的植物意象表达显然是对《诗经》、《楚辞》植物意象的继承与发展,但较之于《诗经》、《楚辞》,《古诗十九首》植物意象具有唯美化、组合化和更为情景交融的特点,体现了“婉转附物,怊怅切情”的审美特质。

【Abstract】 The Book of Songs is the most important one of the ancient Chinese literature books. By its vast and rich content, we can get a better understanding of the ancient society and the rich cultural traditions. Sages had a wonderful interpretation on the culture in The Book of Songs therefore, dig deeper into The Book of Songs implicature acquisition culture to explain it, a collection of cultural perspective in poetry, and reproduction of The Book of Songs the era of social production and life should be meaningful to explore and try. This can improve the daily production and life of The Book of Songs age, the three aspects of hunting and fishing, agriculture and other cultural interpret better understanding of our ancestors, to achieve a high degree of cultural understanding and identity.The cultural character of The Book of Songs is the premise of the cultural interpretation of The Book of Songs, Qin and Han Culture and Literature, The Book of Songs and Chinese Culture, The Book of Songs of the cultural spirit, and so on,is the oretical guidance and exemplary role. The Book of Songs and the acquisition culture, The Book of Songs and the plant culture, The Book of Songs and plant material, The Book of Songs and archaeological, all aspects of research, it is solid foundation for the acquisition of The Book of Songs cultural studies. Understanding to the cultural clout of The Book of Songs information is not limited to the period of poetry, but with previous human cultural heritage, namely The Book of Songs era is based on the Western Zhou-Chunqiu period, as the basis, to discriminate specific content, but also there will be some of the Xia Dynasty, Shang culture retrospective. And it is in recognition of The Book of Songs implies that such an ancient and rich cultural legacy, which makes the depth collection of The Book of Songs era production and gathering culture has become possible.Acquisition of production is one of the original ancestors of the survival of the most important mode of production, with its long and independent course of development. Economic comparison of hunting and fishing, gathering has a clear superiority of a long existence as a pillar of the social economy. To the origin of primitive agriculture, collecting production was as important social and economic supplement. In the era of The Book of Songs, plantation agriculture is becoming a flourishing developed, however, the really intensive period and did not immediately come increasingly highlight the years of famine, war, famine, invasion, collected the emergency function of the production.Plants-picking or Plants-collecting is the most important way of the original ancestors living on. In The Book of Songs, such poems related to the Plants-picking is colorful, and capturing our imagination naturally. Interpretation of these poems, based on the collection for their production activities to reflect, they can be divided into three types, it was real about collection; in order to express as the "Xing"(兴) and; use plant images to show the direct expression of feelings. So all of them can give the name of Plants-collecting Poems in The Book of Songs.The poetry concerned with the acquisition in The Book of Songs, with the inhabitants of their clothing, food, housing, closely related to the line, which mainly reflects the material aspects of culture collection. In terms of clothing, made from animal fur, Ge(葛), hemp, silk, and other different materials, production and acquisition, directly related to the acquisition culture. The most important food is the vegetables, mainly refers to the collection from wild plants, which is hungry stay alive rely on spent the years of famine. Secondly, there are a variety of fruit, and several insects. Also live with the line of ancestors used acquisition to production to the material in The Book of Songs., there are still some lively singing.The Book of Songs collection culture poetry concerned with the further cover to the inhabitants of their social aspects of life, mainly reflects the acquisition of culture, the spiritual level. And in-depth to explore the acquisition culture poetry, either explicitly or implicitly with witchcraft, religious significance, reflecting the people’s spiritual life. This is based on the original thinking of our ancestors, namely, animism thinking, performance for things my mutual infiltration, as well as showing some of the poetry of plant analogies self "rhythm of life". From the point of view of the original thinking, The Book of Songs acquisition of culture-related poetry to reflect mainly sympathetic witchcraft, as well as reproductive worship, ancestor worship of the solemn and sacred.The Plants-collecting Poems in The Book of Songs related to culture, not only with the ancestors’clothing, food, shelter, transportation, further to cover the ancestors’social aspects of life, reflecting the profound religious worship, campaigns and corvees, feasts, marriage and so on, all aspects of their life. Reflects the outstanding folk culture, and highlighted its focus on the use of the art practices For the four angles to redy poetry of collection of cultural in The Book of Songs, from the name, they are folk literature and art, and literature such as interpretation, try a multiple interpretation. The Book of Songs material explanation, deeply rooted in history, the book starts worthy of careful research "Mao deserving insects, fish, sparse". Investigated as case-based explanation of the name and substance, the Ge bud "in The Book of Songs, obtained Ge bud from text exegesis, archeology, plant classification, and so many Dynasty Vitaceae grape is Ge Conclusion bud grape (V.flexuosa Thunb.). In the folklore collection itself can be called "collecting customs, the culture of The Book of Songs collection poetry reflects the profound ritual customs, marriage and love. Sacrificial offerings, and more associated with the collection, The Book of Songs is a direct reflection of the actual content of the production life of poetry, and some wrote about the collection of aromatic plants and used to worship, and some poetry and love Marriage-related. The Book of Songs acquisition culture poetry its artistic qualities and the charm of subtle and profound lyrical characteristics of its prominent and concentrated using Bixing artistic techniques, its mildly, also its typical complex Da stack sing music, chant, where the transformation from picking plants reflected constraints, the set of language patterns and images of the compound. Comparison of the Book of Songs and foreign literature and culture, select the mistletoe and parasitic grass "," Song of Solomon "and" Guofeng"(国风),’ Leaves Collection "and The Book of Songs, perspective side reveals the acquisition culture poetry of their own qualities, the comparison is very elegant and subtle, showing and beauty. In addition, comparing the death image of Rose and The Book of Songs acquisition culture poetry embodied the death imagery.The Book of Songs acquisition culture poetry inherited from the ancient songs, the with Yishi(逸诗),"The Book,"The Book of Changes "," Shan Hai Jing ", as well as mythology description of the acquisition, compared to records, reflecting the vivid and simpleyet real features. The Book of Songs acquisition of culture-related poetry most is picking kiheung, this used to kiheung collected imagery from the real specific acquisition production activities, but often only in poetry reveals either explicitly or implicitly the willingness and Music. Nevertheless, The Book of Songs collection of cultural poetry on the subject matter and themes to create very rich images, give to be those words, there are basically Vanilla beauty, grass adopted to miss someone beloved, Picking Mulberry poetry, songs of Picking tree metaphor motif, in the later evolution of the peach recite, willow poetry development more prominent, while the grass adopted as folk spread gradually rise of the customs of the fighting grass. As a case study, plant imagery of The Nineteen Old Poems is prominent, there are four categories, namely:the timing of grass:the dew, Qiuchan, Dongfeng, back to the wind, the grass image of the associated; Tree of Life:Ling tomb, tombs, and other associated conifers, Poplar; left far she explains:picking and left to faraway, Fangsuo Si hibiscus, fragrant, the odd tree flowers; love dependence:orphan bamboo orchids benefit and expression of the husband and wife, Nvluo(女萝). In The Nineteen Old Poems, plant images expresses clearly, may from The Book of Songs, Songs of the South, the inheritance and development of the image can be seen, but compared to The Book of Songs, Songs of the South, the image plants in The Nineteen Ancient Poems has the characteristics of the aesthetic, combined, and more scenes and tactfully attached to objects, such as the situation of the aesthetic qualities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

