

The Study on Appellation in Chinese Marriage History

【作者】 果娜

【导师】 吉发涵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 研究对象中国传统社会是典型的礼俗社会,礼制既是治国纲领也是贯穿民俗灵魂的核心所在。婚礼作为社会成立的基石,在整个中国礼俗史上,起了极为特殊的作用,是中华传统礼俗的重要组成部分,体现了中华传统礼俗的基本结构和主要特征。语言是文化和社会的产物,由此,中华传统礼俗尤其是婚嫁礼俗必然对汉语的发展变化产生了巨大而深远的影响。而称谓词作为一种文化符号,它是汉民族文化风俗以及文化心理的约定俗成,体现着汉民族文化的本质特征,从这一角度,婚嫁称谓词作为一类独特的称谓聚合,应引起足够重视,进行专门研究。更重要的是,考察中国传统婚嫁称谓,必须结合传统礼俗文化进行,才能更真实的还原称谓词的成词原因和历史流变,进而探讨语言与中国传统婚嫁文化、中国传统礼俗文化的共生与共变。论文中所涉及的中国古代婚嫁称谓词主要界定为两类:一类是正面反映中国传统婚嫁礼俗,在中国婚姻风俗史上有着稳固的传承或标志性呈现,其存在贯穿整个传统礼俗生活史,应用广泛且出现频率高,影响程度深的称谓词;另一类则是因中国古代传统婚嫁而产生,虽然存在的时间较短,且波及空间范围较小,但仍然侧面反映出传统婚嫁礼俗特色的称谓词。研究价值由于从礼俗民俗角度对词语进行描述和分析的文章较少,专门分析婚姻礼俗的更为少见。同时,传统称谓研究的分类多以亲属称谓和社会称谓划分,因此,跨越二者界限,专题研究婚嫁称谓词的科研成果也很少见到,只有少数零星涉及到一些称谓词的考释和订义,缺乏针对此类称谓词的专题研究。古汉语称谓词汇系统及其发展变化是很复杂的问题,专题研究为目前研究的薄弱环节之一,文章多为称谓考释类,或对某一时期的几种社会行业称谓做出分析;分时期的称谓系统的整合性研究不多,且多集中在亲属称谓内部,缺乏对社会称谓的关注。而实际上,“亲属称谓”与“社会称谓”只存在狭义的概念,而不存在绝对的疆界。本论文尝试以尽可能对婚嫁称谓词进行总体考察,并将传统的亲属称谓与非亲属称谓的称谓分类打破,从婚姻作为社会民俗事项参与称谓系统的互动这一新视角,具体称谓释义与称谓系统分析相结合,力图对古代婚嫁称谓状况作出整体把握和尽量详尽的描述。民俗语言学研究中,较多重视俗语词和乡野调查,而在中国传统文化中,礼制占据了相当重要的地位,中国传统礼俗中的“礼”,可以理解为“礼制”,礼俗即是制度化了的风俗,它是上层社会加以制度化,用以教化四方的行政手段。礼俗词语直接对应礼仪民俗,是礼仪民俗的语言表达。整个礼俗词语系统的形成,其实是一种将自发、蒙昧的民俗词语聚合加以删减、改造,汇入礼俗正统的动态过程。在此过程中,首先是原始自发、蒙昧的民俗词语受阶级社会形成的影响,经过人为筛选,大批成为礼俗词语,而固化下来,在此后漫长的封建社会中一直延续,并形成了具有中国传统的独特礼俗文化。同时需要注意的是,礼俗词语并不是一个封闭的词语系统,在礼俗通过三礼固化之后,大量的新鲜的自发性民俗词语在民间不断涌现,对整个礼俗社会来说,它们是非常态的词语,而这些民俗词语又不断被传统礼俗词语体系吸收,融合,并替代一些旧有礼俗词语的位置,从而形成了动态的礼俗词语系统。因此,我们完全有必要在吸收俗语词研究成果的前提下,引入礼俗概念,在中国民俗词语的考释中加入礼俗视角。考察婚嫁称谓,正是从之一角度出发,选择传统礼俗最为重要的礼仪之一婚嫁礼仪,尽可能还原古代婚嫁称谓的原生存在状态,并把握婚嫁类称谓词的变化发展脉络及整体情况。论文结构本文通过将《汉语称谓大词典》中所收录的婚嫁类称谓进行穷尽式查找,积极查阅其他词典及典籍资料,建立电子资料库。并将收集整理的两千三百余个中国传统婚嫁称谓词按照其涉及的不同对象和不同社交类型,分为六部分十二章进行归类分析。第一部分,作为绪论,主要阐述了本论文的选题原因,文中所涉及的重要概念的界定,学界此类研究综述,并对“婚”、“姻”及其衍生的称谓词进行了考释和分析。第二部分,主要分析作为中国传统婚嫁称谓词中核心部分的夫妻义称谓词的特征,其中包括:第二章夫婿义称谓词分析,重点分析一般情形下的夫婿义称谓词的特点及夫义、婿义称谓词的应用差异;第三章赘婿义称谓词分析,重点分析特殊婚嫁形式“赘婚”情形下赘婿义称谓词的特征和历时变化情况;第四章妻义称谓词分析,重点分析妻义称谓词在不同的语境中各具特色,称谓词互相之间进行功能竞争,并随之不断发生变化的情况。第五章夫妻义称谓词分析,重点分析隐含中国传统婚嫁观念与婚俗规范的夫妻义称谓词。第六章为夫妻关系义称谓词分析。重点考察此类称谓词在命名考源上依从礼制的规定与民俗传统,携带大量传统礼俗信息,鲜明表现出传统礼俗特征的情况。第三部分,主要涉及中国传统婚嫁礼俗中的一个特殊形式——妾相关的称谓词,其中包括:第七章妾义称谓词分析,重点分析中国特殊婚俗背景下妾称谓词的不同类型特点及其历时变化情况。第八章媵义称谓词分析,尝试从媵婚制存在的独特的社会文化背景和心理认知基础,来考察媵义称谓词的特征及其在后世随着媵婚制的衰落变迁而发生的新变化。第四部分,也就是第九章,重点分析了公婆岳父母义称谓词,从公婆岳父母义称谓词的考源入手,进行分析,并对其流变作出综合观察,以期掌握此类称谓词的总体状况和发展脉络,并通过公婆与岳父母义称谓词的应用情形对照,来看中国传统婚俗与称谓词的动态互动。第五部分,也就是第十章,重点分析了婚嫁相关的社交称谓词,主要涉及其分类和特点归纳,并结合中国传统文化的深厚与独特性来看汉语婚嫁相关社交称谓词的繁富与独特。第五部分,主要涉及婚嫁过程的相关服务人员,其中包括:第十一章,婚嫁过程产生的称谓词分析,主要涉及主婚、伴娘等婚嫁仪式和婚俗特征中称谓词,并观察历代婚礼程序的差别变迁情况导致的此类称谓词的新旧交替变化。第十二章,媒妁义称谓词分析,通过对媒妁现象的汇集观察,可以更好的对媒妁类称谓词进行释源考辨,并观察此类称谓词在历代礼俗变化下的新旧称谓词交替及词群的变化发展情况。论文主要贡献一、本论文在《汉语称谓大词典》婚嫁称谓语料库基础上进行,并根据传统礼俗中婚嫁特点对称谓词进行了分类归纳,使研究更有针对性和可信度,也为以后的深入研究提供了语料依据。二、在《汉语称谓大词典》语料的基础上,通过结合传世文献,对语料进行了补充和深入检索,以尽可能做到去伪存真,也为《汉语称谓大词典》补充了新称谓词和新例证。三、分门别类地对婚嫁称谓词进行系统的静态描写,研究过程中注重历时与共时相结合,传统训诂学与现代语言学理论相结合,语言学与社会学、民俗学观点相结合,总结词语的系统特征,全面展示这一类特殊的礼俗词汇的面貌。四、通过分析婚嫁称谓词群的特征,结合中国传统礼俗特征,来分析这类词的词义类聚特点,以及构词、造词的特色以及在礼俗背景下新词产生的机制与规律。五、引入中国传统礼俗视角,不但可以深入把握词义内涵及其发展演变情况,更能恰当揭示词义的系统性,从而开阔语言研究视野。从民俗语言学角度来考察称谓词,利用交叉学科的优势资源,及时整理出一批民俗称谓词,能对一些民俗色彩浓郁的称谓词进行更好的释读,并从更深层面来分析称谓产生、存在和延续的原因。同时采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,调查婚嫁称谓词应用习惯的变迁,分析社会习俗变迁对其造成的影响;结合民俗认知现象的研究范围,对“对偶”这一修辞方式所表现出的藕合性思维,加以民俗心理层面的阐发。六、通过初步研究,我们发现婚嫁称谓词主要特点表现为:1、礼俗背景在称谓词产生源头上和历时变迁中可以说是无处不在,并发挥着关键作用。2、婚嫁称谓词涉及婚嫁过程、婚姻生活及姻亲关系的方方面面,词汇量大、类型庞杂且结构各异。3、基本婚嫁称谓词与词素具有稳固性,其应用贯穿于整个礼俗社会。4、称谓变体的时代性及多样性。

