

Taiping Instrument special vocabulary study

【作者】 马秀兰

【导师】 吉发涵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以太平天国文书特色词汇为研究对象,使用文史相结合、基本描写和理论解释相结合、分类与归纳相结合、突出重点与例举方式相结合等方法,对太平天国特色词汇进行全面、细致、严谨的分析和讨论,力求对其进行系统性的研究和把握,以期对汉语词汇史做出一点贡献。全文分为五章。第一章,绪论,共五节。第一节是对太平天国文书特色词汇相关的几个概念进行解释,这几个概念分别是“文书”、“太平天国文献”、“太平天国文书”、“《太平天国文书汇编》”、“太平天国词语”、“太平天国文书特色词汇”,对这些基础概念进行说明,有利于后文的顺利展开;第二节主要是运用网络和纸本相结合的检索方法,对古今中外有关此课题的专著、论文、辞书等资料进行梳理,尽量全面的掌握此课题相关研究概况,借鉴前人的研究方法和研究思路,对本文有很好的指导意义;第三节是本文的研究思路和研究方法。本文以汉语史基础理论为理论支持,按照传统语言学研究方法,结合历史学、宗教学等领域的研究方法,在占有大料文献资料的前提下,借鉴前人的研究成果,进行系统性、深入性的研究,希冀骥得出些成果;第四节是本文的立论基础和研究价值,重点介绍四个方面的研究价值:释义、辨误、辨伪以及对汉语词汇史的补充作用。在释义部分举了“龙袍”、“魂爷”等例子来说明太平天国文书词汇研究的重中之重就是正确释义;辨误部分解释了版本问题;辨伪部分举了太平天国文献资料里的几个精彩例子;辞典编纂部分例举了“排定”一词,以说明利于大型辞书的修订;最后又就太平天国文书词汇对汉语史的作用略作说明。第二章,太平天国文书中的宗教色彩词研究,共分四节。第一节,“天王”及以“天”为修饰成分的宗教色彩词,重点解释“天王”一词在太平天国文书以及中国传统文化典籍中出现的情况,得出“天王”是太平天国结合中国本色宗教、打着基督教的幌子创造出来的领袖称谓的结论。随后,又解释了以“天”为修饰成分的其它宗教色彩词,如:小天堂、天廷、天府、天台、天令、天条、天法、天启、天试、天历、天霪等。将这些词语分为人物类称号、居所类称号、教义法令类称号三类,并对其进行数据分析和比较;第二节,“圣神风”及以“圣”为修饰成分的宗教色彩词,此节重点对“圣神风”进行释义,“圣神风”是太平天国借用基督教的词语,表达的却是和基督教不同的思想和内容。随后,又对以“圣”为修饰成分的其它宗教色彩词进行分析,如:天圣父、救世圣主、真圣主、圣徒、圣师、圣兵、圣怒、圣心、圣讳、圣书、圣物、圣钱、圣营、圣旗、圣库、圣仓等;第三节论述的是除“天”、“圣”类而外的宗教色彩词,如:爷火华、真神、上主皇上帝、神爷、魂爷、太平天帝父、耶稣、太平天主兄、太兄、二兄、真主、太平主、太平真主、劝慰师、赎病主、哥升节、东升节、报爷节、登极节、爷降节、哥降节、权能、主张、担当、化醒、窄门、坦盘等;第四节为小结部分,对上帝教和基督教进行了简单的对比,还对上帝教与中国本色宗教的较量情况作了简要说明,最后对太平天国文书中出现的宗教色彩词表现出的特点作总结。第三章,太平天国文书避讳现象研究。就是对因避讳而产生的特色字词进行研究。分为四节。第一节介绍了避讳的定义、内容以及避讳在我国传统文献中的用例情况,随后对太平天国发布的避讳要求进行说明,并对太平天国文书避讳与历代避讳的关系作简要说明;第二节,对太平天国文书中避名讳和避恶讳两种情况进行分析,如:爷、火、华、上、皇、帝、神、督、洪、秀、全、贵、福、清、云、山、昌、辉、祐等避名讳例和咸、丰、清、满、鬼、魂、愧、魁、魏、仙、佛、僧、尼、寺、庙、庵、观、祠、龙、丑、卯、亥、丁、死、亡、退、芜等避恶讳例;第三节介绍了太平天国文书使用的三类避讳方式:改变字形避讳、利用同音字或近音字避讳、利用字义进行避讳。对于改字与造字,笔者设计成表,罗列了要避讳的本字和因之而改的代字,还有18个新造字:(?)、国、龛、(?)、(?)、獾、洗、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、福、华、(?)。第四节小结,对太平天国文书中的避讳现象进行总结性叙述。第四章,太平天国文书用词的不规范现象研究。太平天国文书语言的不规范突出表现在使用大量的方言词和隐语。第一节,将方言词分为名词、动词、形容词、副词四个词性进行分析,如:坚耐、作怪、乃埋、乃理、乃(?)、牵带、认实、信实、紧、睡紧、带紧、扶紧、对紧、护持紧、包荒、番生等。第二节,太平天国文书中的隐语。首先对隐语进行理论阐述,接着对太平天国出现的隐语现象略作说明,随后对太平天国文书中出现的隐语进行解释,如:三星、禾、禾王、日头、禾乃、双凤、云中雪、长龙、红粉、起手、起马、草、坚草、耐草、一条草、宽草、公草、洋烟、升天等。最后总结太平天国文书隐语的构造规律。第三节,对太平天国文书用词的不规范现象进行总结,同时对隐语和方言词之间的交叉关系作了简要分析。第五章,结语。分四节。第一节太平天国文书语言呈现出文白参半的特点,将太平天国文书和同时期清延文书作对比,得出太平天国文书语言是口语化较强的结论;第二节对太平天国四类特色词汇的特点及交叉关系进行说明;第三节太平天国文书中产生大量的新词语,对太平天国文书出现的新造词和旧词新义进行总结;第四节太平天国文书特色词汇研究对汉语史的影响,太平天国文书产生大量的新词,复音化进一步加强,有利于工具书的修订,并为汉语词汇史提供语料。正文之后列有两个附录。附录一是对太平天国文书特色词汇简单罗列成表,可以更直观的看到太平天国文书词汇的基本面貌;附录二对太平天国文书特色词汇与《汉语大词典》修订之间的关系分三个方面进行解释。本文的创新点:第一,以往对太平天国的研究多集中在史学研究,对太平天国文书的研究也多集中在文书制度、文书人员与机构等方面的研究,语言学界对太平天国文书词汇的系统研究却较少,本文运用语言学特别是词汇学以及历史学、宗教学的理论对太平天国文书中的特色词汇进行了系统研究,在展现其词汇系统性的同时,也清晰的显现出跨学科研究的特点;第二,纠正了前人对“乃埋”、“紧”等词的错误解释,提出自己的观点,论据充分,理由得当。具有创新性和说服力,对正确理解与深入研究太平天国语言有促进作用;第三,分析和归纳了大量未被解释过的新词,包括宗教色彩词、隐语词汇、方言词、避讳字。对破解太平天国语言有补益作用,为大型辞书的修订提供了丰富的词条和语料,为汉语词汇史的构建提供了有价值的材料。本文的缺点及改进方法:作者理论素养有待继续提高,相关学科知识有待进一步学习、补充和丰富。未来作者会努力扩展知识面,多读书,勤思考,认真做科研,刻苦钻研,不断对论文进行填充和修改,以臻更加完善,使其成为学术水平更高的科研成果。

