

A Study on the Dialect Words and Manchu Words in Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion

【作者】 王美雨

【导师】 唐子恒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 子弟书是指起源于乾隆时期,流行于清末民初的一种说唱文学。它的语言形式生动活泼,所具有的大量词语尤其是方言词语、满语词,对清代中晚期的词语研究乃至整个汉语词汇史的研究,有着其它白话文献资料不可替代的地位。然而到目前为止,车王府藏子弟书中的词语资料还未受到足够的重视,相关研究近乎空白,是同类研究中的薄弱环节。本论文的创新之处就在于对车王府藏子弟书中的方言词语和满语词进行了全方位的研究,并由此揭示其对于词汇史研究的重要价值。另外,论文对子弟书中提及的清代民俗文化的研究,可以为今人了解子弟书创作时代的民俗文化提供一定的借鉴。在研究方法上,本论文主要采用统计、分析、描写、共时与历时相结合的方法。在保证引证语料准确性的前提下,对车王府藏子弟书中的方言词语、满语词作封闭性的数量统计。在与子弟书创作同时代的文学作品比对并查阅现行辞书及相关著作的基础上,最终确定车王府藏子弟书中的哪些词语是方言词语或者满语词。对各词类的方言词语进行量化分析,并根据其词类特点作相应的分析、描述。对满语词的构词方式及意义进行分析、描述。除以上研究方法之外,在具体的操作过程中,结合词汇学、方言学及语法学等相关理论和研究方法,力求对车王府藏子弟书中的这两类词做出系统详细的研究。本论文主体结构如下:绪论部分首先对子弟书的起源形式、内容、版本进行了分析、研究。通过分析、研究,指出子弟书并不单是由一种艺术形式延伸而生,而是起源于军队,由旗人士兵创作的一种演唱形式。后由于受昆腔、高腔影响,其曲调逐渐分为东城调、西城调,成为一种可用不同形式的鼓作为伴奏乐器的说唱文学形式。在子弟书的内容方面,本文对改编自以往文献著作和描写当时世俗生活的两部分子弟书的特点都进行了详细论述。在子弟书的版本方面,指出抄本是子弟书流传于世的主要版本形式。这些研究,对于从整体上把握子弟书起到了很好的作用。其次对车王府藏子弟书进行了整体研究。从车王府藏子弟书的作者及其创作目的,子弟书的内容及语言特色等方面进行了详细论述。从国外研究和国内研究成果出发对车王府藏子弟书的研究现状进行论述,指出车王府藏子弟书在语言研究方面还存在着很大空间。最后,指出了本文的创新点及研究方法。第一章“车王府藏子弟书方言词语概况”本章对方言词语的定义及车王府藏子弟书方言词语的特点进行了论述。首先,对方言词语的定义进行了论述,指出方言词语是和通语有着明显差别,流行于一个或几个方言区的词语。其次,通过研究,指出车王府藏子弟书中的方言词语具有以下特点:一是存在一词多形现象;二是存在离合词;三是很多方言词语已退出历史舞台。在总结出车王府藏子弟书中方言词语具有以上特点的同时,结合车王府藏子弟书中具体方言词语对每个特点进行了详细地分析说明,进而揭示车王府藏子弟书中方言词语的独特性。最后,对词语结构和词类的划分标准进行了探讨。在词语结构方面,采用北京大学中文系汉语教研室编著的《现代汉语》中的观点,将其分为单纯词和合成词两部分。合成词分为“词根+词根”“词根+词缀”两种,其中“词根+词根”又分为联合式、偏正式、动宾式、主谓式、补充式及重叠式等6种。在词类划分方面,以词的语法功能为主,兼以参考其形态和意义。并对本文所要研究的方言词语的各词类的内容进行了概述。第二章“车王府藏子弟书名词性方言词语研究”首先从音节及词语结构特点等方面从整体上对名词性方言词语进行了研究。其次从语义方面对名词性方言词语进行了分类研究,充分揭示了车王府藏子弟书中名词性方言词语在语义方面所存在的特点,即以有生名词为主,在有生名词中,又以称谓词居多。第三章“车王府藏子弟书动词性方言词语研究”首先指出对车王府藏子弟书中的动词性方言词语进行研究时所依据的动词界定标准,并从整体上对车王府藏子弟书中的动词性方言词语的音节及词语结构特点进行了论述。其次对动词性方言词语中单纯词的语义系统进行了研究,并对连绵词进行了一定的探讨。最后对动词性方言词语中双音节合成词结构及多音节结构进行了分析研究。统而言之,本章从不同的侧面探讨并揭示了车王府藏子弟书中动词性方言词语的特点。第四章“车王府藏子弟书形容词性方言词语研究”首先探讨了形容词的界定及分类标准。其次对车王府藏子弟书中形容词性方言词语的特点进行了研究,揭示其在音节、词语结构方面的特点。最后,从词语结构特点和语法特征两方面对车王府藏子弟书中形容词性方言词语的次类进行了研究。通过这些研究,充分揭示了车王府藏子弟书中形容词性方言词语的特点第五章“车王府藏子弟书副词性方言词语研究”首先对车王府藏子弟书中副词性方言词语的音节及词语结构特点进行了分析研究。其次对这些副词性方言词语的次类进行重点研究,通过研究,揭示这些次类的语义及语法特征第六章“车王府藏子弟书其它词性方言词语研究”首先从定义和语法特征等方面对车王府藏子弟书中量词性方言词语进行了研究。其次从语法功能等方面对车王府藏子弟书中代词性方言词语进行了研究。最后从实词和虚词的角度出发,对车王府藏子弟书中的一些数量不多的其它词性的方言词语进行了研究。第七章“车王府藏子弟书满语词研究”首先对车王府藏子弟书中满语词的概况进行了研究,指出车王府藏子弟书中有大量满语词的原因及不同阶段子弟书中满语词的特点。其次对车王府藏子弟书中满语词的构词方式进行了研究。根据其实际情况,将其分为音译词、音译后加注汉语语素两类,并对每一个满语词作出了构词方式的归类及详细的词义解释。最后对车王府藏子弟书中满语词的意义范畴进行了研究,并指出了对车王府藏子弟书中满语词进行研究时还存在的一些尚未解决的问题。第八章“车王府藏子弟书词语研究对辞书编纂的贡献”从增补词条、补充义项、提前书证及提供书证等四个方面指出了车王府藏子弟书词语研究对《汉语大词典》编纂的作用。结语指出对车王府藏子弟书中方言词语、满语词进行的研究,可以揭示出对流行于一定时间的说唱文学中的词语进行研究是具有可操作性和科学性的。并对这种可操作性和科学性进行了阐释。以期对汉语词汇史研究及清代民俗文化的研究作出一定的贡献。

【Abstract】 As a Ballad Literature, Zidishu originated in Qianlong Period, popular in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China. It has vivid language, exhibiting great words especially dialect words, Manchu words and the refrain words, can provide references to the study of the words in the Late Qing Dynasty even the vocabulary history of Chinese, and its value can not be substituted by other Ancient Colloquial materials.However, up till the present moment,the words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion did not arouse enough attention from tire researchers. It is a weak link in the researchers and in the state of emptiness on the study.Therefore, this thesis creative place is that we make an in-depth study of dialect words and Manchu words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. The paper also reveals the great value of the researchers on dialect words and Manchu words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion in the study of the history of Chinese vocabulary. Lastly, the study of folk culture of Qing Dynasty in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, and provide reference for the people to study the folkways cultures of times when Zidishu creation.In the research methods, the dissertation mainly by qualitative analysis and quantitative measurement. On the premise of the language material correct, through read and consult the now existing document or academic works or lexicographical book, to make study at full length the dialect words and Manchu words and refrain words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. In this study, refer to lexicology and the lexicology of dialect and grammar, so as to make