【Abstract】 Research ObjectChinese traditional society was a typical etiquette and custom society, while the ritual system was not only the rule of the nation but also the core of folk-custom, As the cornerstone of Chinese traditional society and the important component of Chinese traditional etiquette, marriage reflected the basic structure and main feature of Chinese traditional etiquette and played an extremely special role in whole Chinese etiquette history. Because language is a social and cultural product, Chinese traditional etiquette especially the marriage etiquette has deeply influenced the development of Chinese language. As a cultural symbol, appellation is the convention of Han’s culture and mentality and presents the nature of Han, while the marriage appellation is a particular set of this. In this perspective, we should pay much more attention on it. What’s more, we can restore the cause and history process of appellation by combining with traditional culture when we study Chinese traditional marriage appellation, and then, we can probe into the relationship between language and Chinese traditional etiquette especially the marriage etiquette.The marriage appellation involved in the paper can be divided into two types: The first type which has a great influence and high frequency was inherited stably in Chinese marriage history. Relatively, though the second type which derived from Chinese traditional marriage existed for a short time and influenced on small-scale, it could also reflect the characteristic of traditional marriage etiquette.Research valueThere are neither many articles about the appellation of etiquette and custom, nor about the marriage etiquette. Meanwhile, traditional appellation study mainly divided into relative appellation and social intercourse appellation. So there is rare scientific research achievement about marriage appellation, and lack of thorough research on it.The appellation system and development of ancient china was extremely complex, and the relevant researches which is the weak link mainly focus on the explanation of appellation and analysis of some profession appellation. At the same time, there is lack of integrated research on appellation system. In fact, both relative appellation and social intercourse appellation are just narrow concept. This paper tries to overall observe and study them from a new perspective that marriage interacts with the appellation system. Meanwhile, this paper also tries to break the traditional partition between relative appellation and non-relative appellation.The research of folk custom linguistics attaches importance to colloquial words and rural survey, however, ritual system plays an important role in traditional Chinese culture. Etiquette and custom can be considered as ritual in traditional Chinese culture, and ritual can be regarded as institutionalized custom which was institutionalized administrative means to civilize people in upper societies. Etiquette and custom words are language expression of ritual and custom, and directly corresponding to them. Actually, the formation of etiquette and custom words system is a dynamic process which polymerize the spontaneous and ignorant words with cutting, transforming and bringing them into the etiquette and custom words system. In this process, by the influence of the formation of class society, many of those spontaneous and ignorant words became etiquette and custom words which lasted in the long subsequent feudal society by artificially screening, and finally formed a unique Chinese traditional custom culture. We should note that etiquette and custom words system is not closed. A lot of custom words which were fresh and spontaneous were kept showing up among the people after the three ritual curing. These words