

Research on the New Vocabulary of Tang Dynasty According to <the Great Chinese Dictionary>

【作者】 胡宪丽

【导师】 杨端志;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 唐代是词汇史发展的重要时期,上承中古,下启近代,传承词和新生词都很多,类型多样。论文以《汉语大词典》(以下简称《词典》)中收录的首例为唐代文献的词为采集范围,通过对其进行检索排查,建立唐代新词语料库;根据唐代文献补充相关新词,以〖〗习标识。在这个研究范围内,从意义、形式上描述唐代新词语的基本面貌。全文分七章,另有绪论和结语。绪论介绍唐代新词语的研究意义、现状、内容和方法,交待语料来源和使用情况。唐代新词语研究是汉语史的重要组成部分,也是断代词汇研究不同于专书词汇研究的新方法。目前唐代词汇研究多集中在微观领域,宏观研究成果尚未出现。论文通过对唐代新词进行分义类、分音节形式、分词类、分结构、分语义关系的有序调查,归纳唐代词汇的特点。唐代成语相当于词,列于最后一章。第一章是唐代类义词。从词义入手,寻找新词的系统性。根据唐代社会特点,选择具有社会时代特征的九个领域——政治、经济、法律、教育、科举、文化、思想、科技、社会生活,类聚各领域内的相关词,在社会历史原因中研究词汇产生机制及系统。第二章是唐代基本词汇。唐代产生的、与基本社会生活直接相关、意义简单明确、并普遍延用到近现代汉语的词是唐代基本词汇,分十四类。在社会与词汇的互动中,发现基本词汇的本质及体系。第三章是唐代单音词。总结唐代新单音词特点、产生原因、产生方式,包括以义造词、以音造词、同源造词、词素转化成词四种。同源词包括词根同源、同族同源两类。第四章是唐代双音节非复合词,包括连绵词、叠音词、重叠词和附加词。前三类可归为语音造词:连绵词通过语音回环连缀成词;叠音词和重叠词通过音节重叠构词;附加词是通过附加词缀造成双音词。不过汉语自身音节简单短小,缺乏丰富的专用词缀,致使这类语音和形态构词方式先天不良,能产性相对有限。第五章是唐代双音复合词,通过语法-语义组合构词。前五节分别分析特殊名词、普通名词、动词、形容词及代词、副词、连词的语法结构、语义关系。名词最多,约占6/10,以定中式最多,其次是并列式;构成词素以名名式最多,语义关系最复杂,其次是形名式、动名式等。动词约占3/10,以并列式最多,其次为述宾式、状中式、主谓式和补充式;语义关系以述宾式最复杂。形容词约占1/10,以并列式为主,约占88%,以词素相关并列最多,其次为主谓式、偏正式。副词18个,连词16个,代词12个,数量相对不多。第六节抽样调查了初、盛、中、晚各100个词,讨论其语音结构,发现有16种声调搭配方式,以同调式(平平、上上、去去、入入)和平仄式(平上、平去、平入)居多。第六章是唐代三音节、四音节、五音节合成词。这些词音节虽长,意义却比较单一,形式固定,有传承性复现性;然数量不多,按音节组合数量依次递减。第七章是唐代成语,包括普通成语、典故成语、佛源成语,后两者只有19%,故经典性不是成语的本质特征。成语相当于词,以动词性最多,占一半以上;名词性约有25%;形容词性只有15%。对称性、稳定性是成语的重要特征。结语总结了题目内涵和唐代新词语的总体特点。

【Abstract】 The Tang Dynasty was an important period of the development of the vocabulary, who’s vocabulary was numerous and of different types. The paper discussed the words which came from <The Great Chinese Dictionary>, whose examples emerged in Tang Dynasty first. Then through the investigation, we established new words corpus in Tang Dynasty, which we took it as the researched object. We researched the words according to its syllable forms. It included seven chapters except a introduction and a conclusion.The introduction told the research significance, present situations, contents and methods. The Tang Dynasty was an important period, which inherited the ancient times and opened the modern times. The new vocabularies were huge and complicated. But the research now concentrated in micro researches. The macro researches has not appewered yet. The paper researched on the new words. We can summarize the features of the words in Tang Dynasty, which was not only an important areas of vocabulary study, but also a different attempt. In addition, we introduced the linguistic data’s arrangement, identifying methods.Chapter1was about the new words which belonged to the same fields. we choose nine fields, including politics, economy, law, education, imperial examinations, cultural, ideological, technology, and society, to collect the related words, from which we can find the relationship between the vocabulary and the times.Chapter2was about the basic vocabulary in Tang Dynasty, and which was another perspective of researching vocabulary from society. We found the basic words from14aspects,then we can summarize the regular patterns of the basic vocabulary production.Chapter3was about the monosyllables in Tang Dynasty.Through analyzing the grammatical forms, pronouce and meanings of the monosyllabic word in Tang Dynasty, we summeried its features、causes、ways to produce, which included4ways. There were some cognate words, which were of two types.Chapter4was about the binding Words, overlap-syllable words and add-affix words. The first two kinds can be classified by pronunciation. The last was produced by adding affix. However, this formation was of shortcomings, not only for the affix limited, but also for its coming from other words. So there were not a lot of words with the affix.Chapter5was about the disyllabic words, which were discussed from six parts of speech. And then we analysed the semantic structures and grammatical structures. In addition, we choose400Words to discuss their pronounce structures and find that there were16forms with the tones. Nouns were the most, accounting for about6/10. Verbs was the second, accounting for about3/10, with most paratactic types. Adjectives was about1/10and the paratactic type was given priority to88%, which tied for the most by relevant. Subject-predicate type accounted for6%.In addition there were18adverbs,16conjunctions and12pronouns.Chapter6was about the three-syllables Words, four-syllables Words, five-syllables words. Although they were of many syllables, but their meaning was simple. So they belong to words.Chapter7was about idioms. The idioms consisted of three parts:general idioms, allusion idioms and buddhist idioms. The first form was accounted for81%, while the last two forms was accounted for19%. The idioms were often used as verbs. Symmetry and stability were the important features to idioms.The conclusion pointed out the meaning of the topic and summarized the general characteristics of the new words and expressions of the Tang Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