study at full length the dialect words and Manchu words and refrain words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion.In the research methods, the dissertation mainly by statistics and analysis and describe.Lastly, combine synchronic with diachronic perspectives. On the premise of the language material correct, through read and consult the now existing document or academic works or lexicographical book, to make study at full length the dialect words and Manchu words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. Then, to make quantization analysis of dialect words, and make analysis and describe of each part of speech according to its characteristic. Likewise, to make analysis and describe of the structure and meaning of Manchu words. Over and above, we also refer to lexicology and the lexicology of dialect and grammar, so as to make study at full length the dialect words and Manchu words in Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion.The dissertation includes following parts:The preface, first, studied the origin forms and content and version of Zidishu as a whole. From the study, point out Zidishu come into being not just one art form, rather it is military in origin and was a sing style which composed by Manchu soldier. Its tune divided into the East City tune and the West City tune, influenced by Kun tune and Gao tune, becoming a Ballad Literature which can be accompanied on different forms of drum. In the content of Zidishu, the dissertation has simple directions for the part of a remodelled document and the part of secular life. In the version of Zidishu, point out manuscript copy is the main version which be handed down to generations. These studies are useful to grasp Zidishu as a whole. Second, make a comprehensive study of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, such as the author and the system and the Creative Motives and the content and the linguistic features and the research situation. Finally, point out the innovations and the research methods in the dissertation.CHAPTER1Interpretation of the Dialect Words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. The chapter studies and shows where the shoe pinches and problem concerned when study the definition of dialect words and the dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. Then, point out the dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion have these features:first, the form of some dialect words is filled with uncertainty. Second, it has word of Separation and Reunion. Fourth, many dialect words quitted the stage of history. Based on these above-mentioned researches, particularly analyze each feature n accordance with the dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, so as to reveal the unique characteristic of the dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. Lastly, inquring into the criterion of the structure of the dialect words and the part of speech. In the structure of the dialect words, according to the Modern Chinese which was compiled by Chinese Teaching and Research Section in the Chinese Studies Department of Beijing Univeresity, was divided into two types:simple words and compound words. The compound words are divided into two parts:combine one root of a word with another root of a word and combine one root of a word with an affix. The structure of the words, which combine one root of a word with another root of a word, was divided into six parts:lianhe shi, pianzheng shi, dongbin shi, zhuwei shi, buchongshi, chongdieshi. Finally, when we talk about the criterion of a part of speech, dependent primarily on the grammar function of a word, besides,we will refer to the shape and meaning of a word. Furthermore, we make an introduction of the range of every part of speech which we will study in the thesis.CHAPTER2Research on the Noun Dialect Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. First, the chapter has a study of the syllable characteristics and structural characteristics about of the noun dialect words. Second, the chapter has an analysis on the classification of the semantic of the nouns, to make the full-disclosure of the characteristic of the semantic of the nouns.CHAPTER3Research on the Verb Dialect Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. First, the chapter points out the definition criteria