were not normal to the whole ritual society. On the other hand, these words were constantly absorbed, merged and took place of the old etiquette and custom words by traditional etiquette and custom words system, and that is how the dynamic etiquette and custom words system formed. Thus, we totally should introduce the etiquette and custom concept, and add etiquette and custom views to the research of folk custom linguistics on the basic of absorbing the research results of custom and colloquial words. Take marriage appellation for instance, wedding amenities is the most important etiquette in tradition, so we should restore ancient marriage appellation to their original state of being, and figure out the structure form and the whole situation of the changes of marriage appellation.Paper structure Through an exhaustive research on the marriage appellation collected in " Chinese Appellation Dictionary " and positive access to other dictionaries and ancient books and records, finally setting up the database. According to the different objects and different social types, we divided the collection of over2300Chinese traditional marriage appellation words into6parts and12chapters for classified analysis. Specifically the main content and opinions are as followed:Part one is an introduction, mainly about the reason and significance of this research, the definition of key concepts, review of related researches and the textual analysis of " marriage " and its derived appellation words.Part two is a analysis of couple appellation which is a central part of Chinese traditional marriage appellation, and the main chapters are as followed:chapter two is an analysis of constantly changing husband appellation and son-in-law appellation in different sociological perspectives, whose main idea is discussing the characteristics of this appellation and the application difference between husband appellation and son-in-law appellation; chapter three, son-in-law appellation of a feather flock together in Chinese marriage, emphasizes on analyzing the characteristics of son-in-law appellation and its diachronic change; chapter four is an introduction of wife appellation’s production and breeding for the reasons of etiquette and custom, culture, the social status and obligations of wife. The emphasis is the competition and changes among appellations in different language environment; chapter five is a main analysis of husband and wife appellation, which is implied in the concepts of Chinese traditional marriage and marriage customs; chapter six, the relationship between husband and wife by the care of etiquette and custom and the implied appellation, focuses on such appellation’s regulation and etiquette tradition based on its naming, which carries a large number of traditional custom information and expresses traditional custom features.Part three is related to an extraordinary Chinese traditional marriage etiquette and custom, namely, concubine appellation. As followed:Chapter seven and eight, the analysis of concubine appellation, emphasizes on analyzing the characteristics of concubine appellation and its diachronic change. Part four, namely the chapter nine, is a selective analysis of parents and parents-in-law appellation. Based on its research source, I conduct a comprehensive observation to its flowage, wishing grasp this kind of appellation’s general condition and development vein. Finally, from the comparison between parents and parents-in-law appellation’s application, we can conclude the dynamic interaction between