【Abstract】 Taiping instrument features vocabulary study combining the use of literature and history, the basic description and theoretical explanation of the combination of classified and analyzed, focused with examples of the combination of other methods, on Taiping Phrases in a comprehensive and detailed, rigorous analysis and discussion, and strive to be the systematic study and grasp, in order to make some contribution to the history of Chinese vocabulary.Paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, Introduction, a total of five. The first section is the interpretation of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom instrument features several concepts related to the vocabulary of these concepts are " instruments" God Bless America, God Bless instruments","" The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom instrument assembly " God Bless the words ", God Bless the instrument characteristics of vocabulary, these basic concepts, and is conducive to later in the smooth commencement; Section Ⅱ, the main retrieval method combining the use of the network and paper Physiognomy, sort out the information at all times on this topic monographs, papers, dictionaries, etc., as fully as possible to master the subject-related research overview, drawing on the methods of previous studies and research ideas in this article have a good guide; Section Ⅲ of research ideas and research methods. Theoretical support for the basic theory of Chinese history, according to the traditional linguistics research methods, combined with research in the field of history, religion, in possession of the aniseed documents of the premise, drawing on previous research results, systematic, in-depth research, hoping to come to some results; The contents of the fourth quarter is the theoretical basis and research value of this article focuses on the research value of the four aspects:the definition of identified misuse, detection of forgeries, as well as the complementary role of the History of Chinese Vocabulary. Cite examples of "robes "," the soul of God " in the interpretation section to illustrate the the Taiping instruments vocabulary research priority is the correct interpretation; identified mistakenly partially explain the version of the problem; Distinguishing parts of several of the Taiping literature cited wonderful examples; the lexicographer part of the examples of" scheduled " to explain the amendment is conducive to large-scale dictionaries; last Taiping instruments vocabulary Chinese history, a brief description. Chapter Ⅱ, the Taiping instruments religious color words, divided into four. Section Ⅰ, the" kings" and the religious overtones of "day" modified ingredients term focus to explain the word " kings" in the Taiping instruments as well as Chinese traditional cultural classics, to produce the" King of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of China qualities of religion, using the guise of Christianity created by the conclusion of the leaders title. Subsequently, further explained that the "day" modified ingredients other religious words such as:小天堂、天延、天府、天台、天令、天条、天法、天启、天试、天历、天霟Etc.Thesewords into a character class title, the title of residence class doctrine decrees class title three categories, and these words for data