of verb when we make a study of the verb dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, after that, elaborates on the syllable characteristics and structural characteristics about of the verb dialect words. Second, makes a study of the semantic system of simple words. Last, analyses the characteristics of compound words and polysyllabic words. In a word, the chapter explores and reveals the characteristics of the verb dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion in different ways.CHAPTER4Research on the Adjective Dialect Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. First, the chapter points out the definition criteria and classificatory criteria of adjective. Second, the chapter makes a study of the characteristics of the adjective dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, to reveal the feature of the syllable and structural about of the adjective dialect words. Finally, the chapter has a study of structural characteristic and grammar characteristic of the small family of the adjective dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion. Depending on all above studies, we can make the full-disclosure of the characteristic of the feature of the adjectives.CHAPTER5Research on the Adverb Dialect Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. First, the chapter makes a study of the characteristics of the adverb dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, to reveal the feature of the syllable and structural about of the adverb dialect words. Second, the chapter mainly studies the small family of the adverb dialect words, in this research, the semantic characteristics and the grammar characteristics of the small family of the adverb dialect words.CHAPTER6Research on the other Part of Speech of Dialect Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. First, the chapter makes a study of the characteristics of the quantifier dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, through the study of the definition and the grammar characteristic. Second, the chapter makes a study of the characteristics of the pronoun dialect words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, through the study of the geographical distribution and grammar characteristic. Finally, from notional words and function words, the chapter makes research on the other parts of speech dialect words.CHAPTER7Research on Manchu Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. First, the chapter has a survey on Manchu words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, after that, the chapter points out the cause of many Manchu words in Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion, and points out the characteristic of Manchu words in different periods. Second, the chapter studies word-building ways of Manchu words in Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. According to the Manchu words actual situation, word-building ways consist of two styles:transliterated words and the words which to add Chinese morpheme when transliterated. The chapter launches into the word-building ways and a detailed explanation on the meaning of each Manchu word in Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion. Finally, the chapter studies the semantic category of Manchu words in Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion, and points out several open problems which still exist when we study Manchu words in Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion.CHAPTER8Contributions of the Research on Words of Zidishu Which Collected by Chewang Mansion to Lexicographical Book’s Compilation. The chapter points out the contributions of the research on words of Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion to Hanyu Da Cidian compilation, from four parts:such as enlargement entries, supply separation of meanings, advance documentary evidence, and give documentary evidence.The Epilogue points out the research on dialect words and Manchu words, in which Zidishu which collected by Chewang Mansion, has maneuverability and scientificity. Through the research, we can reveal the maneuverability and the scientificity of the study of the words in ballad literature which prevails for a certain time. In the upshot, we interpret the maneuverability and the scientificity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