Chinese traditional marriage etiquette and custom and appellation.Part five, namely the chapter ten, is a selective analysis of social appellation related to marriage, mainly involving classification and induction. At the same time, the research combines rich Chinese traditional culture to reflect the complicated and unique characteristics of Chinese marriage social appellation.Part six is related to the service staff in the marriage, including chapter eleven, the analysis of appellation produced by the marriage folk custom, which involves wedding ceremony appellation and marriage characteristic appellation, finding the changes of appellation that are led to the difference of wedding process. Chapter twelve, the investigation of match-maker appellation in traditional marriage. From the investigation, it is better to make a textual research towards the match-maker appellation and find the appellation’s development with the change of etiquette and custom.Major contributionI, The paper is based on the marriage appellation collected in " Chinese Appellation Dictionary " and classified according to the characteristics of traditional marriage appellation, making the research targeted and credible and offering the basis for further study.II, Based on corpus in " Chinese Appellation Dictionary " and the combination of literature and materials, the research offers more complements and in-depth retrievals in order to eliminate the false and retain the true, providing new appellation and evidence to " Chinese Appellation Dictionary "III, We should describe the marriage appellation statically and respectively. In this research, we must emphasize the combination between diachronic and synchrony, Chinese traditional semantics and modern linguistics theory, linguistics and sociology and folklore. In order to reveal the features of etiquette and custom words, it is also necessary to summarize the characteristics of the word system..Ⅳ, By the analysis to the characteristics of marriage appellation group and the combination of Chinese etiquette and custom, the research analyses the characteristics of aggregation, word-formation and word creation, furthermore, the law of new words’being.V, Through the Chinese traditional custom perspective, it can help us not only to catch the intension and development of the words, but also to reveal the word system and widen the field of words study. We can better explain the folk appellation and analyze the origin and evolution of appellation at a deeper level by the view of folk custom linguistics. Meanwhile, we investigate the changes of application in marriage appellation and analyze the impact of social custom changes by combining quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. To combine the research scope of folk cognition, we elucidate the coupling of antithesis from the folk psychology level.VI, From the pilot research, we conclude that the main characteristics of marriage appellation are as followed:1, The background of etiquette and custom plays an important role in the origin and changes of appellation.2, Marriage appellation related to process of marriage, live of marriage and relationship of relatives has a large number of vocabularies and complicated structure.3, The basic marriage appellation and morpheme are stable and they are applied through the whole etiquette and custom society.4, The variants of appellation are multifarious and epochal.

【关键词】 婚嫁礼俗称谓词
【Key words】 MarriageEtiquette and CustomAppellation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