analysis and comparison; Section Ⅱ, the " Spirit Wind" and religious "holy " as modifiers words, this section focuses on the " Spirit Wind" interpretation," Spirit Wind" is the word of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to borrow Christian, was that the and Christian ideas and content. Then, analyze the religious word "holy " modified ingredients, such as:天圣父、救世圣主、真圣主、圣徒、圣师、圣兵、圣怒、圣心、圣讳、圣书、圣物、圣钱、圣营、圣旗、圣库、圣仓Etc; Discussed in section Ⅲ is in addition to "Heaven" and "sacred" additional religious words, such as:爷火华、真神、上主皇上帝、神爷、魂爷、太平天帝父、耶稣、太平天主兄、太兄、二兄、真主、太平主、太平真主、劝慰师、赎病主、哥升节、东升节、报爷节、登极节、爷降节、哥降节、权能、主张、担当、化醒、窄门、坦盘Etc; RELIGION OF WORSHIPPING GOD and Christianity the fourth quarter for the summary part, a simple comparison, a brief description on the contest of the RELIGION OF WORSHIPPING GOD and the true nature of religion, the last show the characteristics of religious words Taiping instruments summary.Chapter Ⅲ of the Heavenly Kingdom of word taboo phenomenon. Sub-characteristics because of taboo words. Divided into four. The first section introduces evade definition, content and taboo in the traditional literature, the use cases described, and then evade the requirements of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom released, and the Taiping instruments taboo taboo and the history of relations briefly summarized; Section Ⅱ, the Taiping instruments to avoid the taboo and to avoid evil taboo both cases analysis, such as:爷、火、华、上、皇、帝、神、督、洪、秀、全、贵、福、清、云、山、昌、辉、祐Etc Avoid name taboo cases and咸、丰、清、满、鬼、魂、愧、魁、魏、仙、佛、僧、尼、寺、庙、庵、观、祠、龙、丑、卯、亥、丁、死、亡、退、芜 Etc Avoid evil taboo cases; Section Ⅲ describes the the Taiping instruments use three types of taboo:Change glyph taboo, the use of the homophone or near the sound of the word taboo, the use of the word meaning taboo. Change the word and created characters, I designed the table, a list of taboo words, and the consequent change in lieu of the word, there are18new created characters:(?)、国、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、(?)、福、华、(?)。The fourth quarter summary of the summary statement of the Taiping instruments taboo phenomenon.Chapter Ⅳ, Taiping instruments to regulate the phenomena of the terms. The outstanding performance of the non-standard instrument language of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the use of dialect words and insinuations. Section Ⅰ, the dialect words into nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, four parts of speech for analysis, such as:坚耐、作怪、乃埋、乃理、乃(?)、牵带、认实、信实、紧、睡紧、带紧、扶紧、对紧、护持紧、包荒、番生Etc. Section Ⅱ, in the argot of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom instrument. First theoretical explanation argot, a brief description went on to the Taiping appear argot phenomenon, and then explained the argot Taiping instruments, such as:三星、禾、禾王、日头、禾乃、双凤、云中雪、长龙、红粉、起手、起马、草、坚草、耐草、一条草、宽草、公草、洋烟、升天Etc. Concluded the Taiping instruments the argot constructed law. Section Ⅲ, the non-standard wording of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom instrument summary, a brief analysis of the intersection between argot and dialect words.Chapter Ⅴ, Conclusion. Divided into four sections. The language of Section1Taiping instruments showing the characteristics of the white half, to compare the the Taiping instruments and the same period of the Qing court instruments, come to Taiping instrument language is the conclusion of the white mixed; Section Ⅱ of the characteristics of the Taiping four categories of characteristics vocabulary and cross relations; Section Ⅲ Taiping instruments generate a lot of new words, to sum up the the Taiping instruments emergence of a new coinage and new meanings of old words; Section4Taiping instruments Phrases in Chinese history, the Taiping instruments generate a lot of new words, the polyphony of further strengthening the conducive tool amendment, and to provide for the History of Chinese Vocabulary corpus.The text after the two appendices. Appendix One is a simple list of the characteristic vocabulary of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom instrument into a table, more intuitive feel the the Taiping instruments presented vocabulary outlook; Appendix II of the relationship between points in the the Taiping instrument features vocabulary and "Chinese Dictionary" revised three aspects of the enumerated type description and a list.Innovation of this paper:First, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the past mostly in historical research, the Taiping instruments are mostly concentrated in the clerical system, clerical staff and institutions, linguistics terms of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom instrument system is rare, this paper applies the Linguistics especially lexicology and history, the theory of religion conducted a systematic study of the characteristics of vocabulary in the Taiping instruments, and systematic in to show their vocabulary at the same time, also clearly showing the characteristics of interdisciplinary research; Corrected predecessors "乃埋","紧" and other words of the false interpretation put forward their views and full argument on the grounds properly. Innovative and persuasive role in promoting correct understanding and in-depth study Taiping language; Third, analyzing and summarizing a lot of new words has not been explained, including the religious word, argot vocabulary, dialect words, taboo words. Tonic effect on the crack of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom language for the amendment of the large dictionaries provides a wealth of entries and corpus, and provide valuable material for the history of Chinese vocabulary.The disadvantage of this paper and improved method:Of theoretical knowledge to be to continue to improve the knowledge of the relevant disciplines to be further study to supplement and enrich. The future author will try to expansion of knowledge, more books, the ground thinking, and seriously do research, study hard, continue to fill the paper and modify, in order to attain a more complete, making it a higher academic level of scientific research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

